Leadership Award Scholarship

ICT supports students who make efforts to innovate in order to achieve the goals set forth in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

ICT supports students who make efforts to innovate in order to achieve the goals set forth in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

The SDGs are 17 goals to transform the world agreed upon by all members of the United Nations. At ICT and KIT (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) we are carrying out social implementation projects which link local, everyday issues with the global challenges identified in these goals.

With our mission to foster leaders of global innovation, ICT supports students who show leadership in a wide range of endeavors with our ICT Leadership Award Scholarship.

Each scholarship student will be given the title Golden Eagle Scholarship Student and will receive an annual stipend of 750,000 yen for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, and 800,000 yen for the 4th and 5th year.

* The scholarship is a benefit that is used to pay for part of the tuition.

* The ICT Leadership Award Scholarship can be continued for up to five years.

Selection Method

Accepted applicants who receive extremely excellent evaluations in the examination will be selected.
Target examination categories: Global Admission and General Admission A
From the accepted applicants of the above admissions, 2 students will be selected from the Global Admission and 3 students from the General Admission A, based on the results of the examinations and application documents.

Selection Results

Global Admission

Only selected applicants will be notified of the selection results by mail on Thursday, December 5, 2024.
If applicants who took the examination on Saturday, November 30, 2024 are selected, they will be notified by having the results enclosed with the notification of acceptance.

General Admission A

Only selected applicants will be notified of their selection results by having them enclosed with the notification of acceptance on Friday, January 31, 2025.

Selection Criteria for 2nd Year Students and Above

2nd and 3rd year students

Students who have achieved excellent grades in the previous year, are role models for other students, and actively participate in on- and off-campus activities, etc.

4th and 5th year students

Students who have a GPA of 2.50 or higher from the time of admission to the end of the previous year, are role models for other students, actively participate in on- and off-campus activities, etc.

* Details of the selection criteria, etc. for the 2nd year students and above will be announced after enrollment.

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