

A boarding school surrounded
by nature at the foot of Mt. Hakusan




A fully-residential school on the Western model, with most courses conducted in English

The Hakusanroku Campus is at the foot of Mt. Hakusan, one of the "three famous mountains" of Japan. It will form a community for learning in English for the first- and second-year students, teachers, school staff, plus interaction with local residents. Most subjects, including mathematics, science and information technology, will be taught in English. The first Japanese curriculum in science and technology as liberal arts, our program will provide students with the skills to successfully confront the challenges of a constantly changing world.


世界のイノベーションシーンの教育実践としてデザインシンキング*1 「CDIO」*2 を取り入れた『エンジニアリングデザイン教育』です。予測困難な時代にあっても自分を活かしていける、自律性、チャレンジ精神、リーダーシップ、チームワークといった人間力と、新たな知識を獲得し、それを活用して多様な課題を解決していく力を身につけます。

*1 デザインシンキング




The liberal arts of science and technology

Our Engineering Design program adopts Design Thinking*1, the internationally-recognized framework for innovation, and CDIO*2. Students are equipped with autonomy, a spirit of challenge, leadership, and teamwork skills, as well as the capability to acquire new knowledge and use it to solve a wide range of problems.

*1: Design Thinking

An approach to innovative problem-solving that involves envisioning users, thinking about their problems and needs, coming up with ideas for responding to them, putting the ideas into practice, and improving them through experiment and verification.

*2: CDIO

CDIO stands for "conceiving," "designing," "implementing," and "operating." The CDIO Initiative is a framework for engineering education that stresses comprehensive learning of communication skills and product and system development skills, in addition to professional expertise. This initiative is now regarded as a standard of engineering education; 137 educational institutions in 36 countries, including MIT and Stanford University, have joined it.




STEM education for acquiring scientific and engineering thinking skills

"STEM Education" is an education model for science and technology create in the USA in the 2000s. It integrates the study of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Lately, "STEAM Education" with the addition of the arts is gathering attention.
STEM Education in English is one of our foundations for education here at ICT. The knowledge learned in these classes will be utilized in Engineering Design education and extracurricular activities. This promotes better understanding of how the knowledge and skills are used in practice.

Evening learning



Evening learning

Learning Sessions are held from 7:30pm to 9:30pm from Monday to Friday. This is an important extra-curricular learning activity for reviewing course content and preparing to participate actively in subsequent classes. Under teacher supervision, students will also have an opportunity to teach and learn from each other. Supplementary English instruction supports students according to their level of proficiency. Learning Sessions will enable students to generate and implement ideas for extra-curricular projects.

HOMEEducation5 Years + 4 YearsSTAGE1:白山麓の大自然に囲まれたボーディングスクール