
Collaboration with University Students 国際高専で学ぶ5年間:4・5年生[大学生と一緒に学ぶ]


Collaboration with University Students


専門分野の学修・ 研究活動を行う




【事例紹介】金沢工業大学の教員から学び、専門性を高める。 国際高等専門学校 4、5年生

Collaboration with University Students1






Challenge Lab


国際高専では4年生、5年生が金沢工業大学の学部4年生や大学院生と「高専・大学クラスター研究プロジェクト」に取り組み、Society 5.0の基盤となるAIやIoT、ロボティクスなどの専門分野の実践力を高めます。

Challenge Labはこの「高専・大学クラスター研究プロジェクト」の活動拠点の一つです。Challenge Labでは、社会性の高い研究テーマに、学部・学科を超えて金沢工業大学の学生や教職員が集まり、新しい技術に挑戦しています。

Challenge Lab内を3D VRコンテンツで見学できます。

金沢工業大学 研究所一覧

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革新複合材料研究開発センター、感動デザイン工学研究所、地域防災環境科学研究所、電気・光・エネルギー応用研究センター 人間情報システム研究所、高信頼理工学研究センター、光電相互変換デバイスシステム研究開発センター、心理科学研究所 ゲノム生物工学研究所、情報技術AI研究所、建築アーカイヴス研究所、FMT研究所、生体機構制御技術研究所、材料システム研究所 科学技術応用倫理研究所、先端材料創製技術研究所、生活環境研究所、地域共創イノベーション研究所、実海域船舶海洋研究所、 航空システム工学研究所、医工融合技術研究所、加齢医工学先端技術研究所、地方創生研究所、金沢歴史都市建築研究所、AIラボ

Collaboration with University Students

Collaboration with University Students


Study and research in a professional field along with university students

In the fourth and fifth years, conduct research and project activities in collaboration with KIT students.
We will practice joint education that transcends the boundaries of generations, academic fields and cultures, based on Project Design education. We will realize an active, open, inquiry, research campus, which will foster students’ ability to play an active role in the world. Students will engage in intellectual, creative activities to realize their dreams and visions.
After graduation, students can transfer to the third-year of Kanazawa Institute of Technology and continue onto graduate school to participate in state-of-the-art innovation projects in an advanced research environment.

Joint education that transcends the boundaries of generations, academic fields, and cultures

We will practice joint education that transcends the boundaries of generations, academic fields and cultures, based on Project Design education. We will realize an active, open, inquiry, research campus, which will foster students’ ability to play an active role in the world. Students will engage in intellectual, creative activities to realize their dreams and visions.

Collaboration with University Students1

4th and 5th years
Transfer to Kanazawa Institute of Technology and then KIT Graduate School

Joint research with companies and local communities
(Yumekobo research activities)

Participate in state-of-the-art innovation projects in an advanced research environment

The KIT Graduate School offer study-abroad programs at the University of Illinois, Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Hawaii. We have a dual-degree program with Rochester Institute of Technology. Also, as a member of the World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE: headquarters in Boston, USA), we provide international cooperative and work-integrated education.

Challenge Lab

Center of ICT-KIT Cluster Research Projects

ICT fourth and fifth year students collaborate with KIT seniors and graduate students in "Cluster Research Projects" to put their skills into practice in fields such as AI, IoT, and robotics.

The Challenge Lab is home to many such research projects. KIT students and staff from different departments come together and tackle real issues in society by creating new technology. 

Visit the Challenge Lab via 3D-VR

KIT Research Centers

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Yatsukaho Research Campus

Innovative Composite Materials Research and Development Center / Research Laboratory for Integrated Technological Systems / Research Laboratory for Affective Design Engineering / Institute of Disaster and Environmental Science / Center for Electric, Optic and Energy (EOE) Applications / Human Information Systems Laboratory / Advanced Materials Science Research and Development Center / Optoelectronic Device System Research and Development Center / Laboratory of Psychological Sciences / Genome Biotechnology Laboratory / Laboratories for Information Technologies / Research Institute for Architectural Archives / Future Machine Technology Laboratory / Institute of Biomechanical Control Systems / Materials System Research Laboratory / Applied Ethics Center for Engineering and Science / Advanced Materials Processing Research Laboratory / Environmental Research Institute / Co-Creation and Innovation Laboratories for Local Community / Actual Seas Ship and Marine Research Laboratory / KIT Aeronautics Laboratory / Integrated Technology Research Center of Medical Science and Engineering / Institution of Advanced Medical and Engineering / Regional Planning Research Laboratory / Institute for Urban Architectural Studies of Historic Kanazawa

HOMEEducationCollaboration with University Students