
2020 Vision 国際高専 2020 Vision

国際高専 2020 Vision





国際高専 2020 Vision

Our Mission:


To foster creative innovators who can collaborate with others to positively contribute to today's global world.

1. 学生個々の「人間形成」を第一義とする



  • 学生をよく観て、それぞれの学生に良質な経験を与える。


  • 「社会はカラフルなのに学校だけは灰色に感じる」ということがないように、学校は元々カラフルなもので、学校こそ最上の場であることを伝える。


  • 学校にいる時間がつまらないものであってはならない。学校生活で夢中になれることがあり、毎日毎時間が価値あるものでなければならない。


  • カリキュラムや授業の目的を、学生が、自身の生き方と関連づけて捉えられるよう工夫する。
  • 学習者中心の教育を行い、自律性、創造性、コミュニケーション力、異文化理解力、協働する力など、変化し続ける世界にあって最も必要となる「人間力」を養う。


  • これまでの産業化時代に尽くしてきた人材に求められた能力要件と、これからの社会で求められる人材への能力要件は違うことを認識し、学生の能動的態度や意思決定力を育成する。
  • 学修ポートフォリオの作成を通じて、学生の成長を図る。


  • 学ぶことが楽しい、できなかったことができるようになる、新たな発見がある。常に好奇心を持って学び続ける態度は、職場でも、人生においても大切である。

2. イノベーションを起こす人材の卵を育てる



  • 複数のデザイン手法を身につける。
  • 学んだことを統合し応用できる能力を養成する。


  • CDIOは未来の工学教育への挑戦である。世界の教育を学び、本校が我が国の将来の技術者教育・国際的に通用する工学教育の先鞭をつける。そのフレームワーク、プロセス、理想の目標とそこに至る地図の作成方法を学習し、本校に適したCDIOをつくる。
  • CDIOのフレームワークを用いてカリキュラムの体系化及び統合を図る。単に科目の変更を行うものではなく、カリキュラム全体にCDIOのプロセスを織り込むことに着手する。
  • 数理工統合により、広いスキルを得る機会を与える。数学と専門基礎を、実際に使われているコンテキストの中で教える。


  • 成績評価方法、進級・卒業要件を全面的に見直す。その際に、GPAの積極的な使用を検討する。


  • 教育目標を達成するために、一般教科カリキュラムを明確なねらいを持った内容とする。
  • 専門教科カリキュラムは専門を狭く追究するのではなく、広い経験を与えることに主眼を置く。
  • 一般教科と専門教科の間に、二律背反或いは二者択一となる狭い見解があるべきではない。柔軟に考え最適解を導き出し、且つ実行するよう導く。
  • 技術者への憧れや志を持って入学してきた学生の意欲を消さない。入学当初から創造することが面白いとわかるカリキュラムとする。

3. グローバル人材の育成



  • 我が国の文化を理解し、自身のアイデンティティを形成する。
  • 体験を通じて異文化を理解し尊重する態度を養う。
  • 主体的に考え、それを世界の人々にわかりやすく伝える能力を養う。
  • 世界の人々と協働し新たな価値を生み出す経験を積む。


  • 工学で英語を、英語で工学を学習する機会を増やす。
  • ラーニングエクスプレスやサービスラーニングなど、語学習得に目的を限らない新しいプロジェクト型の海外派遣プログラムを推進する。
  • 海外協定校の協力を得て、海外インターンシップ、コープ教育など、学生を相互に派遣するプログラムを推進する。
  • グローバルな視野と海外での活動経験を生かし、地域の問題発見・解決などの学生プロジェクト活動につなげる。


  • 海外協定校及び金沢工大と共同した新たな留学制度を設け、魅力ある進学コースをつくる。
  • 外国人留学生の受入れをはかる。外国人留学生が国際高専を経て金沢工大へ進学するなど、留学生を対象とする進学コースを検討する。
  • 外国人教員のキャリア形成をサポートする。
  • 教職員のグローバル化対応能力を向上させる。

4. 国際高専・金沢工大・大学院の進学コースの再構築



  • 長期留学や長期インターンシップなどを組み込んだコースを設ける。
  • 産学連携教育を推進し、イノベーターの育成を促進する。
  • グローバルイノベーター育成のための教育環境づくりに努める。


  • 国際高専教員と金沢工大教員の協働により、大学進学への目的と憧れを増進するプログラムを実施する。
  • 社会人や外国人を巻き込むなど、グローバルイノベーター育成に資するプログラムを実施する。


  • 夢考房プロジェクトや学生ステーションなどで活躍する金沢工大生と接することで、授業だけでは得られない知識・態度・感性を養う。
  • 活躍している金沢工大大学院生を身近な憧れの存在として意識し、進学意欲の高揚を図る機会を設ける。




  • 学生と教職員が信頼関係で結ばれている学校をつくる。
  • 学生同様、教職員も常に学ぶ精神を持つ学校をつくる。
  • 全教科にてアクティブ・ラーニングの推進を図る。
  • ICTの戦略的活用により、わかりやすい授業の実現を図る。
  • イノベーション、チャレンジ精神のある教職員を奨励する。
  • 柔軟な考え方ができ、変革の推進役となる教職員を育成する。
  • 教職員がCDIOの活動を共通に理解し、進んで参画する姿勢を持つ。


  • 「思いやりの心、知的好奇心、共同と共創の精神、誠実、勤勉、活力、自律、リーダーシップ、自己実現」の英語表記頭文字からなる“KIT IDEALS”を信条とする共同体の醸成に努める。
  • 学修ポートフォリオシステムを構築する。
  • 校長直轄のIR委員会を設け、教育・学習状況を把握し継続的な改善を図る。


  • 部活動総監督を設け、状況の確認と改善策の策定を行う。


  • 地域連携・産学連携による魅力ある教育プログラムを実施する。


  • 21世紀の工学は女性にも面白い分野であることを伝える。
  • 女子学生のキャリア形成をサポートする。
2020 Vision

The vision we set out here is a plan for complete educational reform, begun in 2015 and to be completed in 2020. It includes a list of the goals of this effort and a description of the role and mission of International College of Technology.

Realization of the three KIT principles: “good character creation”, “innovative engineering” and “collaboration with the industry” is our school’s primary mission. The “2020 Vision” is ICT’s response to the rapidly changing world of globalization, low birth rate, and quickly evolving industry.

Our goal is for our school to become an essential contributor to society by producing global innovators.

ICT 2020 Vision

Our Mission:

To foster creative innovators who can collaborate with others to positively contribute to today's global world.

1. Make cultivation of character our priority.

The five years that students spend at ICT, from age fifteen to twenty, is the time of their greatest growth. The high aims and worthy conduct that students learn during the 5 years remain with them for the rest of their lives. Therefore we teach students to dream big to have the courage and passion to be creators of a better world.

1)We give to each student rich learning experiences.

  • We will keep watch over each student, and give them valuable experience.

2)  Respecting each student’s individuality and valuing diversity, we nurture their strengths and cultivate their characters.

  • We don’t want students to think “society is colorful, but school life is dull.” We want them to think school life is colorful, and is the best time of their life.

3)When students are ready to take on challenges, we back them to the full.

  • Life on campus should not be boring. Each day and hour should be a valuable time for students to get immersed in things they’re interested in.

4)At ICT the goal is education not only for a career but for the whole person; 

  • to cultivate autonomy, creativity, communication skills, collaboration skills, and cross-cultural understanding:
  • the traits and skills most needed in this constantly-changing society.

5)The goal of the career design education is not simply to place students in jobs, but to give them the attitudes and tools to plan their own careers, considering how best to spend their lives.

  • We must accept that the skillset that was needed during the age of industrialization is very different from the skillset needed today. It is essential to teach skills such as active participation and decision-making.
  • We use learning portfolios to support the growth of students.

6)Teaching students that they are a student for life. Learning is a lifetime process.

  • We want students to realize that learning is fun. We want them to feel the enjoyment of learning something new, being able to do something they couldn’t do before, and never lose their curiosity. This is not only important in the workplace, but for life in general.

2.Foster innovators of the future.

We believe the new leaders of the world are people who can turn creative ideas into innovation. Education for innovation also develops the ability to adapt to a fast-changing society. To accomplish this, it is important that the whole school constantly pursues innovation.

1)Enhance the ability to conceive and design. In today’s complex society, education cannot only be the attainment of knowledge. It must also be the development of critical and creative thinking skills to use that knowledge.

  • Students will learn many design techniques.
  • Students learn to integrate and apply the knowledge they learn.

2)Adopting CDIO, the internationally-recognized engineering education initiative, to create a brand new education system.

  • CDIO is the future of engineering education. As we adopt cutting-edge international practices in engineering education, we will form a framework and programs that provide the best possible set of experiences for nurturing global innovators.
  • Our aim is to fully incorporate the CDIO framework into our curriculum. This goes far beyond adjusting course content and teaching styles, instead weaving the CDIO approach into our whole curriculum.
  • Integration of mathematics, science, and engineering courses will give students a deep understanding of engineering science. Learning mathematics and fundamental engineering science courses while seeing their application will give students a wide range of engineering skills.

3)We will ensure a close linkage of evaluation and grading to overall educational objectives. With our new educational system, evaluation must go beyond course grades to include the results of the entire educational experience.

  • We have reassessed the graduation requirements and the grading system, including adoption of the GPA scale.

4)Teachers of general and specialized courses are working together to improve the curriculum in order to connect students’ learning experiences to different contexts, expanding their point of view and enriching their school life.

  • The objectives of general education courses will be clarified.
  • In the engineering curriculum we will provide a wide range of experiences rather than focusing on a narrow specialty.
  • In both general and engineering courses, students will be discouraged from thinking in terms of “correct,” vs. “incorrect,” and instead be guided to seek optimum solutions to open-ended problems. We value flexible thinking and practical action.
  • We strive to nurture and maintain the passionate ambition of our young engineers. We will let our students experience the excitement of creating from the very beginning of their school career.

3. Educate members of the global community

We are frontrunners in education for a globally interconnected society. We strive to develop students’ capabilities and sense of mission to contribute to society. Building on our systems for global education and our international network of relationships, we will strategically evolve our globally-oriented education to encompass the entire school program.

1)Fostering Basic Global Skills

  • Students will gain a deep understanding of Japanese culture, and a clear sense of identity.
  • We will facilitate first-hand interaction to develop respect for, and understanding of, other cultures
  • Students will learn think for themselves and to clearly communicate their ideas with people from all over the world.
  • Students will accumulate experience in creating new value in collaboration with members of the global society.

2)Strengthening the connections between students, teachers, and overseas partners.

  • At ICT, students will learn engineering in English, and English through engineering.
  • We will continue to develop oversea programs that are not limited to learning English, such as Learning Express and service learning programs.
  • We will collaborate with overseas partner schools to conduct overseas internships, COOP education, and exchange programs.
  • We will utilize our global insight and experience in overseas programs to create student activities for problem-solving in local regional areas.

3)An original education system taking advantage of our school’s resources.

  • We will develop additional overseas programs and in collaboration with our overseas partners and with Kanazawa Institute of Technology, including programs for continuing schooling after graduation.
  • We will increase the number of international students and make it possible for them to progress to KIT after graduating from ICT.
  • We support career development for our international teachers.
  • We will further develop the multicultural insight and collaborative skills of our faculty and staff.

4. Smooth the path for ICT graduates to advance to KIT undergraduate and graduate school

We are developing a long-term academic program to produce global innovators by integrating ICTs curriculum with that of KIT undergraduate and graduate programs

1)We will link ICT (five years) with KIT undergraduate and master’s degree programs (four years) to create a unique “5+4 Course.”

  • We will establish a program incorporating long-term overseas study and internships.
  • We will promote collaboration with the local industry to train our young innovators.
  • We will to develop an educational environment that nurtures global innovators.

2)Collaboration programs between ICT and KIT

  • ICT and KIT faculty members will conduct programs that will enhance students’ desire to continue to university.
  • We will hold programs with working members of society and foreigners to encourage global involvement.

3)Further interaction between ICT and KIT students.

  • Through interacting with KIT students in Yumekobo and Student Station projects, ICT students will gain insights and habits that can’t be taught in the classroom.
  • Opportunities for ICT students to observe and interact with KIT graduate students will inspire them to continue to graduate school.

5.Create a One-of-a-kind Learning Experience.

We will create a completely new type of school to offering a rich and exciting school experience. We will raise awareness in both students and teachers to create an Engineering Academia—a community of scholars working together both in and out of the classroom.

1)A school that provides the best possible education.

  • A school where students and teachers are joined in mutual respect.
  • A school where not only students, but teachers also strive to learn.
  • Active learning will be promoted in all courses.
  • We will make innovative use of advanced education technology to facility to promote effective learning.
  • We will encourage Innovation and ambition in our faculty and staff.
  • We will train faculty and staff to think flexibly and become leaders of change.
  • We will promote shared awareness and understanding the goals of the CDIO Initiative and work together to meet its challenges.

2)We will provide systems to fully support students from admission to graduation.

  • We will strive to live up to our KIT IDEALS: Kindness of Heart, Intellectual Curiosity, Team Spirit, Integrity, Diligence, Energy, Autonomy, Leadership, and Self-Realization.
  • We will establish a learning portfolio system.
  • We will create an IR committee under the supervision of the president to continuously assess and improve our educational programs.

3)We will revitalize extracurricular activities.

  • We will assign a General Director charged with revitalizing and promoting extracurricular activities

4)Promotion of educational programs in collaboration with the local community

  • We will carry out projects useful and educational in collaboration with the local community and industry.

5)Increase female students.

  • We will demonstrate that engineering of the 21st century is interesting for both genders.
  • We will promote stronger career guidance and support for female students.

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