Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル
April 4, 2024 Wajima Junior High School Students Visited Hakusanroku Campus
Hello. I am Ian Stevenson, an English teacher here at the Hakusanroku campus.
Following the Noto Earthquake on January 1, 2024, students from Wajima Junior High School were evacuated to the Hakusanroku area. On March13, some Wajima Junior High School students visited Hakusanroku Campus. While here, they took part in a variety of activities such as bouldering, using the laser cutter, playing English games and a STEM and English class called “Taking Flight”.
2024年1月1日の能登半島地震の影響で白山麓地域へ避難していた輪島中学校の生徒たちが、3月13日に白山麓キャンパスを訪れました。ボルダリング体験や、レーザーカッター、英語ゲーム、「Taking Flight」と呼ばれるSTEMと英語のクラスなどの様々なアクティビティに参加しました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。)
Learning Mentor Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei and I ran the “Taking Flight” class. For this class, students used the Engineering Design process to build an indoor boomerang or roomerang that was safe to fly inside and when thrown, it would return to the thrower. In this class, students learned key vocabulary such as “prototype” and “design” in English while making roomerangs. After they finished tracing, cutting and folding, it was time to test their prototypes.
ラーニングメンターのアピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生と私は「Taking Flight」のクラスを担当しました。このクラスでは、生徒たちはエンジニアリングデザインプロセスを使って、室内で安全に投げることができ、投げた人の元に戻ってくる「ブーメラン」を作りました。生徒たちはブーメランを作りながら、「プロトタイプ」や「デザイン」といった重要な語彙を英語で学びました。画用紙に図面を描き、カットし、折り曲げ、出来上がったプロトタイプをテストしました。
Before testing, students were told that their roomerangs would probably not return the first time they threw it and that this was ok. Usually, early prototypes aren’t successful and they have to be reworked. After this, students began to throw, test and rework their prototypes. After experimenting with the bends in the roomerang wings and the throwing style and force, students began to have success and their roomerangs would return when thrown. Once successful, the students began to take on other challenges such as getting their roomerang to fly around a classmate or to see how to make it fly longer or higher.
The students had a fun time building and flying their roomerangs and some of the Wajima teachers joined in to build and fly their own roomerangs.
生徒たちはブーメランを作ったり飛ばしたりして楽しい時間を過ごし、輪島中学校の先生たちも一緒にブーメランを作って飛ばしました 。
Ian Stevenson
March 30, 2024 「ICT Startup Competition 2024」
こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は、2024年2月21日(水)に開催された「ICT Startup Competition 2024」について紹介します。
これら昨年の取り組みを通じて得た知見も生かしつつ、白山麓キャンパスにおいて、初めての「ICT Startup Competition 2024」を開催となりました。国内外の有識者を迎えて、海外や日本といったマクロの視点だけではなく、地方におけるスタートアップの現状と課題に関し、専門家によるパネルディスカッションの他、学生によるピッチングイベント(学生のビジネスアイディアを4分~5分間の短い時間で発表)が行われ、スタートアップとは何か、今何が起こっているのか、そしてこれから何をすべきかについて考える良い機会となりました。
当日のパネルディスカッションでは、タイ王国にあるKnowledge Xchange(ナレッジ・エクスチェンジ社)から、2名を講師として招聘し、同社での取り組みの他、今スタートアップに熱い視線が注がれている現状について話があり、日本との現状の差を感じる機会となりました。更には、国内や地域でスタートアップ人材育成に携わる専門家もお呼びして、国内の現状と課題についても率直な意見交換が行われました。そこでは、海外と日本の文化の違いや教育の違いからくる、スタートアップ人材育成への難しさやハードルの高さが垣間見える場面もありました。一方で、2022年はスタートアップ元年と呼ばれるほど、国からの様々な補助金や助成金が出され、各地域でスタートアップ環境整備が進んだ時期でもあり、“スタートアップ育成5か年計画※2”が示されるなど、2023年の盛り上がりを経て、日本ではこれからの取り組みが注目されます。
今回初めての試みであった「ICT Startup Competition 2024」も、今後さらに充実させていくとともに、今後も本校からのスタートアップ人材の創生に努めていきます。
間加田 侑里
Holding the very first ICT Startup*1 Competition 2024
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the ICT Startup Competition 2024 held on Wednesday, February 21st 2024.
International College of Technology, Kanazawa was selected as a technical college startup educational environment improvement project last year, and since then we have been implementing various environmental improvements and initiatives to develop human resources for startups. Specifically, at both the Hakusanroku Campus and the Kanazawa Campus, efforts have been made to start to create a startup environment and to foster a business mindset and link it to actual products or services, which is one of the objectives of this project.
Furthermore, in addition to improving the environment, we also held a startup boot camp in September last year to promote understanding of startups and raise interest among students.
While making use of the knowledge gained through these initiatives last year, the first "ICT Startup Competition 2024" was held at the Hakusanroku Campus. Panel discussions and student pitching competitions were held. In the panel discussion, we discussed the current conditions and challenges of startups overseas, in Japan, and in local areas with honorary guests from Japan and overseas. In addition to a panel discussion by guest speakers, the event also featured a pitching event (presentation of students' business ideas in a short period of 4-5 minutes), which was a good opportunity to think about what a startup is, what is happening now, and what should be done in the future.
In the panel discussion on the day, two guests from Knowledge Xchange in the Kingdom of Thailand were invited to talk about the startup ecosystem and the current conditions where startups are growing in Thailand, and it was an opportunity to feel the difference between the current conditions in other countries and Japan. In addition, experts involved in startup human resource development within Japan and within various regions were invited to have a frank exchange of opinions on the current conditions and issues in Japan. There were also scenes where we could glimpse the difficulties and high hurdles of developing human resources for startups due to cultural and educational differences. On the other hand, in 2022, the government issued various subsidies to the extent that 2022 has been called “the first year of startups”, and the development of the startup environment has progressed in each region. After the excitement of 2023, including the announcement of the "Five-Year Plan for Startup Development*2", future initiatives are attracting attention in Japan.
In technical college education, in addition to the curriculum for developing work-ready human resources through practical education, we are promoting the development of the educational environment based on developing a business mindset that is indispensable for startup human resources. Efforts to learn customer thinking using design thinking methods are already underway, and being selected as a startup education environment improvement project has further deepened the educational foundation so far.
This year’s ICT Startup Competition 2024, which was the first attempt, will be further enhanced in the future, and we will continue to strive to create startup human resources from our school.
*1: "Startup" refers to a company or business that is expected to grow in a short time by opening up new businesses and markets that have never existed before.
*2: The "Five-Year Startup Plan" is a strategy and roadmap for significantly increasing the number of startups in Japan. The company aims to increase the amount of investment in startups by 10 times the current amount and create 100,000 startups in the future.
Yuri Makada
@ictkanazawa 2024年2月21日(水)、白山麓キャンパスでは「ICT STARTUP COMPETITION 2024」が開催されました。国内外からゲストをお招きし、「What is Startup」や「Where are we」、「What’s next」をテーマにパネルディスカッションや質疑応答、学生と教員によるPitching Competition、最後には表彰式が行われました🏅✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #スタートアップ #startup #高専 #国際理工学科 #tiktok #英語
♬ Traveling - TonsTone
March 29, 2024 Ski Day!⛷
Hello, this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Health and Physical Education teacher. On Monday, 5th of February, we had a ski day for the students at Ichirino ski resort, which is only a 15 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus.
In the morning, students who wanted to go skiing or snowboarding along with appointed 5 teachers hopped on a school bus. After arriving a short time later, the group divided into beginners and veterans. Those who had never done skiing before (or it had been a long time) went to get rental equipment and then took a beginners class offered by Ichirino ski resort. While those who knew how to ski or snowboard spent the morning exploring the slopes.
As the teachers were superfluous to the beginner skiers during the morning, they spread out among the students who explored the slopes. The students that I followed in the morning were a mix of 5th year, 2nd year and 1st year students. It was great to see the bonds across the different school years strengthen through an outdoor activity like skiing. There were a few falls but all light and full of good humour.
Lunch was well looked forward too. A few years ago I declared Ichirino katsu curry as the best I had eaten and it had been a while since I had gotten to try it. I've gotten more of a Japanese palate over the years. Luckily enough the katsu curry was fantastic.
After lunch everyone was free to explore the slopes but the teachers stayed close to the beginners for safety. I was with 2 of the beginner students on the low slopes for the afternoon and they were both really brave. They were giving their best effort at turning left and right down the slope rather than doing the "pizza" till they fell. It made me remember how scary and steep the learning curve for snow sports is, and after just practicing for the afternoon they both managed to improve to the point where they could control the descent with turns.
The bus ride back to ICT campus is only 15 minutes but most of the students were asleep by 5. A good ski trip!
Philip Cadzow
March 28, 2024 絵本を出版「Experiences & Imagination」
こんにちは、2年生の夏木 亮凪です。この度、Amazonで「Experiences and Imaginations」という絵本を出版しました!
夏木 亮凪
Hello, this is Ryona Natsuki, a 2nd year student. I have just published a picture book on Amazon called 'Experiences and Imaginations'!
The reason for publishing this picture book was my drawings. I have always been bad at drawing, but last year I started drawing pictures with crayons to show the scenery I wanted to see and to decorate my room. When I showed them to my teacher, she looked at each picture and asked me what kind of meaning I was trying to express. This picture book is not in the form of a story, but contains my drawings and my thoughts on them.
I hope you will pick it up and read it!
Ryona Natsuki
March 21, 2024 1年生のエンジニアリングデザイン最終発表
こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2024年1月26日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIB(1年生)の最終発表について紹介します。
「エンジニアリングデザインIB」は、1年生の後学期に開講される必修科目で、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。このプロジェクトでは、ターゲットユーザーへのインタビュー調査などを通して、そこに潜む問題や要望に対して解決する装置をLEGO EV3やレーザーカッター、3Dプリンタなどを使用し、製作します。
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IB 1st year presentations held on Friday, January 26th, 2024.
In Engineering Design IB, a required 1st year 2nd semester course, students work in teams to discover and solve problems by adopting design thinking, a method of creating new value from the user's point of view. For this project, students were given the task of designing a device that solves the problems and meets the demands of their target users through interviews, using LEGO EV3, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other tools.
The students were divided into five teams to solve the problems, three teams with the target user of “Hime no Yu (Hot spring)" and two teams with the "Gymnasium".
そこで比咩の湯Aチームは、LEGO EV3を使い、カメムシを処理する際に臭いを放つことなく、自動で確実にカメムシを駆除できる装置を製作しました。この装置は超音波センサーで壁への激突を防ぎながら自動で移動します。そして、床にいるカメムシを装置に取り付けられたガムテープで拾い上げ、定期的にガムテームを巻くことで、カメムシをガムテームで閉じ込め、臭いを放つ前に駆除する仕組みです。ガムテープの梱包は、設定時間ごとに自動で梱包されます。
【Hime no Yu A Team (Rinse, Sena, Shinri, Eita)】
The Hime no Yu A team focused on stink bugs lurking in the building following interviews with hot spring staff and observation at the hot spring facilities. Stink bugs are often found in mountainous areas and warm places. The stink bugs have a distinctive odor, which is unpleasant.
Therefore, students used the LEGO EV3 to create a device that can automatically and reliably eliminate stink bugs as well as preventing the stink bugs from releasing their unpleasant odor. The device uses ultrasonic sensors to move automatically while preventing it from crashing into walls. The stink bugs on the floor are then picked up with gummed tape attached to the device, and gummed tape is regularly wrapped around them to trap them in the gummed tape and exterminate them before they release their odor. Then the gummed tape is automatically reset for the next use.
比咩の湯Bチームは、時間のかかる木でできた浴槽を効率よく掃除できることで、温泉スタッフが他の業務に時間を使うことができ仕事自体の効率をあげることができるのではないかと考え、夜中のうちに浴槽のぬめりを自動で掃除してくれる装置をLEGO EV3を用いて製作しました。浴槽内に人の垢が溜まるとヌメリが発生します。そのため日々、汚れや水分をとることが大切です。LEGO EV3で製作した装置は、ブラシやスポンジが取り付けられており、浴槽内を動き回り、回転スポンジとローリングスポンジの機能で汚れを除去し、超音波センサーで壁への激突も防ぎます。また、デザインはレーザーカッターと3Dプリンタで製作し、温泉にぴったりの落ち着きある柄で制作しました。
【Hime no Yu B team (Tasuki, Mitsuki, Hiroko, Yuuka)】Wooden bathtubs
Hime no Yu has two baths, one made of wood and one made of rock, and the hot spring staff clean both with a brush. The wooden baths in particular are made of delicate materials and must be cleaned carefully so as not to damage them, which takes time.
The Hime no Yu B team thought that if the wooden baths could be cleaned quickly, the staff could spend their time on other tasks and improve the efficiency of their work itself. When human grime builds up in the hot spring, it causes slime. The device, built with LEGO EV3, is fitted with brushes and sponges, which move around the bathtub, removing dirt with the rotating and rolling sponge functions, while ultrasonic sensors prevent it from crashing into the walls. The design was produced using a laser cutter and 3D printer, with a soothing pattern that is perfect for hot springs.
【Hime no Yu C Team (Yura, Taichi, Hayato, Kentaro, Ruuna)】
Students are required to present their student ID cards to the hot spring staff when using the hot spring baths at Hime no Yu. This indicates that students are using the hot springs amongst the general public. At the same time, this allows the staff to understand the students' usage of the hot springs. The students wanted an efficient and easy way to identify students entering the hot spring in order to reduce the workload of hot spring staff.
The students came up with a number of ideas, including using facial recognition and fingerprints. In the end, they created a QR code for individual student recognition that could be attached to student ID cards and passed through a QR code-reading device to create a system to control the entrance and exit of the hot spring. The QR codes allow quick entry to the hot spring, and the system screen displays a list of names of students who have entered the hot spring, making it easy to see who is using the hot spring.
学生たちは、特に道具が多いバドミントンに着目し、LEGO EV3やアルミフレーム、木材などを用いて、バドミントンネットを自動で巻きとる装置と、ネットと道具一式をまとめて運べるカートを製作しました。これにより片付けや準備も、一人で手軽に行うことができるようになりました。
【Gymnasium A team (Kieto, Rintaro, Nagi, Kaya)】
The Gymnasium A team interviewed Health and Physical Education teacher Philip Cadzow sensei about the use and management of the gymnasium and students discovered that the equipment storage area, including nets and balls in the gym equipment room, was messy.
The students focused on badminton, which has a particularly large amount of equipment. They used LEGO EV3, aluminum frames and wood to create a device that automatically winds up the badminton net and a cart that can carry the net and all the equipment together. This made it possible for one person to clean up and prepare the equipment easily.
【Gymnasium B team (Sho, Yoh, Akihiro, Kanamu)】
Through an interview with Philip sensei, the Gymnasium B team found the cleaning of gym mops was a problem. The amount of time and effort required to carry the gym mops to the washing machine, dry the mops after washing was completed and then carry them back to the gymnasium was too much.
This team therefore produced a compact, easy-to-use device that can easily carry several mops at once and dry them as they are. The device was programmed to be operated remotely. It allows the mops to be transported from the gymnasium to the washing machine by remote control, and then dried directly on the device after the mops have been washed.
In Engineering DesignⅠA, offered in the 1st semester, the students discovered problems around their life, came up with solutions and gave shape to their ideas with their own hands (see here for details) In the 2nd semester, the students took on the challenge of solving problems for target users in teams. They faced various issues such as discussions, schedule management and division of roles within the team.
The students conducted interviews and observations with target users, verified and evaluated their ideas, and proceeded to design and produce a solution to the target user's problem. In the limited time available, there were still some things that needed to be verified in order to improve the ideas and prototypes, but I think the students were able to realise the necessity and importance of this process.
間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada
March 19, 2024 キャラクター作りワークショップ
こんにちは!シマエナガが大好きな1年生の武田 洋子です。
Hello! This is Hiroko Takeda, a 1st year student who loves shimaenaga (a bird called long-tailed tit).
I would like to talk about a workshop of creating original characters with a professional illustrator. Professional illustrator Ibuki Rev came and taught us how to create the characters.
1.How to Make Characters
First, we learned the process of creating a character. The first step in creating a character is thinking about the purpose of the character. The next step is to decide characters that will help us achieve our objectives. The key point in this step is to make a point of being loved. He taught us that instead of making a perfect character, we can create a character that viewers can relate to and love by creating careless points. Also, I learned about the naming system. We were told that names that catch the ear and make you want to say them out loud often have repeating sounds. For example, V-tuber Shigure Ui's name staying in our minds because the sound is repeated as "iue ui"! I was surprised that they even thought about the sound and named it.
- 1年生(パンフレットなどに載せることを目的として考えたので、一緒に成長していく姿を想像しやすいように)
- 弟がいる(頼りがいのある感じを)
- 英語が苦手で頑張っている(愛されポイント)
- 神戸出身で、お菓子作りが趣味(いろいろな県から学生が国際高専に来ていることをアピール)
- 旋盤が得意でロボコンをやっている(高専感を)
- 旋盤をするときは髪を結んでガチモード(ギャップ萌え)
2.Let's make a character for ICT!
After learning about the process of making the product, we worked with Ibuki Rev to come up with an original character for ICT. We wrote out our purpose, setting, and beloved points on paper and drew characters and then we presented each of our ideas and combined them into a single character.
The characteristics for the original character were:
- 1st Year Student (To make it easier to imagine growing together- because we decided to put our goals on the brochure)
- Have a younger brother (Conveys a feeling of reliability)
- Not good at English but working hard on English (Point of being loved)
- From Kobe, and likes making sweets (Appealing to student from different prefectures)
- Good at operating a lathe and ROBOCON member (Appeal of Colleges of Technology)
- When she operates the lathe, ties up her hair and goes into serious mode. (Gap Moe point)
Finally, we settled on this configuration. After that, we decided on hair color, clothing, etc., and had Ibuki Rev draw the character!
話し合った結果、栗原あかねちゃんに決定しました。(「ういああ ああえ」繰り返しが使われています!)
It’s very cute!
We then used the "repeat the sound" technique to decide on a name.
After discussion, we decided on Kurihara Akane. (The "uiaa-aae" repetition was used!)
All the things I learned this time were of great interest to me. Thank you very much, Ibuki Rev, for an enjoyable class!
武田 洋子
Hiroko Takeda
March 14, 2024 2月の課外活動期間を通して
こんにちは!1年の沖山 琳世です。ここ白山麓キャンパスの2月は色々な経験を積むための課外活動期間でした。そんな中で私が体験した活動についてご紹介します。
Hello! I’m Rinse Okiyama, a 1st year student at ICT. This school had some extra activities in February. I will introduce the activities that I joined.
Skiing Activity 2024/2/5
The week right after the end-of-term tests were returned, there was a skiing experience. I have skied before. However, that experience was 5 years ago, so I worried that I could not ski. So first I learned how to ski from the teacher. And then I remembered how to ski. In the afternoon I could go to a more difficult course with my sempai. I enjoyed it.
Making Maple Toffee 2024/2/6
I had never eaten maple syrup before, so I was excited. Stephanie Reynolds sensei’s family are maple farmers, so I was able to taste the real way of making it and enjoying it. I was especially surprised to learn that it is eaten with pickles. The sweet syrup and the salty pickle created the perfect balance, and I thought I could eat it forever.
@ictkanazawa メープルタフィー作り🍯❄️ 白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、キース先生🇨🇦とステファニー先生🇺🇸による「メープルタフィー作り」が開催されました。メープルシロップを煮詰めて、雪の上に垂らし、シロップが固まるとキャンディになります😋 #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #メープルタフィー #mapletoffee #sugaronice #高専 #寮生活 #ボーディングスクール #TikTok #canada #usa #maple
♬ Magic - One Direction
Making Acrylic Plates Using UV Printers 2024/2/7, 8, 16
We also made acrylic keyholders using the laser cutter and the UV printer that was put in place this summer. I loaded the data into the machine and printed it! I was very impressed with the very beautiful finished product.
Arduino Simulation & Block Coding 2024/2/8
I also had to create programs for Arduino. I tried it a little during the first semester, but I was not good at it because I was new to programming. But this time, we did a block-type program, so it was easy to understand. It was a lot of fun.
@ictkanazawa ♬ 桜の森(イントロ ver.) - 星野 源
Building an igloo (Kamakura) 2024/2/13
We made igloo, which is unique to the regions where it snows. Under the supervision of Philip Cadzow sensei from New Zealand, we made it while learning tips and tricks. It was quite hard work, but in the end, we were able to make one which was big enough for two people, which made me very happy.
World languages 2024/2/13
I learned the languages of the world. We were able to choose two languages from French, Chinese, Arabic, Thai, and Filipino, which was a rare experience. I chose 'French and Arabic', which I knew nothing about. There were so many differences in the way the alphabet is read, the direction in which it is written, and so many other things that were confusing at first, but I was able to learn the greetings and thank you in each language. It was also interesting to see the cultural differences that arise from language. I would like to continue to be exposed to them in the future.
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)には、現在日本を除いて8カ国の外国人教員が在籍しており、このことを活かしたワークショップ「特別外国語講座」が開催されました。🌍🗣✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #ボーディングスクール #3年次には1年間nz留学 #TikTok #外国語 #フランス語 #フィリピン語 #アラビア語 #タイ語 #中国語
♬ Blue Blood - Orchestra Heinz Kiessling
Programming Workshop 2024/2/13, 16, 20
The Python course, held over 3 days, introduced basic knowledge that will be useful in next year's class. After learning how it works, we solved problems using all of our acquired knowledge. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out the problems using hints that were given in class. We also had homework to review and learn a lot. It is helpful to my study of programming.
CiRA CORE AI block-based programming 2024/2/14
CiRA COREというプログラミング言語も学び、画像認識のプログラムを組みました。私は、筋雲と羊雲と積雲をそれぞれ認識し、種類別に分けるというものを作りました。AIはすべて何かから学んで作られているということを再認識しました。
I also learned a programming language called CiRA CORE. I created a program to sort clouds. Here, we programmed image recognition. I learned again that all AI is made by learning from something.
@ictkanazawa アピラク先生による「CiRA COREを使ったAIプログラミング」ワークショップが行われました。学生たちは画像認識を用いて雲の種類を識別する実験を行い、巻積雲、積雲、巻雲の3種類の雲の認識に挑戦しました☁️☁️☁️ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #AI #画像認識 #プログラミング #巻積 #積 #巻雲 #programming #ciracore
♬ Perfect Night - Sped Up ver. - LE SSERAFIM
ICT for development 2024/2/19
An instructor working abroad came to ICT and spoke about information and communication technology. We were then divided into 8 groups on topics of interest. We then searched for a company on a related topic. Next, we came up with new ideas in the form of "If you were to work for this company...". We then received advice and made presentations of our products. These presentations were very interesting, introducing unknown countries and innovative ideas.
I thought it was important to join many activities and try them several times. In fact, I was able to feel that even if there were things that I was not good at in the beginning, my approach was to try to enjoy many activities. From now on, I would like to continue to participate in as many activities as possible.
沖山 琳世
Rinse Okiyama
March 13, 2024 白金祭2024について
こんにちは。白金祭運営委員長 教員の伊藤 周です。2024年2月24日(土)に行われた「白金祭2024」について紹介したいと思います。白金祭2024で行った企画(どれもめっちゃ面白かったし、盛り上がりました!)については、TOPICSで取り上げていただいたので、こちらをご覧ください。
Hello, this is Prof. Meguru Ito, the chairperson of the Platinum Festival Executive Committee. I would like to write about the "Platinum Festival (Hakkinsai School Festival), 2024" held on Saturday, February 24th, 2024. I would like to introduce some of the projects that were held at the Platinum Festival 2024 (All the projects were very fun and exciting!) that were covered in TOPICS so please take a look at that.
This year's Platinum Festival finally had no restrictions on admission for the 1st time since 2019. I remember the 2020 Platinum Festival. At that time, the infectiousness and severity of the symptoms of COVID-19 were not yet well understood by the public. Unforgettably, on February 21st, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Ishikawa Prefecture. This was about a week before the Platinum Festival was scheduled to be held on February 29th. The entire executive committee was very concerned, but decided to cancel the festival in order to prioritize the safety of students and participants. The Design & Fabrication Club's debriefing session and "Super Smash Bros." tournament were held quietly on the school's big staircase, with only students and faculty present.
Four years have passed since then, and we finally had a Platinum Festival that the general public could attend. However, looking at the breakdown of those who came to the school, the number of visitors from the general public and elementary and junior high school students was still small. I think that public relations strategies and promotional activities need improvement.
Junior high school students from Wajima who were affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and have taken refuge at the Ishikawa Prefectural Hakusan Youth Outdoor Learning Center and Hakusan Youth House also came to visit the Platinum Festival. We were happy that the junior high school students, who are living far away from their parents and studying together, were able to take a moment to refresh themselves.
There are three new projects that impressed me this year. The first was on the eve of the festival. This was a student-only event held in the afternoon of February 23rd. 5th year students from the Kanazawa campus came all the way to the Hakusanroku campus to spent time with the 1st and 2nd year students. The students had an out-of-season Kimodameshi (haunted house) at night, and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun, whether they were scared or not.
二つ目はスタンプラリーです。驚いたのはスタンプの台紙はもちろん、スタンプ自体も、台紙をセットするスタンプガイド、スタンプを集めると貰える報酬のアクリルキーホルダー、オープニングでそれを紹介する動画、全て手作りだったことです。スタンプラリーの企画班がめちゃめちゃ気合を入れて作っていたのは知っていたのですが、完成したものを見ると、そのクオリティ、アイディア、センス、そしてそれらを時間がない中でまとめきったガッツに脱帽でした。スタンプラリーの企画班は1年生です。レーザーカッターやアクリル用UVプリンターを駆使してスタンプやスタンプガイド、アクリルキーホルダーを作っていたのですが、それらを作るためにはAdobe Illustrator、動画の制作にはAdobe Premiere Proと、1年生の授業で習得した知識と技術を総動員して素晴らしいものを作り上げたことに感動しました。
The second was the stamp rally created by the 1st year students. I was surprised to see that not only did they make stamps sheet, but also they created stamps by themselves, the stamp guide for the stamps, the acrylic key chains as rewards for collecting stamps, and they made the video introducing for stamp rally at the opening ceremony – all of these things were made by students. I knew that the stamp rally planning team had put a lot of effort into making the stamp rally, but when I saw the finished product, I took my hat off to them for the quality, ideas, sense of style, and effort in putting it all together in such a short amount of time. The stamp rally planning team was made up of 1st year students. They made stamps, stamp guides, and acrylic key chains using a laser cutter and UV printer for acrylics, Adobe Illustrator for making them, and Adobe Premiere Pro for producing videos. I was impressed by how they mobilized all the knowledge and skills they had acquired in the 1st year class to create something wonderful.
The third was the ICT robot competition. Students who had participated in the ROBOCON formed teams according to grade, with each grade team competing for the best results. The 1st year team won the competition. They collected the highest number of balls while overcoming obstacles within a set amount of time. There was a lot of laughter and drama in the ICT robot contest competition, but in addition to that, the students who built the robots learned a lot while finishing their robots in a short period of time.
実行委員長である2年生の出口 天仁さんをはじめ、実行委員の皆さんの頑張りで今回も無事に終えることができました。参加してくれた学生たちにとっても思い出深い白金祭になったと思います。来年はもっと色々な方に来てもらえるようにパワーアップしたいですね。
Thanks to the hard work of the committee members, including the committee chairperson, 2nd year student Tenzing Deguchi, we were able to successfully run the school festival again this year. I believe that the Platinum Festival was a memorable event for the students who took part. Next year, I would like to increase the drawing power of the festival so that even more people come.
伊藤 周
Meguru Ito
February 27, 2024 白山麓キャンパスで1・2・5年生の交流会を開催
こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。2024年2月3日(土)から3日間、白山麓キャンパスで、1・2・5年生の交流会が行われました。
小髙 有普
Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs. I would like to write about a 3-day event for 1st, 2nd and 5th year students held at Hakusanroku campus, beginning on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.
ICT has two campuses, Kanazawa Campus and Hakusanroku Campus. Usually, 4th and 5th year students are at the Kanazawa campus and the 1st and 2nd year students are at the Hakusanroku campus. For this event the 5th year students came to the Hakusanroku campus. Activities included snowball fights, snowman building, sports competitions, and in the evening, movies and karaoke competitions.
For the students, these activities were an opportunity to deepen ties across the three different grades.
Arihiro Kodaka
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024
Sunday, February 4th, 2024
February 21, 2024 学生たちのお気に入りの場所を紹介した動画を撮影しました!
こんにちは!入試センター 佐野 文です。
国際高専では1月下旬に後学期の試験が終わり、2月は課外活動期間になります。普段の授業とは一味違ったArduinoのコーディングや画像認識について学んだり、雪だるま作りや雪を使ったお菓子作り、映画鑑賞など、学生たちはこの期間を先生たちと楽しんでいます。そんな中、英語科目担当のポーリン・ベアード先生に学生たちの英文やスピーキングのチェックはもちろんのこと、動画の構成までも協力してもらい、今回の動画を撮影しました。カメラマンを担当してくれたのは、白山麓ジャーナルでおなじみの間加田 侑里さんです。彼女は国際高専のTikTokの動画やSNSの写真などをいつも撮影してくれています。
佐野 文
We shot videos showing some of the students' favorite places in ICT!
Hello, I am Fumi Sano, a staff member of the Admissions Center!
All subjects are taught in English except the Japanese Language and Japanese History for some students from Japanese public or private junior high schools or for those who have not experienced life overseas. *Students whose first language is not Japanese learn Japanese as a second language, and another history course is taught in English.
In addition, although ICT is located in Ishikawa Prefecture, students are not only from Ishikawa Prefecture but also from various other regions. This time, we shot videos "introducing our favorite places" with these students during their extracurricular activities period.
Exams for the second semester ended in late January, and February is a period of extracurricular activities at ICT. Students enjoy this period with their teachers by learning about Arduino coding and image recognition, making snowmen and sweets with snow, watching movies, and so on. These activities are different from their regular classes. In the midst of all this, Dr. Pauline Baird, an English subject teacher, helped the students not only check their English writing and speaking but also compose the videos for this project. Ms. Yuri Makada, well-known for her work on Hakusanroku Journal, was in charge of the video shooting. She always shoots our TikTok videos and SNS photos.
Students are usually accustomed to public speaking because of the many opportunities to give presentations in all subjects at ICT, but some students seem to get nervous standing in front of the camera while everyone around them keeps their voices down and their attention is focused on them. There were times when the students had to reshoot their presentations because they could not speak, or they laughed even though they had memorized their words perfectly. In the end, they were able to talk about their favorite places, what they were working hard on, and what they wanted to do in the future.
One student listed a place with sofas for relaxation as his favorite, which made sense since it is my favorite place, but I was surprised to hear one student list the cafeteria, which he uses for three meals not only on weekdays but also on weekends and holidays, as his favorite! Hearing his favorite reason, I realized once again that the cafeteria at Hakusanroku Campus offers a great view and a place where one can relax and enjoy the four seasons.
As a special version, we also asked our Learning Mentor, Ms. Krishia Atillo from the Philippines, to introduce her favorite place. Please take a look.
Fumi Sano
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス 1、2年生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス 1、2年生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス 1、2年生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス 1、2年生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi
@ictkanazawa 白山麓キャンパス 1、2年生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi
@ictkanazawa ラーニングメンターでフィリピン出身のクリシア•アティロ先生のお気に入りの場所を紹介✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #施設紹介 #寮生活 #dorm #dormlife #schoollife
♬ A heartwarming cute song for everyday scenes(840142) - Sumochi