Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル
こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2024年7月19日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインⅠA(1年生)の最終ポスター発表について紹介します。
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IA poster presentation held on Friday, July 19th.
In the 1st year Engineering Design IA class, they identify problems in daily life and conduct project activities to devise solutions. While learning basic knowledge and techniques, students quickly prototype their ideas and experience the joy of creating value by bringing these ideas to life.
This time, the task was to redesign “their worst everyday item” and solve its inconvenient aspects. The students focused on various items they found inconvenient in their dormitory and daily student life.
In the first class, students learned drawing skills and developed the ability to accurately draw prototypes. Drawing skills are crucial as a communication tool for brainstorming ideas in teams, visualizing them, and conveying them correctly to others. First, the students learned how to draw three-dimensional objects such as geometric shapes, cell phones, and mugs. Afterwards, they sketched more than 20 solutions to improve “their worst everyday item.”
次に20個のスケッチの中から1個を選び、教員たちにスケッチを見せながら英語でプレゼンテーションを行い、フィードバックを受けるデザインレビューセッションが行われました。 そこでは、学生たちはモノの機能や、安全性、デザイン、素材、必要性等について発表し、教員たちからフィードバックを受けました。
Next, each student selected one sketch from the 20 they created and presented it in English to their teachers during a design review session. In this session, the students explained the functionality, safety, design, materials, and necessity of their items and received feedback from their teachers.
Then, students built a simple model using cardboard and paper to confirm the size and design of their prototype. After that, students designed virtual 3D models by applying the Fusion360 and Illustrator skills which they are learning in Computer Skills class, and actually made physical prototypes using 3D printers and laser cutters.
The final class was a poster presentation session where the students presented their prototypes, including the process, problem solving methods, user needs, verification of results, future improvements, and conclusions while introducing the actual products they produced. After the presentations, students answered questions from the faculty.
The students experienced the process of turning their imaginations and unique ideas into tangible forms, and likely found joy in the creation of new ideas. The new knowledge gained from this class will surely contribute to their future activities.
間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada
July 31, 2024 見えるもの、見えないもの。
こんにちは。学生主事の小髙 有普です。新入生が入学して、はや7月となりました。白山麓キャンパス付近の風景も入学生が入寮した頃の風景とはすっかり変わり、よりカラフルで生命力を感じる日常があります。過去の写真を見ると、校内で撮影した楽しい写真がいくつかあったので少し紹介したいと思います。
Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, the Dean of Student Affairs. It seems like the new students entered ICT yesterday, but it’s already July. The scenery around the Hakusanroku campus has completely changed from when the new students first entered at the dormitory, and the daily life here is more colorful and full of vitality. Looking at past photos I took, I found some fun pictures taken on campus, so I would like to introduce a few of them.
By the way, I tend to look at the sky and the sea whenever I see them. I like them partly because they always have a different look and partly because I enjoy fishing, so my attention naturally turns to them. Also, I tend to take pictures of the sky and sea that can only be captured there at that moment.
"We don't perceive the world as we see it. We see only the world we really perceive.”
These words were spoken by the representative of Team Lab on a TV program that was aired some . Even events that exist in front of our eyes are often not visible unless we are conscious of them. Sometimes, if we change our angle or widen our vision, we can see the real truth and make new discoveries. It is an interesting fact that people can see the world differently and be moved in different ways even in the same environment.
小髙 有普
Arihiro Kodaka
July 9, 2024 Optional Learning Friday
Hello, this is Apirak Sang-ngenchai, the learning mentor. It's been a while since I’ve posted an article. Anyway, I want to share some of the awesome activities we did last semester.
AI is everywhere these days, and it's changing how we do things in all kinds of fields. One interesting area is human activity recognition (HAR), where AI helps people understand and analyze what they are doing based on data from sensors or cameras. Mediapipe, a tool from Google, is super useful for this and is used to develop it in this workshop.
Every Friday, the students have an optional learning session. The Learning Mentor holds a variety of workshop to help them learn something outside their regular class topics or to improve their learning skills. I decided to hold a workshop called "Learning Friday," where students got hands-on experience with Google Mediapipe. They learned how to extract body joints using Mediapipe through Python programming, which provided a great way to gain coding experience. The session was highly interactive and fun, allowing everyone to experiment and learn together in a relaxed setting.
毎週金曜日は、学生たちが参加を選択できるラーニングセッションが実施されます。授業の学習内容とは異なることを学んだり、学習スキルを向上させるために、ラーニングメンターによって様々なワークショップが開催されます。そこで私は、学生たちが Google Mediapipe を実際に体験できる「ラーニングフライデー」というワークショップを開催することにしました。その中で学生たちは、Pythonプログラミングを通じて Mediapipe を使用し、体の骨格や関節を検出する方法を学びました。これは、コーディングの経験を積むのにとても良い方法となりました。また、このラーニングフライデーは非常に対話的で楽しく、リラックスした雰囲気の中で全員が一緒に実験したり学べる時間を持つことができました。
Learning to code in AI is really important for students. It not only opens up lots of job opportunities but also helps develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Getting comfortable with AI tools like Mediapipe means students can participate in the latest tech developments. This workshop was a perfect way to help them prepare for the future.
Haruto Shiraishi, a current 3rd year student who participated in this workshop in the last semester of last school year, He wrote a journal. Please take a look!
昨年度の後学期に、このワークショップに参加した現在3年生の白石 春翔さんが、白山麓ジャーナルを書きました。どうぞご覧ください!
Apirak Sang-ngenchai
こんにちは、この「ラーニングフライデー」ワークショップを受講した3年生の白石 春翔です。ここで学習したことや感じたことなどをこのジャーナルにまとめたいと思います。
Hello, this is Haruto Shiraishi, a 3rd year student who took this "Learning Friday" workshop. I would like to summarize what I learned and felt here in this journal.
In recent years, AI technology has been evolving day by day, and its applications have become diversified and are used in various situations. Under the guidance of Apirak sensei, we constructed a system that sends notifications to LINE after machine learning and discriminating between monkeys and humans. We also used AI to read facial expressions, and we challenged ourselves in many other ways over a long period of time.
Through these activities, I became interested in AI and wondered if it could be used in many more situations. Then, I remembered that my professor had created a system that used human activity recognition (HAR) to identify yoga poses. I felt this technology had potential applications in robotics and other fields, so I asked him to help us.
The most difficult part of the course was to understand the code, which consisted of more than 100 lines. However, by reading and writing the code one by one, I was able to understand it clearly, and I was able to deepen my understanding by modifying the code a little myself and experimenting with various images and videos.
Although it ended up in the production stage, we also tried to control the robot arm using what we had learned here.
In the future, I would like to apply these AI technologies to develop products that can contribute to solving various social issues.
白石 春翔
Haruto Shiraishi
July 5, 2024 米国ミズーリ州コロンビア市から6名の高校生が白山麓キャンパスに来校
こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。2024年6月9日(日)から6月21日(金)にかけて、米国ミズーリ州コロンビア市から6名の高校生が白山麓キャンパスに来校しました。コロンビア市の高校生たちは白山麓キャンパスに滞在し、国際高専の1、2年生と一緒の寮生活を送り、国際高専の学生と同じ授業や他のプログラムに参加した他、白山市でのホームステイ、白山ジオツアー、日本文化体験など、白山市が提供された様々なプログラムに参加しました。
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Six high school students from Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. visited Hakusanroku campus from Sunday, June 9th to Friday, June 21st, 2024. The Columbia City high school students stayed at Hakusanroku Campus, lived in the dormitory with 1st and 2nd year students of ICT, and they participated in the same classes with 1st year and 2nd year students and other programs. They also participated in various programs offered by Hakusan City, such as a homestay, a Hakusan Geo-Tour and Japanese cultural experiences.
Prior to their visit to Japan, the Columbia City high school students were interviewed about their participation in the ICT program for a TV program broadcast in Columbia City. If you are interested in seeing this program, here is the link. https://youtu.be/Xs7dr1fK9UA?si=yukJb_uMGMRCu21l
【Sunday, June 9th - Friday 14th】
High school students from Columbia City participated in a program at ICT. They took English and Health and Physical Education classes with 1st and 2nd year ICT students. The Columbia City high school students also had Japanese language lessons, chemistry experiments, programming, and STEM experiences such as Engineering Design, our original engineering education program.
In Engineering Design classes, the students came up with ideas on “How to Solve Communication Problems that Foreigners Face when They Come to Japan”, and presented their ideas to the 1st and 2nd year ICT students and faculty members. After that, high school students from Columbia City presented Sarukani Gassen, a story from Japanese folklore using Kamishibai or Japanese paper theater. All of the ICT students who attended the performance were very impressed. They watched the Columbia City students with great interest and were amazed by their Japanese language skills.
【Saturday, June 15th - Sunday, June 16th】
High school students from Columbia City went on a sightseeing tour of Kanazawa as one of the cultural experiences organized by Hakusan City. They were accompanied by 15 1st and 2nd year students who were their ICT buddies. They walked around Kenrokuen Garden and Kanazawa Castle, and experienced "Gold Leaf Pasting," a traditional Kanazawa craft, at the Ishikawa Local Products Center. They applied gold leaf to compact mirrors, each creating their own unique work of art. The students then met their host families in Hakusan City. They spent one night and two days interacting with them and learning about Japanese culture.
コロンビア市の高校生たちは白山市のプログラムに参加しました。白山市は市全域が「白山手取川ユネスコ世界ジオパーク」に認定されており、コロンビア市の高校生は白山麓地域を散策する「ジオツアー」を楽しみました。河内地区「キッズの森 視察ツアー」や、豪雪地帯に暮らす白峰の人々の生活及び限界集落での地域活性化の取り組みを学ぶ「白峰ツアー」、白峰恐竜パークにて化石クリーニング作業体験・館内見学、鳥越中学校で中学生の英語のクラスに参加しました。
【Monday, June 17th - Friday, June 21st】
High school students from Columbia City participated in another program organized by Hakusan City. The entire city of Hakusan is recognized as the "Hakusan-Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark," and the Columbia City high school students enjoyed a "Geo Tour" exploring the Hakusanroku area. They took part in many activities. For example, they participated in a "Kids' Forest Tour" in the Kawachi area, and they also went on the “Shiramine Tour”. On this tour they learned about the lives of the people who live there, how living in a heavy snowfall area affects them, and local revitalization efforts in marginalized communities. They experienced fossil cleaning work and toured the museum at the Hakusan Dinosaur Park Shiramine, and attended English classes for junior high school students at Torigoe Junior High School.
On the evening of Thursday, June 20th, the day before the Columbia City high school students returned home, a farewell party was held at the Hakusanroku Campus. Officials from Hakusan City and host families from Hakusan City gathered for dinner with 1st and 2nd year students and faculty members of ICT, as well as high school students and teachers from Columbia City. In their farewell speeches, a high school student from Columbia City said, "I was very worried before coming to the ICT, but the students were very kind and welcoming, so I was very happy. Thank you very much.", ICT students said, "although it was only for two weeks, we were able to make many memories. Thank you for coming toI CT. We had a wonderful time." The final part of the speech was delivered by a tearful student. The students were in tears at the end of their speeches, and it was a wonderful and heartwarming time, as we could sense the bond between the students.
For the 1st and 2nd year students of the ICT, these two weeks spent with high school students from Columbia City were a valuable experience for them learn about different cultures and values, as well as to be exposed to English spoken by Americans of the same age. The exchange experience, including dormitory life, was a good opportunity for them to gain a better understanding of different cultures.
間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada
June 30, 2024 自転車通勤
白山麓キャンパスは標高320mほどあり、「往路は登りで大変だけど、復路は降りだから楽だね」というイメージをされがちです。しかし、往路が登り基調とはいっても、距離30kmを高さ300mという道のりですから、傾斜は1%程と実は大したことはありません。そして復路は下り基調とはいえUP DOWNをクリアしていくので、楽に脚を回し続けられる訳でもありません。それよりも風向きと風速などの風による影響を一番大きく受け、特に向かい風の強い時は、坂道を上っているような気分となり、嫌な気持ちになってしまいます。
本田 尋識
This is Honda from the Hakusanroku Office.
At the end of last month, I started commuting to Hakusanroku campus by bicycle for the first time in a while. Of course, I don't intend to do it every day, but only once a week. The reason is that the days are getting longer and I wanted to change my daily exercise routine.
It is about 30 km from my house to the Hakusanroku Campus. I try to leave home around 6:30 a.m. so that I can arrive at the campus by 8:00 a.m.
People tend to think that the journey from my house is hard because of the climb, and the return journey is easy because of the descent. However, even though the outward journey is uphill, the slope is only about 1%, which is not much, since the distance is 30 km and the height is 300m. The return journey is downhill, but even though the return trip is downhill, it is not always easy to keep the legs turning because there are ups and downs. The wind has the biggest impact, especially when there is a strong headwind, which makes you feel like you are going uphill, which is unpleasant.
It is hard to wake up more than an hour earlier than usual, but I can appreciate the beauty of nature for the 3 hours it takes to get there and back. The beauty of the ride makes it a more enjoyable commute.
Hironori Honda
June 27, 2024 The Weeping Ginkgo Tree
みなさんこんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
Today, I would like to share a wonderful poem written by Pauline Baird sensei. I hope you enjoy it.
Note: The Weeping Ginkgo Tree I encountered grows at the foothills of Mt. Hakusan, near the village of Sena, and is about 500 years old. It is approximately 35 meters high and 9 meters in diameter. The story is told that residents could hear a Goblin crying in the night. The people of my native country Guyana, tell of similar stories relating to trees such as the Physic Nut tree. It is believed that if you cut it on the day called Good Friday, it will bleed (red) like blood. The Komaka Tree (named by the indigenous Amerindian) is said to be where the spirits of the dead live. The same Komaka Tree is sometimes called the Dutchman Tree. It is believed that anyone trying to harm the tree will perish. In Guam and the Marianas, the Taotao Mo’na, or Taotaomona are known as the spirits of ancient giant inhabitants who dwell in the mountains, woods, and forests to protect them. Natives of Guam ask permission to enter the woods or do actions near of beneath the trees. Persons have been pinched by the taotaomona when the violated the rules. I have a research interest in stories about trees around the world.
Pauline Baird
May 28, 2024 放課後バドミントン
皆さんこんにちは。白山麗キャンパス1、2年生の数学科目担当の木原 均です。今回は学生や教員と一緒にバドミントンをした時のことを紹介します。
木原 均
Hello everyone. This is Hitoshi Kihara, and I am a 1st and 2nd year mathematics teacher at Hakusanroku campus. This time I would like to write about playing badminton with students and faculty members.
Student life here at Hakusanroku campus is quite busy, and students are often pressed for time. There are classes every week day from 8:40 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., followed by evening learning sessions from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Students are busy preparing homework and studying for presentations and quizzes assigned in class every day. After school is the time when students can relax a little. Students have free time until the learning session starts. Some students participate in sports such as running and physical training, others work on manufacturing projects, draw, or play games with friends. One of the ways students use their free time after school is to play badminton. On May 17th, I joined them.
On this day, total of 10 people, 6 students and 4 faculty members, played badminton together. While alternating team members and opponents, we enjoyed playing badminton for about an hour and a half in a friendly atmosphere. It was a great change of pace for us faculty members too. We were able to see a new side of our students that we could not see in their normal classroom activities. I had a very enjoyable time, even though my muscles ached all over the body the next day, and I was hit by a severe case of sleepiness throughout the day. I would like to find time to play badminton again.
Hitoshi Kihara
May 27, 2024 Masturi Time!
Hello! This is Sadé Moore, one of the Learning Mentors here at the Hakusanroku Campus and this is my first journal entry this year! At first, I struggled to figure out what to write about, but then I realized that a very important event will be occurring soon here in Ishikawa! From May 31st this year, the largest festival in Ishikawa will be held for three days. This festival is called the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival and one of the biggest events for the festival is the grand parade that takes place during the second day of the festival.
This parade is a recreation of the entry of Maeda Toshiie, the first lord of the Kaga domain, and his family into Kanazawa Castle on June 14th, 1583. This procession features hundreds of locals from around the Hokuriku region and usually has a famous Japanese actor playing the role of Lord Maeda and a famous Japanese actress playing the role of his wife, Maeda Matsu. Along with the Lord and his wife there are many other people dressed as the children of the Maeda Clan, samurais, ninjas, footmen, horsemen, noble ladies, and ladies-in waiting or 中臈(ちゅうろう).
I have lived in Ishikawa for five years now and I’ve always enjoyed the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival. However, my most favorite time of the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival is when I am able to participate in the parade as a lady-in-waiting. This year will be my 3rd time walking in the Hyakumangoku Parade as a lady-in-waiting to Maeda Matsu. However, it can be a grueling of a task due to the fact that participants of the parade must walk from Kanazawa Station to Kanazawa Castle. In the case of the ladies-in-waiting you’re doing it all in recreations of Sengoku Period kimonos, wigs, and geta, and the entire event takes up most of the whole day.
The event is long, however; it is something that I look forward to every time I participate. The reward of seeing all the people lined up along the parade route and smiling and waving at you, and the surprise and then happiness on the faces of the locals is worth it. The fact that foreigners can take part in something that is considered very traditionally Japanese is something that many people including myself can enjoy.
This year especially has a greater renewed meaning for me. The first time I participated in the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival was in 2019 right after I moved to Japan. It was such an amazing experience that I promised myself that I would do it again in the future. However, after that the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the Hyakumangoku Festival was canceled two years in a row.
In 2022 the pandemic had finally been downgraded enough that they were able to host the festival again and I jumped at the opportunity to be able to participate in the parade again. That year had special meaning because after two years of difficult and hard times not only in Japan, but world-wide, it felt like being a part of the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival was in some part bringing back happiness to the people of Hokuriku.
This year, going into my 3rd time participating in the festival, I also feel a great sense of meaning due to the New Years Day Noto Earthquake. Many of the people in the region suffered and are still suffering due to this tragedy. The recovery is still slow and many people in the area are still being affected. With the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival taking place this year and being able to participate in the parade, I hope that it will bring even a little bit of happiness back to the Hokuriku area and make people smile, even if for only a moment.
In the future, I hope that many more foreigners and maybe even ICT students will want to or will be able to participate in the Hyakumangoku Parade. Representation matters, and it would be nice to see the students of ICT take part in this great event and opportunity and be entrenched in something that represents the area where they are studying.
Sadé Moore
この行列は、1583年6月14日に加賀藩の初代藩主である前田 利家とその家族が金沢城に入城した様子を再現したものです。特徴は北陸地方から数百人の地元の人々が参加することと、有名な日本の俳優が前田 利家公役を演じ、有名な日本の女優が前田 利家公の正室、お松の方役を演じることです。また利家夫妻の他に、前田家の子弟、武士、忍者、従者、騎手、貴婦人や女官(中臈・ちゅうろう)などに扮した人々が大勢います。
将来的には、より多くの外国人、そしておそらく国際高専の学生も百万石行列に参加したいと思ってくれることや、あるいは実際に参加できたらいいなと思っています。Representation matters,(アメリカで起こっているムーブメント。意味:自分と同じようなバックグラウンドを持つ人がロールモデルとなり、人々に多くの影響を与えることから、代表となる人のイメージは大切だということ)国際高専の学生がこの素晴らしいイベントやこのような機会に参加し、自分たちの学びの地域で象徴となる物事に深く関わっていけたら嬉しく思います。
May 21, 2024 エンジニアリングデザインⅡA(2年生)「紅はるか」苗の作付けに再び挑戦
こんにちは。校長の鹿田 正昭です。
2024年4月25日(木)、昨年に引き続き、エンジニアリングデザインⅡA(2年生)アグリビジネス班の「紅はるか」の苗植えをお手伝いしました。昨年は校長室から畝づくりをしている様子が見えたので、興味津々で現地に向かいました。今年の3月に退職した山崎 俊太郎先生から「来週は苗を植えますので参加しませんか?」とお誘いがあり翌週に参加しました。
今年は松下 臣仁先生から事前に日程を伺っていたので、4月18日(木)の畝づくり(見学のみ)と4月25日(木)の苗植えに参加しました。苗植え前日の4月24日(水)は激しい雨でしたが、当日は快晴に恵まれ、気温も20度くらいあって、苗植えには最適の天候でした。
オープンキャンパス詳細はこちら: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/opencampus/
鹿田 正昭
Engineering Design IIA (2nd year) Beniharuka Seedling Planting Challenge
Hello. I am Masaaki Shikada, ICT President.
On Thursday, April 25th, 2024, I assisted in the planting of Beniharuka seedlings, as I did last year. Last year, I could see the digging process from the president's office, so I headed to the field with great interest. Shuntaro Yamazaki sensei, who retired in March of this year, asked if I would like to join in planting the seedings. I joined the following week.
This year, Omihito Matsushita sensei had told me about the schedule in advance, so I participated in digging rows for planting on Thursday, April 18th (observation only) and the planting of seedlings on Thursday, April 25th. Although it rained heavily on Wednesday, April 24th, the day before the seedlings were planted, the day was blessed with clear skies and a temperature of about 20 degrees, perfect weather for planting seedlings.
Last year, I planted the third row of seedlings from the east side, and this year I planted the first row on the west side with learning mentor Domyson Abuan sensei. It had been a year since I had planted seedlings, so I checked with Matsushita sensei on how to plant before I started. Since I was working with Domyson sensei, we were able to plant the seedings quickly and easily.
In the Engineering Design IIA (2nd year), the Agribusiness Team is managing the operations of the Beniharuka business by cultivating and tending to the Beniharuka while the Tech Team (*1) is developing an AI-based animal damage prevention system. Last year, the harvest yield was less than usual due to the lack of water caused by the extremely hot summer, and many of the sweet potatoes were smaller than usual.
The Tech Team is working on measures to prevent animal damage, and the Agribusiness Team is fully aware of the growth conditions, and I am looking forward to seeing how the Beniharuka will grow this year. I am now looking forward to the baked sweet potato sales scheduled to take place at Sena Roadside Station on Sunday, November 3rd and Monday, November 4th.
The ICT will hold an open campus on Sunday, November 3rd. If you are planning to attend on this day and have the time, we are looking forward to seeing you at Sena Roadside Station.
Click here for open campus details: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/opencampus/
Masaaki Shikada
Report on the Implementation of Engineering Design IIA (April and May)
Thursday, April 11th, 2024
Every year, we invite local residents at the beginning of the class to hear about the community's thoughts, initiatives, and issues.
Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Soil preparation and digging rows for planting.
Thursday, April 25th, 2024
Planting Beinharuka soil and ridges for planting Beniharuka seedlings.
Thursday, May 9th, 2024
Electric fence installed around fields to prevent monkeys from entering.
(*1) About the Tech Team
One of the local issues at Hakusanroku Campus is the damage caused by animals to crops. The Tech Team has been working on measures to prevent damage by monkeys. They have developed a system that can recognize monkeys in nature and has improved the reliability of recognition using AI to over 90%. Last year, the team developed and verified a function that sends a notification to the LINE app on the smartphone owned by the producer when the AI recognizes a monkey. The Tech Team also verified the effect of drones on the threat of monkeys.
This year, the Tech Team is working on the development of a robot (rover) for patrolling the fields as a means of protecting them other than the use of drones. This rover can drive over the fields (uneven terrain). The team can verify the landing accuracy when the drone is flown automatically. The Tech Team is also developing a system to check the field conditions (especially weather and wind) in order to operate the drone and rover.
May 9, 2024 「白山麓の桜」
こんにちは、2年生の中村 栄太です。2024年4月6日(土)、鳥越の桜並木と天狗橋の桜を自転車で見に行きました。去年も自転車に乗っていましたが、実際に自転車に乗るのは、およそ4か月ぶりでした。白山麓では冬になると雪が降り、道路が滑りやすくなるため、冬季は自転車での走行を避けていました。今回のライドは、春休み明けに学校に戻ってから初めてのライドでした。私は3月31日の夕方に学校に戻りましたが、地元では桜を見ることができませんでした。31日の朝に地元の桜並木に行きましたが、ほとんど桜が咲いておらず、今年はもう見られないのかと思っていました。今回、白山麓で桜を見たときの天気は良く、風も心地よかったです。帰りに手取峡谷に寄って帰りました。前日は雨が降っていなかったため、水量はそこまで多くありませんでしたが、一つの滝から虹が見えました。
中村 栄太
Hello, I'm Eita Nakamura, a 2nd year student. On Saturday, April 6th 2024, I rode my bicycle to see the cherry blossoms along the roadside in Torigoe and by Tengu Bridge. Although I rode my bike last year, it had been about four months since I last rode it. In HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan), it snows during winter, making the roads slippery, so I tend to avoid biking during that season. This ride was my first since returning to school from spring break. I went back to school on the evening of March 31st. But couldn't see any cherry blossoms in my hometown. When I went to the local cherry blossom avenue that morning, hardly any had bloomed, and I thought maybe I wouldn't get to see them this year. However, the weather was great when I saw the cherry blossoms in HAKUSANROKU, and the breeze was pleasant. On the way back, I passed by Tedori Gorge. Since it didn't rain the day before, the water level wasn't very high, but I could see a rainbow from one of the waterfalls.
This ride totaled about 40 kilometers. I was glad I went to see the cherry blossoms and it was an amazing day!
Eita Nakamura