
2025 In Sight 国際高専 2025 In Sight

国際高専2025 In Sight




国際高専は、我が国の先駆となる理工学教育を着実に成功へと導き、KITスクールシステムを基盤とし更なる発展を遂げることを目的に「国際高専 2025 In Sight」を策定しました。


【ICT Educational Mission】Fostering Leaders of Global Innovation

To educate leaders of global innovation





  • 自らのMissionをベースに社会的な視点から課題設定を行い、リスクを恐れず達成に向かうリーダーとしての人間力を形成する


  • 日本と世界に関する教養を備え、多様性の中で自らの価値を認識し発揮できるコミュニケーション能力を育成する


  • 早期からの基礎固めと、金沢工業大学と連携した幅広い学問領域の探求により、多角的な視野で価値を創出できる卓越した学力を身につける。


① 革新への挑戦


② 社会的使命感


③ リーダーとしての高潔


④ コラボレーション


⑤ 多様性とアイデンティティ


⑥ 心を動かす力


⑦ 価値創出


⑧ 自然・社会・産業と結びつけた科学的思考


⑨ 常に学び続ける姿勢




 本校は、デザインシンキング・IT・モノづくりを学び、問題発見・解決型の創造的チーム活動を行う「エンジニアリングデザイン」を柱に、英語による理工学的思考力を育む「English STEM」と、地域創生活動など人間力を鍛える「課外活動プログラム」とを統合した理工系リベラルアーツ教育を実践し進化させます。


  • 洞察力を養い、多角的な視野で問題を理解し、イノベーションの機会を発見する能力を養成する。
  • 批判的・分析的思考を磨き、決まった答えのない問題の解決策を探る。
  • 挑戦することによる失敗を歓迎し、試行錯誤の過程から多くのことを学ぶ。


  • 研究やプロジェクト活動等を通じて、問題解決に必要な知識をつくりだすプロセスを学ぶ。
  • 学んだことを統合し応用できる能力を養成する。


  • 技術者倫理、資源環境、モノのライフサイクルなど、SDGsの観点から多面的に考える力を養う。
  • 身近な社会課題が地球規模の課題に結びつくことを理解し、自身のミッションを発見する。
  • 「第二のふるさと」である白山麓のステークホルダーとして、自然環境の保護や地方創生活動に取り組む。


  • 産業界の実践(Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate)に沿った体験型学習を通じて、創造的知識・スキルをしっかりと身につける。




  • 自国の文化を理解し、自身のアイデンティティを形成する。
  • 国際的な体験を通じて、異文化を理解し尊重する態度を養う。
  • 世界の人々と協働して新たな価値を生み出す経験を積む。


  • ラーニングエクスプレスやサービスラーニングなど、プロジェクト型の海外短期派遣プログラムを推進する。
  • 海外インターンシップやコープ教育など、長期体験型のプログラムを推進する。
  • 国際交流ネットワークを生かし、教育研究活動を充実・発展させる。




1st Stage1、2年生は、自然豊かな白山麓キャンパスのボーディングスクールで学ぶ

2nd Stage3年生は、全員が1年間のニュージーランド留学・ホームステイを経験する

3rd Stage4、5年生は、金沢工業大学生と世代・分野・文化を超えた共創教育に参加する

4th Stage大学編入学以降は、高度な研究環境でイノベーションプロジェクトに取り組む


  • KITスクールシステムのカリキュラム作成・実施及び継続的な改善を行う。
  • 広い理工学の基礎をつくり、個々の学生の希望に基づき専門性を深めていくきめ細かな学習指導・キャリア支援を構築する。


  • 協働性・創造性などの汎用的スキルや、リーダーシップ・倫理などの人間力も、知識を獲得する過程で同時に養成する授業を実施する。
  • 一般教養と様々な専門分野を、目的や達成目標に沿って統合した授業を実施する。
  • 講義、探究、議論、創作、発表、省察が、効果的に組み込まれた授業を実施する。


  • 長期のインターンシップや留学などを組み込んだコースを設ける。
  • グローバルイノベーター育成のために産学連携教育を推進する。
  • それぞれ異なる能力や背景を持つ学生、社会人、外国人の混合チームによる共創プロジェクトを実施する。
  • 海外からの留学生にとって魅力的な学習環境を整備する。


  • 修学アドバイザーが、個々の学生の学習指導、履修アドバイスを行う。
  • 個々の学生の成長にあわせた9年一貫の学事システムを整備し運用する。
  • 新しい教育に適合する学事・成績・活動評価システムを整備し運用する。


  • IR委員会を設け、教育・学習状況を把握・評価し、継続的な改善を図る。




  • 広く全国から学生が集う学校を目指す。
  • 帰国子女や海外からの留学生を増やし、多様な学生が集うキャンパスを実現する。
  • 理工学が女性にも面白い分野であることを周知する。
  • 世界に教員・職員を求め、外国人の割合を確保する。


  • ポートフォリオシステムを活用し、きめ細かな学生指導を行う。
  • キャリアアドバイザーが学生のキャリア形成をサポートする。


  • 学生同様、教職員も常に学ぶ精神と機会を持つ。
  • 全教科にてアクティブラーニングを推進する。
  • 革新的な教育技法やツールを積極的に活用し、より効果の高い授業を実現する。
  • イノベーション、チャレンジ精神のある教職員の行動を奨励する。


  • 地域連携・産学連携を推進し、創造的で実践型の教育プログラムを実施する。


 私たちは、この「国際高専 2025 In Sight」に示す計画の達成をめざし、グローバルイノベーター育成のための教育を実施し、将来にわたり無くてはならない学校と成ることを目指します。

ICT 2025 In Sight


 In April 2018, our school changed its name from Kanazawa Technical College to International College of Technology, Kanazawa (ICT). The Department of Science and Technology, which was created by combining the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Global Information Technology, started on the new Hakusanroku Campus. For the 1st and 2nd years, we provide a fully-residential program with most courses conducted in English on the Hakusanroku Campus in a rich natural setting and students work on various projects that contribute to regional revitalization. For the 3rd year, all students study at our affiliated school in New Zealand. For the 4th and 5th years, students conduct research and carry out projects in collaboration with students from Kanazawa Institution of Technology (KIT), which is located next to our Kanazawa Campus.

 We have set the objectives of this "ICT 2025 In Sight" in order to move steadily toward leadership in science and engineering education in Japan and achieve further development based on the KIT School System.

<ICT Educational Mission> Fostering Leaders of Global Innovation

1. To enhance leadership competencies

 A global innovator is a person who can create new value using creative solutions with the latest scientific engineering knowledge and insight. In addition, a global innovator is a professional who can effectively cooperate with experts from various fields, accept the diversity of cultures and values, and have skills to bring innovative changes in order to realize a better world.

 We define these abilities in our diploma policy (9 leadership competencies) and advance the following education aiming to enhance these competencies:

1)We will pursue education that enhances students' personal qualities as a leader who contributes to society.

  • Students will set their tasks from a social perspective based on a personal "mission" and form personal qualities as a leader who aims for success without fearing risks or difficulties.

2)We will pursue education that fosters students' communication skills for acting on a global scale.

  • While being informed about Japan and the world, students will acquire communication skills for recognizing and exercising one's own values within diversity.

3)We will pursue education that fosters students' superior scientific and technological capabilities worthy of an innovator.

  • With a strong foundation from an early stage and a broad investigation of academic disciplines in coordination with KIT, students will acquire superior academic skills for creating value from a multilateral perspective.

9 Leadership Competencies

  1. Courage to innovate
    Operate with a strong conviction (motive, tenacity) and continue to strive without fearing failure to lead oneself or a team towards success
  1. Sense of duty to society
    Maintain a sense of duty to resolve social issues with concern for regional communities and natural environments
  1. Integrity as a leader
    Be a responsible collaborator treating others with kindness and respect through modesty while exhibiting leadership in a global environment
  1. Collaboration
    Actively contribute to accomplishing a goal as a team, understanding one's own role and input
  1. Diversity and identity
    Maintain a clear sense of identity while possessing a fundamental understanding of various cultures and value systems
  1. Impressing upon others
    Having organized one's thoughts logically, effectively convey them in a way that takes into consideration the position and emotions of others
  1. Creating value
    Be able to create new value through the practice of design thinking and broad investigations of academic disciplines
  1. Scientific thinking that combines industry, society, and nature
    Be able to express one's own thoughts having understood and analyzed science and technology from the aspects of industry, society, and nature
  1. Attitude for continuous learning
    With sound learning as a foundation, maintain an attitude for continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills

2. To instill the "liberal arts of science and technology"

 As we're living in a world of uncertainty, the core of education should not be for students to acquire knowledge only, but to acquire the ability to think for themselves, and knowledge of and skills for the processes of identifying and solving problems.

 The core of the ICT curriculum is Engineering Design, in which students study design thinking, IT, and manufacturing and conduct creative team activities of problem-finding and problem-solving. Based on the Engineering Design curriculum, we instill the "liberal arts of science and technology" that combines English STEM, which fosters scientific and engineering thinking skills in English, with extracurricular activities, which foster character building and generic skills through various activities such as creative regional revitalization.

1)We will foster students' thinking and design skills.

  • We will foster students' insight and capability to understand problems from multiple points of view to find opportunities for innovation.
  • Students will polish critical and analytical thinking and find solutions for open-ended problems.
  • Students will welcome failures caused by taking on challenges and gain insight through the trial-and-error process.

2)We will provide a wide range of scientific and engineering knowledge and skills through STEM education.

  • Through their research and project activities, students will learn processes for generating the knowledge needed to solve problems.
  • We will foster students' capability to integrate and apply what they learn.

3)We will tackle various social issues keeping in mind the 17 SDGs.

  • We will foster students' skills to think from many sides in terms of SDGs, such as engineering ethics, resources and environment, and the life cycle of objects.
  • We will encourage students to find a sense of mission by connecting familiar local issues to global issues.
  • Students will participate in efforts to protect the local natural environment and contribute to regional revitalization as stake holders in the Hakusanroku community, their "second home."

4)We will carry out education based on social-implementation, incorporating the world-standard CDIO engineering education initiative.

  • Students will acquire creative knowledge and skills through experience-based learning aligned with actual practice in industry (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate).

3. To advance our globally-oriented education

 We are frontrunners in education for a globally interconnected society. Building on our educational system and our international network, we will strategically advance our globally-oriented education for the entire school as established in the Policies on Promotion of Internationalization.

1)We will cultivate students' fundamental skills to be a global innovator.

  • Students will understand their own culture and form their identity.
  • Students will gain understanding and respect for different cultures through international experiences.
  • Students will experience creating new value in collaboration with people all around the world.

2)We will strengthen the connections between students, teachers, and overseas partners.

  • We will promote project-type overseas programs such as Learning Express and service learning programs.
  • We will promote long-term programs such as overseas internships and COOP education.
  • We will enhance and develop educational research by making full use of our international exchange network.

4. To establish the KIT School System


 With the nine years of integrated education consisting of five years at ICT and four years at KIT and the KIT Graduate School, we established the "KIT School System", a potent force for fostering global innovators, and began its operation in April 2018. The KIT School System enables students to work on more complicated tasks as they move up to each next grade and move through different educational environments.

 Our school strives to provide education that uses the best settings to generate the best outcomes.

1st Stage: 1st and 2nd year students study at the Hakusanroku Campus boarding school surrounded by rich nature.

2nd Stage: All 3rd year students study in New Zealand for one year while living with a homestay family.

3rd Stage: 4th and 5th year students collaborate with KIT students, transcending the boundaries of generations, academic fields, and cultures.

4th Stage: After transferring to KIT, students participate in state-of-the-art innovation projects in an advanced research environment.

1)We will establish a system that supports wide and rich career building.

  • We will create and implement the curriculum of the KIT School System and continuously improve it.
  • We will build a foundation of broad science and engineering, and establish finely tuned educational guidance and career support that deepens expertise based on the needs of individual students.

2)We will conduct classes that are effectively integrated according to educational objective.

  • We will conduct classes that foster general skills such as cooperation and creativity, and develop characters such as leadership and ethical awareness, along with academic knowledge.
  • We will conduct classes that integrate liberal arts and various specialized fields according to educational objectives and goals.
  • We will conduct classes that effectively integrate lecture, research, discussion, creation, presentation, and review.

3)We will pursue joint education with KIT.

  • We will create courses that include long-term internships and study abroad.
  • We will promote collaboration with industry to foster global innovators.
  • We will conduct co-creation projects in mixed teams of students, adults of various abilities, backgrounds, and nationalities.
  • We will establish an attractive learning environment for students from overseas.

4)We will streamline educational and learning support systems of the KIT School System.

  • Academic advisers will give guidance and advice for taking courses and learning tailored for each student.
  • We will prepare and operate the integrated 9-year academic system according to growth of individual students.
  • We will prepare and operate systems for registration and record-keeping and for evaluation of student achievements and activities that are appropriate to our new educational program.

5)We will continuously improve the operation of the school and the KIT School System.

  • We will establish an IR Committee to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of education and learning in order to continuously improve our system.

5. To create the best learning community

 In a learning community students, faculty and staff take charge of their learning while supporting each other in their learning and support each other to realize their full potential. Taking the "KIT-IDEALS" as our code of conduct, we will respect the individuality and diversity of the students, faculty and staff, and create a rich and colorful school experience.

1)We will create a school rich in diversity.

  • We will aim to attract students from across the country.
  • We will increase the number of international students and Japanese students who have lived abroad in order to promote diversity.
  • We will show that the fields of science and engineering can be interesting and attractive to young women as well as men.
  • We will recruit globally to ensure an international faculty and staff.

2)We will institute systems to fully support students from admission to graduation.

  • We will utilize a portfolio system for full-coverage student advising.
  • Career advisers will support career development for students.

3)We will create a school where students, faculty and staff learn together.

  • Not only students, but faculty and staff as well, will be motivated for ongoing learning.
  • We will promote active learning in all courses.
  • We will actively look for innovative teaching methods and tools to continuously improve the effectiveness of our educational programs.
  • We will encourage faculty and staff who are eager to innovate and take on challenges.

4)We will promote education in collaboration with the local community and industry.

  • We will promote education in collaboration with the local community and industry, and carry out creative and practical educational programs.


 Aiming to accomplish the goals set forth here, we will educate global innovators and strive to make our school indispensable for the future.

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