

吉野 蓮さん

ニュージーランド留学 /
Studied in New Zealand for one year





ドローンの制作は4人1組のグループで協力し、設計から始めて、飛行実験まで数カ月かけて取り組みました。モーターやブレード、センサーなどは市販の部品を利用しますが、フレームやボディなど、作れるものは3Dプリンターなどを使って自分たちで作り、オリジナルのドローンに仕上げていきます。 僕は情報系が専門だったのですが、オタゴポリテクニクでは電気、機械の専門分野も勉強し、3DCADの使い方を覚えてパーツのデザインと設計をしました。はじめは、UFOやピラミッドの形をしたドローンを作ろうと張り切っていたんですが、だんだん実現が難しいとわかり、最後はシンプルな形に落ち着きました。僕たちのチームは情報系の学生ばかりで、電気や機械に詳しいメンバーがいなかったので、初めての作業も多く、作っては失敗、ということの繰り返しでした。でも、そこから学ぶことは多かったです。







I'm now more interested in my connection with society.

I want to study business and economy as well.
Ren Yoshino

Studied in New Zealand for one year

Making drones in group work.

At Otago Polytechnic, there were math and specialized classes in addition to English. I studied electronics, mechanical engineering, information engineering, and actually challenged myself to make things such as programming for robots made from Lego blocks and original drones.

My report on programming a game.


Our group of four people making the drone began with designing and took several months until the first flight test. We bought the motor, blades and sensors, but made what we could such as the frame and body using 3D printers. My specialty is information engineering. However, I studied electronics and mechanical engineering at Otago Polytechnic and took charge in designing the parts. To do this, I had to learn how to use 3DCAD. At first, I wanted to make a drone shaped like a UFO or pyramid. However, I soon realized that it wasn't realistic and ended up with a simple design. Our team consisted mostly of information technology students and we didn't have any strong electronic or mechanical engineering members. Therefore, most of the process was new to us and there was a lot of trial-and-error. However, much learning came from it.

A strong connection with society

The English class was mainly group work and pare work. There were many discussions on problems in society such as changing names, casinos, and security cameras. Themes ranged from society, politics and economy. My teacher told me to constantly think and read the local newspaper. When Japanese news was on TV my host family would ask my opinion, so I listened to the news more consciously so that I could say my opinion. It made me think more about my relationship with society.

Eventually, I could express my gratitude to my family by actions. It made me feel like I grew as a human being.

Now that I have returned to Japan and started my fourth year, there are many advanced courses on marketing and business. I feel that my experience abroad is helping. I want to transfer to university and study more specialized information engineering and economy.


Picture taken when we visited Otago peninsula national park to see the Albatross. I enjoyed New Zealand's rich nature.

HOMEThoughts on my year in New Zealand吉野 蓮さん