

backpack trip to India

グローバル情報学科3年 小蕎一沙/ Issa Osoba


小蕎 一沙










 まったく話せませんでした。でも英語は昔から得意なので「How do you say 〇〇 in Hindi?」と現地の人に聞いて少しずつ覚えました。



























Issa Osoba / Department of Global Information and Management Third-year student

ICT strives to foster "Global Innovators." Today, I met a student who has already made the jump to the international forefront. Department of Global Information and Management third-year student, Issa Osoba utilized his summber vacation to take his first trip abroad alone, to India!

Issa Osoba
Third-year / Department of Global Information and Management

―Why did you decide on India as your first oversea trip?

  Actually, I didn't have any specific reason. Maybe because I read the novel "Midnight Express" by Koutaro Sawaki in junior high school, which is a story about a backpacker that starts in India. I've always liked traveling and recently backpacked in Tohoku.

―Were you always interested in oversea countries?

  When I was in the snowboarding club in junior high school, I took the train to Toyama every weekend. One day I met a Vietnamese person who couldn't speak any Japanese. We started talking and I taught some Japanese to him. It was a really interesting experience and I became eager to learn English. I started talking with my ALT. (assistant language teacher) We still stay in touch.

―When did you decide to make the trip? What did your parents say?

  It was a 9-day trip in August and I decided to go in June. My parents begged me not to go.

―I can imagine that. It was your first time abroad. Weren't you nervous?

  Not at all. Actually, I was excited. That's just the way I am. Also, I met up with a group of five Japanese backpackers as a part of a tour organization called Tabiiku. Therefore, I was not alone for the first five days. However, we were mostly free to spend time on our own.

―Could you speak any Hindi?

  No. But I have always been good with English so I asked the local people "How do you say 〇〇 in Hindi?" when I wanted to learn something.

―Where did you visit within India?

  Delhi, Agra, Jaisalmer and Hyderabad.

―Do you have any stories you would like to share?

  DO I! I have so many I don't know where to start. The first one was when I was visiting Taj Mahal in Agra. I was separated from the group and walked by a elementary school near Taj Mahal. Some children saw and beckoned to me to play with them. I'm sure this would never happen in Japan, but the teacher was super nice and showed me around the school. School environment in India is not nearly as good as in Japan, to say the least. They are undersized and the instruments are old. The school I visited was actually one of the more fortunate ones in India. This is a picture I took there.

―Great Picture! I see you are not in it.

  Yes. The students kept asking me to take their picture and I forgot to take one with myself in it. Another episode was when one member of the group became ill on our third day. He was laying in bed with a stomach ache. Around 2:00 am, he woke me saying he needed to see a doctor. I took him to the hospital but he couldn't speak any English. I was the only person who could translate for him so the doctor could diagnose him. And I did! Suddenly I could understand and speak English better than ever. It was like a language adrenaline rush. My English is significantly better since then. 

―What an experience! Do you feel your experiences in India have changed you as a person?

  I met a woman named Satoko Kojima, who could speak Spanish, English and Hindi on the trip. She told me that I have a talent for learning languages, so I began thinking about becoming a interpreter in the future. She is also the sightseeing ambassador of Caleta Buena, Cuba. So, now I'm studying Spanish so I can go to Cuba.

―Wow! You already have your next trip planned out. When will you go? What did your parents say this time?

  I'm going next March! I told the teachers "I'm sorry but I can't attend this year's graduation ceremony." My parents said Cuba is ok. 

―Did anything change in your life after you came back?

  I'm studying English even harder. ICT has many teachers that speak English so I get a lot of practice. Also, I'm much more tolerant. The toilets in India aren't exactly the cleanest in the world.

―Do you believe ICT's English education helped you?

  ICT's English education is very good. Although I believe I would have taken the trip whatever school I went to, being able to practice speaking English with my Skills teacher Ali sensei helped me a lot to improve my English.

―You mentioned joining a backpacking group for the first five days. What did you do for the next four days?

  After the Tabiiku group left, I contacted an Indian friend I previously met in Kanazawa. He invited me to come to Hyderabad so I flew there.

―What was Hyderabad like?

  Hyderabad is a large metropolis. However, when you take one step behind the new buildings, you can see the old Indian districts. Also, I was surprised when my friend pointed out how many Islamic mosques and Hindu temples were located close to each other.

―Seems like you learned a lot. Is there anything you would like to say before we finish?

  If you are considering going to India but are nervous to travel alone, I would definitely go for it. There are many nice people in India that will help you out. One time I was walking with a cup of chai in my hand and a couple of India men I didn't even know said "Where did you buy that? We'll take you to a good chai shop." They were very nice and we became friends.

―Would you consider going back to India if you had the chance?

  Absolutely! Oh, one more thing! I would like to give a shout out to Tabiiku. It's a great way for first time backpackers if they want to travel abroad.

―I guess that wraps it up. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  Thank you. It was no problem at all. It could probably go on all day about India!

Interviewer: Jonathan

HOMEReport from the Lab学生インタビュー 小蕎一沙