
Private Scholarships 民間の奨学生制度



概要 山田進太郎D&I財団は、誰もが自身の能力を発揮し活躍できる社会の実現へ寄与するために、高校入学時点でSTEM(理系)を選択する女子学生への奨学金を開始しました。
定員 最大100名
対象 対象は2022年4月に高校入学予定の女性
給付金額 国公立25万/年 私立50万/年

Private Scholarships

STEM-Related Female High School Student Scholarship

Overview To help achieve a society in which everyone can reach their full potential, the YAMADA SHINTARO D&I FOUNDATION supports female students who choose the path to study science and technology from the high school level. 
Quota Maximum 100 students
Target Female students scheduled to enter high school in April 2022
High schools in Japan with STEM courses, designated super science high schools in 2021, or technical colleges
Amount National and Public: 250,000 yen, Private: 500,000 yen

HOMEEducationPrivate Scholarships