
Three Policies 3つの方針について










  1. 自ら学ぼうとする意欲・基礎学力を持ち、科学技術やデザインシンキング(課題の発見・解決、ものづくり等)、イノベーション(新しい価値の創造)に関心を持つ人
  2. グローバル社会での活躍に強い関心と探求心を持ち、英語コミュニケーション能力を高めようとする人
  3. 多様な価値観を理解し、社会や地域の課題解決に意欲を持ち、主体的に行動する人









Kindness of Heart 私たちは「素直、感謝、謙虚」の心を持つことに努め、明るく公正な学びの場を実現します。
Intellectual Curiosity 私たちは「情熱、自信、信念」を持つことに努め、精気に満ちた学びの場を実現します。
Team Spirit 私たちは「主体性、独創性、柔軟性」を持つことに努め、共同と共創による絶えざる改革を進め、前進します。
Integrity 私たちは、誠実であることを大切にし、共に学ぶ喜びを実現します。
Deligence 私たちは、勤勉であることを大切にし、自らの向上に努力する人を応援します。
Energy 私たちは、活動的であることを大切にし、達成や発見の喜びを実現します。
Autonomy 私たちは、自分の行いを律し、1人ひとりを信頼し、尊敬します。
Leadership 私たちは、チームワークを大切にし、自分の役割を自覚しつつ、責任を果たします。
Self-Realization 私たちは、自らが目標を持つことを大切にし、失敗に臆することなくさらに高い目標に向って挑戦することに努めます。




  1. 課題発見・解決力を高める。
  2. 科学的思考力、コミュニケーション能力を鍛える。
  3. よりよい社会づくりに積極的に参画する態度を養う。
  4. グローバルに活躍できる英語力を培う。
  5. 異なる文化や、多様な価値観を持つ人々と協働する力を身につける。



    Ⅰ 社会に貢献するリーダーとしての人間力

    1. 革新への挑戦
    2. 社会的使命感
    3. リーダーとしての高潔

    Ⅱ グローバルに活躍できるコミュニケーション能力

    1. コラボレーション
    2. 多様性とアイデンティティ
    3. 心を動かす力

    Ⅲ イノベーターに相応しい卓越した科学技術力

    1. 価値創出
    2. 自然・社会・産業と結びつけた科学的思考
    3. 常に学び続ける姿勢


    Three Policies

    KIT and ICT's trinity of students, administration, and faculty and staff work together to realize the shared goal of an ideal engineering academia.
    We strive to contribute to society by providing excellence in education and research as the realization of the three principles stated by our school
    s founder, the venerable Dr. Rikichi Izumiya.

    ICT Educational Mission

    Fostering Leaders of Global Innovation

    Three Policies 

    To achieve the educational mission, our school set the following three policies (Admission Policy, Curriculum Policy, Diploma Policy).

    Admission Policy

    The mission of International College of Technology, Kanazawa is Fostering Leaders of Global Innovation who can create new value, introduce advanced engineering education, and play an active role in society, based on the principles of our founding mission statement, which are to create well-rounded citizens with good character, to be innovative, and to promote industry-university collaboration.

    In order to build the foundation to be leaders of global innovation, the 1st and 2nd year students aim to improve their own qualities and diverse abilities through residential education, the 3rd year students study abroad for a year, and the 4th and 5th year students collaborate with Kanazawa Institute of Technology in specialized fields and project activities so as to practice education that produces the greatest results and aims to foster leaders who can play an active role in the world.

    Furthermore, we seek to enroll students who share the code of conduct based on our school community’s shared values (KIT-IDEALS) and seek their own self-realization.

    The kind of student we are looking for

    1. who have a willingness to learn on their own, have basic academic abilities, and are interested in science and technology, design thinking (problem discovery and solution, manufacturing, etc.), and innovation (creation of new value)
    2. who have a strong interest and have an inquiring mind in playing an active role in a global society, and seek to improve their English communication skills.
    3. who understand diverse values, are motivated to solve social and regional issues, and act proactively.

    Abilities to be acquired before enrollment

    It is necessary to have studied a wide range of basic academic skills (mathematics, science, English, Japanese, social studies, art, technology, etc.) by junior high school graduation.

    Basic Policy for Admission Selection

    In order to recruit diverse students, we will conduct Global Admission, General Admission, and Admission Based on Self-Recommendation.

    We will evaluate from multiple and comprehensive perspectives the knowledge and skills applicants learned in junior high school, their achievement of learning, their attitude toward independent learning, and their self-expression and communication skills.

    Communication abilities in English and Japanese are comprehensively evaluated in Interview Test (mainly dialogue).

    Academic abilities of junior high school level mathematics and English are evaluated by a written test in Academic Test.


    Code of Conduct (Based on Our School Community’s Shared Values)

    We, the members of this school community, have come to recognize the core values that should be shared by all of those among us, and from these values we have established the KIT-IDEALS as follows. Students, administrators, and faculty and staff should remain ever mindful of these and, by adhering to them, strive to better our school community.

    Kindness of Heart We strive to embody a spirit of honesty, gratitude, and humility, and to realize a bright and fair place for learning.
    Intellectual Curiosity We strive to exhibit the passion, self-confidence, and conviction necessary for a spirited learning environment.
    Team Spirit We strive for independence, creativity, and flexibility, constantly promoting reform and progress through collaboration and co-creation.
    Integrity We value honesty and take gratification in learning together.
    Deligence We value diligence and cheer on those who strive to improve themselves.
    Energy We value initiative and take joy in achievement and the pursuit of discovery.
    Autonomy We value self-discipline, and we trust and respect one another.
    Leadership We value teamwork and strive to fulfill the responsibilities of our individual roles.
    Self-Realization We value individuals and their goals, and we strive to reach great heights, unfazed by the fear of failure.

    Curriculum Policy

    We incorporate the ideas of the CDIO Initiative into our curriculum so that students can firmly acquire what it takes to be a global innovator. We also created a curriculum that emphasizes student's active experiences. As for the evaluation of achievement, we use not only created works and exam results, but also a Learning Management System (LMS) to evaluate the activity process and the situation of collaborative activities.

    1. Enhance problem-finding and problem-solving skills 
      Start projects to find solutions for open-ended problems immediately after the enrollment. Provide students opportunities to practice design thinking on an ongoing basis and cultivate to their ability to solve problems by repeating problem-finding and problem-solving experiences and using a wide range of research results and research techniques.
    2. Enhance scientific thinking and communication skills 
      Cultivate inquiring minds in collaboration with others, polish critical/analytical thinking skills, and acquire effective communication skills including discussion and debate.
    3. Cultivate an attitude to actively participate in the creation of a better society
      Be aware of membership within a community, conduct projects to investigate and study various settings (community, nature, and environment), and foster awareness as a member of society by contributing to the community.
    4. Develop English skills to act on a global scale
      Most classes are conducted in English as a means of educational communication, particularly in mathematics, science, and engineering.
    5. Acquire the ability to collaborate with people from different cultures and with various values
      Cultivate creativity and a deep understanding of self, community, and the world through opportunities to interact with literature and art and by working with people all over the world.

      Diploma Policy

      Our school fosters practical and creative engineers who have what it takes to be a global innovator acting on a global scale. A global innovator is a person who uses scientific thinking to characterize problems, acquires the latest engineering knowledge and insight, and creates new value using creative solutions. In addition, a global innovator is a professional who can work in global society by cooperating with experts from various fields, accepting the diversity of cultures and values. Innovators who find new value must understand a wide range of engineering principles and engineering practices. In other words, they are those who understand and practice each stage of "Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate" of the international framework CDIO Initiative whose aim is reform of educational engineering.
      Specifically, our students need to acquire the following abilities and behavioral objectives.

      Ⅰ Personal qualities as a leader that contributes to society

      1. Courage to innovate
        Operate with a strong conviction (motive, tenacity) and continue to strive without fearing failure to lead oneself or a team towards success
      2. Sense of duty to society
        Maintain a sense of duty to resolve social issues with concern for regional communities and natural environments
      3. Integrity as a leader
        Be a responsible collaborator treating others with kindness and respect through modesty while exhibiting leadership in a global environment

      Ⅱ Communication skills for acting on a global scale

      1. Collaboration
        Actively contribute to accomplishing a goal as a team, understanding one's own role and input 
      2. Diversity and identity
        Maintain a clear sense of identity while possessing a fundamental understanding of various cultures and value systems
      3. Impressing upon others
        Having organized one's thoughts logically, effectively convey them in a way that takes into consideration the position and emotions of others

      Ⅲ Superior scientific and technological capabilities worthy of an innovator

      1. Creating value
        Be able to create new value through the practice of design thinking and broad investigations of academic disciplines
      2. Scientific thinking that combines industry, society, and nature
        Be able to express one's own thoughts having understood and analyzed science and technology from the aspects of industry, society, and nature
      3. Attitude for continuous learning
        With sound learning as a foundation, maintain an attitude for continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills

      Based on understanding of the above, graduation requirements are to acquire the specified number of credits by completing the courses and educational programs established according to our school's educational philosophy and purpose.

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