
PREZ x ICT 5年の上級英語 "PREZ x ICT" 発表会

2019年12月2日(月)、5年の学生が英語で発表する「PREZ x ICT」が金沢キャンパスの合同講義室で行われました。「PREZ x ICT」は5年の学生の上級英語を担当しているジェニー・チュー先生が毎年企画している発表会で、受講している学生が熱中しているものや伝えたい思いを集まった観客の前で英語で話します。たくさんの人々に見られながらステージ上で発表する緊張感を与えることで、さらなる成長が見込めます。それぞれの学生のテーマは以下の通りです。

Kana Takahara "Enjoying learning"
Kana Takahara likes battle games. She wanted to win the battle, but she couldn't win. Then she met a means to learn how to win. What was it like to learn?

Kazuyuki Fukuda "Don't care about other people"
Most people agree Kazuyuki Fukuda talks a lot with a loud voice but actually he was so shy. He would like to tell you how he changed and what he learned from this experience.

Tsubasa Ikari "Regretting my soccer life"
Tsubasa Ikari loved to play soccer. He wanted to enjoy more of his soccer life, but he couldn't. He will share how to enjoy more of your favorite things from his experience.

Kenta Ustumi "Don't be angry"
Do you usually get angry? Someone was always angry at Kenta Utsumi because he was naughty so he found out what ways of being angry are best for a child. Pointing out is important for the child and you. He will explain his story in his talk.

Ryuji Hirohara "Opportunities might change us"
How many opportunities did you get in your life? Did that change you? Ryuji Hirohara had a chance to stay at a Canadian home when he was a junior high school student. He could change through the experiences in Canada.

Kenshuu Yamaguchi "Don't be like me"
Do you like idols? Kenshuu Yamaguchi loves idols. But he spend about 300,000 yen in 3 years for only idol events and traveling. Even if you spend money on idols, the fun is in the moment. 

Takeru Harada "How I became friends with overseas person"
Do you know how to make friends? It is conversation. For anyone not good at starting a conversation, Takeru Harada will show one way.

Atsushi Miyai "Books are treasure"
Do you like reading books? Astushi Miyai likes reading. But he didn't really like reading at first. How did he like reading? And what is the value of reading?

Rira Otagaki "Staying stable or challenging"
Trying something new is important to succeed in something. Then, what is important after you succeed? Rira Otagaki will share her experience about what she did to make her life better.

Izumi Kinoshita "My definition of success"
keep doing something is not easy, but it is necessary for success. Izumi Kinoshita will share her experience about how to overcome hardships and her definition of success.

Nastumi Maruyama "How to improve what you are not good at"
Natsumi Maruyama hates studying English. But, she still studies English. Why does she hate studying? She will explain her idea in her talk.

Yuki Nakajimaya "Peaceful relationship"
What's your attitude when you get angry? Since elementary school, Yuki Nakajimaya has sulked. He thought that by not taking a bad attitude, human relationships would work.

Yuya Hirose "How to cure asthma"
Do you play any sports? Yuya Hirose likes to do cycling. Sports is fun but sometimes painful. Sports have great power. If you find a sport that suits you, your life will change dramatically. He found a sport and his life changed.