
飛行ロボコン マルチコプター部門 優勝 機械工学科 伊藤研究室卒研チーム「希望」

機械工学科 伊藤研究室卒研チーム「希望」

国際高等専門学校機械工学科5年伊藤研究室の卒研チーム「希望」(メンバー:菊田有昭さん、小西歩さん、馳陽大さん、又村峰裕さん)が9月28日(金)~30日(日)大田区総合体育館(東京都大田区東蒲田1丁目11番1号)にて行われた一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会主催の「第14回全日本学生室内飛行ロボットコンテスト」マルチコプター部門で優勝しました。









  • 1位 国際高専  1925点
  • 2位 早稲田大学 1460点
  • 3位 高知工科大学 1250点
  • 4位 東京農工大学 410点


  1. カーボンクロスを積層して自作した軽量CFRPフレーム
  2. 前後の区別を視認しやすくするためのLEDランプ
  3. 超小型の動画撮影用のカメラ
  4. フレーム及び投下装置の製作にレーザー加工機を最大限に活用
  5. トライアンドエラーの調整によって達成した安定性


飛行ロボコン マルチコプター部門 優勝

Ito Lab Research Team "Kibou" wins the Multicopter Division of Flight RoboCon!

The research team "Kibou", consisting of four fifth-year students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering lead by Ito Kohei sensei participated in the 14th All-Japan Student Indoor Flight Robot Contest held by The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences on September 28 (Fri) to 30 (Sun) in Ota-City General Gymnasium, 1-11-1 Kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo and won first place in the multicopter division.

The All-Japan Student Indoor Flight Robot Contest is a tournament of aircraft type robots. In the multicopter divisions, participants compete using aircraft with multiple rotary wings, commonly referred to as "drones." Each team starts at the heliport and complete a set of missions before returning.

In the qualifying stage, students had to maneuver the aircraft to carry and drop "Chicken Ramen" into a tall box. They had to find the correct box to drop the ramen bag in and scores were determined by how many ramen bags they managed to successfully land in the box. If the team completed this mission, they could move on to the figure eight flight challenge, which was measured by speed and accuracy.

In the finals, each team attempted to carry larger bags and transport a doll from the heliport to a designated area and safely landing next to it. The ICT team "Kibou" completed all challenges in both the qualifying and final stages and received full scores for their challenge.

The team applied for the multicopter division twice in past years. However, both times was unable to pass the document screening stage. This victory was on their third attempt. Hase, the team leader expressed his joy by saying "I was very anxious because it was our first time competing in the tournament. But I am happy we did our best and won!"


14th All-Japan Student Indoor Flight Robot Contest

Multicopter Division (11 teams)

  • First place International Collage of Technology 1925 points
  • Second place Waseda University 1460 points
  • Third place Kochi University of Technology 1250 points
  • Fourth place Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 410 points


Overview of Ito research lab's team Kibou's aircraft.

Original lightweight CFRP frame made by laminating carbon cloth

LED lamp for clear distinction of front and rear.

Ultra-small camera for video

Frame and dropping mechanism created using the full potential of lesser cutting machinery

High level of stability obtained through testing and trial-and-error

Related Page

Drone Project by Ito Lab

HOMENews飛行ロボコン マルチコプター部門 優勝