
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 14, 2024 2月の課外活動期間を通して

 こんにちは!1年の沖山 琳世です。ここ白山麓キャンパスの2月は色々な経験を積むための課外活動期間でした。そんな中で私が体験した活動についてご紹介します。

  Hello! I’m Rinse Okiyama, a 1st year student at ICT. This school had some extra activities in February. I will introduce the activities that I joined.

Skiing Activity 2024/2/5


 The week right after the end-of-term tests were returned, there was a skiing experience. I have skied before. However, that experience was 5 years ago, so I worried that I could not ski. So first I learned how to ski from the teacher. And then I remembered how to ski. In the afternoon I could go to a more difficult course with my sempai. I enjoyed it.

Making Maple Toffee 2024/2/6


 I had never eaten maple syrup before, so I was excited. Stephanie Reynolds sensei’s family are maple farmers, so I was able to taste the real way of making it and enjoying it. I was especially surprised to learn that it is eaten with pickles. The sweet syrup and the salty pickle created the perfect balance, and I thought I could eat it forever.


メープルタフィー作り🍯❄️ 白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、キース先生🇨🇦とステファニー先生🇺🇸による「メープルタフィー作り」が開催されました。メープルシロップを煮詰めて、雪の上に垂らし、シロップが固まるとキャンディになります😋 #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #メープルタフィー #mapletoffee #sugaronice #高専 #寮生活 #ボーディングスクール #TikTok #canada #usa #maple

♬ Magic - One Direction


Making Acrylic Plates Using UV Printers 2024/2/7, 8, 16


 We also made acrylic keyholders using the laser cutter and the UV printer that was put in place this summer. I loaded the data into the machine and printed it! I was very impressed with the very beautiful finished product.

Arduino Simulation & Block Coding 2024/2/8




 I also had to create programs for Arduino. I tried it a little during the first semester, but I was not good at it because I was new to programming. But this time, we did a block-type program, so it was easy to understand. It was a lot of fun.




♬ 桜の森(イントロ ver.) - 星野 源

Building an igloo (Kamakura) 2024/2/13


 We made igloo, which is unique to the regions where it snows. Under the supervision of Philip Cadzow sensei from New Zealand, we made it while learning tips and tricks. It was quite hard work, but in the end, we were able to make one which was big enough for two people, which made me very happy.

World languages 2024/2/13


 I learned the languages of the world. We were able to choose two languages from French, Chinese, Arabic, Thai, and Filipino, which was a rare experience. I chose 'French and Arabic', which I knew nothing about. There were so many differences in the way the alphabet is read, the direction in which it is written, and so many other things that were confusing at first, but I was able to learn the greetings and thank you in each language. It was also interesting to see the cultural differences that arise from language. I would like to continue to be exposed to them in the future.


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)には、現在日本を除いて8カ国の外国人教員が在籍しており、このことを活かしたワークショップ「特別外国語講座」が開催されました。🌍🗣✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #ボーディングスクール #3年次には1年間nz留学 #TikTok #外国語 #フランス語 #フィリピン語 #アラビア語 #タイ語 #中国語

♬ Blue Blood - Orchestra Heinz Kiessling

Programming Workshop 2024/2/13, 16, 20


 The Python course, held over 3 days, introduced basic knowledge that will be useful in next year's class. After learning how it works, we solved problems using all of our acquired knowledge. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out the problems using hints that were given in class. We also had homework to review and learn a lot. It is helpful to my study of programming.




CiRA CORE AI block-based programming 2024/2/14

 CiRA COREというプログラミング言語も学び、画像認識のプログラムを組みました。私は、筋雲と羊雲と積雲をそれぞれ認識し、種類別に分けるというものを作りました。AIはすべて何かから学んで作られているということを再認識しました。

 I also learned a programming language called CiRA CORE. I created a program to sort clouds. Here, we programmed image recognition. I learned again that all AI is made by learning from something.


アピラク先生による「CiRA COREを使ったAIプログラミング」ワークショップが行われました。学生たちは画像認識を用いて雲の種類を識別する実験を行い、巻積雲、積雲、巻雲の3種類の雲の認識に挑戦しました☁️☁️☁️ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #AI #画像認識 #プログラミング #巻積 #積 #巻雲 #programming #ciracore

♬ Perfect Night - Sped Up ver. - LE SSERAFIM

ICT for development 2024/2/19


 An instructor working abroad came to ICT and spoke about information and communication technology. We were then divided into 8 groups on topics of interest. We then searched for a company on a related topic. Next, we came up with new ideas in the form of "If you were to work for this company...". We then received advice and made presentations of our products. These presentations were very interesting, introducing unknown countries and innovative ideas.


 I thought it was important to join many activities and try them several times. In fact, I was able to feel that even if there were things that I was not good at in the beginning, my approach was to try to enjoy many activities. From now on, I would like to continue to participate in as many activities as possible.

沖山 琳世
Rinse Okiyama

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 14, 2024 2月の課外活動期間を通して