
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Local Community

May 27, 2024 Masturi Time!

 Hello! This is Sadé Moore, one of the Learning Mentors here at the Hakusanroku Campus and this is my first journal entry this year! At first, I struggled to figure out what to write about, but then I realized that a very important event will be occurring soon here in Ishikawa! From May 31st this year, the largest festival in Ishikawa will be held for three days. This festival is called the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival and one of the biggest events for the festival is the grand parade that takes place during the second day of the festival.

 This parade is a recreation of the entry of Maeda Toshiie, the first lord of the Kaga domain, and his family into Kanazawa Castle on June 14th, 1583. This procession features hundreds of locals from around the Hokuriku region and usually has a famous Japanese actor playing the role of Lord Maeda and a famous Japanese actress playing the role of his wife, Maeda Matsu. Along with the Lord and his wife there are many other people dressed as the children of the Maeda Clan, samurais, ninjas, footmen, horsemen, noble ladies, and ladies-in waiting or 中臈(ちゅうろう).

 I have lived in Ishikawa for five years now and I’ve always enjoyed the Kanazawa  Hyakumangoku Festival. However, my most favorite time of the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival is when I am able to participate in the parade as a lady-in-waiting. This year will be my 3rd time walking in the Hyakumangoku Parade as a lady-in-waiting to Maeda Matsu.  However, it can be a grueling of a task due to the fact that participants of the parade must walk from Kanazawa Station to Kanazawa Castle.  In the case of the ladies-in-waiting you’re doing it all in recreations of Sengoku Period kimonos, wigs, and geta, and the entire event takes up most of the whole day.

 The event is long, however; it is something that I look forward to every time I participate. The reward of seeing all the people lined up along the parade route and smiling and waving at you, and the surprise and then happiness on the faces of the locals is worth it. The fact that foreigners can take part in something that is considered very traditionally Japanese is something that many people including myself can enjoy.

 This year especially has a greater renewed meaning for me. The first time I participated in the Kanazawa  Hyakumangoku Festival was in 2019 right after I moved to Japan. It was such an amazing experience that I promised myself that I would do it again in the future. However, after that the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the Hyakumangoku Festival was canceled two years in a row.

 In 2022 the pandemic had finally been downgraded enough that they were able to host the festival again and I jumped at the opportunity to be able to participate in the parade again. That year had special meaning because after two years of difficult and hard times not only in Japan, but world-wide, it felt like being a part of the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival was in some part bringing back happiness to the people of Hokuriku.

 This year, going into my 3rd time participating in the festival, I also feel a great sense of meaning due to the New Years Day Noto Earthquake. Many of the people in the region suffered and are still suffering due to this tragedy. The recovery is still slow and many people in the area are still being affected. With the Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival taking place this year and being able to participate in the parade, I hope that it will bring even a little bit of happiness back to the Hokuriku area and make people smile, even if for only a moment.

 In the future, I hope that many more foreigners and maybe even ICT students will want to or will be able to participate in the Hyakumangoku Parade. Representation matters, and it would be nice to see the students of ICT take part in this great event and opportunity and be entrenched in something that represents the area where they are studying.

Sadé Moore


 この行列は、1583年6月14日に加賀藩の初代藩主である前田 利家とその家族が金沢城に入城した様子を再現したものです。特徴は北陸地方から数百人の地元の人々が参加することと、有名な日本の俳優が前田 利家公役を演じ、有名な日本の女優が前田 利家公の正室、お松の方役を演じることです。また利家夫妻の他に、前田家の子弟、武士、忍者、従者、騎手、貴婦人や女官(中臈・ちゅうろう)などに扮した人々が大勢います。






 将来的には、より多くの外国人、そしておそらく国際高専の学生も百万石行列に参加したいと思ってくれることや、あるいは実際に参加できたらいいなと思っています。Representation matters,(アメリカで起こっているムーブメント。意味:自分と同じようなバックグラウンドを持つ人がロールモデルとなり、人々に多くの影響を与えることから、代表となる人のイメージは大切だということ)国際高専の学生がこの素晴らしいイベントやこのような機会に参加し、自分たちの学びの地域で象徴となる物事に深く関わっていけたら嬉しく思います。


December 15, 2023 Ichigo Ichie: Never Losing A Friend


Ichigo Ichie: Never Losing A Friend
 ~ Pauline Baird an English teacher at ICT.

 Some time ago, I bought and read a book in Japan called “Ichigo Ichie.” After reading it, I learned that every encounter with a person is different, even if it’s the same person. As such, it is vital to savor our encounters because they are unique and valuable and can never be relived the same way. Ichigo Ichie calls me to be present, to live the moment and acknowledge it, especially these days when we are easily distracted by technology. I tend to think of “Ichigo Ichie” as not taking life for granted—being in the here and now.

 When I joined the ICT faculty six years ago and chose to live in what Americans call “sticks” and Guyanese call “dead country,” I hoped to meet and learn from the members of the Hakusan community outside the school. I do. I regularly encounter older adults at the store, on the road, or in their gardens. As a foreigner, making friends is not easy, especially when one does not speak proper Japanese. That said, I am aware that my Japanese is not the best. However, communicate by using all the Japanese Language I know with a big smile and open personality whenever I meet the people in the villages at the foothills of the Hakusan mountains.

 しばらく前、日本で 「一期一会」という本を買って読みました。その本を読み終えて、たとえ同じ人であっても、人との出会いはすべて違うのだと知りました。このように、出会いは唯一無二の貴重なものであり、決して同じようには再現できません。「一期一会」は今を生きること、その瞬間を認めることを私に呼びかけています。私は「一期一会」を、人生は当たり前のものではなく、どちらかというと、今ここに存在していることだと考えています。

 6年前に国際高専の教員となり、アメリカ人からは “sticks”、ガイアナ人からは “dead country”と呼ばれる場所「山間の田舎」に住むことを選んだとき、学校以外の白山麓地域の地元の人たちと出会い、その人達から色々学びたいと思っていました。実際今はそうしています。私は店や道、庭などで年配の大人たちによく出会います。外国人として、友達を作るのは簡単なことではありません。とはいえ、自分の日本語がベストでないことは自覚しています。しかし、白山の麓の村々で、人々と出会うたびに、満面の笑みと気さくな人柄で、知っている限りの日本語を使ってコミュニケーションをとっています。

Tea time with Learning Mentors at Kouhii Koubou

 One unforgettable person I met and grew to love is Mr. Inami. Mr. Inami was a quiet small-framed man with a warm, engaging smile and voice! He was the manager and owner of Kouhii Koubou, a small coffee shop located obliquely opposite the post office in the village of Sena.

 I do not remember when we first met. However, I patronized his business when I learned Mr. Inami had a coffee shop. ICT aims to help revitalize the community, so I thought that by purchasing from Kouhi Koubou, I would make a difference. The first thing I did was order birthday cheesecakes and apple cupcakes for students! Mr. Inami and his wife were happy to bake and sell them. Those baked apple cupcakes are “to die for”! Sometimes, I ordered sliced cakes, none of which I ate because I am not a lover of sweets; I bought them as gifts to cheer up others. Occasionally, my friends and I would go to the shop for coffee.  





Mr. Inami is making a Valentine’s Day card

One day, when I decided to have an English Conversation class at ICT, in classroom #4, Mr. Inami was my first student. He came to class punctually with his notebook and pen. He was an eager and stellar student. As time by, Mr. Inami became one of the four regulars—Ms. Ueda, Ms. Masuyama, Ms. Sato, and Ms. Yuko from the community. From time-to-time ICT cafeteria workers, the Resident Advisers, and their children joined. It was so much fun to read Dr. Seuss’s books. For example, we read aloud, “One Fish, Two Fish, … Blue Fish, Red Fish”! I am not sure why, but the class always fell into peals of laughter. We enjoyed learning English.  

English Conversation Class 2018 (Mr. Inami, Ms. Ueda, Ms. Masuyama, Ms. Yuko

 ある日、地域の方を招いて、国際高専で英会話の授業を開催することになり、その最初の生徒は井南さんでした。井南さんはノートとペンを持って時間厳守で教室にきてくれました。彼は熱心で優秀な生徒でした。やがて、井南さんはコミュニティの常連4名、上田さん、増山さん、佐藤さん、ユウコさんのうちの1人となりました。時々、国際高専のカフェテリアの従業員やレジデント・アドバイザー(RA)、その子供たちも加わりました。スース博士の本を読むのはとても楽しかったです。例えば「One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish」を音読しました。なぜだか分かりませんが、クラスはいつも爆笑の渦に包まれていました。私たちは楽しく英語を学びました。



 In our class, Mr. Inami also enjoyed watching “Mr. Bean’s Sandwich,” a comedy routine about a man making a strange sandwich. Afterward, Mr. Inami wrote and made his book (zine) called, “Let’s Eat.” The book is about making a sandwich. And he wrote it in English!

 私たちのクラスでは、井南さんも「ミスター・ビーンのサンドウィッチ」というサンドイッチを作る奇妙な男のコメディを楽しんで観ていました。その後、井南さんは "Let's Eat "というオリジナルの絵本を書いて作りました。これはサンドイッチを作る本です。しかも彼は英語で書きました!




 We also cooked and exchanged cultural information about food. For New Year’s celebration, people from the country where I was born, Guyana, make a dish with rice and black-eyed peas. The dish is called cook-up rice. We made it at ICT, and Mr. Inami and the class enjoyed it. The class called the Black-eyed peas “Panda Mame”!





 We also made phlourie, a Guyanese street food. It is a savory sort of doughnut that is fried and served with a dip. It was wonderful!





 Over the last five years of living at Sena, I have gone on early morning walks as exercise. Many times, at 6 am or so, I would encounter Mr. Inami, and if we were going in the same direction, we would walk together and chat. He took delight in showing me a beautiful cherry blossom tree hidden behind an occupied building, and I was happy he showed by this place that is like a secret place.

Last Fall, Mr. Inami and I walked together and watched the gardens, the crows, and the rivers. I couldn’t know then that I would never meet him again on my early morning walks. This spring, 2023, I missed him; we will never have those chats again. Ichigo Ichie! –I cherished my time with him. He made my stay here welcome. Memories of Mr. Inami keep him alive in my mind. I hope I returned the favor and made as much of an impression on him as he did me. Thank you, Mr. Inami.


Pauline Baird

December 11, 2023 高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売

 こんにちは。2年生の夏木 亮凪です。今回は2023113日(金)と4日(土)に行われた「高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売」についてご紹介します。エンジニアリングデザインという授業の一環で、アグリビジネス班は地域活性化活動として毎年、芋販売を行っています。そして、今年は新たなキャラクターを考案・作成し、それに伴ったガチャガチャやTシャツ販売など、より幅広い年代層の方に楽しんでいただける企画となりました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Hello, I’ Ryona Natsuki, a second-year student. This time, I would like to talk about the Ishiyaki Imo (stone-baked sweet potato) sale which was held on the 3rd and 4th of November, 2023. As part of our engineering design class, Agribusiness Team holds an annual potato sale as a community revitalization activity. This year, we created and added a new character to the event, and we also sold t-shirts and gacha balls to make it more enjoyable for a wider range of people. For more information

 僕が屋台販売中に主に行った事は二種類ありますが、今回、特に印象に残っている「声掛け作業」について話していきたいと思います。僕たちの屋台は「道の駅 瀬女」の隣にあり、道の駅でお買物される方やドッグランの方に向かわれていた方をターゲットとして焼芋販売をしていました。年代層の幅は広く、小さなお子さんを連れているご家族や白山市に昔から住まれているご高齢の方たちがいて、中には去年の焼芋販売にも来てくださった方などもいました。小さな子供達にはガチャガチャなどが目に留まるようで、「かわいらしいオリジナルキャラクターグッズもお買い上げいただけます!」と声掛けをすると親御さんと笑顔でご購入して下さったり、ご高齢の方には甘くてトロトロな紅はるかを大きな声で宣伝することで、「頑張ってね!」とほっこりした表情でご購入いただけたりしました。ただ、一度声掛けで誤ってしまった点がありました。「熱くてほくほくな焼芋はいかがですかー」と、これが並んでくださっていたお客さまのご希望ではなかったみたいで、「熱くてトロトロな紅はるかを期待していたのに、ホクホクなのね」と帰ってしまいました。それ以降このようなミスはしないように心掛けたのですが、お客様が帰ってしまったのはショックでした()。芋の販売利益にも影響するのでしっかりと考えてから発言するようにしようと思いました。


 There were two main things I did during the stall sales, but this time I would like to talk about one that left a particularly strong impression on me: talking to people. Our stall was located next to a Sena Roadside Station, and we were selling potatoes to people who were shopping at the Sena Roadside Station or heading for a dog run. There was a wide range of age groups, including families with small children and elderly Hakusan City residents, some of whom had visited us last year. The children seemed to be attracted by the gacha balls and other items, and when we told them, "You can buy cute original character goods too!” the parents smilingly bought the products. We also loudly encouraged elderly people to buy the sweet and tender Beniharuka sweet potatoes, which brought a smile to their faces, and some of them said “good luck!” as they made a purchase. However, there was one point where I made a mistake in what I said. I said, “Would you like a hot and fluffy sweet potato?” This was not what the customer in line wanted, and he left saying, “I was expecting a hot and melty Beniharuka, but it's so soft and fluffy.” After that, I tried not to make such a mistake, but I was shocked when the customer left (ha ha). I thought I would think carefully before making a comment because it would affect the profit from the sale of potatoes.
 Many things happened, but I am very glad that I was able to have this valuable experience of actually selling something.

夏木 亮凪
Ryona Natsuki

November 15, 2023 English Café in Oguchi and Shiramine

 Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor, an English teacher at ICT.
 For the last three years, I’ve been holding a regular event at the Oguchi Community Centre called English Café. It’s a chance for local residents to get together and learn some simple English while also enjoying a cup of tea, a snack, and a chat.
 Last year English Café was a monthly event, and the focus of each session was useful language for travel, or a particularly relevant event, such as Christmas or New Year.


 This year, the first English Café was held on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023, but it was slightly different from previous events. This time, we had two guests from the United Kingdom (my parents!), who showed photos of the village where they live now, the town where they used to live (where I grew up), and other interesting parts of British towns that tourists don’t usually get to see. There were 8 guests from Oguchi and Shiramine, as well as the two Community Centre staff. Everyone had lots of questions about various aspects of British life, such as housing, education, shops, architecture, and many more.


 The other big difference from previous English Café sessions was that instead of starting at 3 o’clock, this one started at 11 oclock, and the Community Centre staff ordered Hakusan Geo bento lunches for everyone from Hotel Gooin in Ichirino Onsen. The bento was full of local ingredients, such as wild boar meat, maitake mushrooms, fish from the Tedori River, and wild mountain vegetables. Not only that, but each of the portions was designed to represent a famous sightseeing spot in the Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark. In the photos you can see the bento itself, the information leaflet, and the picture that was stuck onto the front of the box.



 The following evening, our guests from the UK went to Shiramine to host a special event for the local children in Shinjoji Temple. There are only 10 children in the whole of Shiramine Primary School, 11 in the nursery, and about a dozen more who attend Hakurei Junior High School, which is just down the road from ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus. For this event, 15 children and some of their parents came along to hear a reading of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, eat British-style pancakes, and set off sparklers. For the last three summers, weve planned to hold English Café for children in Shiramine. Unfortunately, each summer it has been cancelled at the last minute due to COVID-19. Fortunately, this year we were able to organise and successfully hold an event that everyone enjoyed – several children even went back for more pancakes; others were able to practice using English to start conversations with our guests!

 次の日、2人のイギリス人のゲストは白峰の真成寺で子供たちのためのイベントを行いました。白峰小学校の児童は10人しかいなくて、保育園児は11人、そして12人ぐらいの中学生がいます。(中学生は国際高専 白山麓キャンパスの近くにある白嶺中学校に通っています。)今回、15人の子供たちとその両親が来て、「はらぺこあおむし」の英語版の読み聞かせや、イギリス風パンケーキを食べたり、花火を楽しんだりしました。3年前から毎年夏休みに白峰の子供たちのためにイングリッシュカフェを予定していましたが、コロナウイルスのせいで毎回中止になってしまいました。今回みんな楽しく英語とふれあえてよかったです。ある子供たちはパンケーキをおかわりできて、英語でおしゃべりもできました!



 Then, on Wednesday, 4th October, we held an almost-regular English Café in the afternoon. I say “almost-regular because it took place inside ICTs Hakusanroku Campus for the first time. 9 people from Oguchi and Shiramine, including two first-time attendees, gathered in the lobby of the Innovation Hub to discuss books, films, and YouTube channels they like. The change of location was nice, and local residents were excited to be able to see inside ICT.



 English Café is not a big event, but it’s an enjoyable and valuable opportunity to build positive relationships between ICT and the local community. The staff at Oguchi and Shiramine Community Centres always put a lot of time and effort into organising and publicising English Café, and this year we also had the cooperation of Shinjoji Temple in Shiramine. I’m grateful for their support and looking forward to future events.


James Taylor

June 16, 2023「河原山地区 田植え体験会」を通して見つけた学び

 こんにちは!国際高専1年の中澤 琉月です。2023514日(日)、併設校の金沢工業大学 学友会主催の白山麓地域交流活動「河原山地区 田植え体験会」に参加しました。私はもともとSDGsに関連するような社会問題や環境問題に興味があり、学生団体を立ち上げたり、積極的にオンラインイベントに参加したりするなどして経験を深めています。また去年から私が行っている活動で稲作の環境問題を取り扱っているため、この地域の稲作についても情報が得られたらと思い参加しました。 

 午前中はそれぞれの役割にわかれて田植えを行い、私はコシヒカリの苗の手植え作業をしました。作業後に機械で田植えを行うところを見て、改めて機械化がどれほど人々の仕事の形を変えたのかを実感できました。お昼には地域の女性会のみなさんが作ったお弁当をいただきました。 地域で採れる食材をふんだんに使い、ふるさとの味が感じられるお弁当で、とてもおいしかったです!



中澤 琉月

 Hi, I’m Ruuna Nakazawa, a student in S1 class in ICT. On Sunday, May 14th, 2023, I participated in the Kawarayama Area Rice Planting Experience, a regional exchange activity at Hakusanroku hosted by the KIT Gakuyukai, an attached school.  I have been interested in the social issues and environmental issues that relate to SDGs, and I have engaged in several activities, such as creating a student organization and attending many online events. Also, since last year, I have engaged in an activity concerning the environmental issue of rice cultivation, so I wanted to get some information about rice cultivation in this area. That is the reason why I joined this activity.

 In the morning, we all had different roles in planning the rice, and I planted Koshihikari seedlings by hand. When I saw the work with a planting machine after my work, I was amazed at how the machine changed our forms of work. At lunchtime, we ate bento that were made by members of a local women’s community group. The bento used a lot of local ingredients so I felt it had a real hometown taste to it, and it was so tasty!

 In the afternoon, there was an opportunity for us to share our opinions and ask questions of a person who lives in the area. Recently, that area collaborated with KIT in its regional revitalization program. Therefore, I asked a question with courage even though I was the only student in ICT that joined this time. Through the conversations, the opinions I heard from other students, and the answers I received from local people, I learned that the way that this region approaches SDGs is different from how I had approached them. I usually focus on and tackle individual problems when I do my activities. However, this area tries to tell its stories to KIT students and young people instead of focusing on each problem the area has. By doing so, an industry called collaboration will be born, and it can develop the area. Through this experience, I saw things in a way that I had never imagine before. Simply put, I say that I deeply understand goal 17 of the SDGs, “Partnership for the goals.”

 Without even thinking about it, I contacted my mother and told her about these experiences because I was so happy that I was able to learn much more than I expected, and I discovered a connection between these experiences and my personal activities! I want to make use of what I learned through this experience here at school, and work harder toward my future activities.

Ruuna Nakazawa

January 25, 2023 尾口でのクリスマス

 Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor from the English Department.
 We finally got our first snow at Hakusanroku Campus on the morning of 14th December. Since then, it’s hardly stopped snowing. The scenery is beautiful, but sometimes it feels as if we’re living in a monochrome world.


 Another benefit of the snow is that it encourages the students to go outside. In the 10-minute breaks between morning classes and afternoon classes, students have been rushing out to jump around and pelt each other with snowballs. For many of them, this is their first experience with snow. It’s a great opportunity for them to get some fresh air and exercise between long periods of concentration.


 Also on 14th December, the Oguchi Social Welfare Council, which is based in Oguchi Community Centre, delivered Christmas cakes to households with children. My son and daughter were very pleased! My son ate the Father Christmas, my daughter had the reindeer, and I got the snowman.


 Then, on 20th December I went to Oguchi Community Centre for my monthly English Café event. This month’s event was a Christmas party. We started by decorating the tree, then learnt some words related to Christmas before playing a Christmas-themed game of bingo. 18 people, including 9 children, from the local area attended and had a lot of fun. As ever, the Community Centre staff put a lot of time and effort into preparing for the event; I’m very grateful for that.

 I always look forward to the opportunity to interact with people from the neighborhood.

James Taylor

June 17, 2022 北陸ロマンティックデートコース

えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍
              from "閑吟集" (a collection of Muromachi period songs)

(My love is like fireflies burning by the water. I’m a poor firefly, unable to say a word to you.)                         
The word "mizu ni" is a cross between "by the water" and "not seeing".
 Namely it means "I want you, but I can't hold you or even say the word".

This is KTB, the N & A Club advisor. When I was walking around my house in Kanazawa City every night in preparation for climbing Mt. Hakusan in July, I started to see fireflies. Hokuriku is blessed with a rich natural environment. Let me introduce you to some of romantic date ideas in Toyama, Kanazawa, and Noto areas.
First was the Toyama Prefectural Art Museum (3-20 Kiba-cho, Toyama City). This museum has a permanent collection of works by Chagall, Duchamp, and others. Previously, my wife and I visited the exhibition of photographs by Mika Ninagawa, a well-known photographer and film director (we made it just in time for the last day of the exhibition, May 15th). The leaflet stated that "All exhibition rooms are open for photography. Photos taken can be shared on social networking sites." So, whatever you do, please take a look at Ms. Ninagawa's amazing works.




*The projection mapping work was a highlight of the exhibition. However, sorry to say that I can’t show you a video of it, because other visitors were also caught on video.

The 21st Century Museum is always crowded with tourists. Therefore we recommend this museum in Toyama, where you can enjoy the exhibition in a relaxed atmosphere. In honor of Atsuhiko Misawa's bear sculpture (three of them, large and small, are displayed inside and outside the museum), visitors who bring their own bear goods can get a 200 yen discount on the admission fee. Hence, anytime I visit there I'm wearing a Grateful Dead bear T.
After enjoying Ninagawa's marvelous works, we went to the Fugan Canal Kansui Park adjacent to the museum.
It was a cloudy day, but fortunately we were able to view the peaks of the Tateyama range.

And more luck: ......

STARBUCKS COFFEE in Toyama KANSUI PARK is said to be the most beautiful coffee shop in the world. We started that day so early that we were able to easily enter this café, prior where we had always given up on entering after seeing the long line at the entrance.
The next stop was 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (1-2-1, Hirosaka, Kanazawa). June 5th was the last day of Ishikawa Prefecture's comprehensive art exhibition "Art Exhibition for High School Students". My wife, who works as an art teacher at a high school in the prefecture, had to work on her day off in the afternoon to clean up. The weather was so fine that I decided to accompany her. The rule of thumb is to act early to avoid the crowds in Kanazawa. Therefore my wife parked her car in the museum's underground parking a little after 10 a.m.

Museum Logo & Phots: from the official web page

Photos: from the Shiinoki Geihinkan official web page (http://www.shiinoki-geihinkan.jp/about/index.html)

First, we went to the Shiinoki Geihinkan, located across the road to the north. The Shiinoki Geihinkan is a comprehensive tourist information facility. The front of the building has been unchanged since 1924, while the back has been renovated into a modern glass space. Two 300-year-old shiinoki trees stand as symbols in front of the building. The building is also equipped with a restaurant,gallery, etc.
It just so happened to be the last day of the "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and we took a look at some stylish contemporary butsudan pieces. 

My favorite was a small one named "Mandala" about 20 cm high, an exotic and elegant piece with beautiful mother-of-pearl inlays on the door. Inside the mandala is what appears to be a statue of Ganesha, reasonably priced. I told my wife, "This is the one I’d like to enter after I was called to heaven". She smiled gently and took a pamphlet from the workshop.
Afterwards, we had an early lunch (my wife chose cabbage rolls and I chose bouillabaisse) and entered the 21st Century Museum....... And we were overwhelmed by the energy of the high school students! Photography of the exhibited works was allowed, but my wife said "You can't post the works without her permission! 

No, no, no!” I followed my wife's advice, (it was as it were categorical imperative) and refrained from posting the photos I took, (I just only wanted to introduce a self-portrait of a female student at the same high school as my son, she posed as Ryunosuke Akutagawa).
After seeing the high school students' masterpieces, my wife went to work and I went back to the Shiinoki Geihinkan. The reason was that the "Hyakumangoku Kanazawa Classic Car Festival 2022" was being held in the plaza, where about 100 classic cars were on display. I could not help but be impressed by the fact that all of the old cars, including Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Lancia and more, had license plates, meaning that they were all still in use and had driven themselves from far away to participate in the festival.  

Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa 芥川龍之介 Source: 'Portraits of Modern Japanese', National Diet Library (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/



Among those cars, I was most attracted to this car, the bright red Mazda Cosmo. It was my mother's car when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school (My mother has already passed away, but was considered a beauty at the time). I was so happy and felt nostalgic that I was taking a lot of pictures of it, and then the owner of the beautiful car came. I talked to him and I found out that Masayuki Kawahara, the owner, was born in 1962, the same school year as me who was born in early 1963. I explained to him about ICT and the Hakusanroku Journal, and he readily agreed to give me permission to use his name and photos for this journal. Mr. Kawahara, I made good on my promise.



The last stop was Togi town, Noto. On May 5th, I went touring in the Noto area on motorcycles with my friend of over 20 years, Naoya Ukita (Uki-chan). Uki-chan is a chemistry teacher at a high school in the prefecture. We became colleagues at another high school in Ishikawa Prefecture (although we worked together for only about three years,) 

but we hit it off right away over the same hobbies such as skiing, mountain climbing, motorcycles, and we are still friends today (we no longer drink alcohol together after the Corona disaster, but sometimes we drink coffee and talk together about world peace & original sin of mankind, or the beauty of João Gilberto's voice and guitar.etc.).It has been a long time since I had the liberating feeling of riding leisurely along the coastal road of Noto Sotoura with a pleasant breeze. We got off the motorcycles at Ganmon in Togi and headed for the sightseeing boat pier. There were not many tourists because it had not been long since the painful case of sinking Shiretoko sightseeing boat (April 23rd “rest in peace”),but it was a good time to "board and cheer" and board the boat. There were five passengers in all on that boat, 2 of us and 3 other parents and son.

It was a slightly windy day and there was a swell from the waves, but it was also pleasant. It was a good decision to board. We had sashimi set meals at a Japanese restaurant in Togi town, stocked up on convenience store sweets (the Japanese sweets shop we were looking for was unfortunately closed on that day), and headed to the beach. I had a blissful time with a fresh cup of coffee brewed by Uki-chan while the sea breeze blew. It's great to have friends.
Togi High School, long since closed, where I worked when I was still in my twenties. After riding our motorcycles slowly through the nostalgic town, we went to
Samon Food Store. There, I bought a pack of "Samon no Shiokara" (Not salmon. "Samon" is the name of the store. It is a very tasty "salted squid", a specialty of Togi town).We drove our motorcycles home safely, thinking that tonight would be the night for sake, and happily finished the last day of the Golden Week.


Dear guardians of ICT, Hokuriku area offers wonderful sights, relaxing hot springs, fresh and delicious fish, Noto beef, and good sake. You and your child can also enjoy a relaxing stay together in Hokuriku by using the dormitory's monthly overnight stay permit.

Please come and visit us. 

Yutaka Katabe, Japanese Language Department
* Text and photographs (except 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Shiinoki Geihinkan, the leaflet of "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and the Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa ) are by KTB.
* I have studied "Medieval Songs" in college, and "Medieval Buddhist Discourses" in graduate school. Hence, I have not had any education in English for 40 years since I finished my liberal arts course at Kanazawa University. Therefore, after finishing this article, I asked Edward Basquill sensei to check it out. Translation software has its limitations and there are nuances that I just can't understand unless I'm a native speaker. Ed helped me a lot. Thank you Ed! There are things that can only be learned from native teachers. The education system of the I C T makes this possible. I would like to study from now on. I want to be still in progress.

我が恋は水に燃えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍            閑吟集(室町時代の歌謡集)より



世界一美しいと言われるSTARBUCKS COFFEE 富山環水公園店、今日は時間が早かったためか、いつも入り口の行列を眺めて入店を諦めていたこのお店に、すんなりと入店できたのでした。


                                    国語科 准教授 潟辺 豊


December 23, 2021 English Cafe

Hello everyone! On the 22nd December I held a Christmas-themed English Café event for local residents at Oguchi Community Centre, just down the road from Hakusanroku Campus.

This time, 4 adults from Oguchi, Shiramine, and Yoshinodani attended. We started the event by learning about how to write Christmas cards in English, and then everyone had a go at writing one themselves. Meanwhile, 2 primary school children and 1 nursery-age child did Christmas-themed colouring, mazes, and other similar activities too. After that, everyone helped to decorate the Christmas tree. Father Christmas even made an appearance! The children and the adults were excited when he came in!

The staff at the Community Centre worked very hard to prepare everything for this event, as they do every month. I’m very grateful for their help.

I’m looking forward to continuing English Café into 2022 – it’s a great opportunity to meet and talk to members of the local community.

 James Taylor







October 11, 2021 1・2年生自然教室 三方岩岳ハイキング




木原 均

 On September 21 (Tue), the first- and second-year students went on a hiking trip to Sanpoiwatake as an extracurricular activity. Participants were seven first-year students, ten second-year students, seven teachers; a total of 24 people. Sanpoiwatake is located along the Hakusan-Shirakawago White Road and takes about 50 minutes up and 40 minutes back down.

 Everyone boarded a bus at 9 am and departed for the starting point adjacent to Sanpoiwatake parking area. On the way, Owari coach talked about each location of Mt. Hakusan’s nature that we could see out the windows, such as the names of waterfalls, avalanche chutes, and wildlife living in the area. His lecture was fascinating and students especially showed interest in stories that he actually experienced in the area. Episodes such as exploring Jyatani-keikoku (snake valley) and finding out that there actually are many snakes as the name suggests, and encountering multiple bears when traversing the mountains. They were exciting stories none of us had ever experienced. We stopped at “The Great Waterfall of Fukube” about ten minutes into the White Road and took a break and a group photo, and began our climb a little past ten o’clock.

 The weather was perfect and the students hiked along in good spirits. It seemed that they had more than enough energy because we reached the top 30 minutes before schedule. What a wonderful thing youth is. I was additionally surprised to hear that one student had climbed Mt. Hakusan the previous day. He didn’t show any sight of fatigue and stood out in my mind. In contrast, some teachers and myself could feel the strength running out of our legs as we returned to the bus. At the parking lot we showed each other our shaking knees and laughed as we boarded the bus. We returned to the campus at noon and that was the end of the event. However, some students still had energy to burn and turned right around and went swimming in a nearby river with Owari coach. For a while we could not go anywhere due to COVID-19, but this day was an opportunity to refresh our body and mind in the nature near Hakusanroku Campus, and spend time with students somewhere other than a classroom.

Hitoshi Kihara

October 5, 2021 3年生が食文化体験






黒田 譜美

The third-year students visited the Zeniya Gohei Memorial Museum and the Yamato Soysause & Miso Kouji Park as part of the Global Life and Culture class.

Zeniya Gohei was a successful merchant who sailed the Japan Sea during the late Edo period. The museum displays his handwritten journal, antique items such as compasses and telescopes, and a 1/4 scale model of his Kitamae-bune cargo ship “Jyohou-maru”, so you could get a picture of what it was like at the time. There are theories suggesting that Zeniya Gohei sailed to Tasmania and even America during the period of isolation; which Pauline sensei was surprised to hear. (Inoue-kun and Sato-kun translated for her. Thank you!)

Next, we visited the Yamato Soysause & Miso Kouji Park near Kanazawa Port. (*Kouji = malted rice or other grains) We bathed our hands in warm kouji water (it makes your skin silky smooth!) and compared smell and taste of miso with different fermentation periods. It was an opportunity to experience kouji and miso with all five senses. The six-month-old miso was a paler color and gently sweet compared to the one-year-old miso, which was rich in flavor and in smell. Kouji is a national fungus that the Japanese have passed down threw the ages. Miso created with kouji is an excellent fermented product that includes mold, yeast fungus, bacteria all in one. The students received eight-month-old miso as a souvenir and immediately declared that they planned to make “tonjiru” (miso soup with pork and vegetables). On the way home, we viewed old boilers, chimneys, Ono River estuary where merchants used to unload their cargo, and the Japan Sea; and imagined the days when Kitamae-bune cargo ships sailed the ocean.

The topic was a familiar food we eat every day. However, the educational content scaled from small microorganisms to large topics such as trading and history. It was a beneficial trip that let us rethink the culture of food in Japan.

Fumi Kuroda

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