
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Engineering Design (ED)

July 9, 2024 Optional Learning Friday

 Hello, this is Apirak Sang-ngenchai, the learning mentor. It's been a while since I’ve posted an article. Anyway, I want to share some of the awesome activities we did last semester.


 AI is everywhere these days, and it's changing how we do things in all kinds of fields. One interesting area is human activity recognition (HAR), where AI helps people understand and analyze what they are doing based on data from sensors or cameras. Mediapipe, a tool from Google, is super useful for this and is used to develop it in this workshop.


 Every Friday, the students have an optional learning session. The Learning Mentor holds a variety of workshop to help them learn something outside their regular class topics or to improve their learning skills. I decided to hold a workshop called "Learning Friday," where students got hands-on experience with Google Mediapipe. They learned how to extract body joints using Mediapipe through Python programming, which provided a great way to gain coding experience. The session was highly interactive and fun, allowing everyone to experiment and learn together in a relaxed setting.

  毎週金曜日は、学生たちが参加を選択できるラーニングセッションが実施されます。授業の学習内容とは異なることを学んだり、学習スキルを向上させるために、ラーニングメンターによって様々なワークショップが開催されます。そこで私は、学生たちが Google Mediapipe を実際に体験できる「ラーニングフライデー」というワークショップを開催することにしました。その中で学生たちは、Pythonプログラミングを通じて Mediapipe を使用し、体の骨格や関節を検出する方法を学びました。これは、コーディングの経験を積むのにとても良い方法となりました。また、このラーニングフライデーは非常に対話的で楽しく、リラックスした雰囲気の中で全員が一緒に実験したり学べる時間を持つことができました。

 Learning to code in AI is really important for students. It not only opens up lots of job opportunities but also helps develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Getting comfortable with AI tools like Mediapipe means students can participate in the latest tech developments. This workshop was a perfect way to help them prepare for the future.




  Haruto Shiraishi, a current 3rd year student who participated in this workshop in the last semester of last school year, He wrote a journal. Please take a look!

 昨年度の後学期に、このワークショップに参加した現在3年生の白石 春翔さんが、白山麓ジャーナルを書きました。どうぞご覧ください!

Apirak Sang-ngenchai

 こんにちは、この「ラーニングフライデー」ワークショップを受講した3年生の白石 春翔です。ここで学習したことや感じたことなどをこのジャーナルにまとめたいと思います。

 Hello, this is Haruto Shiraishi, a 3rd year student who took this "Learning Friday" workshop. I would like to summarize what I learned and felt here in this journal.


 In recent years, AI technology has been evolving day by day, and its applications have become diversified and are used in various situations. Under the guidance of Apirak sensei, we constructed a system that sends notifications to LINE after machine learning and discriminating between monkeys and humans. We also used AI to read facial expressions, and we challenged ourselves in many other ways over a long period of time.


 Through these activities, I became interested in AI and wondered if it could be used in many more situations. Then, I remembered that my professor had created a system that used human activity recognition (HAR) to identify yoga poses. I felt this technology had potential applications in robotics and other fields, so I asked him to help us.


 The most difficult part of the course was to understand the code, which consisted of more than 100 lines. However, by reading and writing the code one by one, I was able to understand it clearly, and I was able to deepen my understanding by modifying the code a little myself and experimenting with various images and videos.


 Although it ended up in the production stage, we also tried to control the robot arm using what we had learned here.


 In the future, I would like to apply these AI technologies to develop products that can contribute to solving various social issues.

白石 春翔
Haruto Shiraishi


May 21, 2024 エンジニアリングデザインⅡA(2年生)「紅はるか」苗の作付けに再び挑戦

 こんにちは。校長の鹿田 正昭です。
 2024425日(木)、昨年に引き続き、エンジニアリングデザインⅡA2年生)アグリビジネス班の「紅はるか」の苗植えをお手伝いしました。昨年は校長室から畝づくりをしている様子が見えたので、興味津々で現地に向かいました。今年の3月に退職した山崎 俊太郎先生から「来週は苗を植えますので参加しませんか?」とお誘いがあり翌週に参加しました。
 今年は松下 臣仁先生から事前に日程を伺っていたので、418日(木)の畝づくり(見学のみ)と425日(木)の苗植えに参加しました。苗植え前日の424日(水)は激しい雨でしたが、当日は快晴に恵まれ、気温も20度くらいあって、苗植えには最適の天候でした。
オープンキャンパス詳細はこちら: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/opencampus/

鹿田 正昭

Engineering Design IIA (2nd year) Beniharuka Seedling Planting Challenge

 Hello. I am Masaaki Shikada, ICT President.
 On Thursday, April 25th, 2024, I assisted in the planting of Beniharuka seedlings, as I did last year. Last year, I could see the digging process from the president's office, so I headed to the field with great interest. Shuntaro Yamazaki sensei, who retired in March of this year, asked if I would like to join in planting the seedings. I joined the following week.
 This year, Omihito Matsushita sensei had told me about the schedule in advance, so I participated in digging rows for planting on Thursday, April 18th (observation only) and the planting of seedlings on Thursday, April 25th. Although it rained heavily on Wednesday, April 24th, the day before the seedlings were planted, the day was blessed with clear skies and a temperature of about 20 degrees, perfect weather for planting seedlings.
 Last year, I planted the third row of seedlings from the east side, and this year I planted the first row on the west side with learning mentor Domyson Abuan sensei. It had been a year since I had planted seedlings, so I checked with Matsushita sensei on how to plant before I started. Since I was working with Domyson sensei, we were able to plant the seedings quickly and easily.
 In the Engineering Design IIA (2nd year), the Agribusiness Team is managing the operations of the Beniharuka business by cultivating and tending to the Beniharuka while the Tech Team (*1) is developing an AI-based animal damage prevention system. Last year, the harvest yield was less than usual due to the lack of water caused by the extremely hot summer, and many of the sweet potatoes were smaller than usual.
 The Tech Team is working on measures to prevent animal damage, and the Agribusiness Team is fully aware of the growth conditions, and I am looking forward to seeing how the Beniharuka will grow this year. I am now looking forward to the baked sweet potato sales scheduled to take place at Sena Roadside Station on Sunday, November 3rd and Monday, November 4th.
 The ICT will hold an open campus on Sunday, November 3rd. If you are planning to attend on this day and have the time, we are looking forward to seeing you at Sena Roadside Station.
Click here for open campus details:  https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/opencampus/

Masaaki Shikada

Report on the Implementation of Engineering Design IIA (April and May)


Thursday, April 11th, 2024

Every year, we invite local residents at the beginning of the class to hear about the community's thoughts, initiatives, and issues.



Thursday, April 18th, 2024

Soil preparation and digging rows for planting.


Thursday, April 25th, 2024 

Planting Beinharuka soil and ridges for planting Beniharuka seedlings.


Thursday, May 9th, 2024 

Electric fence installed around fields to prevent monkeys from entering.


(*1) About the Tech Team
 One of the local issues at Hakusanroku Campus is the damage caused by animals to crops. The Tech Team has been working on measures to prevent damage by monkeys. They have developed a system that can recognize monkeys in nature and has improved the reliability of recognition using AI to over 90%. Last year, the team developed and verified a function that sends a notification to the LINE app on the smartphone owned by the producer when the AI recognizes a monkey. The Tech Team also verified the effect of drones on the threat of monkeys.
 This year, the Tech Team is working on the development of a robot (rover) for patrolling the fields as a means of protecting them other than the use of drones. This rover can drive over the fields (uneven terrain). The team can verify the landing accuracy when the drone is flown automatically. The Tech Team is also developing a system to check the field conditions (especially weather and wind) in order to operate the drone and rover.

March 21, 2024 1年生のエンジニアリングデザイン最終発表

Makada こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2024年1月26日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIB(1年生)の最終発表について紹介します。
 「エンジニアリングデザインIB」は、1年生の後学期に開講される必修科目で、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。このプロジェクトでは、ターゲットユーザーへのインタビュー調査などを通して、そこに潜む問題や要望に対して解決する装置をLEGO EV3やレーザーカッター、3Dプリンタなどを使用し、製作します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IB 1st year presentations held on Friday, January 26th, 2024.
 In Engineering Design IB, a required 1st year 2nd semester course, students work in teams to discover and solve problems by adopting design thinking, a method of creating new value from the user's point of view. For this project, students were given the task of designing a device that solves the problems and meets the demands of their target users through interviews, using LEGO EV3, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other tools. 
 The students were divided into five teams to solve the problems, three teams with the target user of “Hime no Yu (Hot spring)" and two teams with the "Gymnasium".


 そこで比咩の湯Aチームは、LEGO EV3を使い、カメムシを処理する際に臭いを放つことなく、自動で確実にカメムシを駆除できる装置を製作しました。この装置は超音波センサーで壁への激突を防ぎながら自動で移動します。そして、床にいるカメムシを装置に取り付けられたガムテープで拾い上げ、定期的にガムテームを巻くことで、カメムシをガムテームで閉じ込め、臭いを放つ前に駆除する仕組みです。ガムテープの梱包は、設定時間ごとに自動で梱包されます。

【Hime no Yu A Team (Rinse, Sena, Shinri, Eita)】

 The Hime no Yu A team focused on stink bugs lurking in the building following interviews with hot spring staff and observation at the hot spring facilities. Stink bugs are often found in mountainous areas and warm places. The stink bugs have a distinctive odor, which is unpleasant. 
 Therefore, students used the LEGO EV3 to create a device that can automatically and reliably eliminate stink bugs as well as preventing the stink bugs from releasing their unpleasant odor. The device uses ultrasonic sensors to move automatically while preventing it from crashing into walls. The stink bugs on the floor are then picked up with gummed tape attached to the device, and gummed tape is regularly wrapped around them to trap them in the gummed tape and exterminate them before they release their odor. Then the gummed tape is automatically reset for the next use.


 比咩の湯Bチームは、時間のかかる木でできた浴槽を効率よく掃除できることで、温泉スタッフが他の業務に時間を使うことができ仕事自体の効率をあげることができるのではないかと考え、夜中のうちに浴槽のぬめりを自動で掃除してくれる装置をLEGO EV3を用いて製作しました。浴槽内に人の垢が溜まるとヌメリが発生します。そのため日々、汚れや水分をとることが大切です。LEGO EV3で製作した装置は、ブラシやスポンジが取り付けられており、浴槽内を動き回り、回転スポンジとローリングスポンジの機能で汚れを除去し、超音波センサーで壁への激突も防ぎます。また、デザインはレーザーカッターと3Dプリンタで製作し、温泉にぴったりの落ち着きある柄で制作しました。

【Hime no Yu B team (Tasuki, Mitsuki, Hiroko, Yuuka)】Wooden bathtubs

 Hime no Yu has two baths, one made of wood and one made of rock, and the hot spring staff clean both with a brush. The wooden baths in particular are made of delicate materials and must be cleaned carefully so as not to damage them, which takes time.
 The Hime no Yu B team thought that if the wooden baths could be cleaned quickly, the staff could spend their time on other tasks and improve the efficiency of their work itself. When human grime builds up in the hot spring, it causes slime. The device, built with LEGO EV3, is fitted with brushes and sponges, which move around the bathtub, removing dirt with the rotating and rolling sponge functions, while ultrasonic sensors prevent it from crashing into the walls. The design was produced using a laser cutter and 3D printer, with a soothing pattern that is perfect for hot springs.



【Hime no Yu C Team (Yura, Taichi, Hayato, Kentaro, Ruuna)】

 Students are required to present their student ID cards to the hot spring staff when using the hot spring baths at Hime no Yu. This indicates that students are using the hot springs amongst the general public. At the same time, this allows the staff to understand the students' usage of the hot springs. The students wanted an efficient and easy way to identify students entering the hot spring in order to reduce the workload of hot spring staff.
 The students came up with a number of ideas, including using facial recognition and fingerprints. In the end, they created a QR code for individual student recognition that could be attached to student ID cards and passed through a QR code-reading device to create a system to control the entrance and exit of the hot spring. The QR codes allow quick entry to the hot spring, and the system screen displays a list of names of students who have entered the hot spring, making it easy to see who is using the hot spring.


 学生たちは、特に道具が多いバドミントンに着目し、LEGO EV3やアルミフレーム、木材などを用いて、バドミントンネットを自動で巻きとる装置と、ネットと道具一式をまとめて運べるカートを製作しました。これにより片付けや準備も、一人で手軽に行うことができるようになりました。

【Gymnasium A team (Kieto, Rintaro, Nagi, Kaya)】

 The Gymnasium A team interviewed Health and Physical Education teacher Philip Cadzow sensei about the use and management of the gymnasium and students discovered that the equipment storage area, including nets and balls in the gym equipment room, was messy.
 The students focused on badminton, which has a particularly large amount of equipment. They used LEGO EV3, aluminum frames and wood to create a device that automatically winds up the badminton net and a cart that can carry the net and all the equipment together. This made it possible for one person to clean up and prepare the equipment easily.



【Gymnasium B team (Sho, Yoh, Akihiro, Kanamu)】

 Through an interview with Philip sensei, the Gymnasium B team found the cleaning of gym mops was a problem. The amount of time and effort required to carry the gym mops to the washing machine, dry the mops after washing was completed and then carry them back to the gymnasium was too much. 
 This team therefore produced a compact, easy-to-use device that can easily carry several mops at once and dry them as they are. The device was programmed to be operated remotely. It allows the mops to be transported from the gymnasium to the washing machine by remote control, and then dried directly on the device after the mops have been washed.



 In Engineering DesignⅠA, offered in the 1st semester, the students discovered problems around their life, came up with solutions and gave shape to their ideas with their own hands (see here for details) In the 2nd semester, the students took on the challenge of solving problems for target users in teams. They faced various issues such as discussions, schedule management and division of roles within the team.
 The students conducted interviews and observations with target users, verified and evaluated their ideas, and proceeded to design and produce a solution to the target user's problem. In the limited time available, there were still some things that needed to be verified in order to improve the ideas and prototypes, but I think the students were able to realise the necessity and importance of this process. 

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

December 14, 2023 後学期のラーニングセッションについて


Makadaこんにちは!白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は後学期のラーニングセッションの新しい取り組みについて紹介します。
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I will write about the second semester Learning Sessions.


 Learning Sessions are held every Monday through Friday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for class preparation and review. The Learning Mentors are Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei, Krishia Atillo sensei, Domyson Abuan sensei, and Sade Moore sensei. Krishia sensei, Domyson sensei, and Sade sensei joined ICT this summer. The Learning Mentors help students with their assignments. In addition to support from the Learning Mentors, students also help and learn from each other.


 A new initiative began in the second semester. Before this semester, at the start of Learning Session students usually only met with others in their same year to review their progress. But this semester, once a week, students are divided into 4 mixed groups of 1st and 2nd year students (about 10 students per group) to support each other's progress. One Learning Mentor is assigned to each group. The groups are named after the houses in Harry Potter:  Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Groups were randomly chosen. 


 Each group started with 1000 points. The students can gain or lose group points. Group points are added for things such as attendance and submitting assignments. However, points are deducted if an assignment is not submitted on time or if a group member does not complete an assignment. It is imperative that groups members support each other. At the end of the semester, the group with the highest score will receive a prize.

 また、もう1つの新しい取り組みとして、毎週金曜日のラーニングセッション(オプショナルの日)には、ラーニングメンターたちが様々なワークショップを企画します。20231110日(金)のラーニングセッションでは、ドミソン先生主催の「ICT Game Show」が開催されました。これは学生たちが楽しく授業の予習をし、学生同士のコミュニケーション能力の向上を目的としています。ワークショップへの参加を希望した学生たちは大階段に集合し、チームに分かれて、ゲーム形式で数学・理科・工学の問題に答え、ゲームショーを通して授業を振り返りました。問題は「簡単」「普通」「難しい」に分けられ、ゲーム終了後には、出題された回答を学ぶ機会も設けられました。

 Another new initiative has also been launched during the optional Friday Learning Sessions wherein Learning Mentors offer a variety of workshops. On Friday, November 10th, 2023, there was an "ICT Game Show" hosted by Domyson sensei. The purpose of this is for students to have fun preparing for classes and learn from each other while improving communication among students. Students who wished to participate in the workshop gathered on the big stairs and were divided into teams to answer math, science, and engineering questions in a game show format and reflect on their lessons through the contest. The questions were divided into "easy," "normal," and "difficult" categories, and after the game was over, students had the opportunity to review the questions posed and learn the answers.


 Learning Sessions are an important extracurricular learning experience to ensure that students remember what they learned in their previous classes so that they can be active participants in their next classes. Supplementary English instruction supports students according to their level of proficiency. The cheerful and energetic Learning Mentors are preparing various fun workshops and activities for the Learning Sessions and other events. I hope students will enjoy studying various subjects through the Learning Sessions!

【Hakusanroku Journal】Written by Learning Mentors

アピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生 Apirak Sang-ngenchai Sensei 
Thai Festival in Tokyo
クリシア・アティロ先生 Krishia Atillo sensei
Life at ICT Hakusanroku Campus
ドミソン・アブワン先生 Domyson Abuan sensei
Full Circle, and Onwards
シャーデー・モーア先生 Sadé Moore sensei
Started From Tsubata, Now I’m Here.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

December 11, 2023 高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売

 こんにちは。2年生の夏木 亮凪です。今回は2023113日(金)と4日(土)に行われた「高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売」についてご紹介します。エンジニアリングデザインという授業の一環で、アグリビジネス班は地域活性化活動として毎年、芋販売を行っています。そして、今年は新たなキャラクターを考案・作成し、それに伴ったガチャガチャやTシャツ販売など、より幅広い年代層の方に楽しんでいただける企画となりました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Hello, I’ Ryona Natsuki, a second-year student. This time, I would like to talk about the Ishiyaki Imo (stone-baked sweet potato) sale which was held on the 3rd and 4th of November, 2023. As part of our engineering design class, Agribusiness Team holds an annual potato sale as a community revitalization activity. This year, we created and added a new character to the event, and we also sold t-shirts and gacha balls to make it more enjoyable for a wider range of people. For more information

 僕が屋台販売中に主に行った事は二種類ありますが、今回、特に印象に残っている「声掛け作業」について話していきたいと思います。僕たちの屋台は「道の駅 瀬女」の隣にあり、道の駅でお買物される方やドッグランの方に向かわれていた方をターゲットとして焼芋販売をしていました。年代層の幅は広く、小さなお子さんを連れているご家族や白山市に昔から住まれているご高齢の方たちがいて、中には去年の焼芋販売にも来てくださった方などもいました。小さな子供達にはガチャガチャなどが目に留まるようで、「かわいらしいオリジナルキャラクターグッズもお買い上げいただけます!」と声掛けをすると親御さんと笑顔でご購入して下さったり、ご高齢の方には甘くてトロトロな紅はるかを大きな声で宣伝することで、「頑張ってね!」とほっこりした表情でご購入いただけたりしました。ただ、一度声掛けで誤ってしまった点がありました。「熱くてほくほくな焼芋はいかがですかー」と、これが並んでくださっていたお客さまのご希望ではなかったみたいで、「熱くてトロトロな紅はるかを期待していたのに、ホクホクなのね」と帰ってしまいました。それ以降このようなミスはしないように心掛けたのですが、お客様が帰ってしまったのはショックでした()。芋の販売利益にも影響するのでしっかりと考えてから発言するようにしようと思いました。


 There were two main things I did during the stall sales, but this time I would like to talk about one that left a particularly strong impression on me: talking to people. Our stall was located next to a Sena Roadside Station, and we were selling potatoes to people who were shopping at the Sena Roadside Station or heading for a dog run. There was a wide range of age groups, including families with small children and elderly Hakusan City residents, some of whom had visited us last year. The children seemed to be attracted by the gacha balls and other items, and when we told them, "You can buy cute original character goods too!” the parents smilingly bought the products. We also loudly encouraged elderly people to buy the sweet and tender Beniharuka sweet potatoes, which brought a smile to their faces, and some of them said “good luck!” as they made a purchase. However, there was one point where I made a mistake in what I said. I said, “Would you like a hot and fluffy sweet potato?” This was not what the customer in line wanted, and he left saying, “I was expecting a hot and melty Beniharuka, but it's so soft and fluffy.” After that, I tried not to make such a mistake, but I was shocked when the customer left (ha ha). I thought I would think carefully before making a comment because it would affect the profit from the sale of potatoes.
 Many things happened, but I am very glad that I was able to have this valuable experience of actually selling something.

夏木 亮凪
Ryona Natsuki

August 31, 2023 エンジニアリングデザインⅠA「最終プレゼンテーション」

Makada こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2023年7月21日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインⅠA(1年生)の最終ポスター発表について紹介します。

 最初の授業で、学生たちはドローイングスキルを学び、プロトタイプなどの図面を正確に描ける能力を養いました。チームでアイデアを出し合い、創造的な思考を視覚化し正しく他者に伝えるためには、コミュニケーションツールとしてドローイングスキルが重要です。まず学生たちは、立体の図形や携帯電話、マグカップなどの立体物の描き方を学んだ後、不便だと感じているものを改善する解決策を20個以上スケッチしました。その後、20個のスケッチの中から1個を選び、教員たちにスケッチを見せながら英語でプレゼンテーションし、フィードバックを受けるデザインレビューセッションが行われました。 そこでは、教員たちからモノの機能や、安全性、デザイン、素材、必要性等についてフィードバックがありました。そして、段ボールや紙を使って簡易的な模型を製作し、サイズや機構を確認しました。その後、コンピュータスキルズの授業で学んでいる「Fusion360」や「イラストレータ」を応用して3Dモデル等を設計し、3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターなどを使って実際にプロトタイプを製作しました。最終授業で行われたポスター発表では、実際に製作したモノを紹介しながら、そのプロセス、問題解決、ユーザーニーズ、使用結果の検証、今後の改善点、結論等を発表し、審査員の教員たちから質疑が行われました。 

間加田 侑里

 This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku Office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design I A poster presentation held on Friday, July 21st.
 In Engineering Design IA, the students work on project-based learning activities. They find problems in their daily lives and create solutions for these problems. Through the projects, students learn basic knowledge and methods to make quick prototypes of their ideas and enjoy value creation by giving shape to their ideas.
 For this assignment, the task was to redesign “the worst thing that they use every day” and improve it. There were a variety of things that the students found problematic in their daily lives. They included things that they have their own rooms, use during class, and so on.
 In the first class, students learned drawing skills and developed the ability to accurately draw prototypes and other drawings. Drawing skills are important as a communication tool for teams to generate ideas and to visualize and correctly communicate creative thinking to others through visualization. First, the students learned how to draw solid figures such as mobile phones, mugs, and other solid figure drawings, and then students sketched more than 20 solutions to improve the things they felt were inconvenient. Afterwards, the students selected one of the 20 sketches and gave a presentation in English while showing the sketch to the teachers, and a design review session was held to receive feedback. After students explained the functions, safety, design, materials, and necessity of the objects, they received feedback from the teachers. Then, students built a simple model using cardboard and paper to confirm the size and mechanism. After that, students designed 3D models by applying the Fusion360 and Illustrator skills which they are learning in Computer Skills class, and actually made prototypes using 3D printers and laser cutters. The final class was a poster presentation session where the students presented their prototypes, including the process, problem solving method, user needs, verification of results, future improvements, and conclusions while introducing the actual products they produced, and student answered questions from the faculty.

 It was impressive to see the lively expressions on the students' faces as they actively asked questions to the instructors about how to design prototypes using the 3D printer, laser cutter, and other equipment as well as how to use the applications. I believe that the students were able to experience the process of giving shape to their unique imaginations and ideas, and able to affirm their enjoyment of idea generation. I am sure that the new learning students gained from this class will help them in the future.

Yuri Makada



May 24, 2023 エンジニアリングデザインⅡA(2年生)「紅はるか」苗の作付け

 こんにちは。国際高専校長の鹿田 正昭です。

 2年生の「エンジニアリングデザイン」では、アグリビジネス班は「紅はるか」を栽培し農業法人の経営ビジネスに取り組み、獣害対策班(※1)はAIを活用した獣害対策システムを開発しているという話は聞いていました。実際にアグリビジネス班が畑作業をしている姿を見るのは初めてでした。アグリビジネス班を担当している山崎 俊太郎先生、松下 臣仁先生、小髙 有普先生からこれまでの経過について説明を聞いている横で、秋の収穫に向け、丁寧に畑作業をしている学生たちの姿が印象的でした。

 獣害対策も行いながら、秋には白山麓キャンパス前の「道の駅瀬女」で紅はるかを販売することになると思いますので、これからの経過が楽しみです。広報を担当している志鷹 英男さんが昨年の20221222日の白山麓ジャーナルに「紅はるか事業」の成果について詳しく書いていますので、ぜひご覧ください。






鹿田 正昭




Engineering Design IIA (2nd year) Planting Beniharuka Seedlings

 Hello. This is Masaaki Shikada, President of ICT.
 On Thursday, April 20th, 2023, before starting a meeting in the president's office on the Hakusanroku Campus, I casually looked outside and saw many 2nd year students heading to fallow fields. I wanted to go there immediately, but I had a meeting, so I couldn't head over there right away. After the meeting, I looked outside again and saw that the soil had been prepared and the rows had been dug, so I hurried over to the field.

 I had heard that the 2nd year Engineering Design class had an Agribusiness Team, which is working on growing Beniharuka as well as the management business of an agricultural corporation, and an Animal Damage Prevention Team (*1), which is developing an AI-based animal damage prevention system. This was the first time I actually saw the Agribusiness Team working in the fields. I asked Shuntaro Yamazaki sensei, Omihito Matsushita  sensei, and Arihiro Kodaka sensei about the students’ progress. It was impressive to see the students carefully working to ensure a large autumn harvest.

 A few days later, Yamazaki sensei asked me, "Next week we will be planting seedlings, so would you like to join us?". One week later, on Thursday, April 27th, 2023, I planted Beniharuka with the students. As a child I played in the mud everyday, so the smell of soil made me feel nostalgic. After learning how to plant seedlings from Yamazaki sensei, I planted the 3rd row from the eastern side of the garden bed. At first, I only planned to plant a few seedlings and finish the experience, but I ended up planting one whole row (about 30 plants).
 The Animal Damage Prevention will work on ensuring that the Beniharuka seedlings are protected from harm. After they grow, the Beniharuka will be sold at Sena Roadside Station in the autumn, so I'm looking forward to seeing this future progress. Mr. Hideo Shitaka from Public Relations wrote in detail about last year's achievements in the Hakusanroku Journal on December 22nd, 2022, so please take a look at his journal entry.



(*1) About Animal Damage Prevention
 At HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan), crop damage caused by monkeys is becoming more and more serious every year. The Animal Damage Prevention Team is developing a system that uses AI & IoT that can recognize monkeys. To date, students have successfully improved recognition reliability to over 90% by having the AI learn thousands of photos of monkeys. In addition, students have developed and verified 2 functions to protect the crops. The 1st is a sound and light intimidation function. The 2nd is a Line app that sends notifications when the AI recognizes a monkey. Also, last year students verified the effectiveness of drones in intimidating monkeys. This year, they plan to develop a new project based upon the drone threat system that was particularly effective last year.

Masaaki Shikada


April 7, 2023 エンジニアリングデザインⅠB(1年生)最終発表

Makada こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2023127日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIB(1年生)の最終発表について紹介します。
 今回のプロジェクトでは、ターゲットユーザーへのインタビュー調査などを通して、そこに潜む問題や要望を解決する装置をLEGO EV3やレーザーカッター、3Dプリンターなどを使用し設計するという課題に対して、学生たちはターゲットとする「比咩の湯」チーム2組と「ラーニングセッション」チーム2組、計4組に分かれ、問題解決に挑みました。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IB 1st year presentations held on Friday, January 27th.
 In Engineering Design IB, a required 1st year 2nd semester course, students work in teams to discover and solve problems by adopting design thinking, a method of creating new value from the user's point of view.
 For this project, students were given the task of designing a device that solves the problems and meets the demands of their target users through interviews, using LEGO EV3, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other tools. The students were divided into four teams, two teams targeted Himenoyu (hot spring) and two teams targeted Learning Session and were challenged to identify and solve problems at Himenoyu and Learning Session.


 そこで比咩の湯Aチームは、いつどのタイミングでカメムシが現れるか分からないことから、温泉スタッフの手間を省くことができないかと考え、LEGO EV3を使ってお客様に不愉快を与えずにカメムシを処理する装置を製作しました。窓に付着したカメムシをワイパー方式でベルトコンベアの上に落とし、臭いを発生させずに自動的に容器に入る仕組みです。

【Himenoyu A team (Haruki, Haruto, Tenzing and Shuya)】

 The Himenoyu A team focused on stink bugs in and around buildings. Stink bugs gather in warm places and are often found in mountainous areas. In Himenoyu, where these two conditions are met, stink bugs are often seen on windows and inside buildings. Their appearance and odor is unpleasant for customers. Himenoyu staff who find stink bugs would catch them with chopsticks or tongs and dispose of them in plastic containers. 
 The Himenoyu A team wondered if it would be possible to save time and effort for the Himenoyu staff, since they never know when and at what time the stink bugs will appear. Students decided to create a device using a LEGO EV3 to deal with the stink bugs without disturbing the customers. This system uses a wiper system to knock the stink bugs off the window and onto a conveyor belt where they automatically enter a container for disposal without generating odor.


 比咩の湯Bチームが製作した装置は、製品に50 cm以内に人が近づくと足元に設置した超音波センサが感知し、広告が10秒ごとに静かにゆっくりと回転する仕組みです。回転体にはお風呂や比咩の湯についての紹介などが記載されています。

【Himenoyu B team (Yuzuki, Yuto, Ichiryu and Takuho)】

The Himenoyu B team found out through an interview with the manager, Mr. Nawashiro, that he often has the opportunity to talk to customers about the features of Himenoyu. However, the students focused on the fact that sometimes it is not possible for Mr. Nawashiro to talk to customers. This is unfortunate that he cannot chat with customers who are interested in learning more about Himenoyu.
 The Himenoyu B team decided to create an advertising device for the hot spring so that more people can learn about the hot spring, even when Mr. Nawashiro cannot talk to customers. Students chose not to use the usual paper media. Students built a device that customers would be interested in looking at and that would not generate noise and disturb other customers who had come to the hot spring to relax. The device created by the Himenoyu B team works by having an ultrasonic sensor installed at its base. This sensor detects when a person approaches within 50 cm, causing the device to rotate silently and slowly every 10 seconds. This has written information about the baths, Himenoyu, etc.


・学生たちがラーニングメンターに質問をしたい時、ラーニングメンターが別の学生の対応をしていて対応できない時があるので、より効率的に対応したい このことからラーニングセッションAチームはラーニングメンターと学生たちのコミュニケーションを促進させて、学生たちが自ら計画を立てて実行できるようにするためのWebサイトの制作と学生たちが質問をしたい時に音や動きでラーニングメンターに知らせる装置を製作しました。

【Learning Session A team(Riku, Eiki, Rikuto and Aki)】

The Learning Session A team interviewed Learning Mentors about their activities during the Learning Session and focused on the following two key points.
Learning Mentors would like students to be aware of their own goals and plans for the day's activities.
Learning Mentors would like to make it easier and more efficient for students to ask Learning Mentors questions, as sometimes Learning Mentors are not able to respond to questions because they are working with other students.
 The Learning Mentor A team created a website to facilitate communication between Learning Mentors and students. This website enables students to make and implement their own study plans. This team also built a device which is connected to the website that alerts Learning Mentors when students have questions.
 A To-Do List was set up on the website page, which allows students to plan the tasks they will work on and check their progress in accomplishing them. Also, when Learning Mentors are busy with other students or it is difficult to talk with them, students could post questions in the question space on the website. Posting a question on the website activates a device which lets the Learning Mentors know that a question has been uploaded. As for the creation of the web page, students used the HTML and CSS skills they learned as part their Computer Skills classes.




【Learning Session B team (Shiyu, Hitoshi, Ryona, Ayuri and Ryoya)】

 From interviews with Learning Mentors, the Learning Session B team was reminded of the importance of time management when students focus on an activity during a Learning Session and when they take a break. Sometimes students take breaks in a different location from where they work during the Learning Session. The problems is that sometimes they forget to return promptly from the break, leaving them with less time to work on their activities.
 Based on the above problem, students created a timer device dedicated to Learning Session activities and a case to house the device so that students can be more aware of their study time and not spend too much time on other activities. In addition, the case is equipped with a storage space for printouts where students can submit documents to their Learning Mentors as well as a message board to facilitate communication between the Learning Mentors and students. The frames for this case and message board were made of wood cut with the laser cutter and assembled by students. The case was also made with consideration for the size of the LEGO unit that serves as the timer, the placement of the charging cable, and other user-friendly features.

 前学期で開講された「エンジニアリングデザインⅠA」では、身の回りの問題を自分自身で発見し解決策を考え、自分の手でアイデアをカタチにしました。(詳細はこちら: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/20172/)後学期では、ターゲットユーザーに対して、チームでの問題解決に挑んだため、チーム内での話し合いやスケジュール管理、役割分担など様々な課題に直面したようです。

 In Engineering DesignA, offered in the 1st semester, the students discovered problems around their life, came up with solutions and gave shape to their ideas with their own hands (see here for details: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/20172/) In the 2nd semester, the students took on the challenge of solving problems for target users in teams. They faced various issues such as discussions, schedule management and division of roles within the team.
 The students were not able to conduct sufficient verification and evaluation with the target users in some areas. For example, the students were not able to ask target users what they thought about these devises. I believe that this was an opportunity for the students to reaffirm the importance of not only developing the functional aspects of the products they created but also to understand the issues faced by users and co-creating solutions with users to confirm their usefulness.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

December 22, 2022 2年生エンジニアリングデザイン「紅はるか事業」


 こんにちは!国際高専の広報を担当している志鷹 英男です。

 国際高専ではエンジニアリングデザインという授業の一環で、2年生が校舎前の耕作放棄地を活用した「Agriculture Innovation Project」に取り組んでいます。今年も2年生9名で、「紅はるか」を学生自らが栽培し、広告宣伝から販売、決算まで、さながら農業法人の経営ビジネスを実践していく「アグリビジネス班」と、AIを活用した獣害対策システムの開発に取り組む「獣害対策班」に分かれ、通年で活動しています。



なお、金沢キャンパスのレストランLA TERRA(ラテラ)でも1114日(月)より、「紅はるかの焼き芋」というメニュー名で、小鉢(70円)が期間限定で販売されています。こちらはSNSでも「甘くて美味しかった。単品で買ってもいいくらい美味しい」というツイートが観られ、評判も上々です。
指導教員の山崎 俊太郎教授によると「芋の熟成が進んで糖度が上がってきている」とのことです。
また、生芋も道の駅瀬女の店舗内や金沢キャンパスのコンビニ「Y ショップアクア店」で販売され、アクア店では「店頭に出してもすぐに無くなる」人気ぶりだといいます。

■ コラボ商品第一弾「高専べにゃソフト」






志鷹 英男

Value-Added Products from Abandoned Land
Collaboration products using Kosen Beniharuka cultivated by 2nd year ICT students

 Hello! My name is Hideo Shitaka, and I am in charge of the Public Relations for ICT.
 Beginning on a personal note, I was born in Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. My father's family home is in Ashikuraji, which is located in Tateyama Sanroku (Foothills of Mt. Tateyama). If it were in Ishikawa Prefecture, it would be the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) area where the Hakusanroku campus of ICT is located. Even so, I have no memory of seeing wild monkeys before.

 I was surprised to see a troop of monkeys slowly and fearlessly crossing in front of my car in broad daylight on the road in front of the Hakusanroku Campus in October of this year. There were more than I expected. It was the moment that I realized that Japan’s mountainous regions are now in a negative downward spiral. Due to the aging of the population, there is a decrease in agricultural workers accompanied by an increase in abandoned farmland and crop damage from animals.

  As part of the Engineering Design class at ICT, 2nd year students are engaged in what is called the Agriculture Innovation Project, utilizing the abandoned farmland in front of the school building. This year, the nine 2nd year students are divided into two groups. The Agribusiness Group cultivates sweet potatoes called Beniharuka and learns business management practices while running an agribusiness corporation, including advertising, sales, and accounting. The Animal Damage Prevention Team works on developing an AI-based system to prevent crop damage. 

 Here, I will introduce some of the Agribusiness Group activities from October and November.


Kosen Beniharuka Branding 

On Sunday, October 30th and Thursday, November 3rd, 2nd year students sold Kosen Beniharuka branded baked sweet potatoes at Sena Roadside Station in front of the Hakusanroku Campus.
The students produced and sold baked sweet potatoes under the brand name of Kosen Beniharuka. They also created signs and posters.
I went to see the event on both days and heard that the baked sweet potatoes were so delicious that some people said they came back to buy more, so they sold out on both days.
Since Monday, November 14th, small bowls of sweet potato have been available at the restaurant La TERRA on the Kanazawa Campus. They are on the menu for a limited time as “Beniharuka no Yakiimo” and cost 70 yen. They have received comments on SNS, such as "It was sweet and tasty. I wish I could buy more”.
The supervisor of the project, professor Shuntaro Yamazaki, said that the sweet potatoes are maturing and the sugar content is increasing.
Raw sweet potatoes are also sold at Sena Roadside Station and at Y Shop Acqua convenience store on the Kanazawa campus. At Acqua, they are so popular that they are gone as soon as they are put on the shelves.


Kosen Beniya Soft - The First Collaboration Product

As a new initiative of the Kosen Beniharuka Project, two products were developed and sold in rapid succession this year. The first product was a collaboration with Soba Yamaneko and Kijitora Coffee Laboratory located in front of the Hakusanroku Campus. This was a jointly developed soft serve ice cream using baked Kosen Beneharuka sweet potatoes. The product is now available at Soba Yamaneko and Kijitora Coffee Laboratory for a limited time, which started on Sunday, October 30th.
The “Chips Benya Soft” with Kosen Beniharuka chips costs 580 yen, and the “Kosen Benya Soft” without toppings is 500 yen. Small chunks of baked sweet potato are mixed into the soft serve ice cream, making it sticky, with a smooth, gentle sweetness.
The "Mont Blanc Benya Soft" is also on sale for 850 yen, but only during the hours when there are few customers because it requires a lot of time and effort to make. As the catchphrase “sticky-sweet” suggests, this soft serve ice cream has a delightful taste and texture.


I am afraid this is a personal story, but on the first day that Chips Benya Soft was sold, it was sunny, and I invited my wife to try it. She really enjoyed it. In fact, a month later (November 30th, 2022) she asked for more, saying "Oh, I want to try it again, but is it still available?"
The baked sweet potato I brought home after the photo shoot was so sweet that I wondered how they could be so sweet. The sweetness really surprised me. Beniharuka is the king of sweet potatoes, and as expected, their delicious taste certainly seems to be etched in the memories of those who have eaten them.


Kosen Beniharu Sundae - The Second Collaboration Product

The second product of the Kosen Beniharuka business is the “Kosen Beniharuka Sundae,” a collaboration product with Sena Roadside Station, which was sold there for a limited time from Saturday, November 12th. The price was 400 yen. For this sundae, diced and frozen baked Beniharuka sweet potatoes are put on top of brown rice flakes and topped with vanilla soft serve ice cream and black sesame seeds. This created a dish that offers the sweetness of Beniharuka and the crunchy texture of brown rice flakes.
The students also created the signs displayed in the storefront for both the first and second versions of this product.

If abandoned land is left as it is, nothing will come of it. The Beniharuka grown by the students on this land became a high value-added product that people want to try again, whether as a baked potato or in sweets. It also brought new business opportunities for the stakeholders who we collaborated with. The students were able to show that they could do something that even adults have difficulty doing. I think this is a great accomplishment. 

Hideo Shitaka

December 21, 2022 2年生エンジニアリングデザイン「アサギマダラ事業」


 こんにちは!国際高専の広報を担当している志鷹 英男です。

 今年7月に、山崎 俊太郎教授から電話があり、2年生のアグリビジネス班が「高専紅はるか事業」に加えて、新規に「アサギマダラ事業」に着手したことを教えていただきました。地元住民による白山ろく里山活性化協議会が昨年から、道の駅瀬女に隣接する耕作放棄地にフジバカマを植え、初夏から秋にかけて飛来するアサギマダラの休憩地として道の駅ならぬ"空の駅"として「アサギマダラ空の駅・白山」を整備し、子どもたちを対象とした「アサギマダラ・マーキング調査体験」を始めたこと、国際高専でも2年生のアグリビジネス班がアサギマダラの集客力に着目した新規ビジネスの開拓に挑戦している、という内容でした。


 アサギマダラをモチーフにした箸置きやキーホルダー、コースターを学生自身が、コンピュータスキルズ等で身につけたパソコンスキルでデザインし、校舎内のMaker Studioにあるレーザーカッターを使い、商品化しました。パッケージのデザインも学生が行いました。学生が作ったものだからと侮るなかれ、とても美しく繊細な商品に仕上がっています。



志鷹 英男

Developing Beautiful Original Products Using the Asagimadara (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly) as a Motif
2nd Year Agribusiness Group's Butterfly Business

 Hello! My name is Hideo Shitaka, and I am in charge of Public Relations for ICT.
 After nearly 20 years being in charge of public relations at Kanazawa Institute of Technology, I have been working on public relations activities for ICT for the past three years. As a job, this is quite interesting. I often take photos as a hobby and for practical use. Last September, I went to take photos of the Beniharuka sweet potato field in front of the Hakusanroku campus. This is where 2nd year students were working as part of their Engineering Design class. While taking photos, I noticed many beautiful butterflies flying among the plants near the field. That was my first encounter with an Asagimadara (chestnut tiger butterfly).

 In July of this year, professor Shuntaro Yamazaki called me to say that the 2nd year Agribusiness Group had launched a new Asagimadara Project in addition to the Kosen Beniharuka project. Last year, the Hakusanroku Mountain Village Revitalization Council, a group of local residents, planted Fujibakama (Fragrant Eupatorium) on abandoned farmland adjacent to the Sena Roadside Station to create the "Asagimadara Sky Station Hakusan". While Sena is a place for people to rest from early summer to fall, this sky station will become a place for Asagimadara to rest as well. The 2nd year Agribusiness Group from ICT was also taking on the challenge of developing a new business that focuses on the ability of the Asagimadara to attract visitors.

 One of ICT's characteristics is that we believe that solutions do not end with ideas. Students also need to focus on the process of materializing and testing ideas. For the Asagimadara project, students made a presentation on their project to the Hakusanroku Mountain Village Revitalization Council about opening a stall of original products, which they were able to do during the Asagimadara Marking Event on Friday, September 23rd, which is a national holiday. Last year, this experience was only a one-day Asagimadara Marking Event. This year it was expanded to include the sale of original Asagimadara products and efforts to identify HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) as a sanctuary for Asagimadara.

 Agribusiness group members designed and built chopstick rests, key chains, and coasters using the skills acquired in Computer Skills lessons and the school laser cutter in the Maker Studio. Students also created the packaging for these products. The products were beautiful and delicate. They did a really good job.

 Unfortunately, the weather on Friday, September 23rd, a national holiday was rainy from the morning, but many families took part. ICT's stall was crowded with visitors. After the festival, the products were sold at Sena Roadside Station until Saturday, October 1st.
 They were also sold in the Campus Goods Corner at the entrance of the Book Center on the second floor of Building 21 on the Kanazawa Campus of ICT. They were on display at the ICT School Tour held on Sunday, November 6th, attracting much attention from the participants.

  There are many stretches of abandoned farmlands in front of the Hakusanroku Campus. However, with the cooperation of local residents, the students were able to create awareness of the Asagimadara Project.


Hideo Shitaka


HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalEngineering Design (ED)