
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Faculty

April 3, 2024 Wajima Junior High School students visited Hakusanroku Campus

 Hello. I am Ian Stevenson, an English teacher here at the Hakusanroku campus.

 Following the Noto Earthquake on January 1, 2024, students from Wajima Junior High School were evacuated to the Hakusanroku area. On March13, some Wajima Junior High School students visited Hakusanroku Campus. While here, they took part in a variety of activities such as bouldering, using the laser cutter, playing English games and a STEM and English class called “Taking Flight”.


 202411日の能登半島地震の影響で白山麓地域へ避難していた輪島中学校の生徒たちが、313日に白山麓キャンパスを訪れました。ボルダリング体験や、レーザーカッター、英語ゲーム、「Taking Flight」と呼ばれるSTEMと英語のクラスなどの様々なアクティビティに参加しました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Learning Mentor Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei and I ran the “Taking Flight” class. For this class, students used the Engineering Design process to build an indoor boomerang or roomerang that was safe to fly inside and when thrown, it would return to the thrower. In this class, students learned key vocabulary such as “prototype” and “design” in English while making roomerangs. After they finished tracing, cutting and folding, it was time to test their prototypes.

 ラーニングメンターのアピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生と私は「Taking Flight」のクラスを担当しました。このクラスでは、生徒たちはエンジニアリングデザインプロセスを使って、室内で安全に投げることができ、投げた人の元に戻ってくる「ブーメラン」を作りました。生徒たちはブーメランを作りながら、「プロトタイプ」や「デザイン」といった重要な語彙を英語で学びました。画用紙に図面を描き、カットし、折り曲げ、出来上がったプロトタイプをテストしました。

 Before testing, students were told that their roomerangs would probably not return the first time they threw it and that this was ok. Usually, early prototypes aren’t successful and they have to be reworked. After this, students began to throw, test and rework their prototypes. After experimenting with the bends in the roomerang wings and the throwing style and force, students began to have success and their roomerangs would return when thrown. Once successful, the students began to take on other challenges such as getting their roomerang to fly around a classmate or to see how to make it fly longer or higher.

 The students had a fun time building and flying their roomerangs and some of the Wajima teachers joined in to build and fly their own roomerangs.


 生徒たちはブーメランを作ったり飛ばしたりして楽しい時間を過ごし、輪島中学校の先生たちも一緒にブーメランを作って飛ばしました 。

Ian Stevenson


March 29, 2024 Ski Day!⛷


 Hello, this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Health and Physical Education teacher. On Monday, 5th of February, we had a ski day for the students at Ichirino ski resort, which is only a 15 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus.
 In the morning, students who wanted to go skiing or snowboarding along with appointed 5 teachers hopped on a school bus. After arriving a short time later, the group divided into beginners and veterans. Those who had never done skiing before (or it had been a long time) went to get rental equipment and then took a beginners class offered by Ichirino ski resort. While those who knew how to ski or snowboard spent the morning exploring the slopes.
 As the teachers were superfluous to the beginner skiers during the morning, they spread out among the students who explored the slopes. The students that I followed in the morning were a mix of 5th year, 2nd year and 1st year students. It was great to see the bonds across the different school years strengthen through an outdoor activity like skiing. There were a few falls but all light and full of good humour.
 Lunch was well looked forward too. A few years ago I declared Ichirino katsu curry as the best I had eaten and it had been a while since I had gotten to try it. I've gotten more of a Japanese palate over the years. Luckily enough the katsu curry was fantastic.

 After lunch everyone was free to explore the slopes but the teachers stayed close to the beginners for safety. I was with 2 of the beginner students on the low slopes for the afternoon and they were both really brave. They were giving their best effort at turning left and right down the slope rather than doing the "pizza" till they fell. It made me remember how scary and steep the learning curve for snow sports is, and after just practicing for the afternoon they both managed to improve to the point where they could control the descent with turns.

The bus ride back to ICT campus is only 15 minutes but most of the students were asleep by 5. A good ski trip!

Philip Cadzow







March 13, 2024 白金祭2024について

 こんにちは。白金祭運営委員長 教員の伊藤 周です。2024224日(土)に行われた「白金祭2024」について紹介したいと思います。白金祭2024で行った企画(どれもめっちゃ面白かったし、盛り上がりました!)については、TOPICSで取り上げていただいたので、こちらをご覧ください。

 Hello, this is Prof. Meguru Ito, the chairperson of the Platinum Festival Executive Committee. I would like to write about the "Platinum Festival (Hakkinsai School Festival), 2024" held on Saturday, February 24th, 2024. I would like to introduce some of the projects that were held at the Platinum Festival 2024 (All the projects were very fun and exciting!) that were covered in TOPICS so please take a look at that.


 This year's Platinum Festival finally had no restrictions on admission for the 1st time since 2019. I remember the 2020 Platinum Festival. At that time, the infectiousness and severity of the symptoms of COVID-19 were not yet well understood by the public. Unforgettably, on February 21st, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Ishikawa Prefecture. This was about a week before the Platinum Festival was scheduled to be held on February 29th. The entire executive committee was very concerned, but decided to cancel the festival in order to prioritize the safety of students and participants. The Design & Fabrication Club's debriefing session and "Super Smash Bros." tournament were held quietly on the school's big staircase, with only students and faculty present. 
 Four years have passed since then, and we finally had a Platinum Festival that the general public could attend. However, looking at the breakdown of those who came to the school, the number of visitors from the general public and elementary and junior high school students was still small. I think that public relations strategies and promotional activities need improvement.
 Junior high school students from Wajima who were affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and have taken refuge at the Ishikawa Prefectural Hakusan Youth Outdoor Learning Center and Hakusan Youth House also came to visit the Platinum Festival. We were happy that the junior high school students, who are living far away from their parents and studying together, were able to take a moment to refresh themselves.


 There are three new projects that impressed me this year. The first was on the eve of the festival. This was a student-only event held in the afternoon of February 23rd. 5th year students from the Kanazawa campus came all the way to the Hakusanroku campus to spent time with the 1st and 2nd year students. The students had an out-of-season Kimodameshi (haunted house) at night, and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun, whether they were scared or not.

 二つ目はスタンプラリーです。驚いたのはスタンプの台紙はもちろん、スタンプ自体も、台紙をセットするスタンプガイド、スタンプを集めると貰える報酬のアクリルキーホルダー、オープニングでそれを紹介する動画、全て手作りだったことです。スタンプラリーの企画班がめちゃめちゃ気合を入れて作っていたのは知っていたのですが、完成したものを見ると、そのクオリティ、アイディア、センス、そしてそれらを時間がない中でまとめきったガッツに脱帽でした。スタンプラリーの企画班は1年生です。レーザーカッターやアクリル用UVプリンターを駆使してスタンプやスタンプガイド、アクリルキーホルダーを作っていたのですが、それらを作るためにはAdobe Illustrator、動画の制作にはAdobe Premiere Proと、1年生の授業で習得した知識と技術を総動員して素晴らしいものを作り上げたことに感動しました。

 The second was the stamp rally created by the 1st year students. I was surprised to see that not only did they make stamps sheet, but also they created stamps by themselves, the stamp guide for the stamps, the acrylic key chains as rewards for collecting stamps, and they made the video introducing for stamp rally at the opening ceremony – all of these things were made by students. I knew that the stamp rally planning team had put a lot of effort into making the stamp rally, but when I saw the finished product, I took my hat off to them for the quality, ideas, sense of style, and effort in putting it all together in such a short amount of time. The stamp rally planning team was made up of 1st year students. They made stamps, stamp guides, and acrylic key chains using a laser cutter and UV printer for acrylics, Adobe Illustrator for making them, and Adobe Premiere Pro for producing videos. I was impressed by how they mobilized all the knowledge and skills they had acquired in the 1st year class to create something wonderful.


 The third was the ICT robot competition. Students who had participated in the ROBOCON formed teams according to grade, with each grade team competing for the best results. The 1st year team won the competition. They collected the highest number of balls while overcoming obstacles within a set amount of time. There was a lot of laughter and drama in the ICT robot contest competition, but in addition to that, the students who built the robots learned a lot while finishing their robots in a short period of time.

 実行委員長である2年生の出口 天仁さんをはじめ、実行委員の皆さんの頑張りで今回も無事に終えることができました。参加してくれた学生たちにとっても思い出深い白金祭になったと思います。来年はもっと色々な方に来てもらえるようにパワーアップしたいですね。

 Thanks to the hard work of the committee members, including the committee chairperson, 2nd year student Tenzing Deguchi, we were able to successfully run the school festival again this year. I believe that the Platinum Festival was a memorable event for the students who took part. Next year, I would like to increase the drawing power of the festival so that even more people come.

伊藤 周
Meguru Ito

February 27, 2024 白山麓キャンパスで1・2・5年生の交流会を開催

 こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。202423日(土)から3日間、白山麓キャンパスで、1・2・5年生の交流会が行われました。

小髙 有普

 Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs. I would like to write about a 3-day event for 1st, 2nd and 5th year students held at Hakusanroku campus, beginning on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.
 ICT has two campuses, Kanazawa Campus and Hakusanroku Campus. Usually, 4th and 5th year students are at the Kanazawa campus and the 1st and 2nd year students are at the Hakusanroku campus. For this event the 5th year students came to the Hakusanroku campus. Activities included snowball fights, snowman building, sports competitions, and in the evening, movies and karaoke competitions.
 For the students, these activities were an opportunity to deepen ties across the three different grades.

Arihiro Kodaka

Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

Sunday, February 4th, 2024

December 15, 2023 Ichigo Ichie: Never Losing A Friend


Ichigo Ichie: Never Losing A Friend
 ~ Pauline Baird an English teacher at ICT.

 Some time ago, I bought and read a book in Japan called “Ichigo Ichie.” After reading it, I learned that every encounter with a person is different, even if it’s the same person. As such, it is vital to savor our encounters because they are unique and valuable and can never be relived the same way. Ichigo Ichie calls me to be present, to live the moment and acknowledge it, especially these days when we are easily distracted by technology. I tend to think of “Ichigo Ichie” as not taking life for granted—being in the here and now.

 When I joined the ICT faculty six years ago and chose to live in what Americans call “sticks” and Guyanese call “dead country,” I hoped to meet and learn from the members of the Hakusan community outside the school. I do. I regularly encounter older adults at the store, on the road, or in their gardens. As a foreigner, making friends is not easy, especially when one does not speak proper Japanese. That said, I am aware that my Japanese is not the best. However, communicate by using all the Japanese Language I know with a big smile and open personality whenever I meet the people in the villages at the foothills of the Hakusan mountains.

 しばらく前、日本で 「一期一会」という本を買って読みました。その本を読み終えて、たとえ同じ人であっても、人との出会いはすべて違うのだと知りました。このように、出会いは唯一無二の貴重なものであり、決して同じようには再現できません。「一期一会」は今を生きること、その瞬間を認めることを私に呼びかけています。私は「一期一会」を、人生は当たり前のものではなく、どちらかというと、今ここに存在していることだと考えています。

 6年前に国際高専の教員となり、アメリカ人からは “sticks”、ガイアナ人からは “dead country”と呼ばれる場所「山間の田舎」に住むことを選んだとき、学校以外の白山麓地域の地元の人たちと出会い、その人達から色々学びたいと思っていました。実際今はそうしています。私は店や道、庭などで年配の大人たちによく出会います。外国人として、友達を作るのは簡単なことではありません。とはいえ、自分の日本語がベストでないことは自覚しています。しかし、白山の麓の村々で、人々と出会うたびに、満面の笑みと気さくな人柄で、知っている限りの日本語を使ってコミュニケーションをとっています。

Tea time with Learning Mentors at Kouhii Koubou

 One unforgettable person I met and grew to love is Mr. Inami. Mr. Inami was a quiet small-framed man with a warm, engaging smile and voice! He was the manager and owner of Kouhii Koubou, a small coffee shop located obliquely opposite the post office in the village of Sena.

 I do not remember when we first met. However, I patronized his business when I learned Mr. Inami had a coffee shop. ICT aims to help revitalize the community, so I thought that by purchasing from Kouhi Koubou, I would make a difference. The first thing I did was order birthday cheesecakes and apple cupcakes for students! Mr. Inami and his wife were happy to bake and sell them. Those baked apple cupcakes are “to die for”! Sometimes, I ordered sliced cakes, none of which I ate because I am not a lover of sweets; I bought them as gifts to cheer up others. Occasionally, my friends and I would go to the shop for coffee.  





Mr. Inami is making a Valentine’s Day card

One day, when I decided to have an English Conversation class at ICT, in classroom #4, Mr. Inami was my first student. He came to class punctually with his notebook and pen. He was an eager and stellar student. As time by, Mr. Inami became one of the four regulars—Ms. Ueda, Ms. Masuyama, Ms. Sato, and Ms. Yuko from the community. From time-to-time ICT cafeteria workers, the Resident Advisers, and their children joined. It was so much fun to read Dr. Seuss’s books. For example, we read aloud, “One Fish, Two Fish, … Blue Fish, Red Fish”! I am not sure why, but the class always fell into peals of laughter. We enjoyed learning English.  

English Conversation Class 2018 (Mr. Inami, Ms. Ueda, Ms. Masuyama, Ms. Yuko

 ある日、地域の方を招いて、国際高専で英会話の授業を開催することになり、その最初の生徒は井南さんでした。井南さんはノートとペンを持って時間厳守で教室にきてくれました。彼は熱心で優秀な生徒でした。やがて、井南さんはコミュニティの常連4名、上田さん、増山さん、佐藤さん、ユウコさんのうちの1人となりました。時々、国際高専のカフェテリアの従業員やレジデント・アドバイザー(RA)、その子供たちも加わりました。スース博士の本を読むのはとても楽しかったです。例えば「One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish」を音読しました。なぜだか分かりませんが、クラスはいつも爆笑の渦に包まれていました。私たちは楽しく英語を学びました。



 In our class, Mr. Inami also enjoyed watching “Mr. Bean’s Sandwich,” a comedy routine about a man making a strange sandwich. Afterward, Mr. Inami wrote and made his book (zine) called, “Let’s Eat.” The book is about making a sandwich. And he wrote it in English!

 私たちのクラスでは、井南さんも「ミスター・ビーンのサンドウィッチ」というサンドイッチを作る奇妙な男のコメディを楽しんで観ていました。その後、井南さんは "Let's Eat "というオリジナルの絵本を書いて作りました。これはサンドイッチを作る本です。しかも彼は英語で書きました!




 We also cooked and exchanged cultural information about food. For New Year’s celebration, people from the country where I was born, Guyana, make a dish with rice and black-eyed peas. The dish is called cook-up rice. We made it at ICT, and Mr. Inami and the class enjoyed it. The class called the Black-eyed peas “Panda Mame”!





 We also made phlourie, a Guyanese street food. It is a savory sort of doughnut that is fried and served with a dip. It was wonderful!





 Over the last five years of living at Sena, I have gone on early morning walks as exercise. Many times, at 6 am or so, I would encounter Mr. Inami, and if we were going in the same direction, we would walk together and chat. He took delight in showing me a beautiful cherry blossom tree hidden behind an occupied building, and I was happy he showed by this place that is like a secret place.

Last Fall, Mr. Inami and I walked together and watched the gardens, the crows, and the rivers. I couldn’t know then that I would never meet him again on my early morning walks. This spring, 2023, I missed him; we will never have those chats again. Ichigo Ichie! –I cherished my time with him. He made my stay here welcome. Memories of Mr. Inami keep him alive in my mind. I hope I returned the favor and made as much of an impression on him as he did me. Thank you, Mr. Inami.


Pauline Baird

November 24, 2023 Making Jack-o’-lanterns

 Hello, this is Ian Stevenson, an English teacher at ICT.

Tenzing Deguchi - Geto Suguru by Juzutsu Kaisen

 On Saturday, October 21st, 2023, in what has become another annual event here at Hakusanroku Campus, the students made Jack-o-lanterns. 6 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to cut and carve spooky, cute and manga character inspired jack-o-lanterns. This year because the monkeys did not destroy my pumpkin patch completely in my garden, we had 3 real pumpkins to carve and 13 paper mache pumpkins to cut.

 Before all the cutting and carving began, the tables were covered with tarps. After this, the students were told to be careful with the cutting and carving tools and then to begin. Different students made different designs. Hiroko Takeda, a 1st year student (who had helped make the paper mache pumpkins) cut her pumpkin into a bird called Long-tailed tit. Tenzing Deguchi, a 2nd year student, carved his real pumpkin into a famous anime character. Can you guess who it is supposed to be? (See the photo on the right.) Others cut their pumpkins into cats, spiders and monsters.

 After cleanup, the jack-o-lanterns and the extra paper mache pumpkins were turned over the Learning Mentors. They and the students used the jack-o-lanterns to decorate the main stairs. They put lights inside the jack-o-lanterns so that they look spooky and scary at night. The extra paper mache pumpkins turned into Halloween piñatas and filled with candy. One student will be blindfolded and try and smash the piñata open so that the candy spills out for the other students to grab. 
I look forward to making jack-o-lanterns again next year.

Ian Stevenson


武田 洋子さんの作品 「シマエナガ」

 ジャック・オー・ランタンを製作する前に、テーブルを防水シートで覆いました。学生たちには、カボチャを切ったり彫ったりする道具を丁寧に扱うように呼びかけました。学生たちが製作したデザインは様々でした。1年生の武田 洋子さんは(彼女は紙粘土でカボチャを作るのを手伝ってくれました。)カボチャをシマエナガにカットしました。2年生の出口 天仁さんはカボチャを有名なアニメのキャラクターに彫りました。このキャラクターはなにか分かりますか?(英文右側の写真をご覧ください。)また、カボチャを猫や蜘蛛、モンスターにカットする学生もいました。



November 23, 2023 ICT 3D MODELING CONTEST 2023

 みなさん、こんにちは。物理とコンピューター系の科目も担当している伊藤 周です。今年度初めて行われた「ICT 3D MODELING CONTEST 2023」について紹介したいと思います。「ICT 3D MODELING CONTEST 2023」は全学生を対象に3DCADをテーマにしたコンテストです。国際高専では1年生からAutodesk Fusion 360という3DCADソフトを扱います。そこで今回は学生のモデリング技術の向上を目的としてコンテストが行われました。

 今回のテーマは「自分のデスクにあるもの・あったらいいもの」としました。白山麓キャンパスの12年生は夏休みの宿題として、35年生は希望者が作品を出してくれました。複数の審査員による審査を経て、優秀賞(Excellence Award)として5名の学生が選ばれました。5名の受賞者の作品とコメントは次の通りです。

 Hello everyone. This is Meguru Ito, I teach physics and also computer subjects. I would like to write about the "ICT 3D MODELING CONTEST 2023," which was held for the first time this school year.  "ICT 3D MODELING CONTEST 2023" is a 3D CAD themed contest for all students. At ICT, students have been using a 3D CAD software called Autodesk Fusion 360 since their first year. Therefore, this year's contest was held with the aim of improving students' modeling skills.

 The theme was "What I have and what I wish I had on my desk ". All 1st and 2nd year students at Hakusanroku Campus submitted their projects as homework during summer vacation. If they wished to do so, 3rd to 5th years students could also submit a project. After being reviewed by several judges, five students were selected as Excellence Award winners. The following are the projects and comments of the 5 winners and judges.


4年生 山崎 史依さん





4th year Shii Yamazaki
Title: Crocodile Gabu Gabu Small Goods Case

Production time: 2 hours for design and modeling, 1 hour for rendering.

Particulars: Students, do you remember the pencil case you have been using since elementary school? When you were taking classes or studying in your room, was there always a pencil case on your desk?
 In elementary school, I used a pencil case that opened with a magnet, and from junior high school I used a pouch-type pencil case, neither of which I liked very much. I didn't like them because the pencil case with the magnet was angular and hard to carry and the contents tended to fly out when dropped. It was difficult with the pouch type to take the pens out. Above all, I am forgetful person and I still often forget my pencil case.
I decided to create a pencil case that is fun to carry and easy to use, so I created a new pencil case design. To improve the inconvenience of conventional pencil cases (contents are hard to see, contents scatter when dropped), I adopted a structure like a grabber tool to make it easy to see the writing utensils inside when using it on a desk and to prevent the contents from spilling when carrying it around. The opening and closing mechanism of the grabber tool resembles the opening and closing of an animal's mouth, I designed it to look like a cute crocodile. Also, by putting a string through the eyes of the crocodile, it can be hung on the shoulder or used like a fashionable bag.

Judges' comments:
This is a fictional product, but it has a wonderful sense of reality that makes it seem as if it really exists. The mechanism of the pantograph's expansion and contraction, the cloth-like container that does not interfere with the expansion and contraction, and the playful way the animal changes its expression in conjunction with the expansion and contraction are all perfectly integrated into a single product. The details of the pen and missile inside are also excellent.


2年生 千葉 瑛貴さん




2nd year Eiki Chiba
Title: Dream Gaming Desk

Production time: 10 hours

The best part is the keyboard. I reproduced the keyboard I wanted to have with each key carefully designed and made. The most difficult part was the mouse wheel. I thought about how to put the circle inside the wheel, and it turned out to be a good fit.

Judges' comments:
This is the only work that was submitted with an assembly file this time. First of all, the number of parts is amazing! We were amazed that not only were all the keys reproduced on the keyboard, but even the printing on the key tops was done in great detail. Further, the display, speakers, keyboard, mouse, and the main body of the PC are all sufficient for the task, but we take our hats off to the guts that went into making all of them.


2年生 水澤 諒也さん



  • ラチェット構造
  • 組み立てがしやすい構造(部品同士を組み立てる際に道具を必要としない。カチッと押してはめられる)
  • 手のひらサイズ:約100㎜×50㎜
  • ストラップをつけられる穴
  • 様々なサイズのマスキングテープで使用可能((最大外径52mm、最小内径25mm、最大幅27.5mm)


2nd year Ryoya Mizusawa
Title: Masking Tape Cutter

Production time: less than 12 hours


  • Ratchet structure
  • Easy-to-assemble structure (no tools are needed to assemble the parts. Easy to assemble)
  • Palm size: approx. 100 mm x 50 mm
  • Holes for attaching straps
  • Can be used with various sizes of masking tape (maximum outer diameter 52 mm, minimum inner diameter 25 mm, maximum width 27.5 mm)

Judges' comments:
This work is a perfect reproduction of an existing masking tape cutter by observation. The high level of reproduction of the inside, which cannot be seen from the black case, is excellent. The ratchet mechanism, the mortise and tenon to hold the case together, the lid and claws to change the tape, and the roundness of the case are all very well observed and reproduced so that they are movable.



2年生 白石 春翔さん




2nd year Haruto Shiraishi
Title: Desk Light with Pen Stand

Production time: 3 hours

I reproduced every detail of the light and carefully designed each part. The size of the light bulbs were also made to be appropriate for actual use. The most difficult point was the mesh cage. I made full use of the various editing modes in Fusion to achieve the result.

Judges' comments:
This work expresses the textures of materials of the product well. The wood grain of the light's structure, the glass of the light bulb, and the metal of the cage are all beautifully applied, and the product comes together beautifully. The basket has an intersecting spiral shape, which is quite difficult to create, and a free pass was used well to create a beautiful curve.


2年生 矢追 拓穂さん




2nd year Takuho Yaoi
Title: Tree-shaped Object Hanging

Production time: 3 hours

By attaching hooks to the tree, I created a design that would not look out of place on a desk. I would like to hang keys and wallets here.

Judges' comments:
This is an imaginary Christmas tree object. It is made by combining a Christmas tree, a ring, and an S-shaped hook. It is a cute work that really looks like it could be found in a shop. The overlapping of the jagged leaves on the tree is done well. It is also made to show the texture and feel of the material by applying textures.





Judges' General Comments

This was the first CAD modeling contest held this year, and we received many outstanding entries from students. Although students have only learned how to model simple shapes such as circles and squares in class, many of the entries used curves and were colored according to the material settings. Some of the works were assembled by combining multiple parts, showing that the students have learned and mastered the CAD functions on their own. The theme of this year's workshop was "things on the desk." Observing and reproducing the shapes of familiar objects will be useful for future designs. We hope that the students will continue to work on their projects.
We were amazed by the students' masterpieces this year, the first time the event was held, and we hope to be able to hold it again next year.


Group photo of all student projects


The 4 winners of the Hakusanroku Campus Excellence Awards received T-shirts with the Autodesk logo as prizes.


伊藤 周
Meguru Ito


November 15, 2023 English Café in Oguchi and Shiramine

 Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor, an English teacher at ICT.
 For the last three years, I’ve been holding a regular event at the Oguchi Community Centre called English Café. It’s a chance for local residents to get together and learn some simple English while also enjoying a cup of tea, a snack, and a chat.
 Last year English Café was a monthly event, and the focus of each session was useful language for travel, or a particularly relevant event, such as Christmas or New Year.


 This year, the first English Café was held on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023, but it was slightly different from previous events. This time, we had two guests from the United Kingdom (my parents!), who showed photos of the village where they live now, the town where they used to live (where I grew up), and other interesting parts of British towns that tourists don’t usually get to see. There were 8 guests from Oguchi and Shiramine, as well as the two Community Centre staff. Everyone had lots of questions about various aspects of British life, such as housing, education, shops, architecture, and many more.


 The other big difference from previous English Café sessions was that instead of starting at 3 o’clock, this one started at 11 oclock, and the Community Centre staff ordered Hakusan Geo bento lunches for everyone from Hotel Gooin in Ichirino Onsen. The bento was full of local ingredients, such as wild boar meat, maitake mushrooms, fish from the Tedori River, and wild mountain vegetables. Not only that, but each of the portions was designed to represent a famous sightseeing spot in the Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark. In the photos you can see the bento itself, the information leaflet, and the picture that was stuck onto the front of the box.



 The following evening, our guests from the UK went to Shiramine to host a special event for the local children in Shinjoji Temple. There are only 10 children in the whole of Shiramine Primary School, 11 in the nursery, and about a dozen more who attend Hakurei Junior High School, which is just down the road from ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus. For this event, 15 children and some of their parents came along to hear a reading of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, eat British-style pancakes, and set off sparklers. For the last three summers, weve planned to hold English Café for children in Shiramine. Unfortunately, each summer it has been cancelled at the last minute due to COVID-19. Fortunately, this year we were able to organise and successfully hold an event that everyone enjoyed – several children even went back for more pancakes; others were able to practice using English to start conversations with our guests!

 次の日、2人のイギリス人のゲストは白峰の真成寺で子供たちのためのイベントを行いました。白峰小学校の児童は10人しかいなくて、保育園児は11人、そして12人ぐらいの中学生がいます。(中学生は国際高専 白山麓キャンパスの近くにある白嶺中学校に通っています。)今回、15人の子供たちとその両親が来て、「はらぺこあおむし」の英語版の読み聞かせや、イギリス風パンケーキを食べたり、花火を楽しんだりしました。3年前から毎年夏休みに白峰の子供たちのためにイングリッシュカフェを予定していましたが、コロナウイルスのせいで毎回中止になってしまいました。今回みんな楽しく英語とふれあえてよかったです。ある子供たちはパンケーキをおかわりできて、英語でおしゃべりもできました!



 Then, on Wednesday, 4th October, we held an almost-regular English Café in the afternoon. I say “almost-regular because it took place inside ICTs Hakusanroku Campus for the first time. 9 people from Oguchi and Shiramine, including two first-time attendees, gathered in the lobby of the Innovation Hub to discuss books, films, and YouTube channels they like. The change of location was nice, and local residents were excited to be able to see inside ICT.



 English Café is not a big event, but it’s an enjoyable and valuable opportunity to build positive relationships between ICT and the local community. The staff at Oguchi and Shiramine Community Centres always put a lot of time and effort into organising and publicising English Café, and this year we also had the cooperation of Shinjoji Temple in Shiramine. I’m grateful for their support and looking forward to future events.


James Taylor

November 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event

 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



October 18, 2023 アサギマダラ マーキングイベントに参加

 こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。

  Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs.
 On Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 1st and 2nd year student volunteers participated in an extracurricular event. The event was marking Asagimadara (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly). This event was organized by the Hakusanroku Satoyama Revitalization Council and was held at a fallow field next to Sena Roadside Station in front of the Hakusanroku campus.
 This year, September was very hot and it was thought that the Asagimadara would be late in coming. However, the temperature dropped a little the day before the event and the Asagimadara appeared as if to coincide with the event date.
 At 10:00 a.m.,7 students participated in the event and spent about two hours marking the Asagimadara. Some students had a hard time capturing the butterflies because they had not had many opportunities to catch them before, but the students who participated in the event had a meaningful time interacting with nature while having fun. Some students were so interested in this event activity that they decided to mark Asagimadara outside of the event.
 I hope that many marked Asagimadara will be found in Taiwan, Kyushu, Okinawa and other areas as a result of the students' marking Asagimadara activities.


沖山 琳世さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが広島県福山市で再確保!


1010日時点で、1年生 沖山 琳世さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが広島県福山市、2年生 水澤 諒也さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが兵庫県摩耶山天上寺で再捕獲されました!

 As of October 10th, 2023, an Asagimadara marked by 1st year student Rinse Okiyama was recaptured in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture and an Asagimadara marked by 2nd year student Ryoya Mizusawa was recaptured at Mount Maya Tenjo-ji temple, Hyogo Prefecture!


小髙 有普
Arihiro Kodaka

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