
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2021年度の記事

March 31, 2022 「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」作品紹介


 先月、井上 恵介先生、ロバート・ソンガー先生の「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」(2年生必須科目)の課題でミュージックビデオを製作した山崎 史依さんから歌詞について相談されたことがありました。大してお役に立てなかったのですが、完成した作品を観て驚きましたので、その時のインタビュー内容を、作品とともにご紹介いたします。


山崎:コンピュータスキルズⅡBのフォーカスエリアプロジェクトで、これまでに習った技術を総合的に活かしてほしいと言われました。もともとミュージックビデオを作るのが趣味だったので、課題としてまた作ろうと思いました。いままではケデンライブ、Adobe Premiere Proを使っていましたが、今回新たにFusion360AR機能を使いました。




山崎:え、本当ですか? 先生特になにも言ってくれなかったから嬉しいです(笑)。担任の先生は、小さい頃の写真が私に見えないって言っていました。








黒田 譜美

 Hello, this is Kuroda! The snow is melting and we can feel the arrival of spring here in HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan).
 Last month, I was consulted about lyrics by Shii Yamazaki, who produced a music video for her "Computer Skills IIB" assignment (required for 2nd-year students) by Keisuke Inoue sensei (Prof.) and Robert Songer sensei (Prof.). I was not able to be of much help, but I was surprised when I saw the finished product, so I would like to introduce the content of that interview along with the work.

Kuroda: Why did you decide to make a video?

Yamazaki:  For the Focus Area Project in Computer Skills IIB, I was asked to make comprehensive use of the skills I had learned so far. I've always enjoyed making music videos, so I decided to make another one as an assignment. I had been using Kdenlive and Adobe Premiere Pro, but this time I decided to use Fusion360's AR function.

Kuroda: Did you make the song and the video yourself?

Yamazaki: Basically, I made it myself. At first, I created the sound and wrote the music. After that, my friend to helped me with the lyrics. When I feel depressed or mentally distressed, I take notes. I write down what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I sent those notes to my friend and asked them to write the lyrics, which I then reworked further. So, this piece contains about half a year of my story. I also sang the song myself. Most of the images were taken by myself, too. I actually ate the coppepan takuwan (salad bread) in Shiga during summer vacation.

Kuroda: You once said that putting your feelings into words helps you sort them out. In a sense, your worries are the source of your creativity, aren't they? I think it's amazing that you've been able to turn them into a work of art. I heard that Inoue sensei praised your work very much.

Yamazaki: Oh, really? I'm glad because Inoue sensei didn't say anything special about it (laughs). My homeroom teacher said that the picture of me when I was little didn't look like me.
Kuroda: Inoue sensei said, "Your technical skills are very high, but I can feel the intense heat from your work." I had never heard your sing before, but you are quite good at it. I thought the slightly languid feeling of your singing matched the world view of the work.

Yamazaki: I don't have a high-pitched voice (laughs). I have to sing and adjust the pitch a little.
Kuroda: What kind of message did you put into the work as a whole?

Yamazaki: I wanted to say that there are times when people are like this (laughs). Even if you hate someone, you can't really hate that person. We are all lonely, so we are looking for someone to save us.
Kuroda: Somehow, your feelings of ambivalence came through in the song. Do you have any advice for younger students?

Yamazaki: It's great to have the potential to create something on your own. Sometimes it's better to rely on others!
Kuroda: Thank you very much for your time today. I'm looking forward to your future activities.

Fumi Kuroda


March 28, 2022 3Dコンテンツ制作プロジェクト

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。

校舎: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=MLkmuWVrTgC&play=1
学生寮:  https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=SaYCk8b1ZpL&play=1
カフェテリア:  https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=1X3iUM4Vpna&play=1


 このプロジェクトには1年生の泉屋 匠吾さん、柿田 紗蘭さん、橋谷 龍斗さん、三輪 恵万さん、2年生の勝方 正宗さん、酒井 瞭さん、戸塚 裕基さんが参加しました。作成した3D空間は、本校のWebサイトから見られるようになりますが、他にも進学説明会などでの学校紹介で使用する予定です。学生たちは、自分たちが入学前に白山麓キャンパスの施設内でどのような生活が送れるのか、学生寮のレイアウトなど、事前に知りたかったことを思い出しながら、教室班、コモンズ斑、体育館・寮班の3チームに分かれ、それぞれ撮影とコンテンツ制作に取り組みました。

間加田 侑里

 Hello. This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
 I would like to introduce a student project that took place in February. In this project, students took pictures of the campus using "Matterport," a 3D imaging camera. It is an American camera that converts real space into 3DVR space, and with this the photographed 3D space can be freely navigated on the web or using VR goggles, allowing visitors to tour the campus at any time. First, please take a look at what we have actually produced.

School building: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=MLkmuWVrTgC&play=1
Student dormitory: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=SaYCk8b1ZpL&play=1
Cafeteria: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=1X3iUM4Vpna&play=1

  As you can see when you navigate the actual 3D space, you can move smoothly from point to point, and the result is so realistic that you feel as if you are visiting the place. By embedding photos and video links, we can show content related to various parts of the school building. To create this 3D space, the students spent about two weeks photographing more than 700 locations in school buildings.

  First-year students Shogo Izumiya, Saran Kakita, Ryuto Hashiya, and Ema Miwa, and second-year students Masamune Katsukata, Ryo Sakei, and Yuki Totsuka participated in this project. The 3D space they created will not only be available on the school's website, but will also be used to introduce the school at information sessions and other events. The students were divided into three teams (classroom group, Commons group, and gymnasium/dormitory group) and each team took pictures and created content. They remembered what they wished they had known in advance before they came to ICT, such as what kind of life they could expect at Hakusanroku Campus and the layout of the dormitories before entering the school. Each group then began to film and create content about their area.
 The filming proceeded with students' ideas incorporated into the filming points. In content creation, the students also worked on producing photos and videos of classes that they wanted to incorporate into each location, a Hakusanroku Journal article with information about events, and videos about the school.
 It was impressive to see the students enjoying exploring the 3D space that they had created. With life during the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunity to travel and visit the campus is now limited, so a virtual tour using a 3D space is an easy way to see the campus online without traveling. I thought it was a very effective tool in this day and age.

Yuri Makada


March 25, 2022 バイオアート特別講義「微生物の世界」

 こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の藤 圭佑です。

 2月17日(木)、221日(月)、225日(金)の3日間、金沢工業大学 バイオ・化学部 応用バイオ学科の相良 純一 准教授(以下、相良先生)を講師としてお招きし、微生物を材料としたバイオアート特別講義が1年生と2年生を対象に白山麓キャンパス内にあるKITイノベーションハブで行われました。相良先生のご専門は「バイオインフォマティクス」です。これは生命科学と情報科学の統合分野のひとつで、DNAやタンパク質など、生命が持つ様々な遺伝子配列情報やタンパク質分子の構造、変化、挙動を数値化し、生理的な情報と共に解析していく学問分野です。






藤 圭佑

 Hello. I’m Keisuke Tou from the Hakusanroku Office.
 Cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom across Japan. Around the Hakusanroku Campus, I can feel spring, too.
 On Thursday, February 17th, Monday, February 21st, and Friday, February 25th, Junichi Sagara sensei (Prof.) of the Department of Applied Bioscience within, the College of Bioscience and Chemistry, at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology came to the KIT Innovation Hub. He talked to 1st and 2nd year students about using microorganisms to create art. Sagara sensei specializes in Bioinformatics. This field integrates life science and information science. It is an academic discipline that analyzes the structure, changes, and behavior of various gene sequences and protein molecules, such as DNA and proteins. All living organisms have these components and Bioinformatics lets us analyze them alone with physiological information.

The first day of the special lecture on February 17th.
 First, Sagara sensei explained the precautions to be taken when handling microorganisms, as well as how to use the microorganism laboratory and safety equipment at the KIT Innovation Hub. There are three steps to completing Bioart: screening, isolation, and drawing. The microorganisms must be grown using these three steps. The students began with screening and received an agar medium (a petri dish on which nutrients are agar-solidified) used in microorganism culture experiments and a cotton swab to collect microorganisms. The students then collected microorganisms from a variety of sources, including stuffed animals, skin on their hands and necks, smartphones, and the walls and floors of their own rooms in the school building and dormitories. After collection, the microorganisms were stored for four days in an incubator set at 37℃ so the microorganisms could grow.

The second day of the special lecture on February 21st.
 The first step was for each student to observe how the microorganisms collected by themselves and their classmates on the first day of the special lecture grew over the four days. The microorganisms growing on the agar medium emitted a distinctive savory smell, similar to that of shrimp snacks, and the students observed their growth with great interest. After the observations, isolation was conducted to separate multiple microorganisms into single microorganisms. This isolation process involves selecting microorganisms to be used as paints and culturing them on a new agar medium. In this way, students created their own palette to be used in the next lecture. After the work was done, the agar medium was put back into the incubator. On this day, the students sketched the designs that they would draw in the third lecture. Students drew butterflies, jellyfish and other animals, mountains and other landscapes, etc. on a piece of A4 paper. The students were really looking forward to the 3rd class.  

The third day of the special lecture on February 25th.
 In this lecture, the students used the palettes and the sketches they had prepared in order to create their own drawings on the agar medium. Sagara sensei gave the following tips for drawing: (1) do not use too much force so as not to damage the agar, (2) when you want to express a pattern in a dark color, take a microorganism firmly on the tip of the brush and apply it repeatedly to the drawing, and (3) when you want to express a light color, take a cotton swab dipped in water and use it to apply a thin layer of the microorganism to the drawing. For about an hour, students earnestly created their own unique works of art.
 The special lecture ended with a round of applause from the students, expressing their gratitude to Sagara sensei for his guidance over the three classes.

 Sagara sensei expressed his hope, saying, "With any technology, there is a fun world of art that applies that technology. I hope that this bioart event will be an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the world of biotechnology".
 Currently, the students' artwork is growing in the incubator. I hope that this process goes well and soon they will be completed.

Keisuke Tou

March 23, 2022 「白金祭の裏話」

 こんにちは。白金祭実行委員長(教員)の伊藤です。227日(日)に行われた白金祭について、今回は書かせていただこうと思います。白金祭でやった企画(どれもめっちゃ面白かったし、盛り上がりました!)については、Topicsで取り上げていただいたので、そちらを見てください。(https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) ですので、こちらでは白金祭の裏側について書いてみたいと思います。


 白金祭の名前は「白」山麓キャンパスと「金」沢キャンパスをつなぐ「祭」としてつけました。ちなみに、英語では「The Platinum Festival」として「白金」と掛けています。今回の白金祭では国際理工学科の3、4年生が数名遊びに来てくれました。白山麓と金沢をつなぐ役割を少しでも果たすことができて嬉しかったです!

 本来なら外部の方々に向けて学校・学科紹介の展示やレーザーカッター体験、ドローン体験などのワークショップも企画していたのですが、学生や教職員のみの参加となったため、大階段でのステージ企画のみにしました。でもそのおかげで少ない実行委員、短い準備期間でもちゃんとした発表やステージイベントができたと思います。あまり注目されなかったかもしれませんが、上演中の企画を示す「めくり」を作ってもらって使いました。1年生の柿田 紗蘭さんが全て手書きで「めくり」を作ってくれたので、それも紹介します。どれも本当に素晴らしい力作です。

 学生側の実行委員長である2年生の山崎 史依さんをはじめ、実行委員の皆さんの頑張りで、今回は無事に開催することができました。私は今回の白金祭を通じて、学生の「才能・努力・情熱」を感じることができてとても感動しました。歌がうまい、とか楽器が弾ける、とか腕相撲が強い、とか話すのが上手とか。勉強ができる・できないとは別のところで、それぞれの学生にはそれぞれの才能があり、努力していることがあり、情熱を傾けられるものがある、ということがよく分かりました。ぶっちゃけ、開催前は色々大変で、「来年は実行委員長は絶対やらない!」と誓っていたのですが、こうも輝いている学生を見てしまうと、「来年もいっちょやったるか!」という気持ちになってしまいます。まぁ、来年のことはさておき、学生の輝ける場を作れたのは教員としてとても嬉しく思いました。

 伊藤 周

 Hello. I am Ito, the chairperson of the Hakukinsai Executive Committee (faculty member), and I would like to write about the Hakukinsai held on Sunday, February 27th. For more information about this school festival, please check the Topics post about it. (URL: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) It was a really fun and exciting event! In this journal article, I would like to write about the behind-the-scenes part of this school festival.

 Originally, I wanted to have a cultural festival + open house type of event! Until now, we have held a school festival called Kosensai, but it has been held on the Kanazawa campus, so for the students of the Hakusanroku campus students, it was just an event to attend as guests. One of the reasons that I wanted us to hold this event was that I thought it would be fun to have a school festival in which students at Hakusanroku Campus could take part. My theory was that it is more fun to organize a festival than to participate in it, and I wanted the students of Hakusanroku Campus to experience that.
 Also, the Hakusanroku Campus faculty, staff, and students planned to invite a few local residents to the campus to give presentations as part of the engineering design community collaboration activities. There were also plan to have exchanges with nearby elementary and junior high schools. I had the feeling (maybe this an exaggeration on my part) that many local residents thought, “There is a big black building that has suddenly appeared, and people are living in it - and apparently it is a school.” So, I wanted to give the community, parents, and other people involved with our school the opportunity to learn more by telling them “this is ICT, and we have this kind of school, these kinds of students, and this kind of school life.” The term “Open Campus” has a strong connotation of being for junior high school students who are considering enrolling in International College of Technology. This event is more like an “Open House,” where anyone, young or old, male or female, can come and see the school.

 This school festival, Hakukinsai, has another purpose. I want to make a day when alumni of the Hakusanroku Campus can come back to the Hakusanroku Campus. Students of the Department of Science and Technology at ICT must spend two years living in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I would like to make it a day when they can recall those two years of hard but enjoyable campus life and return to Hakusanroku Campus without hesitation when they feel nostalgic.
 The name of the festival, “Hakukinsai,” was given to connect the two campuses, Hakusanroku (“Haku”) and Kanazawa (The character for “Kana” can be read as “Kin” in Japanese). In English, it is called “The Platinum Festival,” which is a play on the word Hakukin. A few 3rd and 4th year students from the Department of Science and Technology came to visit us at this year's Hakukinsai. I was happy to be able to play a small role in connecting the 2 campuses.

 With the outbreak of COVID-19, the school festival called Kosensai itself has been held online for the past two years. The students could participate only by looking at their PC screens, which has been a little dull. In fact, Hakukinsai had been planned two years ago for 2020, but at that time the outbreak of COVID-19 had just begun, and we did not know what countermeasures we could take, so we decided not to hold the festival. When we started preparations for this year's festival in December of last year, it was right between the 5th and 6th waves. We wondered if we would be able to include outsiders this year. However, due to the outbreak of Omicron that did not subside in February, we had to give up on the idea of outsiders participating this time as well.
 Originally, we had planned to have an exhibition introducing our school and department, as well as workshops such as laser cutter and drone experiences for outside visitors, but since only students and faculty participated, we had to plan only staged projects on the main staircase. But thanks to this, even with a small number of committee members and a short preparation period, I think we were able to make decent presentations and stage events.
 Although it may not have attracted much attention, we had mekuri (a small paper sign that indicates the project being staged) made by 1st year student Saran Kakita, who handwrote all of the mekuri.  All of them are really wonderful works of art.
 This year's Hakukinsai achieved about half of its objectives. However, the other half, the objective of introducing the school to people outside the school, will be carried over to next year and beyond. There is no way to know what will happen with COVID-19 next year, but I hope we can accomplish the other half as well.

 Thanks to the hard work of the student committee chairperson, 2nd year student Shii Yamazaki, and all the committee members, we were able to hold this year's Hakukinsai without a hitch! I was very impressed by the talent, effort, and passion of the students during Hakukinsai. They can sing, play musical instruments, arm wrestle, and speak well. I could see that each student has their own talents, efforts, and passions, outside of the classroom and studying. To be honest, I had a lot of difficulties before the event, and I thought to myself, "I will never be the chairperson of the executive committee next year!" But when I saw the students shining so brightly, I said to myself, "I'll do it again next year! I am very happy to be able to be a part of this event." Well, putting next year aside, as a faculty member, I was very happy to have been able to create a place where students could shine.

Meguru Ito

March 22, 2022 2月の課外授業

こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2月に課外授業で行った様々なワークショップについて紹介します。 
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce some activities held in February.



World Languages

On Tuesday, February 8th, special foreign language classes were held. Students could choose two of the following four languages to study: Arabic by Alaa sensei (Prof.) and Nagwa sensei (Prof.), Malay by Hazwan sensei (Prof.), Thai by Apirak sensei (Associate Lecturer), and French by Dorsaf sensei (Prof.). The students were full of curiosity at the opportunity to learn about unknown languages. In the courses, they learned simple greetings, how to write their names, played traditional games, and learned about other cultures. Usually, students take most of their classes in English, so this was a good opportunity for them to learn about other languages and cultures.


 まずは、少人数で様々なゲームが行われました。「Choose your own adventure」という動画を鑑賞しながら物語を選択し、それによりエンディングが変わる選択型ゲーム、お題に沿って漫画を描きながらバトルする「MANGAKA」ゲーム、お互いの正体を探り合う会話型のパーティーゲーム「Spy-Fall 2」が行われました。色々なゲームを英語で体験し、楽しい時間となりました。
 その後、「Lets Chat」という学生たちが教職員に英語でインタビューし、スタンプを貯めてミッションをクリアしていくイベントが行われました。教職員たちは翻訳機を使ってでも、必ず英語で返答しなければならず、清掃員、警備員、看護師、職員らはこの日のために心構えをしていました。学生たちは教職員に趣味、経験、家族、ICTでの生活について質問し、英語でのコミュニケーションを楽しみました。学生たちは教職員のことを知る良いきっかけになったのではないでしょうか。

English Day

 On Friday, February 18th, an English Day was held by the English Department faculty members and Learning Mentors, so students could participate in English games and activities.
 First, three different games were played in small groups. One was game called Choose Your Own Adventure, in which students made choices in a story while watching a video. Each choice changed the direction of the story so that many different endings were possible. Another game was MANGAKA, in which students battled each other while creating an original manga according to a theme. The last game was a conversational party game called Spy-Fall 2. In this game participants tried to figure out each other's identities. Students played these games in English and had a great time.
 Next was the English Punctuation Party. In this game, students had to add punctuation to a sentence in order to produce a correct sentence. For correct answers, students received cookies from Edward sensei (Prof.), who is an excellent cook, and were able to make a paper crown with exclamation marks and apostrophes pasted on them. Each student made their own lovely crown.
 Later, there was an event called Let's Chat. Students interviewed teachers and staff members in English, accumulating stamps to complete their missions. Staff members had to respond in English, even if they had to use a translator, and the cleaners, security guards, nurses, and office staffs had prepared themselves for this day. The students enjoyed communicating with the teachers and staff members in English, asking them questions about their hobbies, experiences, families, and life at ICT. It was a good opportunity for the students to get to know more about the teachers and staff members
 In the afternoon, a team obstacle race was held in the gymnasium, with teams composed of both students and teachers. First, an obstacle course message game race was held, in which students had to memorize English sentences at the end of an obstacle course, and return to communicate the sentences to their team - hurdles and other obstacles were prepared, but many students forgot their messages while running, and in the end, many teams failed to communicate their messages quickly enough. Next, a blindfold maze game was held, in which the teacher in each team was blindfolded, and instructed in English by the students, to navigate the maze to reach the goal. The teacher had to return to the starting point if they stepped outside the taped path by even a millimeter, so students carefully gave instructions to the teachers. Finally, an original Twister game was created by Edward sensei, that produced unique poses and lots of laughter. The winning team received sweets as a prize from President Barksdale.
 After this event, the students said, "That was fun!". I hope that the students were able to communicate with teachers and staff members on campus through various activities using English.



 228日(月)に白山麓キャンパスで寮生活を終える2年生の送別会が行われました。まずは1年生から2年生にメッセージカードを送り、2年生は下級生にお別れの言葉を述べました。そして2年間の活動を振り返るスライドショーを鑑賞し、思い出に浸りました。最後に、2年生担任の潟辺先生がお別れの言葉を述べ、2年生のキルパラーニ アニッシュさんによるピアノ演奏と小髙先生の指揮の元、全員で「旅立ちの日に」を合唱しました。

Farewell party for 2nd year students

 On Monday, February 28th, a farewell party was held for 2nd year students who will finish their dormitory life at the Hakusanroku Campus. First, the 1st year students sent message cards to the 2nd year students, and the 2nd year students made good bye speeches to the 1st year students. Then, we watched a slideshow of pictures taken during the two years they were here. Finally, 2nd grade homeroom teacher Katabe sensei (Prof.) gave his farewell speech, and all the students sang a song together accompanied on the piano by 2nd grade student Anish Kirpalani and conducted by Kodaka sensei (Prof.). 
 The new 3rd year students will begin their new life. We cannot predict the future status of the spread of COVID-19, but I hope that the situation will calm down and that they will be able to go to Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand to study as soon as possible.

間加田 侑里

March 16, 2022 The Journey of Publishing My First Picture Book, Adam and Snack

 皆さん、こんにちは!2年生のアファフ・アラーです。さて先日、私は絵本をAmazon KDPを通して出版いたしました!


 課題を提出した際、先生に高評価をいただき、「これは出版してほしい!」と言ってくださり、とても嬉しかったです。夏頃には、その授業の一環で自分の書いたストーリーを展示するイベント「Writer’s Review」があり、そこでも沢山の人から好評をいただきました。先生は授業が終わった後も、ストーリーを絵本として出版することをずっと勧めてくれました。その時はあまり考えていなかったのですが、年度終わりに、せっかく機会があるならと思い、春休みに計画し始めました。

 今年度に入って柿田 紗蘭ちゃんという素敵な後輩に出会い、絵本のことを話したら、喜んで絵を描くと言ってくれました。私のリクエストに応えてとても丁寧に絵を描いてくれて、何回もフィードバックを重ねてやっとお互いがしっくりくる形にまで持っていくことが出来ました。絵でこだわってもらった部分が、登場人物である「アダム」を私の弟のアダムに似ているように描いてもらったところです。私は小さい頃、絵本を読むにもゲームをするにもテレビを見るにも、自分と同じ特徴をもつキャラクターがいなくて、とても寂しさを感じたのを覚えています。そのため日本ではマイノリティーである顔をあえて使いたかったのです。それ以外にもたくさんのこだわりがあります。

 絵が完成しそうなタイミングで、編集の作業をしました。編集は思ったより困難で、本のサイズ、文章や絵の配置、そしてAmazon KDPの規定などを熟慮した作業をしました。タイトルのフォントもなかなか決まらなかったので、紗蘭ちゃんのすすめで手書きにしちゃいました!こうやっていろんな工夫を重ねて、先生の助けもいただきながら、やっと絵本を先日出版することに成功しました!絵本が形になったのを見て、ようやく絵本を作ったんだという実感が沸きました。やりたかったことを達成できたことや、経験とスキルを得ることができたことに喜びを感じます。夢のような話です。





リンク ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 最後に、絵本の出版を進めてくれて、最後の最後までサポートしてくれたポーリン・ベアード教授、英語チェックをしてくれたイアン・スティーブンソン教授、とっても素敵な絵をかいてくれた柿田 紗蘭ちゃんをはじめ、サポートしてくれた先生や応援してくれたクラスメートに心から感謝いたします。



 Hello everyone! This is 2nd year student Afaf Alaa. I recently published a children’s picture book through Amazon KDP! 

 I first wrote this story in the spring of my 1st year at ICT. Every Saturday, we had World Literature class, where we read various stories and learned different ways to write stories. One of the assignments in this class was to write a picture book for children based on what we learned. I had wanted to make children's picture books since I was a little girl, so this was a fun project for me.
 When I submitted my story, my teacher enjoyed the story and said, "I want you to publish this!" I was very happy to hear that. Towards the end of the semester, there was an event called Writer's Review where I exhibited my story, which was also well received by many people. Even after the course ended, my teacher kept encouraging me to publish that story. I didn't think much about it at the time, but at the end of the school year last year, I decided to make the most of the opportunity and started planning the process during spring break.

 At the beginning of this school year, I met an amazing 1st year student named Saran Kakita. When I told her about my picture book, she said she would be happy to draw pictures for me. She was very attentive to my requests and my feedback, so after lots of time and effort, we were finally able to settle on the drawings that felt right for both of us. One of the things I asked her to do was to make the character "Adam" look like my younger brother, Adam. I remember when I was a little girl, when I read picture books, played games, or watched TV, there were no characters with or any representations of the same characteristics as me, which made me feel left out. That is why I wanted to use a face that is of a minority in Japan.

 When the drawings were almost finished, I started working on the editing. The editing process was more difficult than I expected and involved contemplating the size of the book, the placement of the text and pictures, and the regulations of Amazon KDP. I couldn't even decide on a font for the title, so at Saran's suggestion, I handwrote it! After all the hard work and with the help of my teacher, I finally succeeded in getting my picture book published! It hit me that I actually made a picture book when I saw the printed book. I was totally thrilled and satisfied to achieve something and learn so many skills. It is a dream come true!

Here is an outline of the story:

“This book tells a story about Adam, a curious little boy who loves eating. He cannot wait for his snack every day at 3 pm. His mommy prepares different types of snacks to make him happy, but then Adam cannot decide which snack to eat first. One day, he gets an idea to solve this problem. What if he mixes everything together? Then, he wouldn't have to choose which to eat first! But, oh no, it was not as easy as he thought it would be."

 The story and the language are simple, so it is easy to read! Also, you will surely be delighted by Saran's cute pictures. The story is available on Amazon now, so I hope you enjoy reading this book! And if you like it, I'd love to hear your feedback on Amazon!

 Link ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 Lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Pauline Baird, who supported me throughout this project until the very last moment, Professor Ian Stevenson, who checked my English, Saran Kakita, who made those beautiful pictures, and all the other teachers and classmates who supported me and cheered me on. Thank you very much.

 Enjoy your spring break!

Afaf Alaa

March 15, 2022 高校生「ものづくり・ことづくり」プランコンテストでアイデア賞を受賞 

 皆さんこんにちは!1年の三輪 恵万です。今日は私が後学期に行ったデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブの活動を紹介したいと思います。

 デザイン&ファブリケーションクラブでは自分で何か一つプロジェクトを行います。学生たちは、授業で学んだ技術を磨いたり、趣味を極めたり、コンテストへ作品などを提出したりしています。その中で私は前学期、MONO-COTO INNOVAT!ON というコンテストへ参加するための選考課題を作成していました。そして、幸いに選考されたので、夏休みにコンテストへ参加しました。良い結果は出ませんでしたが、デザイン思考を学び、実践する良い機会となりました。


2. 具体的なモチベーションを持続することができる仕組み作り
3. ニーズがまだ確立されていないため、ニーズの明確化
4. アプリのプロトタイプ作成
5. 科学的根拠が必要と募集要項に書いているため、数字でのデータ探し

    プロトタイプ作成は、ノーコードでWebサイトを作ることができるWix を使用しました。ちょうど授業でWebサイトについて勉強しているところだったので、興味を持ちながら作成することができて楽しかったです。Webサイト作成用のサイトだったので、パソコン用の画面とスマホ用の画面で見ることができるのですが、パソコン用でないと編集することができない場所があり、調節をすることが大変でした。数字でのデータを作成するために、実用英語技能検定を例にとって年間の受験者や合格率を調べたり、モチベーションがどのように変動しているかのグラフを探したりしました。どちらも見つけることができたのでデータに組み込んでいきました。



    三輪 恵万

     Hello, everyone! This is 1st year student Ema Miwa. Today, I’ll introduce my second semester project in the Design and Fabrication Club.

     In the Design and Fabrication Club, every student completes a project each semester. For example, some students improve their skills from class, study more about their areas of interest, or enter a competition. In the first semester, I worked on a project for the MONO-KOTO INNOVAT!ON Competition. My project was selected for the competition and I participated in it during summer vacation. I couldn’t get a good result, but it was a good experience for me to learn and practice design thinking.

     After the second semester began, I hadn’t decided on what I would do next. I wanted to use the experience I had gained from the first semester and so I looked for another competition to enter. I found the Koukousei MonozukuriKotozukuri Plan Competition. This is a contest to create new things, and it is divided into two categories: Monozukuri and Kotozukuri. I was attracted by the chance of working with companies if I could advance to the final stage, so I decided to participate in this competition. 
     At first, I used the design thinking that I learned during summer vacation to develop my ideas. I thought about what problem I would solve with myself as the user. When I was looking for a school last year or looking for this competition, I felt, “It would better if people could find a school or competition more easily.” From this problem, I defined my insight as, “I want to get a variety of information in a single search.” Using this, I realized that my reason for this insight was that I want to find out what I’m interested in quickly while I am motivated. Therefore, I decided to submit an idea for an app that would allow users to look up schools, contests, and certification exams in one search, and to maintain motivation as they searched. After that, I thought about the details of the idea, compared its strengths and weaknesses, and what advantages it would have. I wanted to make an app that focused on schools, contests and certification exams, so I compared websites that already did this. After researching these websites, I identified the problems that they had and how I could design features that would solve these problems.
     After this, I outlined my idea, completed the application and asked Professor Ito for feedback. His feedback was that if I wanted to do this as a business, I needed to address five points.
    1. Generation income
    2. Making the specific structure to maintain user motivation
    3. Clarifying the needs of this app, which not been clearly established
    4. Making the app prototype
    5. Finding date, since the application guidelines stated that evidence was required
    I didn't have much time but I needed to address these points and write a business plan as fast as possible.

        Originally, I didn’t think about business, so it was difficult for me to develop a business plan. I considered a variety of things, including advertising revenue and introducing a billing system. From among them, I decided on charging fees in return for displaying advertisements of the organizations and schools listed in the app. Moreover, to keep users motivated, the system shows the number of days until the goal, sets reminders, and allow users to know who else is studying at the same thing. The reason for this is that if users know the number of days to their goal, they can feel a sense of urgency to complete the task, and if they have a reminder then they can study at a set time every day. When I went back to insight, I found the needs and I was able to clarify them quickly after examining why I wanted to create this app.
       I used Wix to create a website without using code to make the prototype. At that time, I was learning about websites in class, so it was fun to be able to use what I learned and what I was interested in. Wix is a website for creating websites, so users could view them on a computer screen and a smartphone screen. But there were parts that you couldn’t edit unless you were using a computer, and it was hard to adjust. To make the data with the numbers, I used the Eiken English Proficiency Test as an example, and looked at the annual number of test-takers and pass rates. I looked for graphs showing how motivation fluctuates. Finally, I found both sets of data, so I included them in the application form.

       After the idea and prototype were finalized, the last step was to rewrite the application form. With the help of Professor Ito, I rewrote it and included figures made with Illustrator so that the ideas could be more easily understood. I also kept working on my project until the due date when I submitted it.

       After the judges for the monozukuri and kotozukuri competition reviewed my documents, I won the Idea Award at the end of January. But I was frustrated because I didn’t advance to the final presentation. However, I also feel happy because I won the Idea Award. In this competition, I could use the knowledge from class and experience from other competitions. This knowledge makes my ideas better and stronger. This was a useful experience for me. I think this experience will be useful in the future. Therefore, I will participate in more contests next year too.

      Ema Miwa

      March 2, 2022 歴史文化(英語)IB 最終発表

       こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は歴史文化(英語)ⅠBの授業で行われた最終発表について紹介したいと思います。

       1年生が履修する歴史文化(英語)IBでは、世界の歴史的な出来事のつながりを調べ、分析した結果、自分の考えや発見したことを発表します。今回は技術とイノベーション、成長と持続可能性に関連する「進歩」について橋谷 龍斗さんとサンサル・セルゲレンさんが発表を行いました。




      間加田 侑里

       Hello. I'm Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today, I would like to introduce the final presentation given in the History and Culture (English) IB class.

       In History and Culture (English) IB, which is taken by first-year students, they research and analyze the connections between historical events in the world, and then present their ideas and findings. This time, Ryuto Hashiya and Sansar Sergelen gave presentations on "progress" as it relates to technology and innovation, growth and sustainability.

       Ryuto presented about technology and innovation, focusing on printing presses and how their evolution through technological innovation has led to printed materials being available more quickly. About growth and sustainability, he focused on hard power and soft power, saying that instead of hard power, which deeply and directly affects the conditions and lives of companies and organizations in other countries, soft power, which is less aggressive, more cooperative, and in many cases more beneficial to both sides, is more effective because it extends relationships and peaceful conditions.
       Assistant Professor Edward Basquill, who was in charge of this class, was impressed by the fact that even though Ryuto’s presentation time was shorter than planned, it had almost no effect on the quality of his presentation, which shows he really understood what he was saying.

       Sansar presented on the theme of technology and innovation, using the example of how the sails and compasses that powered the Age of Exploration not only changed Europe, but with the discovery of the Americas by Europeans, there were negative effects on both indigenous peoples in the Americas as well as Africans. He presented how innovation and technology have led to major changes in society and culture.
       Assistant Professor Edward was impressed with Sansar's understanding and depth of reasoning from the accurately captured historical information and the writing of his own opinions in a long essay, which showed a deeper explanation than the assignment called for, but Sansar showed a spirit of challenging himself in such a wonderful way.

       Ryuto and Sanser's presentations were excellent, concisely summarizing their ideas and presenting their ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. I am looking forward to their further growth.

      Yuri Makada

      February 22, 2022 「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」人気ランキングメニュー

       みなさん、こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
       もちろん、白山麓キャンパスで寮生活を送っている学生たちにとっても食事はとても重要です。白山麓キャンパスのカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、過去に提供された食事の人気投票が行われました。その中で、人気ランキング上位のメニューが再度提供されました。

        Hello, everyone. I'm Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
        What are your memories of your student life? For me, it was eating a delicious daily set meal in the cafeteria! Having a good meal was the only way I could relax from studying.
       Of course, food is also very important for the students living in the dormitories at the Hakusanroku campus. In the Golden Eagle Cafeteria at the Hakusanroku campus, a survey was held to determine popular meals served in the past. The menu items with the highest rankings were served again.

      【人気No.1 ラザニア】

      No.1 Lasagna
      Flat pasta is alternately layered with meat sauce and white sauce to create a creamy and sweet dish. This palm-sized yet filling lasagna is very satisfying to eat, and delicious!




      【人気No.2 ビーフバーガー】

      No.2 Beef Burger
      This burger is very satisfying. One of the students said, "I’m really glad the cafeteria served this because I haven’t eaten fast food in a while!"



      【人気No.3 イタリアンピッツァ】

      No.3 Italian Pizza
      This pizza with lots of veggies is always a hit!



      【人気上位 ミートパイ】

      Honorable mention - Meat pie
      A crispy pie crust filled with juicy meat and sauce. It's a classic Australian dish and has a reputation for being satisfying and delicious!


      【人気上位 プルコギ】

      Honorable mention - Bulgogi
      Bulgogi is a classic Korean meat dish with plenty of stir-fried vegetables and simmered in a sweet and spicy sauce. The sweet and spicy taste is addictive, and you can enjoy it with many bowls of rice!

       「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、どんなメニューがあるのか、誰もが気になるところかと思います。日替わりで洋食から和食、エスニックまで、世界各国のさまざまな料理を味わうことができ、寮生活をする上で魅力の一つになっています。実際に私もカフェテリアをよく利用しますが、普段味わうことのない異国の料理を楽しんでいます。ちなみに私は親子丼とグリーンカレーが一押しです。この記事を書いていると、次回、カフェテリアを利用するのが楽しみになってきました。
      Golden Eagle Cafeteria」のメニューはWEBサイトで毎月更新しています。ご興味のある方はぜひご覧ください。
      白山麓キャンパスカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」今月のメニュー

       I'm sure everyone is wondering what kind of food is on the menu at the Golden Eagle Cafeteria. You can taste a variety of food from all over the world, including western, Japanese, and ethnic dishes on a daily basis, which is one of the attractions of living in the dormitories. In fact, I often use the cafeteria and enjoy exotic food that I would never normally taste. The oyako-don (bowl of rice with chicken and eggs) and green curry are my top choices. As I write this article, I am looking forward to my next visit to the cafeteria.
      The menu of the Golden Eagle Cafeteria is updated every month on our website. Please check it out if you are interested.
      The Golden Eagle Cafeteria menu for this month:


      間加田 侑里
      Yuri Makada

      February 19, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインIB 最終発表

       こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は128日に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIBの最終発表についてご紹介します。
       1年生が履修するエンジニアリングデザインIBでは、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。その中でLEGO EV3、プログラミング、センサの使い方、ロボットの組み立て方などを学びます。

       Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the first-year students and their Engineering Design IB final presentation on January 28th.
       In Engineering Design IB, teams work together to discover and solve problems using design thinking, a method of creating new value based on user perspective. In this course, students learn about LEGO EV3, programming, how to use sensors, and how to assemble robots.
       For this project, the task was to make toys that would be entertaining and surprising. The students were divided into two teams according to their target age groups. In addition, the toys were required to incorporate the mechanisms of living things, such as the features and functions of animals and plants.

       In order to create their toys, each team interviewed teachers and asked them "What do you enjoy or feel surprised about in your daily life?"


       このチームは30代以下の教員にインタビューを実施し、「競争したり、達成感を感じたり、あることに熱中したりする中で楽しみを感じる」という意見をヒントにしました。そこでゴールまでを競い合い、ゴールの達成感を味わうおもちゃとしてボ-ドゲームに着目し、夢中になる要素にサイコロを振る装置を取り入れることにしました。LEGO EV3で作られたサイコロを振る装置は、シャチが水中に泳いでいる魚を尻尾で蹴り上げる動作を現したものです。サイコロを振る装置はランダムで飛距離が変わり、コマに当たり倒れる可能性があります。これはシャチが蹴り上げて飛ばした魚が鳥に衝突する場面を表現し、これによってコマが落ちてしまうかもしれないというヒヤヒヤ感を味わうことができます。

       This team interviewed teachers younger than 30 years old and took their cue from their comments about elements of competition, a sense of accomplishment, and enthusiasm for certain things. They focused on a board game designed for players to compete to reach the final goal and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also they decided to incorporate the element of uncertainty into the dice rolling device. The dice rolling device made of LEGO EV3 represents the action of an orca flicking a fish into the air with its tail. The dice rolling device randomly changes how hard the dice is rolled and as a result the dice game token may be knocked over. This represents a scene where a fish flicked up by an orca collides with a bird. Players can feel a sense of dread that the game token might drop.

      Maple Drop

       このチームは40代以上の教員にインタビューを実施し、「自然との関わり」に興味がある方が多いと気づきました。このことから、普段の何気ない行動の中で「自然」に関するものに接して「アラっ?」というような穏やかな驚きをもらえるようなおもちゃを制作することにしました。玄関にセンサを設置し、人が通ると、ヒラヒラと葉っぱが落ちてくるような装置をLEGO EV3で制作しました。葉っぱはメイプルの種の構造を参考に折り紙で制作し、綺麗な様子によって驚きを与えるという素敵な装置です。それらの装置を12台も制作しましたが、残念ながら最終発表では3台しか動作しませんでした。

       This team conducted interviews with teachers over 40 years old and noticed that many of them were interested in relationship with nature. This led them to the idea of creating toys that would give them a mild surprise like "eh?" when they came into contact with something related to nature in their daily activities. They set up a sensor at the school entrance and created a device with LEGO EV3 that made leaves flutter and fall when people walked by. The leaves were made of origami paper, based on the structure of maple leaves, and it was a wonderful device to surprise the audience with its beautiful appearance. They made 12 of these devices, but unfortunately, only 3 of them worked in the final presentation.



       In order to complete their work, the students spent their time after school checking the operation, repeating the design review session many times, and extracting points for improvement. They worked hard to create their work through trial and error as a team. Even so, there were some problems that arose during the final presentation, and the team was forced to deal with them. However, I feel that the students gained a lot from this experience because they worked so hard.

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