

 皆さんこんにちは。3年生の山本 明葵です。ところでこの記事を読んでいる皆さんは、ニュージーランドという国をどのくらいご存じでしょうか。本記事を読んでいるということは、これからICTに入学しようと考えている方もいらっしゃるかと思います。そこで今回は、私の旅行&留学の体験をもとに、ニュージーランドの魅力を紹介していきます。


 先日、ニュージーランドの夏休みに家族で旅行に行きました。最初に向かったのは、クライストチャーチから車で3時間のところに位置するテカポ湖。こちらの写真1は、道中で撮影した山道です。なんだかミネラルウォーターのラベル写真みたいですね。続いて、写真2 が本題のテカポ湖です。水がとにかく青い!天気が曇りだったのも忘れてしまうくらい、きれいな水色でした。



 さて、ニュージーランドの魅力を少しでも感じていただけたのではないでしょうか。ここからは私の留学生活についてお話ししようと思います。学校は基本的に朝10時から 午後3時くらいまでで、なかなかホワイトと言っていいでしょう。現在は授業もほぼ終了し、ほとんどの科目の単位取得が終わり、エンジニアリングデザインの授業のみを受講しています。気になる単位取得の難易度ですが、ICTとほとんど変わらないと言えるでしょう。むしろ、数学に関してはICTよりも楽に突破できるかもしれません。要するに、オタゴポリテクニク(ICT3年生の留学先の学校)では、ICTで学んだ数学の範囲の復習が9割5分で、新しい内容は特にないということです。つまり、放課後や休日などのフリーな時間がたくさんあるということになります。私の場合は、学生が無料で使えるスポーツセンターで友達とバドミントンをしたり、近くの観光スポット巡りをしたりして充実した日々を送っています。


山本 明葵

  Hello everyone, I am Aki Yamamoto, a 3rd year student at ICT. By the way, how much do you know about New Zealand? If you are reading this article, you are probably thinking of entering ICT in the future. In this article, I would like to introduce some interesting points about New Zealand based on my experience of traveling and staying there.

  First of all, when we think of New Zealand, we think of beautiful nature and wilderness. It is full of outdoor activity sites. If you like to get in touch with nature, you will find plenty to enjoy. I recently went on a family vacation in New Zealand for the summer. Our first destination was Lake Tekapo, a 3-hour drive from Christchurch. Photo 1 shows a mountain road I took along the way. It looks like a beautiful photo from a mineral water label, doesn't it? Next, Photo 2 shows Lake Tekapo, which was the main destination for that day. The water is a nice light blue! It was so beautiful that I forgot that the weather was cloudy.

  The next day, we went trekking on the Hooker Valley Track, the most iconic hiking trail in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park. Photo 3 shows Hooker Lake, located at the end of the hiking trail. I was surprised that you can see the glacier even in summer. It is incredibly beautiful, and the water's surface reflects so perfectly that you might not be able to tell which way is up or down.

  We also enjoyed a thrilling boat tour, speeding down the river on a high-speed jet boat. Additionally, we visited Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland, where we marveled at the unique landscapes formed by volcanic activity. Photo 4 shows “Devil's Bath”, a lake created by volcanic activity that looks like a pool of slime. We experienced many other natural wonders as well.

  Now that you have probably gotten a better idea of what makes New Zealand so appealing. I would like to talk about my life in New Zealand from here. School hours are basically from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, which is not that busy. I am almost done with classes, having completed most of my course credits, and I am only taking engineering design classes now. As for the difficulty level of obtaining credit, I would say that it is almost the same as ICT. Furthermore, I think it is easier to pass the math course than the ICT course. At Otago Polytechnic, where 3rd year ICT students study abroad, 95% of the math content is a review of what we learned in ICT, and there is no new content in particular. This means that there is a lot of free time after school and on weekends. In my case, I play badminton with friends at the sports center, which students can use for free, and visit nearby sightseeing spots.

  Studying abroad is often thought of as challenging, but ICT's New Zealand study abroad program is an easygoing experience, so why not give it a go?

Aki Yamamoto

 こんにちは、2年生の江口 太一です。

 予選では、準備期間が2ヶ月以内というタイトスケジュールでしたが、チームのみんなと一緒にゼロからアイデアを出し合い、どんなプロダクトにするかを考え、予選資料を何回も伊藤 周先生にチェックしてもらい、修正を重ねて、締め切りから大幅に余裕を持って提出することができました。結果的に予選ではA評価をいただいて予選を通過することができました。

 予選通過後、チーム内で役割を分担してプロダクトを完成させていくことになり、僕はモバイルアプリーケーションを作成することになりました。言語はJavaScriptのReact nativeと言うフレームワークを使用しました。僕としてはReact Nativeを使用するのはもちろん、JavaScript自体も使用するのが初めてで、最初は一つ一つ調べながら制作していたため、制作のスピードは速いとは言えませんでしたが、一つ一つ調べて実装していく中で新しく知ったことや、自分の思い描いているものが完成に近づいていくことがものすごく楽しかったです。




江口 太一

Hello, I’m Taichi Eguchi, a 2nd year student.
 On Saturday, October 19th and Sunday, October 20th, 2024, the 35th National College of Technology Programming Contest (Kosen ProCon) was held in Nara Prefecture. A five-member 1st year and 2nd year student team competed in the Themed Section. For more information on the Kosen ProCon and the presentations by the ICT students’ team: Five Students Participated in the 35th National College of Technology Programming Contest

 In the qualifying round, we had less than two months to come up with an idea from scratch with our team members. We worked out what kind of product we would make, had Meguru Ito sensei check our qualifying materials many times, made many revisions, and submitted our proposal well in advance of the deadline.

 We received an A grade and passed the qualifying round. After this, the team members were assigned different roles to complete the product. I had the job of creating the mobile application. I had to use a JavaScript framework called React Native. It was the first time I used React Native and JavaScript, so first I had to research these programing languages so I could create the mobile application, step by step. It was a lot of fun to learn new things as I researched and implemented them one by one, and to see things that I envisioned coming to completion.

 I was also the leader of the team. All the team members worked on their own jobs and consulted with me on matters they did not understand. I was able to trust them and concentrate on application development without having to spend much time managing the team. I have the impression that the project went smoothly. I felt a great sense of accomplishment when the application was completed.

 Due to time constraints, we were not able to experiment with the finished product. However, we received many suggestions for improvement that we did not notice on our own or that would be problematic if we used the product.

 At the end of the two days of the competition, we did not receive any special awards, but I thought it was a great experience for the team to think and work from zero to completion of the project. Also, we completed the project, which made me feel relieved. After having participated in the programming contests last year and this year, I decided that I wanted to do it again. When I become 4th year student, I want to use the feedback the team received at this year’s competition and win an award.

Taichi Eguchi

 こんにちは、国際高専3年生の夏木 亮凪です。僕は現在、ニュージーランドのダニーデンにあるオタゴポリテクニクにて留学中です。この留学は国際高専の3年生のプログラムとなっており、毎年学生がニュージーランドでホームステイのもと、一年間生活しています。今回は僕が体験したニュージーランド留学でのホームステイ生活や放課後の過ごし方、残念な出来事についてお話していきたいと思います。



I enjoy playing volleyball at this gym called "Unipole".バレーボールを楽しむ体育館 Unipol



夏木 亮凪

Hello, I am Ryona Natsuki, a 3rd year student of ICT. I am currently studying at Otago Polytechnic in Dunedin, New Zealand. This study abroad program is for 3rd year students of our school, and students live in NZ for a year in a homestay. This time, I would like to talk about my homestay life, the daily events, and my tragedy in NZ.

First, I want to talk about “my homestay life in NZ”. My homestay is located about 40 minutes by car from the school. When I leave school, I take the bus, and I have to change buses. There are not many buses available, so I rarely go anywhere with my friends in the evening. However, because of this, I am able to take evening walks to the sea and spend time with my host family. My host family is like my real parents, and they are strict with me when I don't meet their standards, which allows me to continue living a fulfilling life. I am very grateful to my host family for providing me with healthy and delicious food in a lovely house.

Next, I will talk about “how I spend my time after school”. I have always loved volleyball and used to play with my friends at the Hakusanroku Campus. In NZ, there is a gymnasium located a five-minute walk from the campus where we play volleyball almost every day after school. Japanese anime, “Haikyu‼”, is the reason why many overseas students started playing volleyball. Because I love the anime myself, we get along well, and I have made quite a few friends through volleyball now. I also have friends who are studying Japanese because they want to live in Japan, and I sometimes teach them Japanese, which leads to mutual cultural exchange and an enjoyable time. Furthermore, my friends sometimes invite me to volleyball tournaments and club activities, so I have been able to interact with many people through volleyball, which is very fulfilling.

I enjoy playing volleyball at this gym called "Unipole".バレーボールを楽しむ体育館 Unipol

Finally, I want to talk about “the biggest tragedy of studying abroad”. I have made this mistake myself and there is nothing I can do about it. However, please read on as it is something that is often overlooked when studying abroad, and you will really regret it. There is limited insurance coverage for studying in NZ. In this situation, I am suffering from tooth decay. Cavities are not covered by insurance while studying here, and the cost of treatment is really high without insurance. Before I came to NZ, I did not have a dental check-up and enjoyed my last Japanese meal. Even though I brush my teeth daily, all my previous cavities were released at once when I arrived in NZ, and the tragedy began in May. My teeth hurt, and I had to go to the dentist where my host family advised me to have an examination. By doing so, I had to pay $275 (about ¥25,000) for a single tooth. I brushed my teeth within 5 minutes of every meal to avoid cavities so that I would never have to spend this extra money again. However, this was only the beginning. Before coming to NZ, I didn't take good care of my teeth, which led to more cavities and cost me around $3,000 (about ¥270,000) in dental treatment. I felt stupid and depressed about what I was doing. I want to make sure that this does not happen to anyone who reads this. Also, I will ensure that this does not happen to me again.

I hope to create more great memories by sharing experiences with my host family and friends during the rest of my stay until March of next year.

Ryona Natsuki

こんにちは。ニュージーランドのダニーデンに留学中の3年出口 天仁です。こちらでは友達とスポーツや音楽活動も積極的に行っているのでとても楽しく過ごしていますが、断トツで留学中の一番楽しい思い出があります。それはクイーンズタウンにスキー旅行に行ったことです。


At the Mexican restaurantメキシカンレストランにて





Hello, I'm Tenzing Deguchi, currently studying abroad in Dunedin, New Zealand, during my 3rd year in ICT. I'm really enjoying my time here, especially with all the sports and music activities I do with my friends. But without a doubt, the best memory of my study abroad experience so far has been the ski trip to Queenstown.

Early in the morning on Wednesday, August 21st, 2024, the teachers and students gathered on campus, and we took a bus about 160 km to Wanaka. On the bus, we had a blast singing karaoke, using a speaker we brought along to play music. On the way, we stopped to eat New Zealand’s famous meat pies and played in a park before getting back on the bus. After a while, we arrived at “Puzzling World”. Puzzling World is like an optical illusion museum, with a lot of art that plays tricks on your eyes. There were rooms and mazes we could actually walk into and interact with. It was so much fun watching my normally tall friend suddenly appear short!

At the Mexican restaurantメキシカンレストランにて

Our accommodation was nearby, with six of us in one room. After unpacking, we immediately headed to Lake Wanaka, which was right in front of us. Since we’re a group of energetic boys, it didn’t take long for an impromptu shoving match to start by the water, which got super intense and fun. In the end, Natsuki lost and had to return with wet clothes and shoes. That night, we had Mexican food and stopped by a supermarket to grab snacks and dessert (ice cream, of course).

On the second day, we went to Cardrona Alpine Resort—this was the main highlight of the trip. We've had a lot of fun skiing and snowboarding during our stay at Hakusanroku Campus, but everyone agreed that this was our best skiing experience yet. New Zealand doesn’t get as much snow as Japan, so the ski resorts are at higher altitudes, and most of the snow is artificial. The snow was light and powdery, and while there were a lot of people, the breathtaking scenery more than made up for it. We skied under a bright blue sky, with stunning mountains stretching out to the horizon. Since there weren’t any trees on the slopes, we could ski anywhere we wanted, which really ignited our sense of adventure. However, amidst all the excitement, one of my friends lost his phone. We tried using Snapchat’s location feature, but it wasn’t helpful, and he was devastated as he hadn’t seen his phone in two hours. Thankfully, one of the ski shops had it—apparently, a kind tourist had found and handed it in. That night, we made burgers for dinner, went to the supermarket again, and played card games before going to bed.

On the last day, we headed down to Queenstown to ride the luge carts, which are like go-karts that race downhill. Before that, we stopped at a famous local McDonald's for a bite. I couldn’t finish my Big Mac, so I took it to-go. Feeling all excited, I was carrying the Big Mac and fooling around when I tripped and broke my front tooth. At that moment, my mind went blank, and I had this terrible vision of living out the rest of my life with a goofy smile and no chance of finding love, which really brought my mood down. During the luge ride, I was the only one who crashed my cart into a wall and got thrown out, which made me feel even more clumsy and sad. But then we went bungee jumping, and it was so thrilling that I completely forgot about everything. I was the first to jump, and although I was a bit scared at first, once I was strapped into the harness, I got excited and just went for it. It felt like flying through the sky, and it was the best feeling ever. On the bus ride back, I slept, and before I knew it, we were back at school.

It was hands down the most fun I’ve had during my time in New Zealand.


こんにちは、2年生の贄田 耀です。今年の夏休み、「海外英語研修」の科目として、私はアメリカのマサチューセッツ州ボストンのEF語学学校(EF Education First)へ留学に行ってきました。アメリカでは日本とのギャップに何度も驚かされたので、このジャーナルにてその一部を紹介したいと思います。



贄田 耀

 Hello, I’m Yoh Nieda, a 2nd year student. As part of Overseas English Program, I went to Boston, Massachusetts., in the US, this summer vacation to study English and American Culture at EF Education. I saw a lot of gaps between Japan and the US that surprised me many times, so I would like to introduce some of them in this journal article. 

 When I first arrived in America, my first impression was "huge". Buildings, nature, and cityscapes were dynamic, so I had fun while I was just walking down the street. Boston is one of the oldest cities in the US, so modern buildings and historical structures are mixed into one cityscape. It was mysterious but beautiful.

 I saw other gaps in my daily life. Public transportation was late almost every time. I was surprised by the tipping system. However, the gap that surprised me the most was the willingness to speak up between Japanese students and students from other countries. Of course, Americans talk a lot, ask a lot of questions, and discuss a lot, but not the Japanese. Most of my classmates were French or Spanish, and they had no hesitation in speaking their minds. They always talked to teachers as if they were friends. In comparison, the Japanese students seemed a little shy. By the way, the teachers were very nice, they always listened to the students so it was easy to share our opinions in class. It was easy and pleasant to share my opinions.

 This trip was a good opportunity to learn about American culture. Sometimes, I was worried because of the gaps between Japan and the US, but this trip provided totally wonderful experiences and memories.

Yoh Nieda


こんにちは、2年生の贄田 耀です。今年の夏休み、「海外英語研修」の科目として、私はアメリカのマサチューセッツ州ボストンのEF語学学校(EF Education First)へ留学に行ってきました。アメリカでは日本とのギャップに何度も驚かされたので、このジャーナルにてその一部を紹介したいと思います。



贄田 耀

 Hello, I’m Yoh Nieda, a 2nd year student. As part of Overseas English Program, I went to Boston, Massachusetts., in the US, this summer vacation to study English and American Culture at EF Education. I saw a lot of gaps between Japan and the US that surprised me many times, so I would like to introduce some of them in this journal article. 

 When I first arrived in America, my first impression was "huge". Buildings, nature, and cityscapes were dynamic, so I had fun while I was just walking down the street. Boston is one of the oldest cities in the US, so modern buildings and historical structures are mixed into one cityscape. It was mysterious but beautiful.

 I saw other gaps in my daily life. Public transportation was late almost every time. I was surprised by the tipping system. However, the gap that surprised me the most was the willingness to speak up between Japanese students and students from other countries. Of course, Americans talk a lot, ask a lot of questions, and discuss a lot, but not the Japanese. Most of my classmates were French or Spanish, and they had no hesitation in speaking their minds. They always talked to teachers as if they were friends. In comparison, the Japanese students seemed a little shy. By the way, the teachers were very nice, they always listened to the students so it was easy to share our opinions in class. It was easy and pleasant to share my opinions.

 This trip was a good opportunity to learn about American culture. Sometimes, I was worried because of the gaps between Japan and the US, but this trip provided totally wonderful experiences and memories.

Yoh Nieda


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