
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Student

May 9, 2024 「白山麓の桜」


 こんにちは、2年生の中村 栄太です。202446日(土)、鳥越の桜並木と天狗橋の桜を自転車で見に行きました。去年も自転車に乗っていましたが、実際に自転車に乗るのは、およそ4か月ぶりでした。白山麓では冬になると雪が降り、道路が滑りやすくなるため、冬季は自転車での走行を避けていました。今回のライドは、春休み明けに学校に戻ってから初めてのライドでした。私は331日の夕方に学校に戻りましたが、地元では桜を見ることができませんでした。31日の朝に地元の桜並木に行きましたが、ほとんど桜が咲いておらず、今年はもう見られないのかと思っていました。今回、白山麓で桜を見たときの天気は良く、風も心地よかったです。帰りに手取峡谷に寄って帰りました。前日は雨が降っていなかったため、水量はそこまで多くありませんでしたが、一つの滝から虹が見えました。

中村 栄太


  Hello, I'm Eita Nakamura, a 2nd year student. On Saturday, April 6th 2024, I rode my bicycle to see the cherry blossoms along the roadside in Torigoe and by Tengu Bridge. Although I rode my bike last year, it had been about four months since I last rode it. In HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan), it snows during winter, making the roads slippery, so I tend to avoid biking during that season. This ride was my first since returning to school from spring break. I went back to school on the evening of March 31st. But couldn't see any cherry blossoms in my hometown. When I went to the local cherry blossom avenue that morning, hardly any had bloomed, and I thought maybe I wouldn't get to see them this year. However, the weather was great when I saw the cherry blossoms in HAKUSANROKU, and the breeze was pleasant. On the way back, I passed by Tedori Gorge. Since it didn't rain the day before, the water level wasn't very high, but I could see a rainbow from one of the waterfalls.
 This ride totaled about 40 kilometers. I was glad I went to see the cherry blossoms and it was an amazing day!

Eita Nakamura

March 28, 2024 絵本を出版「Experiences & Imagination」

 こんにちは、2年生の夏木 亮凪です。この度、Amazonで「Experiences and Imaginations」という絵本を出版しました!


夏木 亮凪

 Hello, this is Ryona Natsuki, a 2nd year student. I have just published a picture book on Amazon called 'Experiences and Imaginations'!
 The reason for publishing this picture book was my drawings. I have always been bad at drawing, but last year I started drawing pictures with crayons to show the scenery I wanted to see and to decorate my room. When I showed them to my teacher, she looked at each picture and asked me what kind of meaning I was trying to express. This picture book is not in the form of a story, but contains my drawings and my thoughts on them.
 I hope you will pick it up and read it!


Ryona Natsuki

March 19, 2024 キャラクター作りワークショップ



 こんにちは!シマエナガが大好きな1年生の武田 洋子です。

 Hello! This is Hiroko Takeda, a 1st year student who loves shimaenaga (a bird called long-tailed tit).
 I would like to talk about a workshop of creating original characters with a professional illustrator. Professional illustrator Ibuki Rev came and taught us how to create the characters.




1.How to Make Characters

First, we learned the process of creating a character. The first step in creating a character is thinking about the purpose of the character. The next step is to decide characters that will help us achieve our objectives. The key point in this step is to make a point of being loved. He taught us that instead of making a perfect character, we can create a character that viewers can relate to and love by creating careless points. Also, I learned about the naming system. We were told that names that catch the ear and make you want to say them out loud often have repeating sounds. For example, V-tuber Shigure Ui's name staying in our minds because the sound is repeated as "iue ui"! I was surprised that they even thought about the sound and named it. 





  • 1年生(パンフレットなどに載せることを目的として考えたので、一緒に成長していく姿を想像しやすいように)
  • 弟がいる(頼りがいのある感じを)
  • 英語が苦手で頑張っている(愛されポイント)
  • 神戸出身で、お菓子作りが趣味(いろいろな県から学生が国際高専に来ていることをアピール)
  • 旋盤が得意でロボコンをやっている(高専感を)
  • 旋盤をするときは髪を結んでガチモード(ギャップ萌え)


2.Let's make a character for ICT!

After learning about the process of making the product, we worked with Ibuki Rev to come up with an original character for ICT. We wrote out our purpose, setting, and beloved points on paper and drew characters and then we presented each of our ideas and combined them into a single character.

The characteristics for the original character were:

  • 1st Year Student (To make it easier to imagine growing together- because we decided to put our goals on the brochure)
  • Have a younger brother (Conveys a feeling of reliability) 
  • Not good at English but working hard on English (Point of being loved)
  • From Kobe, and likes making sweets (Appealing to student from different prefectures)
  • Good at operating a lathe and ROBOCON member (Appeal of Colleges of Technology) 
  • When she operates the lathe, ties up her hair and goes into serious mode. (Gap Moe point)

 Finally, we settled on this configuration. After that, we decided on hair color, clothing, etc., and had Ibuki Rev draw the character!





話し合った結果、栗原あかねちゃんに決定しました。(「ういああ ああえ」繰り返しが使われています!)


It’s very cute!
We then used the "repeat the sound" technique to decide on a name.
After discussion, we decided on Kurihara Akane. (The "uiaa-aae" repetition was used!)

All the things I learned this time were of great interest to me. Thank you very much, Ibuki Rev, for an enjoyable class!


武田 洋子
Hiroko Takeda

March 14, 2024 2月の課外活動期間を通して

 こんにちは!1年の沖山 琳世です。ここ白山麓キャンパスの2月は色々な経験を積むための課外活動期間でした。そんな中で私が体験した活動についてご紹介します。

  Hello! I’m Rinse Okiyama, a 1st year student at ICT. This school had some extra activities in February. I will introduce the activities that I joined.

Skiing Activity 2024/2/5


 The week right after the end-of-term tests were returned, there was a skiing experience. I have skied before. However, that experience was 5 years ago, so I worried that I could not ski. So first I learned how to ski from the teacher. And then I remembered how to ski. In the afternoon I could go to a more difficult course with my sempai. I enjoyed it.

Making Maple Toffee 2024/2/6


 I had never eaten maple syrup before, so I was excited. Stephanie Reynolds sensei’s family are maple farmers, so I was able to taste the real way of making it and enjoying it. I was especially surprised to learn that it is eaten with pickles. The sweet syrup and the salty pickle created the perfect balance, and I thought I could eat it forever.


メープルタフィー作り🍯❄️ 白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、キース先生🇨🇦とステファニー先生🇺🇸による「メープルタフィー作り」が開催されました。メープルシロップを煮詰めて、雪の上に垂らし、シロップが固まるとキャンディになります😋 #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #メープルタフィー #mapletoffee #sugaronice #高専 #寮生活 #ボーディングスクール #TikTok #canada #usa #maple

♬ Magic - One Direction


Making Acrylic Plates Using UV Printers 2024/2/7, 8, 16


 We also made acrylic keyholders using the laser cutter and the UV printer that was put in place this summer. I loaded the data into the machine and printed it! I was very impressed with the very beautiful finished product.

Arduino Simulation & Block Coding 2024/2/8




 I also had to create programs for Arduino. I tried it a little during the first semester, but I was not good at it because I was new to programming. But this time, we did a block-type program, so it was easy to understand. It was a lot of fun.




♬ 桜の森(イントロ ver.) - 星野 源

Building an igloo (Kamakura) 2024/2/13


 We made igloo, which is unique to the regions where it snows. Under the supervision of Philip Cadzow sensei from New Zealand, we made it while learning tips and tricks. It was quite hard work, but in the end, we were able to make one which was big enough for two people, which made me very happy.

World languages 2024/2/13


 I learned the languages of the world. We were able to choose two languages from French, Chinese, Arabic, Thai, and Filipino, which was a rare experience. I chose 'French and Arabic', which I knew nothing about. There were so many differences in the way the alphabet is read, the direction in which it is written, and so many other things that were confusing at first, but I was able to learn the greetings and thank you in each language. It was also interesting to see the cultural differences that arise from language. I would like to continue to be exposed to them in the future.


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)には、現在日本を除いて8カ国の外国人教員が在籍しており、このことを活かしたワークショップ「特別外国語講座」が開催されました。🌍🗣✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #ボーディングスクール #3年次には1年間nz留学 #TikTok #外国語 #フランス語 #フィリピン語 #アラビア語 #タイ語 #中国語

♬ Blue Blood - Orchestra Heinz Kiessling

Programming Workshop 2024/2/13, 16, 20


 The Python course, held over 3 days, introduced basic knowledge that will be useful in next year's class. After learning how it works, we solved problems using all of our acquired knowledge. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out the problems using hints that were given in class. We also had homework to review and learn a lot. It is helpful to my study of programming.




CiRA CORE AI block-based programming 2024/2/14

 CiRA COREというプログラミング言語も学び、画像認識のプログラムを組みました。私は、筋雲と羊雲と積雲をそれぞれ認識し、種類別に分けるというものを作りました。AIはすべて何かから学んで作られているということを再認識しました。

 I also learned a programming language called CiRA CORE. I created a program to sort clouds. Here, we programmed image recognition. I learned again that all AI is made by learning from something.


アピラク先生による「CiRA COREを使ったAIプログラミング」ワークショップが行われました。学生たちは画像認識を用いて雲の種類を識別する実験を行い、巻積雲、積雲、巻雲の3種類の雲の認識に挑戦しました☁️☁️☁️ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #国際理工学科 #TikTok #3年次には1年間nz留学 #AI #画像認識 #プログラミング #巻積 #積 #巻雲 #programming #ciracore

♬ Perfect Night - Sped Up ver. - LE SSERAFIM

ICT for development 2024/2/19


 An instructor working abroad came to ICT and spoke about information and communication technology. We were then divided into 8 groups on topics of interest. We then searched for a company on a related topic. Next, we came up with new ideas in the form of "If you were to work for this company...". We then received advice and made presentations of our products. These presentations were very interesting, introducing unknown countries and innovative ideas.


 I thought it was important to join many activities and try them several times. In fact, I was able to feel that even if there were things that I was not good at in the beginning, my approach was to try to enjoy many activities. From now on, I would like to continue to participate in as many activities as possible.

沖山 琳世
Rinse Okiyama

December 11, 2023 高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売

 こんにちは。2年生の夏木 亮凪です。今回は2023113日(金)と4日(土)に行われた「高専紅はるかの石焼き芋販売」についてご紹介します。エンジニアリングデザインという授業の一環で、アグリビジネス班は地域活性化活動として毎年、芋販売を行っています。そして、今年は新たなキャラクターを考案・作成し、それに伴ったガチャガチャやTシャツ販売など、より幅広い年代層の方に楽しんでいただける企画となりました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Hello, I’ Ryona Natsuki, a second-year student. This time, I would like to talk about the Ishiyaki Imo (stone-baked sweet potato) sale which was held on the 3rd and 4th of November, 2023. As part of our engineering design class, Agribusiness Team holds an annual potato sale as a community revitalization activity. This year, we created and added a new character to the event, and we also sold t-shirts and gacha balls to make it more enjoyable for a wider range of people. For more information

 僕が屋台販売中に主に行った事は二種類ありますが、今回、特に印象に残っている「声掛け作業」について話していきたいと思います。僕たちの屋台は「道の駅 瀬女」の隣にあり、道の駅でお買物される方やドッグランの方に向かわれていた方をターゲットとして焼芋販売をしていました。年代層の幅は広く、小さなお子さんを連れているご家族や白山市に昔から住まれているご高齢の方たちがいて、中には去年の焼芋販売にも来てくださった方などもいました。小さな子供達にはガチャガチャなどが目に留まるようで、「かわいらしいオリジナルキャラクターグッズもお買い上げいただけます!」と声掛けをすると親御さんと笑顔でご購入して下さったり、ご高齢の方には甘くてトロトロな紅はるかを大きな声で宣伝することで、「頑張ってね!」とほっこりした表情でご購入いただけたりしました。ただ、一度声掛けで誤ってしまった点がありました。「熱くてほくほくな焼芋はいかがですかー」と、これが並んでくださっていたお客さまのご希望ではなかったみたいで、「熱くてトロトロな紅はるかを期待していたのに、ホクホクなのね」と帰ってしまいました。それ以降このようなミスはしないように心掛けたのですが、お客様が帰ってしまったのはショックでした()。芋の販売利益にも影響するのでしっかりと考えてから発言するようにしようと思いました。


 There were two main things I did during the stall sales, but this time I would like to talk about one that left a particularly strong impression on me: talking to people. Our stall was located next to a Sena Roadside Station, and we were selling potatoes to people who were shopping at the Sena Roadside Station or heading for a dog run. There was a wide range of age groups, including families with small children and elderly Hakusan City residents, some of whom had visited us last year. The children seemed to be attracted by the gacha balls and other items, and when we told them, "You can buy cute original character goods too!” the parents smilingly bought the products. We also loudly encouraged elderly people to buy the sweet and tender Beniharuka sweet potatoes, which brought a smile to their faces, and some of them said “good luck!” as they made a purchase. However, there was one point where I made a mistake in what I said. I said, “Would you like a hot and fluffy sweet potato?” This was not what the customer in line wanted, and he left saying, “I was expecting a hot and melty Beniharuka, but it's so soft and fluffy.” After that, I tried not to make such a mistake, but I was shocked when the customer left (ha ha). I thought I would think carefully before making a comment because it would affect the profit from the sale of potatoes.
 Many things happened, but I am very glad that I was able to have this valuable experience of actually selling something.

夏木 亮凪
Ryona Natsuki

October 24, 2023 神輿体験記

 はーい、こんにちは。2年生の出口 天仁です。2023年9月17日の日曜日に白山麓キャンパス付近にある瀬戸神社で神輿を担がせてもらいました。神輿を担ぐのは人生で初めてで、前日からワクワクでいっぱいでした。はっぴを着て、神社まで10分ぐらい歩いたら、地元の大人や子供たちがもうすでにたくさん集まっていました。神社には立派な神輿が2つあり、大きい方が大人神輿、小さいほうが子供神輿と呼ばれていました。瀬戸神社が出発点となり、白嶺小中学校までの住宅街を神輿を担いで点々と周っていくルートでした。





出口 天仁



 Hello, this is Tenzing Deguchi a 2nd year student. On Sunday, September 17th, 2023, I carried a mikoshi at Seto Shrine near our campus. It was the first time in my life to carry a mikoshi, and I was full of excitement. I put on my Happi and walked about 10 minutes to the shrine, where many local adults and children had already gathered. There were two magnificent mikoshis, the larger one was for adults and the smaller one was for children. The starting point was the Seto Shrine, and the mikoshis were carried around several residential areas up to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High Schools.

 At first, we went around the houses near Seto Shrine. ICT students were told to carry the children's mikoshi. However, when the adults saw me, who was bigger than any of the adults, carrying the mikoshi with the elementary school students, they let me join the adult mikoshi. To be honest, I was very tired at first because I was not sure how to carry the mikoshi, and I was also squatting the entire time to adjust my height. On the day of the event, Hakusan was blazing hot, I was desperate for a drink. In addition, the load on my shoulders was hard because of my height. However, the local people were very kind to me and asked me many questions about ICT. The elementary school students were also very friendly and cheerful. I will never forget the kids I talked to that day. They were definitely more mature in their thinking than I was. It was their tradition to call out the names of people who donated money to the shrine and to express gratitude to the gods. It was challenging to shout out the script written in kanji, but I was able to earn support from the locals.

 After that, I carried the mikoshi into the grounds of ICT from the front and exited from the “Hime no Yu” hot spring side. There were students who were playing basketball at school and teachers who came to watch, so everyone got involved and carried the mikoshi. We went to the Sena Roadside Station and carried the adult mikoshi by truck to the intersection in front of the gas station at the bottom of the hill. It was a tough job to get that heavy mikoshi down from the truck. From there, we carried the mikoshi to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School. Food such as rice balls and bread were provided in the parking lot of the elementary school, and we ate them while talking with the kids.

 The road back to the Seto shrine was the hardest part of the trip. The sun was setting and it was getting cooler. The adults were probably too drunk to walk straight. It was hard to keep up with the adults as they meandered and spun while carrying the mikoshis on the street.

 When we finally arrived at the front of the shrine, we performed the customary ritual of shaking and spinning the mikoshi. The mikoshi was supposed to be on our shoulders, but we raised it to the sky with our hands as hard as we could and spun it around while running in a circle. It was very hard, but according to an elderly person, it is not as tough as it used to be. Living in his generation is unimaginable.

 I have participated in various extracurricular activities in 2 year of ICT, but this was the first time for me to have such an opportunity to interact with people from Hakusan. It was a surprise to see such an active atmosphere in HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan), which are usually rich in nature and tranquil. The residents were also very interested in ICT, and I hope that this experience gave them a more positive impression of ICT. Above all, I really appreciate the privilege of meeting so many people and doing so many different things, and I am very glad that I participated in this fall festival.

Tenzing Deguchi

July 7, 2023 「英文学」の授業でポエムを作成

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
 20235月、キース・イコマ先生の授業「英文学」で1年生の青山 貴恵斗さんと村井 優風香さんがポエムを作成しました。ぜひ、ご覧ください!

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
 On May 2023,1st year students Kieto Aoyama and Yuuka Murai created a poem in English Literature class by Keith Ikoma sensei (Prof.). I hope you enjoy it.







June 16, 2023「河原山地区 田植え体験会」を通して見つけた学び

 こんにちは!国際高専1年の中澤 琉月です。2023514日(日)、併設校の金沢工業大学 学友会主催の白山麓地域交流活動「河原山地区 田植え体験会」に参加しました。私はもともとSDGsに関連するような社会問題や環境問題に興味があり、学生団体を立ち上げたり、積極的にオンラインイベントに参加したりするなどして経験を深めています。また去年から私が行っている活動で稲作の環境問題を取り扱っているため、この地域の稲作についても情報が得られたらと思い参加しました。 

 午前中はそれぞれの役割にわかれて田植えを行い、私はコシヒカリの苗の手植え作業をしました。作業後に機械で田植えを行うところを見て、改めて機械化がどれほど人々の仕事の形を変えたのかを実感できました。お昼には地域の女性会のみなさんが作ったお弁当をいただきました。 地域で採れる食材をふんだんに使い、ふるさとの味が感じられるお弁当で、とてもおいしかったです!



中澤 琉月

 Hi, I’m Ruuna Nakazawa, a student in S1 class in ICT. On Sunday, May 14th, 2023, I participated in the Kawarayama Area Rice Planting Experience, a regional exchange activity at Hakusanroku hosted by the KIT Gakuyukai, an attached school.  I have been interested in the social issues and environmental issues that relate to SDGs, and I have engaged in several activities, such as creating a student organization and attending many online events. Also, since last year, I have engaged in an activity concerning the environmental issue of rice cultivation, so I wanted to get some information about rice cultivation in this area. That is the reason why I joined this activity.

 In the morning, we all had different roles in planning the rice, and I planted Koshihikari seedlings by hand. When I saw the work with a planting machine after my work, I was amazed at how the machine changed our forms of work. At lunchtime, we ate bento that were made by members of a local women’s community group. The bento used a lot of local ingredients so I felt it had a real hometown taste to it, and it was so tasty!

 In the afternoon, there was an opportunity for us to share our opinions and ask questions of a person who lives in the area. Recently, that area collaborated with KIT in its regional revitalization program. Therefore, I asked a question with courage even though I was the only student in ICT that joined this time. Through the conversations, the opinions I heard from other students, and the answers I received from local people, I learned that the way that this region approaches SDGs is different from how I had approached them. I usually focus on and tackle individual problems when I do my activities. However, this area tries to tell its stories to KIT students and young people instead of focusing on each problem the area has. By doing so, an industry called collaboration will be born, and it can develop the area. Through this experience, I saw things in a way that I had never imagine before. Simply put, I say that I deeply understand goal 17 of the SDGs, “Partnership for the goals.”

 Without even thinking about it, I contacted my mother and told her about these experiences because I was so happy that I was able to learn much more than I expected, and I discovered a connection between these experiences and my personal activities! I want to make use of what I learned through this experience here at school, and work harder toward my future activities.

Ruuna Nakazawa

May 1, 2023 「私の好きなもの・こと」

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。2023年420日(木)、国語科の黒田 譜美先生が担当する「日本文学」の授業で、1年生の青山 貴恵斗さんが「好きなこと・もの」をテーマに日本語と英語で自己紹介のジャーナルを作成しました。どうぞ、ご覧ください!

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. On Thursday, April 20th, 2023, in the Japanese Literature class taught by Fumi Kuroda sensei (Prof.) of the Japanese Language Department, 1st year student Kieto Aoyama made a self-introduction journal in Japanese and English on the theme of Something I like. I hope you enjoy it!


 こんにちは、ベトナムからきた1年生の青山 貴恵斗です。

1年 青山 貴恵斗

 Hello. My name is Kieto Aoyama a 1st year student from Vietnam.
 My hobby is drawing. I started when I was 14 years old because I wanted to learn something other than piano.
 I would use a pencil to make a rough sketch and then draw with a special pen for painting. I usually draw natural scenery such as mountains and rivers, other than that I would also draw small delicate objects. A great thing about sketching is that anyone with a pencil can do it. My first time learning sketching only took a day. When I was in Vietnam, I went to a café with my teacher and other students to sketched houseplants. The plant I drew was about 2 meters tall and the leaves were heart shaped. Until then, I had only drawn small plants and flowers, but that was the first time I was able to challenge myself with large plants. It took an hour, but the result was surprisingly good, so I was very satisfied. However, it was raining that day, so I was worried that my sketchbook would get wet when I got home but luckily it was okay. When I showed the drawing to my parents, they praised me, saying that I was talented, so I was very happy.
 Next time, I would like to try drawing with things other than pencils.

1st year student Kieto Aoyama

March 29, 2023 金沢工業大学の卒論発表会を聞いて

 こんにちは!国際高専1年の西原 陸登です。2023年2月13日(月)、私は課外活動の一環として金沢工業大学の卒論発表である「プロジェクトデザインⅢ公開発表審査会」を聞きに行きました。私はそこで金沢工業大学生のプレゼンのレベルの高さを実感することができました。機械工学科と情報工学科の発表と、ロボティクス学科のポスターセッションを主に見てきましたが、私たちがいつもしているプレゼンとは全く違うなと感じました。

西原 陸登

Kanazawa Institute of Technology's Graduation Thesis Presentations

 Hello! This is Rikuto Nishihara, a 1st-year student at ICT. Monday, February 13th, 2023, as part of my extracurricular activities, I attended the Kanazawa Institute of Technology's (KIT) graduation thesis presentation called Project Design III Public Presentation Review Meeting. There I was able to observe graduating KIT students present their work. I mainly watched the presentations by the Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology Departments and the poster session presented by the Robotics Department. I felt that the presentations we usually give are quite different.
 I felt that particular differences were the content and its presentation. Of course, the content is different for university students, but I felt that the KIT students put more emphasis on practical use. This is because the students at the university took into account various conditions such as temperature, humidity, region, and the age of the people who use the devices.
Then they experimented to find improvements and made  better products. In addition to that, KIT students collected data for their presentations. I was impressed and respected the fact that they did not cut corners in collecting data, which requires a lot of time, money, and resources.
 They also spoke smoothly without looking at their papers and added gestures that were easy to understand, which showed how much they had practiced. I would like to do my best as a 2nd-year student as well, so that I can consider various patterns, create better products, and present them with an eye toward the future, just like the students at KIT.

Rikuto Nishihara

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalStudent