
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2020年度の記事

March 17, 2021 2年生を送る会

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man! On February 25 (Thu), we held a farewell party for the second year students in the multipurpose room next to the cafeteria. This was after the Design & Fabrication Club's final presentation, which you can read about here. The second year students have finished their 24 months here at Hakusanroku Campus and will be moving on to their next stage either at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand (if fate favors them) or (sadly more likely) take online courses from home or Kanazawa Campus depending on the situation of COVID-19. I personally wish that they will be able to travel to New Zealand. That said, even if they cannot, they will still be in good hands, taking courses from Otago Polytechnic online, and specially crafted courses from the skilled staff at Kanazawa Campus.

When I first met the second year students, they were only 15 years old. Two years does not sound like much. However, I have seen immense growth during that time. The two year system at Hakusanroku means that first year students start out like any other high school, as newcomers, overshadowed by their seniors, but in just one year they suddenly become the highest class in the campus. This is one of my favorite moments at ICT, where students suddenly show signs of leadership, responsibility, and maturity as their role goes from youngest to oldest. I don't know of any other school can give second year students a similar opportunity to become such leaders at this age. It's not all roses, but I believe it has it's benefits.

This year's second year students had a lot to go through. They were hit directly by the pandemic, which dramatically altered their freedom compared to their first year. Many could not participate in contest they planned to, or goals they aimed for. However, the second year's bounced back. They spent hours of their free time working on new projects, school events, and school work. I would almost always find someone working in the evening, either in the maker studio or project booth after hours. What I want to say is they put in a lot of effort, and it shows.

This is kind of starting to sound like they are leaving us so I am going to move on. They are still with us for three whole years after all! I can't wait to see what they are like then. During the farewell party, first year and second year students exchanged message cards, and the second year students also presented one to the teachers. Each student said a few words, mostly messages of encouragement and/or friendly taunts to the remaining first year students and we watched a slideshow of pictures taken during the two years they were here. Finally, we sang a farewell song together. I hope the second year students can look back fondly at these two years the same way I do. See you again!







March 13, 2021

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم As-salamu Alikom.

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام Wa Alikomu as-salam

 That is how to greet people in Arabic language. It is the salutation in Islam, that means you can use it with Muslim people whether they are Arabic language speakers or not.  “As-salamu Alikom”, means “peace be upon you!”, Wa Alikomu as-salam, means “And peace be upon you, too”

  Wishing people to have peace and live in peace is a meaningful wish. We learned throughout this difficult time that peace is not only the opposite of war. To live without pain, disease, and fear is peaceful. The 2020 academic year is coming to an end, our year three students couldn’t travel to New Zealand to study at Otago Polytechnique as planned because of the pandemic. They may have missed chances and experiences living and studying in another country. However, they have a peaceful life over here in the university`s International House. Part of the courses are held online with Otago Polytechnique, other courses were designed carefully by professors at ICT to help students get as much experience and learning as possible. Language and Culture course is an example of those courses. I and prof. Dr. Alaa Hussien were invited to introduce Arabic language to year 3 students last week.

 Students seemed to enjoy learning about Arabic language, and its importance as the first or a second language of more than 1.9 billion people around the world. They practiced basic Arabic daily conversation amongst themselves and with us. They were excited to know about different Arabic cultural perspectives such as calls for prayers, calligraphy, and arabesque. They were also surprised to listen to music pieces played using Arabic musical instruments and know how the music key is different in that part of the world.

This week, Students learned about food hidden cultures of both Egypt by myself and Guyana by Prof.Dr. Pauline Baird. They also watched previously recorded interviews about personal stories of Diana Stevenson (Prof. Ian Stevenson`s mother). She is an American citizen originally from Scotland. She shared her experiences on the subject of thrift during and after the world war II. I personally learned a lot from that video.

 Traveling to different countries might not be as easy as it used to be these days, but those places can be a lot closer and more accessible than what we think. I advise all of my students to keep digging down and look for all the opportunities to know and understand other cultures and ways of life. That is one main reason and meaning we are here in this life. As one of my favorite verses in Quran says "O Mankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).

Nagwa Fekri Rashed

*This journal was written in February

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم アッサラーム・アライクム

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام ワ・アライクム・アッサラーム


他人に平和と平穏を祈る行為は素晴らしいことです。この大変な時期を通じて、平和とはただ単に戦争が無い状態ではないことがわかりました。苦しみ、病気、不安なしに生活できることこそ平和です。2020年度が終わりを迎え、新型コロナウィルスのパンデミックで、3年生は結局ニュージーランドのオタゴポリテクニクに留学できませんでした。彼らは外国で暮らしながら勉強する機会を奪われてしまったのです。その代わり、国際交流会館で穏やかに過ごしています。オタゴポリテクニクの授業をオンラインで受けながら、国際高専の先生が丁寧に組んだ専用の科目を受講して、可能な限り経験と知識を獲得しています。そのひとつがLanguage and Cultureの科目です。先日、アラー・ホセイン教授と私がゲストとして呼ばれて、3年生にアラビア語を紹介しました。






March 9, 2021 Sports Day

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to share some pictures I took for the Sports Day event held on February 22 in the Hakusanroku Campus gym. This was the second sports day event held at Hakusanroku Campus this year. The first and second year students enjoyed the first one some much that we planned a second one. Check this entry if you want to read about the first Sports Day. 


This time students and teachers competed in basketball, soccer, volleyball, and badminton. All in one day! Here are the results and pictures.


First year vs Second year
Score 8-9

Teachers vs Students
Score 18-4


First year vs Second year
Score 9-8

Teachers vs Students
Score 0-2


First year vs Second year
Score 12-25, 15-25

Teachers vs Students
Score 25-19, 16-25

*Badminton was mixed and I could not keep track of the individual records.

Since this was the final event with the current second year students, Matsushita sensei ended the event by saying "Today was a hard schedule but you all played very well. I'm glad this was the final event we spent time together, and I am very very proud of you."




March 1, 2021 課外活動とデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブ最終発表会





徳山奏太さん、バシュロ・琉海ジェームズさん(両方1年)の2人はバンドを組んでギター演奏とソフトウェアを使って作曲した音楽を披露しました。勝方正宗さん(1年)はUnityの勉強のために取り組んだスマホアプリの制作と、今後制作予定のゲームアプリについて語りました。戸塚裕基さん(1年)はPythonを使って制作した辞書プログラムを紹介しました。これは入力した単語の意味を表示し、データが存在しない単語は質問をして記憶するプログラムで、顧問の伊藤周先生は「プログラム何行あるの?」「けっこうすごい」と個人プロジェクトの完成度に舌を巻いていました。山崎史依さん(1年)は参加したFusion 360のコンテストの制作過程と感想について述べました。





February 15, 2021 Is Thrifty Living a Global Thing?

Thrift is a concept that promotes reusing, recycling, up-cycling, and avoiding waste. The students in the 3rd year studied how about people practiced thrift. Our topics included: Hidden Cultural Foodways, Thrifty Living: The Parent’s Stories and Thrifty Living; Vermont and Canada.

Nagwa-sensei introduced food in Egypt. Pauline from Guyana talked about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on Guyanese foods. Students tried to make a dish of items they were given (on paper). They named the dish by themselves and later learned how Guyanese used the ingredients to prepare a one-pot dish called Cook-up Rice from leftovers.

Ian introduced students to the words associated with thrift, such as: tightwad, stingy, spendthrift,  Portmanteaus. The students tried to figure out the meanings of freegan = free+vegan; shopaholic= Shop +alcoholic. Students voted based on their spending practices. One was named the thriftiest (always keeps receipts), and another the biggest spendthrift.

Our guest on video was Mrs. Diana Stevenson (Ian-sensei’s mother), who shared her stories of practicing thrift after WWI in Scotland, where she grew up.


In pre-recorded video interviews with Pauline-sensei, we listened to Mr. Frank Tan and Mrs. Betty Tan (Anne sensei’s parents), who taught us about thrift in the Philippines, Taiwan, and the USA, respectively.

Our other overseas guest was Miss Zeona from South Africa living in Switzerland. She introduced the history of South Africa, its economy and inequities. Students learned about wealth distribution and the use of a traditional banking system called STOKVEL. Lastly, Keith Ikoma-sensei shared how is thrifty or not. Stephanie Reynolds – sensei talked about being thrifty in Vermont. Students learned about garage sales and thrift shopping. Additionally, she shared how she up-cycles her clothing. Stephanie taught the students how to knit using chopsticks!

Students completed journals that included:

  • A Summary from Cornell notes
  • What you knew and/or didn’t know before
  • What surprised you and/or questions arising from the lesson

Excerpts from Journal Entries:

Student A: “We have watched several videos on stories of teacher’s parents. First, it was Ian-sensei’s mother. She experienced tough times when food supply and other things were running out. She needed to be thrifty on lots of things. Ration was also being used to make sure that everybody got supplies equally. She still uses some of these techniques today. Second, it was Anne sensei’s parents. They also have some experiences where they were having thrift in life. Her mom once was given the big shoes and pants in order to save some money when she was a child. Now they’re careful when they go shopping. I didn’t know about the ration thing that existed to help people, and I think it’s a great idea to organize things. I was not that surprised to know that they all have experienced thrift in life because there are lots of problems long time ago, especially after the war.”

Student B: “I heard about Ian sensei’s mother. What she did during the war contributed to her saving money food or anything. She said that she kept wrappers, and ribbons for gifts. I do so even now. When I buy something, the shop gives me good quality bags ribbons and wrappers.  I use them when I have to bring something somewhere or wrap something or so do some decorations. I think this action is really good because it doesn’t waste money to buy them and it helps avoid global warming. I didn’t know the word tightwad and miser they mean greedy I want to use these words from today.”

Student C: I know in South Africa white people are being given preferential treatment and have power in each country in Africa. However, it is more than I could have imagined. I am very surprised because in Japan we don’t have distinction for something, so it was hard to imagine to distinguish but other countries have distinction culture. I have never heard of STOKVEL, too. In Japan, we don’t have that kind, so living in Africa is probably difficult, but I want to live there because I went to America. I got culture shock. I want to see every country and touch directly with their culture.

Student D: With Miss Pauline, we cooked our own dish. I made Mixed Fish Rice dish. I really hate to call this this “Chinese.” I really hate this, but I know this has a good taste. I also mixed words and explained why my dish is a mixing dish. Everyone voted for the thriftiest and the spendthrigt. What are the good points for thrift or what is a bad point for thrift? The good point is to save money and the bad point is to be greedy or too economical. For me, I don’t have money, so I am not thrifty.

Pauline Baird




ナグワ先生はエジプトの食文化について紹介しました。ガイアナ出身のポーリン先生は大西洋奴隷貿易とそれがガイアナ共和国に与えた影響について話しました。学生は(紙で)渡されたモノを使って料理を作ることに挑戦し、自分たちで料理名を付けました。その後、残り物をひとつの鍋で作るCook-up Riceというガイアナ料理について学びました。

イアン先生は節約と関連する英単語を紹介しました。Tightwad, stingy, spendthrift, Portmanteausなどです。その後、学生はfreegan (free+vegan)とshopaholic (Shop+alcoholic)の2つの単語の意味を推理しました。学生は自分たちのお金の使い方の癖ごとに投票し、ひとりはthrifiest(レシートを集める者)、もうひとりは最強のspendthriftに任命されました。





  • コーネル式ノートの要約
  • すでに知っていたこと/知らなかったこと
  • 驚いたこと/授業に対する疑問





February 9, 2021 Snow Hiking

2021年26日(土)、白山麓キャンパスの特別活動としてスノーハイキングを行いました。このイベントはNature and Adventure Clubの尾張コーチの企画運営によるものです。参加者はアファフさん、本田さん、勝方さん、酒井さん、中里さん(全員1年生)、尾張コーチ、潟辺先生、フィリップ先生、ナグワ先生と私です。朝9時に白山麓キャンパスを出発し、20分ほどのところにある岩間林道入り口に車を駐車しました。そこからカンジキを履いてハイキングを開始しました。途中、尾張コーチによるカンジキ歩行や動物の足跡観察のレクチャーが行われました。見晴らしの良い尾根に出たところで休憩、春の兆しを感じる日光浴をしながら、気持ちの良いひと時を過ごしました。11時過ぎに目的地であるブナオ山観察舎に到着し、双眼鏡を覗いたりイヌワシなどの剥製を観察しました。今シーズン初めて実施したスノーハイクは、全員が安心して楽しむことができたため、来年度以降Nature and Adventure Clubの定例イベントにしていこうと思います。

On February 6 (Sat) 2021, a group of students and teachers went snow hiking near Hakusanroku Campus. This event was organized by Owari coach of the Nature & Adventure Club. Participants were Afaf, Honda, Katsukata, Sakei, Nakazato (all first-year students), Owari coach, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Nagwa sensei, and myself. We departed from ICT at 9 am and parked near the entrance to Iwama Rindo, which is about a 20 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus. We put on our snow shoes and began hiking. On the way, Owari coach gave advice about how to walk with snow shoes and how to observe various animal tracks. There was a nice ridge with a beautiful view and we stopped to take a group photo and enjoy the warm sun. It was a our first glimmer of spring. We arrived at our destination, the Binao Mountain Observatory, and spent time looking through the binoculars and observing the stuffed animals on display such as the golden eagle. I'm glad students were able to safely enjoy this year's first snow hike. Hopefully it can be an event we do every year.



Shuntaro Yamazaki

写真提供:酒井遼(1年)Photos by Ryo Sakei (first year)

February 3, 2021 Things I love about living and working in Hakusanroku

We are approaching the end of our third year of ICT’s new curriculum and new campus. There are many things I love about living and working in Hakusanroku. One of them is the history and culture of this area. I always like to find out about the places I live, and I’ve been trying to do that here by getting involved in the community. I hold monthly English Café events at the local Community Centre, and I made an English translation of the exhibitions at the Hakusan Folk Museum in Shiramine.

Another way of learning about the history and culture of Hakusanroku is through our school’s library, which has some old books about the local area. When browsing one day I pulled a fascinating bilingual book off the shelf: ‘Villages of Tedori River Gorge: The final curtain descends on a way of life, its traditions, and ancient culture’ by Morton W. Huber.

It turns out that Morton Huber was a Professor of Environmental Science at KIT in the 1970s and in his spare time used to travel up to Hakusanroku to paint, draw, and take photographs. This book was published in 1976 and in it Dr. Huber writes about the way of life and culture of people in Hakusanroku, including ningyou jyoruri puppet shows from Higashi-futakuchi and Fukaze, hinoki crafts from Fukaze, and silkworm raising and tree growing in Kuwajima. He also writes at length about the Tedori Dam that was due to be built and many of these villages, and their culture, were due to be lost. As a result, the book has an underlying nostalgia and sadness, along with Dr. Huber’s beautiful photographs and sketches, which evoke a rural way of life that has mostly been lost, but glimpses of which can still occasionally be seen.

I searched for Dr. Huber online and found that he is still alive – aged 97! I think it would be very interesting if his old employer, KIT, got in touch to tell him about the new campus they built in a part of the world that he loved so much.

James Taylor (English Department)


そして、国際高専の図書館は白山麓の歴史や文化についての古い本がたくさんあります。ある日、僕はとても面白いバイリンガルな本を1冊見つけました。それは、モートン・ヒューバー先生の「手取峡谷の村落 終幕の下りるとき」という本です。




January 25, 2021 Fusion360 学生コンテスト特賞受賞



国際理工学科1年 山崎史依

Fusion 360 学生デザインコンテスト 2020]トップページ
Fusion 360 学生デザインコンテスト 2020Contest 03 結果発表

Due to the unusual amount of snowfall and COVID-19, it has become a terrible season to go outside at Hakusanroku. I don't hate spending time indoors, but I'm not as good at playing games as other students, so I've been messing around in my room all the time.

It was Fusion 360 that changed my life. Fusion360 is CAD software that we learned the basics of at the beginning of the first semester of Engineering Design.  I happened to have the opportunity to use it again in Engineering Design in the second semester, so what I did as part of the project activities in the class gave me the opportunity to use it in earnest.

At first, I forgot how to use it, and I wasn't motivated, but before I knew it, it became my hobby. When I noticed, I was so absorbed that I wanted to stay up all night.

One day, I found an Autodesk student contest in mid-December. At first, I didn't feel like participating, but my friend and teacher who saw my prototype encouraged me and decided to participate. About a week later, I finished making the work for the contest, had my friends render it, and I submitted it during the winter vacation. I was contacted by Autodesk on January 6th when I just returned to school, and I was able to win the best award!

In mid-January, I received gifts from Autodesk: an Autodesk T-shirt and a book worth less than 10,000 yen, and the results were announced on YouTube. I was focused on things that I wasn't enthusiastic about, and I entered a contest that I wasn't enthusiastic about, but as a result, I think it was an experience that made me realize the importance of taking on challenges. I would like to continue participating in many competitions.

Department of Science and Technology First year, Shii Yamazaki

December 20, 2021 Engineering Design IIB Projects

Hi it's Jonathan again! Today I would like to show you the videos of the second year students talking about their Engineering Design projects. As you saw in the previous entry, students at ICT learn to find problems in their surroundings and create solutions to resolve them. The first year students focus on the Hakusanroku Campus, and the second year students take it a step further by moving their attention to the local community. Hakusanroku is a rural area in Ishikawa prefecture with problems you would expect from a village away from major cities; aging and decreasing population to name a few. The students were divided into three groups, each with a different theme.


The "Agri-tech" group focused on the growing problem of damage to crops by wild animals. Hakusanroku is home to wild boars, bears, and MANY monkeys. Locals try to protect their crops from them with electrical fences and fire crackers. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as they grow older and fewer in number, and because monkeys quickly learn how to avoid their defenses. Seeing this, the Agri-tech group came up with a long term plan to create a automatic defense system against the animal forces. Their goal for this year was to create a system that can detect monkeys in the wild using AI. As you can see in their presentation, they took thousands of pictures of monkeys, which they "fed" to the AI until it could steadily achieved a recognition rate of 65~90%. Since monkey attacks to crops is a nation-wide problem and their are no current known projects working on this topic, this team may be the pioneers on solving a major issue all over Japan. You can read more details about their project here.


The "Agri-business" group turned their eyes to the decreasing population and shrinking economy. Hakusanroku is in a negative spiral, in which younger generations leave for larger cities which in turn leads to less demand and job opportunities for them. The group challenged themselves with designing and operating a business model of growing and selling Hakusanroku branded sweet potatoes. They planted, harvested, packaged and sold their sweet potatoes "Kanjyuku-Beni-Haruka". You can read more about their project here. In their presentation, they went into more detail on how much money they made (or lost) and what changes are necessary to actually create a sustainable business model in Hakusanroku.


Nigyo-Jyorui is a traditional puppet show dating back more that 300 years ago. The people of Higashi-futakuchi district have continued to preform it every year. However, their numbers are also dwindling and they have few young performers that serve as potential successors. You can read about the history of Ningyo-Jyoruri in this article. The group was limited on what they could actually do due to COVID-19, especially because this year's performance was canceled. In there presentation, they explained that after exhausting ideas such as collaborating with popular anime or creating online videos to spread the culture, they finally decided to appeal to the local children of Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School by hosting a doll making event at ICT. In the event, kids could use a 3D scanner and 3D printer to create Nigyo-Jyoruri dolls using their own scanned faces. Potentially, this would benefit both sides by introducing kids to ICT's technology and Ningyo-Jyoruri culture.

This final presentation was a great display of how much the second year students have grown. All their hard work has paid off by increasing not only their technological skills, but teamwork, time management,  presentation skills, and English skills.


You can see their presentations in the videos below. (The first two are in Japanese and last one is in English)












January 18, 2021 Engineering Design 1B Projects

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to give a report about the final presentations for the first year students' Engineering Design 1B projects held on January 16. Engineering Design is the class in which students design solutions for problems within their local community. Students were divided into three groups and given the task of creating a prototype that helped their respective target group. The three targets were the security staff, cleaning staff, and onsen staff. Also, the prototype must be made using LEGO EV3 and biomimicry, which is the method of implementing characteristics of nature or animals into your project. Each group interviewed their target to understand their needs before deciding on what to create.

In the beginning of this semester, the students started by learning how to use LEGO EV3. LEGO EV3 is a robotic kit that you can customize and program. This took several weeks as the students learned how to build the blocks and gears, and program the robot to move as intended. They were given multiple courses that the robots had to complete. There was much trial and error as the students learned the fundamentals of robot programming. The pictures above were taken last October.

These are pictures of students a few days before the final presentation. Students learned how difficult time management is the hard way. All teams had to crunch after school to meet the deadline.

Security Staff Group "Sanitaika"

The security staff group learned from their interview that the guards had trouble noticing when visitors came into the building because they do not have a direct view of the entrance from their office. To solve this problem, the students designed a machine that detects and notifies the guards whenever the automatic doors open. The animal they mimicked was the firefly squid (famous in Toyama prefecture). The machine lights up to tell visitors where to go and also has an automatic hand sanitizer function. The students emphasized in their presentation that the wished to add a "fun element" to liven up the security staff's working environment. In this case, they designed a rotating mechanism that shows a man running through trees of the four seasons each time the sensor detects a visitor.

Cleaning Staff Group "Gommit"

The group that targeted the Hakusanroku Campus cleaning staff concluded from their interview that they should show more gratitude to the cleaning staff and make their jobs more enjoyable. To achieve this, they designed a machine attached to one of the garbage bins. They installed a sensor that detects how many times trash is thrown into the bin and a fan that opens depending on how full the garbage bin is. This fan is the group's biomimicry idea taken from the peacock. This is a visual indication of how full the garbage bin is. However, this is not the only function. When opening the garbage bin to remove the garbage bag, one of three stuffed animals will appear and make a sound. The animals and sounds are random so that the cleaning staff can enjoy this feature each time they use it. 

Onsen Staff Group "EV8"

The final group was the most aesthetically pleasing onsen staff group. Hakusanroku Campus has an onsen facility and this groups goal was to create something that would benefit the staff there. After interviewing the maneger and staff, the group learned that they desired to know if and how much the customers enjoyed their experience. To fulfill this, the group designed a machine that lets customers easily give their feedback. There are four sensors on the front of the base, which represent "Great" to "bad". (they plan to add smiley faces in the final version) Feedback is recorded on a memory card, so the onsen staff can view and keep track of the results. Also, a flower will bloom every five times a customer gives positive feedback. Since this machine will be installed in the onsen, students focused on aesthetics as well. They created two dioramas representing the seasons of Hakusanroku's landscape and gave the whole box a clean look.

All three groups' ideas and prototypes were unique and fascinating. They were well thought out and I could see how they improved their project from their first prototype to the second and final version. This is also why I could not help seeing room for improvement. The presentations were in English, which the Japanese students have still to master. Still, they could have been much better with practice. Also, each team needed to work until the last moment; which was a shame because they were all great! I am definitely planning to use this day as a mental waypoint to look back on and see how much they have grown in the future.


こんにちは、カメラマンのジョナサンです。今日は1月16日に行われた1年生のエンジニアリングデザインIBのプロジェクト最終発表について書きたいと思います。エンジニアリングデザインは学生たちが身の回りの課題を発見し、解決策を創出する授業です。今回は3つのグループに分けられ、それぞれ警備員、清掃員、温泉スタッフの3つの対象に向けた課題解決のプロトタイプ製作を目標としました。プロトタイプはLEGO EV3で作られ、自然界からヒントを得るバイオミミクリーをプロジェクトに取り組まなければなりません。各グループはそれぞれの対象顧客へのインタビューから活動を開始しました。

学期はじめ、1年生はLEGO EV3について勉強しました。LEGO EV3はカスタマイズ性があり、プログラミングで動かすことのできるロボットのキットです。学生たちは数週間かけてブロックの組み合わせ方や意図通りにロボットを動かすプログラミングの練習をしました。複数の課題やコースが用意され、学生たちは試行錯誤しながらクリアしていきました。写真は去年の10月に撮った時の様子です。










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