April 4, 2024 Wajima Junior High School Students Visited Hakusanroku Campus

 Hello. I am Ian Stevenson, an English teacher here at the Hakusanroku campus.

 Following the Noto Earthquake on January 1, 2024, students from Wajima Junior High School were evacuated to the Hakusanroku area. On March13, some Wajima Junior High School students visited Hakusanroku Campus. While here, they took part in a variety of activities such as bouldering, using the laser cutter, playing English games and a STEM and English class called “Taking Flight”.


 202411日の能登半島地震の影響で白山麓地域へ避難していた輪島中学校の生徒たちが、313日に白山麓キャンパスを訪れました。ボルダリング体験や、レーザーカッター、英語ゲーム、「Taking Flight」と呼ばれるSTEMと英語のクラスなどの様々なアクティビティに参加しました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Learning Mentor Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei and I ran the “Taking Flight” class. For this class, students used the Engineering Design process to build an indoor boomerang or roomerang that was safe to fly inside and when thrown, it would return to the thrower. In this class, students learned key vocabulary such as “prototype” and “design” in English while making roomerangs. After they finished tracing, cutting and folding, it was time to test their prototypes.

 ラーニングメンターのアピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生と私は「Taking Flight」のクラスを担当しました。このクラスでは、生徒たちはエンジニアリングデザインプロセスを使って、室内で安全に投げることができ、投げた人の元に戻ってくる「ブーメラン」を作りました。生徒たちはブーメランを作りながら、「プロトタイプ」や「デザイン」といった重要な語彙を英語で学びました。画用紙に図面を描き、カットし、折り曲げ、出来上がったプロトタイプをテストしました。

 Before testing, students were told that their roomerangs would probably not return the first time they threw it and that this was ok. Usually, early prototypes aren’t successful and they have to be reworked. After this, students began to throw, test and rework their prototypes. After experimenting with the bends in the roomerang wings and the throwing style and force, students began to have success and their roomerangs would return when thrown. Once successful, the students began to take on other challenges such as getting their roomerang to fly around a classmate or to see how to make it fly longer or higher.

 The students had a fun time building and flying their roomerangs and some of the Wajima teachers joined in to build and fly their own roomerangs.


 生徒たちはブーメランを作ったり飛ばしたりして楽しい時間を過ごし、輪島中学校の先生たちも一緒にブーメランを作って飛ばしました 。

Ian Stevenson


April 4, 2024 Wajima Junior High School Students Visited Hakusanroku Campus

 Hello. I am Ian Stevenson, an English teacher here at the Hakusanroku campus.

 Following the Noto Earthquake on January 1, 2024, students from Wajima Junior High School were evacuated to the Hakusanroku area. On March13, some Wajima Junior High School students visited Hakusanroku Campus. While here, they took part in a variety of activities such as bouldering, using the laser cutter, playing English games and a STEM and English class called “Taking Flight”.


 202411日の能登半島地震の影響で白山麓地域へ避難していた輪島中学校の生徒たちが、313日に白山麓キャンパスを訪れました。ボルダリング体験や、レーザーカッター、英語ゲーム、「Taking Flight」と呼ばれるSTEMと英語のクラスなどの様々なアクティビティに参加しました。(詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 Learning Mentor Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei and I ran the “Taking Flight” class. For this class, students used the Engineering Design process to build an indoor boomerang or roomerang that was safe to fly inside and when thrown, it would return to the thrower. In this class, students learned key vocabulary such as “prototype” and “design” in English while making roomerangs. After they finished tracing, cutting and folding, it was time to test their prototypes.

 ラーニングメンターのアピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生と私は「Taking Flight」のクラスを担当しました。このクラスでは、生徒たちはエンジニアリングデザインプロセスを使って、室内で安全に投げることができ、投げた人の元に戻ってくる「ブーメラン」を作りました。生徒たちはブーメランを作りながら、「プロトタイプ」や「デザイン」といった重要な語彙を英語で学びました。画用紙に図面を描き、カットし、折り曲げ、出来上がったプロトタイプをテストしました。

 Before testing, students were told that their roomerangs would probably not return the first time they threw it and that this was ok. Usually, early prototypes aren’t successful and they have to be reworked. After this, students began to throw, test and rework their prototypes. After experimenting with the bends in the roomerang wings and the throwing style and force, students began to have success and their roomerangs would return when thrown. Once successful, the students began to take on other challenges such as getting their roomerang to fly around a classmate or to see how to make it fly longer or higher.

 The students had a fun time building and flying their roomerangs and some of the Wajima teachers joined in to build and fly their own roomerangs.


 生徒たちはブーメランを作ったり飛ばしたりして楽しい時間を過ごし、輪島中学校の先生たちも一緒にブーメランを作って飛ばしました 。

Ian Stevenson


HOME学生生活ICTジャーナルApril 4, 2024 Wajima Junior High School Students Visited Hakusanroku Campus

HOMECampuslifeICT JournalApril 4, 2024 Wajima Junior High School Students Visited Hakusanroku Campus