
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

October 1, 2019 Kamino Cafe

In the last couple of months I have been frequenting a small cafe in the area. Kamino Cafe is on the way to Kanazawa from school. Actually, it is right next to the strawberry farms. The cafe is a bit small but it has a welcoming atmosphere. The seating is comfortable, the food is wonderful, and the area is quiet. Moreover, the owners of the cafe are kind people and are very friendly. However, one thing that makes the cafe truly unique is the view. On a clear day, you can see Hakusan looming in the distance. Between the view, the food and the owners, the cafe has easily become one of my favorite places in all of Japan. In fact, I have recently made it a point to bring my friends and coworkers every week. Unfortunately, Kamino Cafe is only open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you get the chance to go you should. I cannot recommend it enough! See you there!

Edward Basquill Jr.

数か月前から行きつけの小さなカフェがあります。白山麓から金沢へ向かう途中、鳥越のいちご農園の近くのKAMINO cafeです。店内は広くありませんが、居心地の良い雰囲気のお店です。座席はくつろぎやすく、食べ物が美味しく、周りの環境も静かです。オーナーも優しく親切ですが、このカフェの1番の売りは窓から見える景色です。天気が良ければ遠くにそびえる白山を眺めることができます。この景色と食べ物とオーナーのおかげで日本で1番好きな場所になりました。今では毎週友達か同僚を連れていくことを習慣にしています。KAMINO Cafeは残念ながら金土日しか開店していませんが、機会があればぜひ行ってみることをお勧めします。素敵な時間を保証します!そこで会いましょう!


September 27, 2019 Ishikawa Zoo

On September 18, the first-year students visited Ishikawa Zoo as part of their Engineering Design project for the second semester. The Engineering Design class is where students use design thinking and various engineering methods they learned to create innovation. This semester's theme is biomimicry. Each group will find ideas from the animals and use them in their project. I will make sure to keep you updated on their projects.

Many students brought camera's and some of their photos were quite well taken. Here are some of the photos they provided. Enjoy!



September 26, 2019 試食会の準備状況








伊勢 大成

September 26, 2019 白嶺小中学校での英語の絵本の読み聞かせ

今日は。英語科の大原です。9月24日(火)午前8時15分から約15分間、英語科の先生2名、イアン先生とエド先生が白嶺小中学校の生徒さん達に、英語の絵本の読み聞かせを行いました。エド先生は下級生約20名にRyan Higgins著”We don’t eat your classmates”を紹介しました。恐竜の子供が人間の学校でどのように友達を作っていくかというお話で、恐竜が子供たちを飲み込んだり吐き出したりするところを表情豊かに読み、生徒さん達は興味深く聞き入っていました。

イアン先生は上級生たちで、残念ながら4年生が課外活動のため不在だったので約10名にNosy Crow著”Open Very Carefully”を紹介しました。物語の冒頭が”The Ugly Duckling(みにくいあひるの子)”と同じように始まり、そのあひるがナレーターを務めます。読者参加型の双方向で楽しめる絵本ということで、イアン先生は生徒さん2人にナレーターのあひる役と主役のワニの役になってもらい、読み聞かせ開始前に少し彼らと練習をして始めました。ワニ役の生徒さんには雰囲気を出してもらうために、ワニのマスクと緑のシャツを着てもらいました。他の生徒さん達を追いかけるシーンでは皆さん大きな声をあげて走り回っていました。




Hello. It's Ohara from the English department. On September 24 (Tue), Ian sensei and Ed sensei went to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School to read English books to the students for about fifteen minutes in the morning before classes. Ed sensei read the book "We don't eat your class mates" by Ryan Higgins to twenty younger students. It's a story about a young dinosaur who goes to an elementary school for humans. Ed sensei read the scenes where the dinosaur swallows and spits out the human children with great expressions and the Hakurei students listened intently.

Ian sensei read the book "Open Very Carefully" by Nosy Crow to ten older students. (Sadly, the fourth graders were away for fieldwork.) The story begins similarly to "The Ugly Duckling" and the duckling serves as the narrator. This book is designed so that the listeners can play along and Ian sensei asked two students to act as the duckling narrator and the crocodile, who is the main character. They practiced before the reading and Ian sensei gave the student with the crocodile role a crocodile mask and green shirt to get into the mood. The students especially liked the scene where the crocodile chases the other students and everyone ran around the classroom screaming.

This English book reading activity started in 2018 when ICT's Hakusanroku campus opened in Seto of Hakusan city. Last year we visited Hakurei about ten times and this was our fourth time this year. The Hakurei students always greet us with enthusiasm and come to talk with the English teachers after the reading. It is always a pleasure to visit a school with such friendly students and teachers.

Our next visit is November 14.

Shinobu Ohara

September 24, 2019 Anamizu Seminar

Hello, it's Jonathan the camera man. Today I would like to give my report on the first-year students' Anamizu Seminar held from September 19 to 21. The Anamizu Seminar is a traditional school event going back more than 50 years. Students stay at a seminar house in Anamizu (about three hours north in the Noto peninsula) for three days to learn about leadership, teamwork, and courtesy towards others.

The first day at Anamizu is mostly orientation and learning the rules of the seminar house. Most of the action is on day two. In the morning of the second day, we held a morning assembly where we exercised and rehearsed for the upcoming cutter boat race. After breakfast, we walked down to the harbor for a cruise and rope work activity. During the one hour cruise of Anamizu bay, we were lucky enough to meet a school of dolphins! Students and teachers waved and called out to them and they began to follow our ship. You can see them in the video below. In the rope work activity, students learned various ways to tie a knot. The staff at Anamizu are veteran sailors and every year first-year students learn how to tie knots used at sea. At the end of the activity, students and teachers used the "moyai musubi" they learned to tie a large circle and test its strength by leaning outward to see if it would hold their weight.

In the afternoon, the main event of Anamizu began, the cutter boat race! Students and teachers watched a demonstration by the Anamizu staff before breaking up into their two teams to practice. The cutter boat we used is powered by six rowers (three on each side) and controlled by the captain who holds the rudder and gives orders. Other passengers are the first mate, who supports the captain, and reserve rowers, who sit in the front of the cutter. Rowing a boat needs technique and all six rowers must work in unison for the cutter to move efficiently. Also, the captain must learn how to steer and give out orders at the correct timing. The objective of this exercise is to teach teamwork, leadership, and followship. Both teams practiced until they were ready for the race. In the race, both teams start at the harbor and row out to the first buoy. There, they turn right and head down the final stretch to the second buoy. The team with the shortest time wins! You can see what the race looks like in the video below. Both teams put in their best efforts and it was a close race. This year team two won with a time of 6:31, only twenty second faster than team one with 6:51. Mr. Sugawara, head of the seminar house congratulated the students' teamwork and said that their time was even better than most KIT university student teams.

After dinner, the learning mentors held a special Learning Session English activity. Students were broken up into three teams and given an assortment of LEGO blocks. Hidden behind a white board was a assembly of LEGO blocks (see the picture below). The students' objective was to send two of their members to look at the assembly and communicate it to the remaining builders using only English. This activity is used in many universities in America, so to do it in a secondary language is an difficult mind exercise. To the surprise of the learning mentors, the first-year students caught on extremely quickly and most groups were almost finished by nine o'clock. 

On the final morning, students presented their book reports on three books they read during the summer break. There was also a lecture by president Lewis Barksdale about English poetry. Finally, we held our closing ceremony. Mr. Sugawara spoke about how he wishes our first-year students will become respectful and ethical "professional" engineers in the future. Kihara sensei, the students' homeroom teacher, expressed how he noticed the first-year students are "genki" (full of energy) and hopes they will stay that way during their years at ICT. Yoshiki Hatakenaka spoke in behalf of the first-year students and said "We have strengthened our bond as a class and will remember the spirit of discipline, courtesy, and teamwork that we learned at this seminar house. We will return to show the Anamizu staff how much we have grown next year." After lunch we departed by bus and returned to our regular lives at Hakusanroku.

I believe the Anamizu Seminar is an essential element of school life at ICT. The students spend two busy year living together in such a close radius that sometimes they do not have the opportunity to confront their differences and bond as a team. The three days at Anamizu are for better or worst out of the ordinary. This gave students opportunities to hang out with people they usually would not or see new characteristics of other classmates. The Anamizu Seminar gave the students an opportunity to grow as a team as well as an individual.








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