
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

November 29, 2019 Soba Festival

A few weeks ago, there was a soba festival here in Hakusan. At the festival, they had a variety of delicious local foods. There were many stands selling soba, beef, pork, takoyaki, melonpan, oysters, and even expensive Noto beef! I got to try deer meat for the first time in the form of a sausage!

The ICT students were helping at the festival as well! The second year students worked on Saturday and the first year students worked on Sunday.

 When I went on Sunday, I saw many of the students working hard at a variety of tasks, including guiding cars to vacant parking spaces and emptying and replacing the trash cans when full. It was quite refreshing to see the students in a different setting, as part of the local community! Many students seemed exhausted after the day of work and several told me that it was indeed very hard and tiring work.

I'm glad the students have the chance to participate in local community events and I look forward to seeing such interaction again in the future!

Anne Isobel Tan






November 27, 2019







小髙 有普

Soon after the second semester began, four S2 students visited the Shiramine district to conduct research for the Engineering Design class. We observed old lifestyle, traditional houses, tools, Buddhist statues and documents. We also experienced traditional crafts and gathered precious information from well-worn tools, furniture, and destroyed Buddhist statues.

One thing I learned from this expedition (besides the deep history of Shiramine) is that all research must not only be a record of facts. It is crucial to used one's imagination when observing the research target. (This is obvious when you think about it.)

Mankind has studied the universe throughout history through mythology, chronology, religion, science, etc. We looked up to the stars and created countless works of imagination. From time to time, people sense beauty, the presence of god, and gain inspiration from seeing fantastic and extraordinary sights in the shapes of clouds, sky, and lights.

As history has shown, mankind can use their imagination in any situation. Mankind is the only specie that imagines and creates new things. We can say the reason that we survived this long is because of our creativity.

Lately, taking pictures of nature or moments in life and sharing them with others, what we now know as Instagram or other SNSs is quite popular. Smartphones gave us the ability to take beautiful and mythical moments and save them forever. Taking pictures today is simple and does not require any film, printing, or payment as long as you have a smartphone or digital camera. It is a wonderful time we live in indeed.

I did not have this luxury of high resolution digital cameras when I was a student so I wish students would take advantage of their smartphones or digital cameras. Personally, I believe a true engineer does not only see the beauty of a sunset, but can also predict and discover the beautiful snow-covered mountain it shines upon.

Kodaka Arihiro

November 21, 2019 手取川ダム見学

現在1年生が履修しているEngineering Context IBでは、エネルギーを題材にした授業が行われています。毎回様々な発電技術や各国のエネルギー政策を取り上げながら、技術には光と影があることを踏まえた技術者倫理を学生たちは学んでいます。



In the first-year student's "Engineering Context IB" class, we are currently studying about energy. Each class we pick up various power generation technology and different countries' energy policies, and discuss the good and bad of technological advancement from an ethical stand point.

Recently, we took a trip to the JPower Tedori River Dam 1 near the Hakusanroku campus. This was our second visit to the dam. However, it is evolving each year. First, Mr. Tanaka, the chief manager of JPower, distributed dam cards and gave a lecture about different types of dams and the characteristics of Tedori River Dam. Tedori River Dam is the fourth rock-fill dam in Japan and has served not only as a water-power generator, but also as adjustment for floods, and provider for waterworks and construction water. After the lecture, we moved to the top of the huge dam to see the spectacular view. Sadly, it was chilly and drizzling, but we enjoyed the beautiful panorama of Tedori Lake decorated with colored autumn mountains as we listened to Mr. Tanaka's humorous explanation.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

November 13, 2019 Climbing Mt. Sanpoiwatake

Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man. On October 21, a group of students from the Hakusanroku campus climbed Mt. San-po-iwa-take. (三方岩岳) Sanpoiwatake is a mountain on the Hakusan-Shirakawago White Road. The White Road runs from Hakusanroku to Shirakawago in Gifu prefecture and is a popular tourist spot, especially in the autumn. The leaves were beautiful shades of red, yellow and green as we made our way up the path. This event was a collaboration with the Oguchi Community Center and some members of the local community joined us in the climb. Shinichi Hiramatsu is a specialist of this area and gave lectures about trees and animals. It took about an hour to reach the top, where we rested and ate lunch. Hiramatsu-san pointed out that we could see Mt. Hakusan's peak from Sanpoiwatake. Altogether, it was a refreshing and fun way to spend a beautiful autumn day.




November 12, 2019

              Hello everyone, in my free time I like to travel to famous sightseeing spots in the area around Hakusanroku.  A little while ago I went and traveled the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine route.  It is accessible from Toyama station (about 30 minutes by shinkansen from Kanazawa Station), and is a series of trains, busses and cable cars that takes you from Toyama, up to Mt. Tateyama, across to the Kurobe Dam, and finally down into Nagano.  The whole crossing takes 9-12 hours one-way, but is well worth the time.  As we move into winter there is a famous “snow corridor” (Yuki-no-otani) that you can walk through that looks like a canyon cut out of the snow!  Why not visit it sometime?

Davis Evans



November 8, 2019 餅つき



津田 明洋

There are already some articles about the "Kosensai" on the website, but I would like to talk some more about our school festival. This year's Kosensai was subtitled "Connect" and was a collaboration between ICT and KIT. As if to fulfil this theme, there were sites of connection between various departments, ages, and clubs. One good example of a strong connection between the school and guardians is the annual "mochi-tsuki (sticky rice pounding)." It was only held on Sunday. However, it was so popular that there was a long line to buy the mochi, which we sold about 300 to 400 packages in a few hours. "Mochi-tsuki" is a Japanese tradition and I hope ICT will continue to cherish local Japanese cultures like this even as we transform into an international community. Also, technological advancements make automated mochi pounding possible, but I believe the mochi we made with our hearts and hands tasted much better and special.

I would like to thank the staff who prepared the rice, the fathers who pounded the rice several hundred times from early morning, the mothers who flavored the mochi with anko and kinako, and the teachers who lent us the hammer and mortar. Thank you so much.

Akihiro Tsuda

November 8, 2019

                   On October 1st, Koutaro Sugi, Daiko Kato and Shuntaro Sato from the year 1 Listening/Speaking class interviewed members of the community class as part of an ongoing Oral History Project for 15 minutes. Students came up with and asked questions about what this area was like before ICT. Specific questions included, “What was here (ICT Campus) before “Kanpo-no-yado” was built,” “What was here before Hakusan campus and the Sena Roadside Station (Michinoeki Sena) were built,” “How was the atmosphere around here before the Hakusanroku campus was built,” and “How has the atmosphere changed by the building of Hakusanroku campus.” Students also asked about what they wanted to come to Hakusan next.

                  The members of the community class were eager to participate and had a lot to say about what was here before ICT, what they want to come to this neighborhood and how monkeys get into their gardens and eat the daikons. The students found the interviews interesting and fun and Daiko said he would like to do this again.

                   The interviews were conducted in Japanese, but students will record a 2 to 3 minute summary of the interview in English. This summary will focus on what they found most interesting and be supported with photos. This is a new class project and is inspired by oral histories such as Studs Terkel, “Working,” The Foxfire Project and Junichi Saga, “Memories of Silk and Straw”

Ian Stevenson



                   インタビューは日本語でしたが、学生たちはその内容を英語で2~3分口頭でまとめたものを録画するのが課題でした。まとめには面白かった点や写真なども載せてあります。この活動はStuds Terkelの"Working"、The Foxfire Project、佐賀純一氏の霞ヶ浦風土記などの口述歴史を参考に計画しました。


November 6, 2019 Halloween


Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man. Last week was Halloween, and many students dressed up to enjoy the occasion here at Hakusanroku campus. Halloween is an interesting event because it takes place on a regular school day. As you can see in the pictures below, teachers also dressed up and taught classes in their costumes. The Language and Culture club carved jack-o'-lanterns which were put on display in the Living Commons to ramp up the mood during learning session after dark. Ed sensei, who is famous for his sweets baking, cooked a delicious pumpkin cake with frosting. I hope next year's Halloween is as exciting as it was this year.




October 31, 2019 “School festival”

Hi everyone. On 19th and 20th of this month, we celebrated our school festival. This year, the festival was special, because KIT and ICT held their festival at the same days and in shared spaces. It was a good idea to connect and link out the two schools. This kind of connection will build up a strong relation between the students of both schools, as well as teachers and staff. My family and I enjoyed and participated in many events. One of the most interesting events was the flower arrangement event. My children enjoyed learning how to arrange their flower pots. After they finished, they could take their pots back home. I saw many beautiful arrangements, some of them made by students and others made by teachers. Below this article I show you some of those amazing pots. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the student councils of both schools, as well as teachers and staff who supported them.

Thank you so much.

Alaa Hussien




October 30, 2019

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。先日、寮の温泉である比咩の湯のコースターを作りました。ある日、温泉のレストランにコースターがないことに気付いてスタッフに尋ねたところ、「ないのでぜひ作って欲しい」と頼まれました。素材はメーカースタジオにあった木材とコルク材で、エンジニアリングデザインで習ったレーザーカッターを使って2日で作りました。デザインはシンプルに校章と「比咩の湯」と「ICT×KIT」の文字をいれました。大きさは直径90mmすることで比咩の湯にあるガラスのコップからビールジョッキまで全ての容器が置けるようにしました。比咩の湯にコースターを持っていったところ、すごく喜んでくれたので嬉しかったです。比咩の湯に訪れた際には是非見てみてください。

佐藤 俊太朗

I'm Shuntaro Sato, first year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Recently, I made a coaster for the school's onsen, Hime-no-yu. One day, I realized there were no coasters in the onsen's restaurant and asked the staff there. He asked me to make some so I decided to do so. The coasters are made of wood and cork. They took two days to make using the laser cutter in the Maker Studio. The design is simply the words "Hime-no-yu" and "ICT x KIT". The size is 90mm so that it can hold any glass or beer bug. When I gave the coasters to the Hime-no-yu staff they were very grateful so I was happy. Please check them when you go to Hime-no-yu.

Shuntaro Sato

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