
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

November 21, 2019 手取川ダム見学

現在1年生が履修しているEngineering Context IBでは、エネルギーを題材にした授業が行われています。毎回様々な発電技術や各国のエネルギー政策を取り上げながら、技術には光と影があることを踏まえた技術者倫理を学生たちは学んでいます。



In the first-year student's "Engineering Context IB" class, we are currently studying about energy. Each class we pick up various power generation technology and different countries' energy policies, and discuss the good and bad of technological advancement from an ethical stand point.

Recently, we took a trip to the JPower Tedori River Dam 1 near the Hakusanroku campus. This was our second visit to the dam. However, it is evolving each year. First, Mr. Tanaka, the chief manager of JPower, distributed dam cards and gave a lecture about different types of dams and the characteristics of Tedori River Dam. Tedori River Dam is the fourth rock-fill dam in Japan and has served not only as a water-power generator, but also as adjustment for floods, and provider for waterworks and construction water. After the lecture, we moved to the top of the huge dam to see the spectacular view. Sadly, it was chilly and drizzling, but we enjoyed the beautiful panorama of Tedori Lake decorated with colored autumn mountains as we listened to Mr. Tanaka's humorous explanation.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalNovember 21, 2019 手取川ダム見学