
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

February 19, 2022 エンジニアリングデザインIB 最終発表

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は128日に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIBの最終発表についてご紹介します。
 1年生が履修するエンジニアリングデザインIBでは、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。その中でLEGO EV3、プログラミング、センサの使い方、ロボットの組み立て方などを学びます。

 Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the first-year students and their Engineering Design IB final presentation on January 28th.
 In Engineering Design IB, teams work together to discover and solve problems using design thinking, a method of creating new value based on user perspective. In this course, students learn about LEGO EV3, programming, how to use sensors, and how to assemble robots.
 For this project, the task was to make toys that would be entertaining and surprising. The students were divided into two teams according to their target age groups. In addition, the toys were required to incorporate the mechanisms of living things, such as the features and functions of animals and plants.

 In order to create their toys, each team interviewed teachers and asked them "What do you enjoy or feel surprised about in your daily life?"


 このチームは30代以下の教員にインタビューを実施し、「競争したり、達成感を感じたり、あることに熱中したりする中で楽しみを感じる」という意見をヒントにしました。そこでゴールまでを競い合い、ゴールの達成感を味わうおもちゃとしてボ-ドゲームに着目し、夢中になる要素にサイコロを振る装置を取り入れることにしました。LEGO EV3で作られたサイコロを振る装置は、シャチが水中に泳いでいる魚を尻尾で蹴り上げる動作を現したものです。サイコロを振る装置はランダムで飛距離が変わり、コマに当たり倒れる可能性があります。これはシャチが蹴り上げて飛ばした魚が鳥に衝突する場面を表現し、これによってコマが落ちてしまうかもしれないというヒヤヒヤ感を味わうことができます。

 This team interviewed teachers younger than 30 years old and took their cue from their comments about elements of competition, a sense of accomplishment, and enthusiasm for certain things. They focused on a board game designed for players to compete to reach the final goal and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also they decided to incorporate the element of uncertainty into the dice rolling device. The dice rolling device made of LEGO EV3 represents the action of an orca flicking a fish into the air with its tail. The dice rolling device randomly changes how hard the dice is rolled and as a result the dice game token may be knocked over. This represents a scene where a fish flicked up by an orca collides with a bird. Players can feel a sense of dread that the game token might drop.

Maple Drop

 このチームは40代以上の教員にインタビューを実施し、「自然との関わり」に興味がある方が多いと気づきました。このことから、普段の何気ない行動の中で「自然」に関するものに接して「アラっ?」というような穏やかな驚きをもらえるようなおもちゃを制作することにしました。玄関にセンサを設置し、人が通ると、ヒラヒラと葉っぱが落ちてくるような装置をLEGO EV3で制作しました。葉っぱはメイプルの種の構造を参考に折り紙で制作し、綺麗な様子によって驚きを与えるという素敵な装置です。それらの装置を12台も制作しましたが、残念ながら最終発表では3台しか動作しませんでした。

 This team conducted interviews with teachers over 40 years old and noticed that many of them were interested in relationship with nature. This led them to the idea of creating toys that would give them a mild surprise like "eh?" when they came into contact with something related to nature in their daily activities. They set up a sensor at the school entrance and created a device with LEGO EV3 that made leaves flutter and fall when people walked by. The leaves were made of origami paper, based on the structure of maple leaves, and it was a wonderful device to surprise the audience with its beautiful appearance. They made 12 of these devices, but unfortunately, only 3 of them worked in the final presentation.



 In order to complete their work, the students spent their time after school checking the operation, repeating the design review session many times, and extracting points for improvement. They worked hard to create their work through trial and error as a team. Even so, there were some problems that arose during the final presentation, and the team was forced to deal with them. However, I feel that the students gained a lot from this experience because they worked so hard.

February 14, 2022 雪合戦

 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。1月に入った途端、白山麓キャンパス周辺には雪がどっさり積もりました。こういう状況になると、雪合戦したいですよね。早速体育教員のフィリップ・ケザウ先生が、雪合戦場を作ってくれました。


間加田 侑里

 Hello! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. As soon as January arrived, there was a lot of snow around the Hakusanroku Campus. Because of all this snow, we had a snowball fight. Associate Lecturer Philip Cadzow, got a shovel and created a snowball fight field.

 The snowball fighters were given shelters and walls made of snow, so that they could attack and defend themselves from their opponents. The students were divided into two teams and tried to see what the other team would do, after a short period of preparation the battle began. Later, there was also a battle between the students and the teachers, and they had a lot of fun throwing snowballs at each other. The moment when the teacher team attacked the students one by one was very fun. I think the students got rid of a lot of their daily stress through this.

Yuri Makada

February 10, 2022 N&Aクラブ一里野スキー実習

 NA部顧問のKTBです。116日(日)にN&Aクラブは一里野温泉スキー場でスキー実習を実施しました。昨年度はコロナ禍のため実施を断念しましたから、待ちに待った2年ぶりのスキー実習です。暴風雪も心配されたのですが、大雪の狭間に運良く穏やかな天候に恵まれました。朝8時40分に玄関を出発し、9時にはもうスキー場に着いてしまいます(なんと素晴らしい白山麓キャンパスの立地条件!)。道具をレンタルして早速ゲレンデに向かいます。参加学生はS1大石 意丸くん、S2勝方 正宗くん、S2酒井 瞭くん、S2中里 優斗くんの4名、引率は顧問の山崎 俊太朗先生、山スキーを愛好するフィリップ・ケザウ先生、尾張 由輝也コーチ、及び潟辺です。スキーは初めてという学生から上級者まで技術レベルが様々でしたので、今回は、学生4名、引率4名ということもあり、マンツーマンでの活動となりました。

 私が担当したのは、スキーは初めてという中里 優斗くん。まずはゴンドラで山頂まで上がり、山頂の緩斜面で、基礎を身に付けました。ゴンドラで下山後は、リフト乗車にチャレンジ。リフトを使った練習に果敢に挑み、横滑りや基本のプルークボーゲンを身に付けることができました。



潟辺 豊

 This is KTB, the N & A club advisor. On Sunday, January 16th, the N & A club held a ski practice session at the Ichirino Onsen ski resort. Last year we couldn't do it due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this was our first ski practice in two years. There were fears of a snowstorm, but we were fortunate to have mild weather. We left campus at 8:40 a.m., and were at the ski resort by 9:00 a.m. (What a great location for the Hakusanroku campus!) We rented our equipment and headed for the slopes right away. The four participating students were Imaru Oishi (S1), Masamune Katsukata (S2), Ryo Sakei (S2), and Yuma Nakazato (S2), and they were led by their club advisor, Professor Shuntaro Yamazaki, Associate Lecturer Philip Cadzow, who loves skiing, Coach Yukiya Owari, and me. The skill level of the participants varied from students who had never skied before to advanced skiers. Since there were four students and four teachers, we worked one-on-one.

 I worked with Yuma Nakazato, who had never skied before. First, we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain and learned the basics on the gentle slopes at the top. After taking the gondola down the mountain, he tried riding the lift. He challenged himself to practice using the lift, and was able to master the basics of the snowplow, as well as parallel turns.

 I couldn't keep track of the other students during the activity, but judging from the way they were eating curry and ramen at the restaurant during lunch, it seemed that everyone had a good day. I'm glad to see that everyone came back safely without any injuries.

Yutaka Katabe

January 25, 2022 Walks in the Woods

 Hello everyone! The snow is piling up at the Hakusanroku Campus. Even though it is cold outside, I’ve still been trying to get outside and enjoy the winter season. One thing I really enjoy about being outside is finding animals. So far, I’ve seen black bears, serow, deer, monkeys, wild boar, badgers, rabbits, snakes, owls, and pheasants. Of course, some of these animals are sleeping during the winter months, so they are difficult to find. However, I’m usually able to find evidence of some animals when I get outside in the mountains.
 During the New Year’s holiday, I went on several walks along the forest roads in the hills of Kanazawa and Hakusan. While I wasn’t able to take photos of the animals I saw, I did get to look closely at some of their tracks in the mud and snow. Do you know who made these footprints?
 Closer to Hakusanroku Campus, the Bunao Mountain Observation Building is a great place to learn about the animals native to this part of Japan. I like to stop there when I’m nearby. If you have a chance, I highly recommend it! https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/hakusan/bunao/

Stephanie Reynolds



January 17, 2022 Visual Arts Ⅰ



間加田 侑里

Hello! It’s Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. Today I would like to write about the presentations the first year students made in their Visual Arts I class. 
 In Visual Arts I, students learn about fine arts, crafts, and design processes to enhance their artistic knowledge and sensibility, and to cultivate their ability to think and express themselves through creative activities. Through the process of thinking with their hands, we aim to develop new awareness and deepen their thinking.
 This time, the task was "A structure that will hold a CD." The requirement was to use paper to build a structure that would hold a CD in the air and create a structure that would hold a CD even if it was tilted in any direction.
 The students proceeded with their work while searching for a rational shape that would satisfy the prerequisites based on the material and characteristics of paper. This assignment emphasized that an expressive artist who creates something must have a clear intention for creating it, and each student gave a presentation on the intention behind their own work.
 The Visual Arts courses are offered to both first and second year students. According to Professor Kodaka, who is in charge of the classes, the aims are to consistently observe ideas and things from many perspectives and to derive ideas and values from them. The goal of these classes is for students to develop the ability to express themselves creatively and to nurture the mindset necessary for creativity.

Yuri Makada

December 25, 2021 Merry Christmas!



Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. December is the month of Christmas. I would like to write about some of the events related to Christmas here at the Hakusanroku Campus.


On Wednesday, December 15th, the Language and Culture club members and teachers set up a Christmas tree. They played Christmas songs, wrapped the tree with lights, and hung Christmas decorations. As they did this, they talked about their Christmas memories. Some of the decorations were handmade by club members. Later, the extra handmade hung Christmas decorations were given to the students and staff members as Christmas gifts.

Chrisrmas Party


Since students go home for Christmas, the Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 18th. It was organized by the Learning Mentors, Ann sensei, Apirak sensei, and Jomkit sensei. Many of the students had been looking forward to the party. The students and teachers enjoyed karaoke and games together as well as eating some lovely cupcakes and drinking hot chocolate. I am sure they made some fun memories before winter break.

Christmas Cake Party


After class on Monday, December 20th, Edward sensei, who is good at baking, served a homemade Christmas cake and gingerbread cookies to everyone in the Living Commons! The Christmas cake, shaped like a cute snowman, tasted different from Japanese cakes because of the spices and mint. The gingerbread cookies were decorated with white icing and arranged in a fun way. The hot chocolate had lots of marshmallows. There were also three kinds of spices that could be added to each cup of hot chocolate, in order to customize it and enjoy different flavors. They were all delicious! Here is a video message from Edward sensei about the Christmas Cake Party and life at ICT. I hope you enjoy it!

Special Christmas Menu at the Golden Eagle Cafeteria

白山麓キャンパスのカフェテリア「Golden Eagle Cafeteria」では、普段から世界中の健康的な料理を味わうことができます。1223日(木)にクリスマススペシャルメニューとしてローストチキンとクリスマスチョコレートブラウニーが提供されました。ハロウィンやクリスマスなど、イベントごとに提供されるスペシャルメニューは寮生活での楽しみの1つですね。

In the Golden Eagle Cafeteria at the Hakusanroku campus, you can usually eat healthy food from around the world. On Thursday, December 23rd, the cafeteria served a special Christmas menu of Roasted Chicken and Christmas Chocolate Brownies. For occasions like Halloween and Christmas, there are special menus. It is one of the things that students enjoy about their dormitory life.



Holiday Gift Exchange 2021

今年はラーニングメンターのアン先生が企画した「Holiday Gift Exchange 2021」という学生同士、教職員同士がシークレットにクリスマスプレゼント交換をするイベントが行われました。欧米では「シークレットサンタ」と呼ばれている、クリスマスに行われる伝統的なゲームだそうです。
1) まずはアンケートに記入します。氏名、好きな食べ物、好きな色、好きなスポーツなどを回答します。
2) 記入したアンケートをギフトボックスに入れます。
3) アンケートは参加者にランダムで配られます。もちろん自分のアンケートが自分の手元に届かないように配慮する必要があります。
4) 自分の手元に届いた相手の情報を元に予算内(学生:1000円~2000円、教職員:2000円3000円)でプレゼントを購入します。
5) ラッピングされたプレゼントをクリスマスツリーの下に置きます。


    This year, Learning Mentor Anne sensei, organized an event called Holiday Gift Exchange 2021, where students, teachers, and staff members participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange. In Europe and the United States, it is a common Christmas tradition.
    Here are the rules for Secret Santa.
    1) Complete a questionnaire about yourself including your name, your favorite food, favorite color, favorite sport, etc.,
    2) Put the completed questionnaire forms in the gift box.
    3) Distribute the questionnaire forms randomly, but make sure no one receives their own questionnaire.
    4) Buy a present for your Secret Santa partner, but stay within the budget. (Students: 1,000 yen to 2,000 yen, Teachers and staff members: 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen)
    5) Wrap the present and put it under the Christmas tree.

    The fun part is that you can't predict who will give you a gift and what they will give you until you open the gift. It's exciting just to imagine who bought you a present and what it will be!




    It was interesting to see the reaction of the students when they received the randomly distributed questionnaire forms. Some students were seriously wondering what they should get for their Secret Santa partner, while others immediately came up with an idea and searched the Internet for it. I was reminded once again that one of the fun parts of the event is using the information from the questionnaire form to find a gift that the recipient would enjoy.



    Christmas gifts were presented to the students, teachers, and staff members by Anne Santa Claus on Thursday, December 23rd. There was a warm Christmas atmosphere as the students opened their gifts and were delighted to find out what they had received from their Secret Santa partner. and I felt a bond among the students as they celebrated. The second-year students have only a few months left to live in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I hope they will cherish every moment of their dormitory life and make many good memories.


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    Yuri Makada

    December 23, 2021 English Cafe

    Hello everyone! On the 22nd December I held a Christmas-themed English Café event for local residents at Oguchi Community Centre, just down the road from Hakusanroku Campus.

    This time, 4 adults from Oguchi, Shiramine, and Yoshinodani attended. We started the event by learning about how to write Christmas cards in English, and then everyone had a go at writing one themselves. Meanwhile, 2 primary school children and 1 nursery-age child did Christmas-themed colouring, mazes, and other similar activities too. After that, everyone helped to decorate the Christmas tree. Father Christmas even made an appearance! The children and the adults were excited when he came in!

    The staff at the Community Centre worked very hard to prepare everything for this event, as they do every month. I’m very grateful for their help.

    I’m looking forward to continuing English Café into 2022 – it’s a great opportunity to meet and talk to members of the local community.

     James Taylor







    December 8, 2021 Board Game Day!

    A community means not only learning together, but also having fun and enjoying life together! Last month, we had a Board Game Day at the Hakusanroku Campus. At the request of a couple students, we got together some teachers, students, and a big pile of games. Some of our teachers really love board games, so we have quite a lot!

     「コミュニティ」とは、一緒に学ぶだけではなく、人生を共に楽しむという意味も含まれます。先月、白山麓キャンパスでは「Board Game Day」が開催されました。今回は学生のリクエストにより、このイベントが開催され、数名の教員と学生、そして大量のゲームが集まりました。教員の中には、ボードゲーム好きの方がいらっしゃるので、かなりたくさんのゲームが揃いました。

    First up was the classic The Settlers of CATAN. A staple game in every board game lover’s inventory, this game is known for challenging relationships and breaking friendships. However, on this day, we had only fun with Catan as students and some teachers played it for the very first time. Saran, Ema, Jomkit-sensei, and Apirak-sensei fought to win territory, build roads, and construct cities for a whole two hours before Jomkit-sensei finally emerged victorious!

    During this time, Ryuto, Shii, and Ian-sensei also played a few games. They started by competing to see who could cook the fastest meal in かなざわレシピ (Kanazawa Recipe). While playing this game, they also had the chance to learn about some of Kanazawa’s specialty dishes. Next, they challenged The Grizzled, a cooperative game about surviving during WWI. It’s a difficult game to win and the team fought hard, but were unsuccessful in the end.

     まずは定番の「The Settlers of CATAN」から始めました。これはボードゲーム愛好家の中では定番のゲームで、人間関係を築いたり、友情を破壊したりすることで知られています。しかしこの日は、学生と数名の教員達が初めてこのゲームに挑戦したので、今回は楽しみながらゲームを進めました。紗蘭さん、恵万さん、ジョムキット先生、アピラク先生は領土の獲得、道路と都市を建設するために、2時間にわたり戦いましたが、最終的にはジョムキット先生が勝利を収めました!

     その間に龍斗さん、史依さん、イアン先生もいくつかのゲームをしました。まずは「かなざわレシピ(Kanazawa Recipe)」というカードゲームで、誰が一番早く料理を作れるかを競いました。このゲームを通して、金沢の名物料理も学ぶことが出来ました。次に「The Grizzled」という第一次世界大戦中のサバイバルをテーマにした協力型カードゲームに挑戦しました。このゲームはミッションを達成することがかなり難しく、チームで協力しながら懸命に戦略を練りましたが、最終的には失敗に終わりました。

    After these games, we regrouped together for a game of NINE TILES, a fast, competitive game produced by Oink Games (a brilliant company particularly liked by Anne-sensei and Kushima-sensei).  Finally, we ended the day with Garbage Day, brought by Kushima-sensei. In this game, we tried to clean our rooms while piling the garbage up and not letting it fall! This game was more than juststrategy, but it was a test of fine motor skills too! In the game, Apirak-sensei threw away an engagement ring and had to take out the overflowing trash!

     それらのゲームを終えた後に、全員でOink Games社が制作した「NINE TILES」というスピード感のある対戦ゲームをしました。Oink Game社は私と久島先生が特に気に入っている素晴らしいゲーム会社です。最後に久島先生が持参した「Garbage Day」というボードゲームで締めくくりました。このゲームでは、ゴミが落ちないように積み上げながら部屋の掃除をします。単なる戦略だけではなく、器用さも試されます!アピラク先生は婚約指輪を捨ててしまい、溢れたゴミを出す羽目になってしまいました!

    Although the turn-out was small for our first game day, we had a lot of fun and played games for many hours! Hopefully, we can do this again and have even more people join in to try more games!

     初めての「Board Game Day」にしては参加者が少なかったのですが、とても楽しくて何時間もゲームをしてしまいました!次回はさらに多くの人に参加してもらい、より多くのゲームに挑戦してもらいたいと思っています!


       (Pictures by me and Apirak-sensei.)

    Anne Isobel Tan

    December 1, 2021 Colorful and Fun

    Four years have passed since the start of our college`s new program. I commute to the Hakusanroku Campus all the way up from my home in Kanazawa, every working day. However, I still enjoy the mountainous scenery from the car. It is so beautiful and interesting. The change of the weather and the season makes the view from the car looks like a new piece of art every time. Autumn is my favorite season in Japan. It does not rain as often as it does during other seasons. So, I can enjoy watching the shiny sunlight kissing the colorful leaves. The other day, I saw a double rainbow from the car. It is always fun to observe a rainbow before it disappears. Colors make everything look glorious. Nature gives you the moment of reflection and meditation. If you are a person of science, you would enjoy the moment while asking yourself many questions.

    I would like my students to enjoy their life and explore the beauty of the universe around them on a wider and deeper scale. Studying science and specifically, chemistry can help them do that and get the aha moment and be mesmerized by what they discover. One experiment that Year 1 students performed last week gave them the answer to questions that might have come to their minds, such as, “Why candle`s light is yellow?”, “What are fireworks made of?”, or even, “How do we know what the millions-of-light-years-far-away stars are made of?”. Flame test of different metallic ions experiment helped them know the logic behind spectrum emission and explained that each element has its unique spectrum emission. The light emitted by an element is like a fingerprint that shows its presence in different parts of the universe.

    People of science do not only enjoy their observations, but they also question, analyze, and explain them. Year 1 students performed the flame test experiment twice. The first time, they did it while following the given instructions to observe how metallic ions such as sodium, potassium, copper, or lithium emit yellow, violet, blue-green, and red flame lights, respectively. They seemed to have enjoyed the flame colors. I could hear them saying words of amusement such as “oh, Wow !!” or “look at that!”. The second time, it was a lab practical, meaning that they performed the procedure independently to define five different metals present in the unknown provided salts. They did their best in following the safety procedure, making observations, and providing explanations. There was some time left after they finished. So, I showed them a firework stick with seven different colors. It was interesting to see them call out the name of metals every time a new color light appeared. That was colorful and fun!

    Nagwa Fekri Rashed



     科学者は観察を楽しむだけでなく、疑問を持ち、分析し、解説もします。 1年生は炎色試験を2回行いました。1回目は指示に従いながら、ナトリウム、カリウム、銅やリチウムなどの金属イオンが、それぞれ黄、紫、青緑、赤の炎を出す様子を観察しました。炎の色を見て「おぉ!凄い!」や「見て見て!!」など楽しそうな声が聞こえました。2回目は実習を行いました。未知の塩に含まれる5種類の金属を定義するために、学生たちは独自の手順で実践しました。学生たちは、安全手順を守り、観察し、そして説明することに最善を尽くしました。実習が終わってから少し時間があったので、7色に変化する花火の棒を見せました。色が変化するたびに、学生たちは金属の名前を呼んでいて面白かったです。カラフルで楽しかったです。




    Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
    Today, I would like to share a wonderful poem written by Professor Pauline Baird who has been living at the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) for four years. I hope you enjoy it.

    HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku Journal