
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

February 10, 2022 N&Aクラブ一里野スキー実習

 NA部顧問のKTBです。116日(日)にN&Aクラブは一里野温泉スキー場でスキー実習を実施しました。昨年度はコロナ禍のため実施を断念しましたから、待ちに待った2年ぶりのスキー実習です。暴風雪も心配されたのですが、大雪の狭間に運良く穏やかな天候に恵まれました。朝8時40分に玄関を出発し、9時にはもうスキー場に着いてしまいます(なんと素晴らしい白山麓キャンパスの立地条件!)。道具をレンタルして早速ゲレンデに向かいます。参加学生はS1大石 意丸くん、S2勝方 正宗くん、S2酒井 瞭くん、S2中里 優斗くんの4名、引率は顧問の山崎 俊太朗先生、山スキーを愛好するフィリップ・ケザウ先生、尾張 由輝也コーチ、及び潟辺です。スキーは初めてという学生から上級者まで技術レベルが様々でしたので、今回は、学生4名、引率4名ということもあり、マンツーマンでの活動となりました。

 私が担当したのは、スキーは初めてという中里 優斗くん。まずはゴンドラで山頂まで上がり、山頂の緩斜面で、基礎を身に付けました。ゴンドラで下山後は、リフト乗車にチャレンジ。リフトを使った練習に果敢に挑み、横滑りや基本のプルークボーゲンを身に付けることができました。



潟辺 豊

 This is KTB, the N & A club advisor. On Sunday, January 16th, the N & A club held a ski practice session at the Ichirino Onsen ski resort. Last year we couldn't do it due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this was our first ski practice in two years. There were fears of a snowstorm, but we were fortunate to have mild weather. We left campus at 8:40 a.m., and were at the ski resort by 9:00 a.m. (What a great location for the Hakusanroku campus!) We rented our equipment and headed for the slopes right away. The four participating students were Imaru Oishi (S1), Masamune Katsukata (S2), Ryo Sakei (S2), and Yuma Nakazato (S2), and they were led by their club advisor, Professor Shuntaro Yamazaki, Associate Lecturer Philip Cadzow, who loves skiing, Coach Yukiya Owari, and me. The skill level of the participants varied from students who had never skied before to advanced skiers. Since there were four students and four teachers, we worked one-on-one.

 I worked with Yuma Nakazato, who had never skied before. First, we took the gondola up to the top of the mountain and learned the basics on the gentle slopes at the top. After taking the gondola down the mountain, he tried riding the lift. He challenged himself to practice using the lift, and was able to master the basics of the snowplow, as well as parallel turns.

 I couldn't keep track of the other students during the activity, but judging from the way they were eating curry and ramen at the restaurant during lunch, it seemed that everyone had a good day. I'm glad to see that everyone came back safely without any injuries.

Yutaka Katabe

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFebruary 10, 2022 N&Aクラブ一里野スキー実習