
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

November 15, 2023 English Café in Oguchi and Shiramine

 Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor, an English teacher at ICT.
 For the last three years, I’ve been holding a regular event at the Oguchi Community Centre called English Café. It’s a chance for local residents to get together and learn some simple English while also enjoying a cup of tea, a snack, and a chat.
 Last year English Café was a monthly event, and the focus of each session was useful language for travel, or a particularly relevant event, such as Christmas or New Year.


 This year, the first English Café was held on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023, but it was slightly different from previous events. This time, we had two guests from the United Kingdom (my parents!), who showed photos of the village where they live now, the town where they used to live (where I grew up), and other interesting parts of British towns that tourists don’t usually get to see. There were 8 guests from Oguchi and Shiramine, as well as the two Community Centre staff. Everyone had lots of questions about various aspects of British life, such as housing, education, shops, architecture, and many more.


 The other big difference from previous English Café sessions was that instead of starting at 3 o’clock, this one started at 11 oclock, and the Community Centre staff ordered Hakusan Geo bento lunches for everyone from Hotel Gooin in Ichirino Onsen. The bento was full of local ingredients, such as wild boar meat, maitake mushrooms, fish from the Tedori River, and wild mountain vegetables. Not only that, but each of the portions was designed to represent a famous sightseeing spot in the Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark. In the photos you can see the bento itself, the information leaflet, and the picture that was stuck onto the front of the box.



 The following evening, our guests from the UK went to Shiramine to host a special event for the local children in Shinjoji Temple. There are only 10 children in the whole of Shiramine Primary School, 11 in the nursery, and about a dozen more who attend Hakurei Junior High School, which is just down the road from ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus. For this event, 15 children and some of their parents came along to hear a reading of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, eat British-style pancakes, and set off sparklers. For the last three summers, weve planned to hold English Café for children in Shiramine. Unfortunately, each summer it has been cancelled at the last minute due to COVID-19. Fortunately, this year we were able to organise and successfully hold an event that everyone enjoyed – several children even went back for more pancakes; others were able to practice using English to start conversations with our guests!

 次の日、2人のイギリス人のゲストは白峰の真成寺で子供たちのためのイベントを行いました。白峰小学校の児童は10人しかいなくて、保育園児は11人、そして12人ぐらいの中学生がいます。(中学生は国際高専 白山麓キャンパスの近くにある白嶺中学校に通っています。)今回、15人の子供たちとその両親が来て、「はらぺこあおむし」の英語版の読み聞かせや、イギリス風パンケーキを食べたり、花火を楽しんだりしました。3年前から毎年夏休みに白峰の子供たちのためにイングリッシュカフェを予定していましたが、コロナウイルスのせいで毎回中止になってしまいました。今回みんな楽しく英語とふれあえてよかったです。ある子供たちはパンケーキをおかわりできて、英語でおしゃべりもできました!



 Then, on Wednesday, 4th October, we held an almost-regular English Café in the afternoon. I say “almost-regular because it took place inside ICTs Hakusanroku Campus for the first time. 9 people from Oguchi and Shiramine, including two first-time attendees, gathered in the lobby of the Innovation Hub to discuss books, films, and YouTube channels they like. The change of location was nice, and local residents were excited to be able to see inside ICT.



 English Café is not a big event, but it’s an enjoyable and valuable opportunity to build positive relationships between ICT and the local community. The staff at Oguchi and Shiramine Community Centres always put a lot of time and effort into organising and publicising English Café, and this year we also had the cooperation of Shinjoji Temple in Shiramine. I’m grateful for their support and looking forward to future events.


James Taylor

November 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event

 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



October 26, 2023 STEMフェアについて

 みなさん、こんにちは。物理を担当してる教員の伊藤 周です。今回はSTEMフェアについて書きたいと思います。
 STEMフェアとは、国際高専の1、2年生が夏休みの課題として取り組む「Summer  STEM Project」の成果発表の場として、毎年9月の中旬に行われます。(2023年のSTEMフェアについてはこちら)平たく言えば、夏の自由研究の発表会ですね。海外の学校で行われるサイエンスフェア(科学に関する学生たちの発表会)のようなイメージで、ちょっとしたお祭りみたいな雰囲気でやれたらいいと考えていました。

 6年前、国際理工学科がスタートした時に、夏休みの宿題として何を出すべきか考えていました。いわゆる、普通の宿題のように問題を解かせるプリントなども考えたのですが、国際高専の教育ポリシーに沿って、問題を正確に解く能力というより、自分で問題を見つけて解決するという能力を伸ばしたい、と考えていました。本来、そういったことは授業中にやった方が良いのですが、高校3年分を2年で修了させる国際高専のカリキュラムでは課題研究の時間を授業内に取るのは難しいことでした。そこで夏休みの宿題として「Summer STEM Project」をやってもらうことにしました。

Summer STEM Projectのテーマは学生自身が決めますが、いくつかルールがあります。

  1. テーマはSTEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)に関連したものであること。


  1. 使用する予算は1万円以内にすること。


  1. 2年生は必ずデータを取ること。


  1. テーマをProposal(提案書)に書いて提出すること。



伊藤 周

 Hello, everyone. I am Meguru Ito, the faculty member in charge of physics. This time, I would like to write about the STEM Fair.
 The STEM Fair is held in mid-September every year as an opportunity for 1st and 2nd year students to present the results of their Summer Vacation STEM Project. (For more information about 2023 STEM Project, please check here) Plainly speaking, it is a presentation of self-selected research that the students did over the summer. I thought it would be nice if we could do it in a festival like atmosphere, similar to science fairs (presentations by students on science) held in schools overseas.

 Six years ago, when the Department of Science and Technology was launched, I was thinking about what we should offer as homework during the summer vacation. I thought about having student complete worksheets, similar to what they do as homework. Instead, in line with the ICT educational policy, I thought we should try to develop the student abilities to identify and solve problems outside of the classroom. Normally, it would be better to do such things in class, but the curriculum of ICT, which requires students complete the equivalent of three years of high school in two years, makes it difficult to spend time on problem solving research in class. Therefore, I decided to have the students do a Summer STEM Project as their homework during the summer vacation. 
 Other objectives include developing the ability to think for oneself (not just copying information from the Internet), developing an interest in science and technology, experiencing scientific research methods, and making and giving presentations.

 The topic for the Summer STEM Project is determined by the students themselves, but there are a few rules:

  1. The theme must be STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related. Now, art is often added to STEM to make STEAM, we do not include Art in our Summer STEM Projects. This is because if art themes (e.g., pictures, literature such as haiku, video works, etc.) were presented, it would be difficult for a science teacher to evaluate it, and it would be inconsistent with the purpose.

  1. The budget to be used should be less than 10,000 yen.

 This is because we do not want the students to present their research by simply buying expensive experimental equipment. Recently, inexpensive DNA testing equipment and kits are available, and we do not want the presentation to be something that only looks advanced at first glance by using such equipment. Students often ask me, "Are you going to give us a budget of 10,000 yen?", but the school does not provide the money; it is completely up to the students to pay for their own expenses.

  1. 2nd year students must record data.

 For 1st year students, we do not make the theme too strict because we want to give priority to the students' own interests, but for 2nd year students, they must record data. By adding this condition, the research becomes much more scientific, as students have to think about what data they have, how much data they have, how they collected the data, and how to express it in tables and graphs.

  1. Writing and submitting a proposal on the theme

 Students are asked to write a proposal in July that describes the purpose, methods, time required, costs, etc. of their project. By checking the proposal in advance, teachers will confirm whether the project meets the above requirements, whether it is too easy or too difficult, whether it is feasible during the summer vacation, and whether there is anything similar on the Internet. However, due to a variety of reasons, we often get calls from student during the summer vacation asking, "Can I change the content of the proposal?”.
Also, when it comes time to print the poster, I sometimes think, "What? The content is totally different from the proposal!"


 As a science subject teacher, I actually review the proposals. Once I have reviewed and approved the proposals, all I have to do is wait for the students to conduct their experiments or build their prototype and complete their posters. For the posters, we have the help of the English teachers and Learning Mentors. In Bridge English class, teachers instruct students on the flow of the experimental procedure (hypothesis → experiment → results → discussion) and how to write the poster, and or check their English before printing the poster. Thanks to the cooperation of various teachers, the quality of the students' presentations has improved.

  To be honest, I myself do not provide much guidance, but I believe that the STEM Fair is becoming a signature event at ICT, thanks to the students' hard work and the support of the teachers. I love the students' unique ideas and projects based on their interests, even if they are not scientific in nature. In the future, I hope the STEM Fair continues to be important event at ICT.

Meguru Ito

October 24, 2023 神輿体験記

 はーい、こんにちは。2年生の出口 天仁です。2023年9月17日の日曜日に白山麓キャンパス付近にある瀬戸神社で神輿を担がせてもらいました。神輿を担ぐのは人生で初めてで、前日からワクワクでいっぱいでした。はっぴを着て、神社まで10分ぐらい歩いたら、地元の大人や子供たちがもうすでにたくさん集まっていました。神社には立派な神輿が2つあり、大きい方が大人神輿、小さいほうが子供神輿と呼ばれていました。瀬戸神社が出発点となり、白嶺小中学校までの住宅街を神輿を担いで点々と周っていくルートでした。





出口 天仁



 Hello, this is Tenzing Deguchi a 2nd year student. On Sunday, September 17th, 2023, I carried a mikoshi at Seto Shrine near our campus. It was the first time in my life to carry a mikoshi, and I was full of excitement. I put on my Happi and walked about 10 minutes to the shrine, where many local adults and children had already gathered. There were two magnificent mikoshis, the larger one was for adults and the smaller one was for children. The starting point was the Seto Shrine, and the mikoshis were carried around several residential areas up to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High Schools.

 At first, we went around the houses near Seto Shrine. ICT students were told to carry the children's mikoshi. However, when the adults saw me, who was bigger than any of the adults, carrying the mikoshi with the elementary school students, they let me join the adult mikoshi. To be honest, I was very tired at first because I was not sure how to carry the mikoshi, and I was also squatting the entire time to adjust my height. On the day of the event, Hakusan was blazing hot, I was desperate for a drink. In addition, the load on my shoulders was hard because of my height. However, the local people were very kind to me and asked me many questions about ICT. The elementary school students were also very friendly and cheerful. I will never forget the kids I talked to that day. They were definitely more mature in their thinking than I was. It was their tradition to call out the names of people who donated money to the shrine and to express gratitude to the gods. It was challenging to shout out the script written in kanji, but I was able to earn support from the locals.

 After that, I carried the mikoshi into the grounds of ICT from the front and exited from the “Hime no Yu” hot spring side. There were students who were playing basketball at school and teachers who came to watch, so everyone got involved and carried the mikoshi. We went to the Sena Roadside Station and carried the adult mikoshi by truck to the intersection in front of the gas station at the bottom of the hill. It was a tough job to get that heavy mikoshi down from the truck. From there, we carried the mikoshi to Hakurei Elementary and Junior High School. Food such as rice balls and bread were provided in the parking lot of the elementary school, and we ate them while talking with the kids.

 The road back to the Seto shrine was the hardest part of the trip. The sun was setting and it was getting cooler. The adults were probably too drunk to walk straight. It was hard to keep up with the adults as they meandered and spun while carrying the mikoshis on the street.

 When we finally arrived at the front of the shrine, we performed the customary ritual of shaking and spinning the mikoshi. The mikoshi was supposed to be on our shoulders, but we raised it to the sky with our hands as hard as we could and spun it around while running in a circle. It was very hard, but according to an elderly person, it is not as tough as it used to be. Living in his generation is unimaginable.

 I have participated in various extracurricular activities in 2 year of ICT, but this was the first time for me to have such an opportunity to interact with people from Hakusan. It was a surprise to see such an active atmosphere in HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan), which are usually rich in nature and tranquil. The residents were also very interested in ICT, and I hope that this experience gave them a more positive impression of ICT. Above all, I really appreciate the privilege of meeting so many people and doing so many different things, and I am very glad that I participated in this fall festival.

Tenzing Deguchi

October 20, 2023 9月の課外活動

 こんにちは。白山麓事務室の間加田 侑里です。秋の涼しさを感じる季節となりました。今回は9月に行われた様々な課外活動について紹介します。
 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office. It is now autumn and the wether is getting cooler. I would like to introduce various extracurricular activities held in September.


 2023年911日(月)、希望する学生と教員を対象に「フラワーアレンジメント・華道教室」が開催されました。本校の華道講座講師の南川 和美先生をお招きしました。

Flower Arrangement and Kado Class

 On September 11th, 2023, Flower Arrangement and Kado Class was held for students and teachers who wished to participate. Kazumi Minamikawa sensei (instructor) was invited to lead the Flower Arrangement course. 
 First, students and teachers arranged flowers using carnations and sunflowers. After learning from Minamikawa sensei how to cut the stems and keep the flowers in water, the students and teachers created their own flower arrangements by imaging a forest or recreating it by arranging flowers on a special sponge.
 Next, in groups of three, they tried their hand at flower arrangement, using a flower frog and a water basin to create a full-scale flower arrangement with roses, orchids, flax, and bird’s-nest ferns. Using Minamikawa sensei’s model as a guide, the students and teacher created a gorgeous world view by making holes in straight leaves, bending them around to create curves, and scattering flowers on the surface of the water while bringing out the individuality of the flowers and leaves.
 The works created by the students and faculty were displayed at the entrance of the Hakusanroku Campus and in common spaces, and received a great response from faculty and staff, who said, "It was so beautiful, we want you to do it again!".


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「生け花教室」が開催されました🌸🌺🌼💐💕 #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活 #ボーディングスクール #課外活動 #生け花

♬ Lazy - kiki vivi lily




Book Review Presentation

 On Tuesday, September 12th, a Book Review presentation by 1st year students was held. Students chose a book they had read during the summer break. It could be an English book (any genre of book), a book on STEM or design or a book that they wanted to read and gave a 3-minute presentation in English and Japanese. The students chose books from a variety of fields, including books that interested and influenced them. They talked about new things they learned from their books. Students also included memorable quotes from their summer reading. 
 After the presentations, students and faculty voted for the best three Book Reviews. The results are as follows:



Team Building Games Tournament

 On Thursday, September 21st, 2023, a Team Building Games Tournament was held by Philip Cadzow sensei. Team building games are games that are often played when camping outdoors in New Zealand, where Philip sensei is from. They are games in which team members communicate with each other, make the most of their abilities, and work together toward the same goal. 
 The various games were played by mixed teams of 1st and 2nd year students. Games included a game called Sinking Island in which teams competed to see how small a space they could stand in and a game called Balloon Walk in which teams walked in single file with a volleyball in between them. Please see photos and movie of the games below!
 The 1st and 2nd year students were smooth in their group work, probably because they had been living together in the dormitory for half a year. The students laughed a lot, and it was impressive to see how quickly they adapted to their respective tasks through teamwork!





Boxing Boot Camp

 A Boxing Boot Camp was held by Philip sensei and Jomkit Jujaroen sensei during after-school hours on weekdays from Monday, September 11th to Friday, September 22nd, 2023. This was an activity open to any student or faculty member who wished to participate at any time. Boxing training using punching mitts and sandbags, as well as circuit training, a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training to light music, were conducted to burn fat, increase basal metabolism, and relieve stress!
 Students and faculty members seemed recharged after the training and gave the impression of being physically and mentally refreshed.


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「ボクシングブートキャンプ」が開催されました🥊✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活 #国際理工学科

♬ I'm Good (Blue) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

October 19, 2023 Start Up Boot Camp


 Hello, this is Rattiya Mebusaya from the ICT office. 
 The first Idea Stage (pre-seed) startup boot camp for ICT and KIT participants, faculty, and staff was held on September 14th and 15th, 2023, at the Hakusanroku Campus. A total of 18 people participated in this year's event, including 1 ICT 4th year participant, 6 ICT 2nd year participants, 3 ICT 1st year participants, 5 Learning Mentors, 1 faculty member, 1 KIT participant and 1 junior high school participant. The two-day boot camp was designed to clarify and inspire the basic ideas about startups for the participants, who were mainly ICT participants and other beginners.

 In order to build a clear vision of a startup for the participants, this boot camp program was built and implemented around the Lean Startup Model*1 and part of the Pitch Deck*2 creation method. Therefore, this workshop began with an introduction to startups, an explanation of the Lean Model Canvas3, the pitch deck creation method, valuable problem solving, understanding users and markets, digging deep into solutions, value creation methods, understanding competitors, and unfavorable advantages, as well as many individual and group exercises and presentation opportunities were included.

*1: "Lean Startup": a method of creating a minimum number of products at a minimum cost and in a minimum number of steps, repeatedly checking customer response to determine the direction of the project, and moving the business forward without waste. The four steps of "hypothesis building," "measurement and experimentation," "learning," and "restructuring" are repeated to clarify market needs. (Also known as a "lean business model.")
 *2: "Pitch Deck": a brief 4-5 minute presentation document to outline the business plan, products, services, and growth drivers to potential investors and clients.
 *3: "Lean Model Canvas": a framework for visualizing and verifying the "hypothesis" in a startup's business model by dividing it into nine elements. A diagrammatic representation of a business model.





 Day 1, Thursday, September 14th, 2023

 On the first day, Thursday, September 14th, the workshop began with icebreaking*4. Participants were first challenged to combine two different objects (e.g., cell phones and agriculture) given to them to create a unique business idea. This was used to soften the hardened brains of the participants and at the same time, it stimulated communication among them. The workshop then began in earnest with a startup concept called Startup 101. The participants were then introduced to what valuable problem-solving is and were given an exercise to think about whether these are problems worth solving. Those issues, which can be small problems that exist around you or big problems that society as a whole is facing, were summarized in one sentence (aka elevator pitch) and shared with everyone in the workshop. A group activity was then conducted in which the group chose one issue to further understand and validate. The issues chosen by each group varied from how to motivate themselves at school, to situational loneliness when eating alone at a restaurant, to the unbalanced nutritional intake of Japanese people.
 The afternoon session on the first day included a lecture on markets, where they are located, how they can be found, and how large they are. This included explanations of TAM (Total Market Size), SAM (Serviceable Available Market), SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market), and how to research markets and their sizes. The market was then drilled down to the users (target groups) and personas (virtual customers) were created. This is also a method to understand more about the users and validate them in order to create solutions (solutions and what to consider) the next day.
 As mentioned at the beginning of the lecture, after each lecture, the participants experienced the process of creating, researching, and filling in the Lean Model Canvas*4 step by step. In addition, the participants repeatedly went through the exercise of making a one to three minute pitch (presentation) and receiving a question-and-answer session and comments to enhance the clarity of the information and the image of the business idea.

 *4: "Icebreaking": preparatory activity to facilitate communication with new people and in a tense atmosphere

 1日目 2023年9月14日(木)



 Day 2, Friday, September 15th, 2023

  The 2nd day, Friday, September 15th, I covered solutions, value propositions*5, competitors, and unfair advantage. All of these were covered in the morning session, but due to limited time, we limited ourselves to a brief introduction of these topics so that all participants could understand the process and what is needed/what should be considered. Again, each group worked on creating a business model to market their product/service from the problem, user/market, solution, value proposition, competitors, and unfair advantage. Then in the afternoon, they learned more about pitching*6 and pitch decks and spent an hour or two preparing both scripts and pitch decks for the final 5-minute pitch:

 Shikada sensei (Prof.), principal of ICT, and Mr. Izumiya, Deputy Secretary General of ICT, participated in the final pitch as guest judges. In the Startup Boot Camp, which was organized for the first time, the participants started with an understanding of startups and learned about the important processes one by one. Due to time constraints, we were not able to touch much on the business and investment part, but all participants were able to learn the basics of startups. In addition, through this camp, we were able to not only provide them with startup ideas but also stimulate their curiosity and make them want to know and do more.   

 Finally, Tossa Mebusaya sensei (Associate Professor) who organized and facilitated this camp said, "There is no word "READY" in startups. We need to believe in ourselves, not be afraid to fail, learn from our mistakes, and be flexible enough to bounce back quickly. And many opportunities exist all around you. It is up to you to take action or not. I urge you to take action.” With these words of encouragement, the two-day camp came to a successful conclusion.
 We would like to thank Tossa sensei and our alumnus Mr. Daiki Masui for organizing and facilitating this event. ICT will continue to provide such opportunities in the future and will continue its efforts to enhance participants' flexible thinking.

 *5: "value propositions": Learn how to communicate the value of your business idea to others.
 *6: "Pitching": a presentation that offers a clear proposal in a short time.

 2日目 2023年9月15日(金)

 今回の企画から運営まで取り纏めていただいた、トッサ先生、本校卒業生の増井 大樹氏に感謝するとともに、国際高専では、今後もこのような機会を設けつつ、学生たちの柔軟な発想を高める取り組みを継続していきたいと考えています。





These are the team names

Group name: DHA
Presentation title: Smart Refrigerator
Members: 2nd year student, Huruto Shiraishi, and learning mentors, Apirak Sang-ngenchai sensei and Domyson Abuan sensei 

メンバー:2年生 白石 春翔さん、アピラク・サンゲンチャイ先生、ドミソン・アブワン先生

Group name: SAP
Presentation title: Sleep Anywhere Pillow
Members: junior high school student, Priyapat Mebusaya, 2nd year student, Rikuto Nishihara, 4th year student, Shii Yamazaki and learning mentor, Sade Moore sensei

メンバー:2年生 西原 陸登さん、4年生 山崎 史依さん、プリヤパット メブサヤさん、シャーデー・モーア先生

Group name: Motivation Inc.
Presentation title: Motivation app development
Members: 1st year students, Rinse Okiyama, Ruuna Nakazawa, Yuuka Murai and 2nd year student, Ryoya Mizusawa

メンバー:1年生 沖山 琳世さん、中澤 琉月さん、村井 優風香さん、2年生 水澤 諒也さん

Group name: Gohan no Otomo
Presentation title: eating friend search app
Members: 2nd year student, Tenzing Deguchi, KIT 1st year student, Afaf Alaa, learning mentor, Krishia Atillo sensei and Pauline Baird sensei (Prof.) 

メンバー:2年生 出口 天仁さん、KIT1年生 アファフ・アラーさん、クリシア・アティロ先生、ポーリン・ベアード先生

Group name: Syllaける
Presentation title: new syllabus and e-learning app
Members: 2nd year students, Ryona Natsuki, Aki Yamamoto and learning mentor, Jomkit Jujaroen sensei

メンバー:2年生 夏木 亮凪さん、山本 明葵さん、ジョムキット・ジュジャロエン先生

Rattiya Mebusaya

October 18, 2023 アサギマダラ マーキングイベントに参加

 こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。

  Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs.
 On Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 1st and 2nd year student volunteers participated in an extracurricular event. The event was marking Asagimadara (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly). This event was organized by the Hakusanroku Satoyama Revitalization Council and was held at a fallow field next to Sena Roadside Station in front of the Hakusanroku campus.
 This year, September was very hot and it was thought that the Asagimadara would be late in coming. However, the temperature dropped a little the day before the event and the Asagimadara appeared as if to coincide with the event date.
 At 10:00 a.m.,7 students participated in the event and spent about two hours marking the Asagimadara. Some students had a hard time capturing the butterflies because they had not had many opportunities to catch them before, but the students who participated in the event had a meaningful time interacting with nature while having fun. Some students were so interested in this event activity that they decided to mark Asagimadara outside of the event.
 I hope that many marked Asagimadara will be found in Taiwan, Kyushu, Okinawa and other areas as a result of the students' marking Asagimadara activities.


沖山 琳世さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが広島県福山市で再確保!


1010日時点で、1年生 沖山 琳世さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが広島県福山市、2年生 水澤 諒也さんがマーキングしたアサギマダラが兵庫県摩耶山天上寺で再捕獲されました!

 As of October 10th, 2023, an Asagimadara marked by 1st year student Rinse Okiyama was recaptured in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture and an Asagimadara marked by 2nd year student Ryoya Mizusawa was recaptured at Mount Maya Tenjo-ji temple, Hyogo Prefecture!


小髙 有普
Arihiro Kodaka

October 17, 2023「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」を開催

Makada こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
 2023年87日(月)~89日(水)、白山麓キャンパスで公益財団法人海外子女教育振興財団(JOES)との共同企画「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」が開催されました。小学5年生~中学3年生までの31名が参加し、2泊3日の宿泊型形式で「スタートアップ」をテーマに専門講師による指導や国際高専が実践している「エンジニアリングデザイン」などを英語で学びました。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office.
 From Monday, August 7th to Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, the 3rd Hakusanroku Summer Workshop was held at the Hakusanroku Campus in collaboration with the Japan Overseas Educational Services (JOES). 31 participants, ranging from 5th grade elementary school students to 3rd grade junior high school students, stayed for three days and two nights to learn about "Start Up". This was done with the theme of Engineering Design, which is practiced by ICT, with guidance from expert lecturers in English.

1日目 2023年8月7日(月)

 まず始めに、松下 臣仁学科長による学校説明で、今回のワークショップで体験する本校の「English STEM教育」や「エンジニアリングデザイン教育」などの特色が紹介されました。その後、アイスブレイクとして、生徒たちはお互いを知るために自分の趣味やサマーワークショップへの期待をスケッチし、グループ内で発表しました。最初は緊張していた生徒たちも、すぐに打ち解けている様子でした。

Day 1, Monday, August 7th, 2023

 First, Omihito Matsushita sensei (Prof.) gave an introduction about ICT, explaining about the school's English STEM and Engineering Design Education that the students would experience during this workshop. Then, as an ice-breaker, students sketched out their hobbies and expectations for the summer workshop in order to get to know each other and presented them in groups. The students, who were nervous at first, quickly got to know each other.
 Next, Tossa Mebsaya sensei (Associate Professor) explained about Start Up, the theme of this session. He introduced the importance of properly grasping issues, growing a business in a short period of time and aiming for social change through the development of new products, services and businesses. Next, Hayato Ogawa sensei (Associate Professor) gave a lecture on Design Thinking and explained how to prepare for it.
 The topic of this workshop was "How to improve school life". Students were divided into 6 teams and worked together to define school life problems, identify problem settings, and develop ideas to solve those problems. Students focused on various issues such as how to study, school rules, and how to communicate with teachers and they came up with ideas to make improvements.
 After dinner, a Parachute Experiment was held, utilizing STEM experiences was held by Learning Mentor, Krishia Atillo sensei (Associate Lecturer). Students made paper parachutes while thinking about air resistance and had great fun competing for places by dropping their parachutes from the second floor to the first floor to their target.

2日目 2023年8月8日(火)


Day 2, Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

 Continuing from the previous day, the students created ideas and prototypes to solve school life problems, composed a storyline for a business pitch, created slides for a PowerPoint presentation and practiced their presentations for the final day. In addition, students made original key chains using a 3D printer and laser cutter. They also had a fun time bouldering with Philip Cadzow sensei, the Health and Physical Education teacher, as they tried various courses divided by difficulty level.
 After dinner, the students continued to prepare for their final presentations by finalizing PowerPoint presentations, practicing their presentations and making original key chains.

3日目 2023年8月9日(水)

 最終日には、多くの保護者が子供たちの成果を見るために白山麓キャンパスに集まりました。生徒たちはグループごとに英語で「学校生活をより良くする方法」のアイデアを発表しました。発表の様子は下のビデオで視聴することができます。発表後、鹿田 正昭校長より、生徒たちに修了証書が手渡しされ、サマーワークショップは幕を閉じました。

Day 3, Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

 On the last day, parents gathered at the Hakusanroku Campus to see their children's achievements. Each group of students presented their ideas, in English, on how to improve school life. The presentations can be viewed in the video below. After the presentations, President Masaaki Shikada handed out certificates to the students, bringing the Summer Workshop to a close. 
 Although this workshop was conducted in English, the participants came from a variety of backgrounds including different ages, schools and regions of origin, so they used their knowledge to share ideas from many different directions. This kind of thinking and process for creating new value, as well as the experience of creating products and stories through collaboration, will be useful for the students' future studies.
 Although it was only a short period of three days and two nights, I was very surprised at how much the students grew in such a short period of time. We hope that as many of them as possible will find the experience at our school fascinating and will enroll in our school.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

October 14, 2023 白山麓キャンパスで「マイクロマウス大会」を開催

 こんにちは。校長の鹿田 正昭です。
 大会はマイクロマウス北陸同好会が主催し公益財団法人ニューテクノロジー振興財団の協賛で行われました。第8回および第9回の大会も白山麓キャンパスで開催され、元 国際高専教員(現 金沢工業大学教員)の伊藤 恒平先生を中心に運営されました。今回の第10回大会は伊藤先生に加えて国際高専の久島 康嘉先生や金沢工業大学と国際高専の学生も大会事務局のお手伝いで参画しました。

鹿田 正昭


 Hello. This is Masaaki Shikada, President of ICT.
 The "10th Micromouse Kanazawa Kusanone Competition" was held at the Hakusanroku Campus from Saturday, September 9th to Sunday, September 10th 2023. I had the opportunity to give an opening speech as the ICT president at the opening ceremony, and was able to watch the Micromouse competition, which is completely different from my field of expertise. I knew about this kind of competition from the news, etc., but if I could sum up my impressions after watching the actual competition in one phrase, it would be that I was astonished and amazed by the high level of skill of the participants (and I regret that I couldn't watch it until the end because of having another plan).
 The competition was promoted by the Micromouse Hokuriku Club and sponsored by the New Technology Promotion Foundation. The 8th and 9th competitions were also held at the Hakusanroku Campus, and were led by Kohei Ito, former faculty member of ICT (currently a faculty member at KIT). At the 10th conference, in addition to Professor Kohei Ito, ICT lecturer Yoshihiro Kushima and students from KIT and ICT also assisted in the competition.
 A large number of enthusiasts of various ages and occupations gathered from all over the country, but this year due to COVID-19 infections, the number of entries decreased slightly, with a total of 53 cars. However, I believe that sophisticated Micromouse machines were entered into the competition. The robots created by the participants used their knowledge and technology to explore the depths of the maze, and the participants were able to fully enjoy the way they tackled its complexity.
 I thought that if we could hold a competition next year in collaboration with ICT school tours, Open Campuses, Online Information Sessions, etc., it would leave a lasting impression on elementary and junior high school students aiming to study at ICT. I would like to encourage all ICT students to take part as challengers next year.
 Please keep an eye out for next year's collaboration competition between ICT and KIT!!

Masaaki Shikada

October 3, 2023 Full Circle, and Onwards

me and my friend attempting to outstretch the rainbow!

 Hello folks! It’s Domyson Abuan, one of the new learning mentors from the Philippines. I moved to Hakusanroku campus on Sunday, August 20, 2023. It was scorching hot that day but guess what, after moving all my stuff in, it sprinkled a bit and there appeared a rainbow stretching over the campus!

  Landing a job at ICT Kanazawa felt like destiny. I was in university studying civil engineering when I got the chance to visit Iwate on March 11, 2013, two years after the big earthquake. There, I met a boy named Kouki who was then about 8 years old. He and his community inspired my quest to do more research on disaster preparedness. That same year, in November 2013, one of the most destructive typhoons in history hit my country and sadly it caused 6300 dreams to be shattered. At that time, heartbroken by the aftermath, I felt the urge to dedicate more time to educating people about preparedness.
 Instead of working for a construction firm, I decided to teach science and disaster preparedness to primary school students in the Philippines. It was great witnessing little scientists work on simple tools and seeing them explore nature in the school gardens to look for small plants and animals with their magnifying glasses as we tackled disaster mitigation in science class. After two years, I got an opportunity to teach English in Japan and got to work with Japanese high school students. I also reunited with my host family in Iwate and guess what, Kouki is now 18, almost taller than me and is eagerly studying programming! I got a job at ICT Hakusanroku campus, a school that helps revitalize the community it belongs to and the next time Kouki and I meet, we will for sure talk more about technology and its applications.
 Now I am back, surrounded by my co-teachers and students who are innovators, all set to work as a learning mentor. I am really excited to be of support to students, teachers, and the community in Hakusanroku campus. In the Philippines, we have a concept called bayanihan wherein people come together to work on one goal —for instance in my hometown, if a wooden house is at risk of flooding, people would uproot it altogether, carry it by hand, and transfer it to a safer place. Bayanihan came from the root word bayani, meaning hero. I am looking forward to witnessing how our school does bayanihan with the locals of Hakusanroku and to seeing heroes in action.

 Oh and speaking of heroes, I feel powerful everytime I win in janken. I am not very lucky but I enjoy playing it a lot so if you see me, let’s do a janken battle! Until then, I leave you with a message from my hero Uzumaki Naruto: Believe (you can do) it! Dattebayo!

Domyson Abuan





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