October 17, 2023「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」を開催

Makada こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
 2023年87日(月)~89日(水)、白山麓キャンパスで公益財団法人海外子女教育振興財団(JOES)との共同企画「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」が開催されました。小学5年生~中学3年生までの31名が参加し、2泊3日の宿泊型形式で「スタートアップ」をテーマに専門講師による指導や国際高専が実践している「エンジニアリングデザイン」などを英語で学びました。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office.
 From Monday, August 7th to Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, the 3rd Hakusanroku Summer Workshop was held at the Hakusanroku Campus in collaboration with the Japan Overseas Educational Services (JOES). 31 participants, ranging from 5th grade elementary school students to 3rd grade junior high school students, stayed for three days and two nights to learn about "Start Up". This was done with the theme of Engineering Design, which is practiced by ICT, with guidance from expert lecturers in English.

1日目 2023年8月7日(月)

 まず始めに、松下 臣仁学科長による学校説明で、今回のワークショップで体験する本校の「English STEM教育」や「エンジニアリングデザイン教育」などの特色が紹介されました。その後、アイスブレイクとして、生徒たちはお互いを知るために自分の趣味やサマーワークショップへの期待をスケッチし、グループ内で発表しました。最初は緊張していた生徒たちも、すぐに打ち解けている様子でした。

Day 1, Monday, August 7th, 2023

 First, Omihito Matsushita sensei (Prof.) gave an introduction about ICT, explaining about the school's English STEM and Engineering Design Education that the students would experience during this workshop. Then, as an ice-breaker, students sketched out their hobbies and expectations for the summer workshop in order to get to know each other and presented them in groups. The students, who were nervous at first, quickly got to know each other.
 Next, Tossa Mebsaya sensei (Associate Professor) explained about Start Up, the theme of this session. He introduced the importance of properly grasping issues, growing a business in a short period of time and aiming for social change through the development of new products, services and businesses. Next, Hayato Ogawa sensei (Associate Professor) gave a lecture on Design Thinking and explained how to prepare for it.
 The topic of this workshop was "How to improve school life". Students were divided into 6 teams and worked together to define school life problems, identify problem settings, and develop ideas to solve those problems. Students focused on various issues such as how to study, school rules, and how to communicate with teachers and they came up with ideas to make improvements.
 After dinner, a Parachute Experiment was held, utilizing STEM experiences was held by Learning Mentor, Krishia Atillo sensei (Associate Lecturer). Students made paper parachutes while thinking about air resistance and had great fun competing for places by dropping their parachutes from the second floor to the first floor to their target.

2日目 2023年8月8日(火)


Day 2, Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

 Continuing from the previous day, the students created ideas and prototypes to solve school life problems, composed a storyline for a business pitch, created slides for a PowerPoint presentation and practiced their presentations for the final day. In addition, students made original key chains using a 3D printer and laser cutter. They also had a fun time bouldering with Philip Cadzow sensei, the Health and Physical Education teacher, as they tried various courses divided by difficulty level.
 After dinner, the students continued to prepare for their final presentations by finalizing PowerPoint presentations, practicing their presentations and making original key chains.

3日目 2023年8月9日(水)

 最終日には、多くの保護者が子供たちの成果を見るために白山麓キャンパスに集まりました。生徒たちはグループごとに英語で「学校生活をより良くする方法」のアイデアを発表しました。発表の様子は下のビデオで視聴することができます。発表後、鹿田 正昭校長より、生徒たちに修了証書が手渡しされ、サマーワークショップは幕を閉じました。

Day 3, Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

 On the last day, parents gathered at the Hakusanroku Campus to see their children's achievements. Each group of students presented their ideas, in English, on how to improve school life. The presentations can be viewed in the video below. After the presentations, President Masaaki Shikada handed out certificates to the students, bringing the Summer Workshop to a close. 
 Although this workshop was conducted in English, the participants came from a variety of backgrounds including different ages, schools and regions of origin, so they used their knowledge to share ideas from many different directions. This kind of thinking and process for creating new value, as well as the experience of creating products and stories through collaboration, will be useful for the students' future studies.
 Although it was only a short period of three days and two nights, I was very surprised at how much the students grew in such a short period of time. We hope that as many of them as possible will find the experience at our school fascinating and will enroll in our school.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

October 17, 2023「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」を開催

Makada こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。
 2023年87日(月)~89日(水)、白山麓キャンパスで公益財団法人海外子女教育振興財団(JOES)との共同企画「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」が開催されました。小学5年生~中学3年生までの31名が参加し、2泊3日の宿泊型形式で「スタートアップ」をテーマに専門講師による指導や国際高専が実践している「エンジニアリングデザイン」などを英語で学びました。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from Hakusanroku Office.
 From Monday, August 7th to Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, the 3rd Hakusanroku Summer Workshop was held at the Hakusanroku Campus in collaboration with the Japan Overseas Educational Services (JOES). 31 participants, ranging from 5th grade elementary school students to 3rd grade junior high school students, stayed for three days and two nights to learn about "Start Up". This was done with the theme of Engineering Design, which is practiced by ICT, with guidance from expert lecturers in English.

1日目 2023年8月7日(月)

 まず始めに、松下 臣仁学科長による学校説明で、今回のワークショップで体験する本校の「English STEM教育」や「エンジニアリングデザイン教育」などの特色が紹介されました。その後、アイスブレイクとして、生徒たちはお互いを知るために自分の趣味やサマーワークショップへの期待をスケッチし、グループ内で発表しました。最初は緊張していた生徒たちも、すぐに打ち解けている様子でした。

Day 1, Monday, August 7th, 2023

 First, Omihito Matsushita sensei (Prof.) gave an introduction about ICT, explaining about the school's English STEM and Engineering Design Education that the students would experience during this workshop. Then, as an ice-breaker, students sketched out their hobbies and expectations for the summer workshop in order to get to know each other and presented them in groups. The students, who were nervous at first, quickly got to know each other.
 Next, Tossa Mebsaya sensei (Associate Professor) explained about Start Up, the theme of this session. He introduced the importance of properly grasping issues, growing a business in a short period of time and aiming for social change through the development of new products, services and businesses. Next, Hayato Ogawa sensei (Associate Professor) gave a lecture on Design Thinking and explained how to prepare for it.
 The topic of this workshop was "How to improve school life". Students were divided into 6 teams and worked together to define school life problems, identify problem settings, and develop ideas to solve those problems. Students focused on various issues such as how to study, school rules, and how to communicate with teachers and they came up with ideas to make improvements.
 After dinner, a Parachute Experiment was held, utilizing STEM experiences was held by Learning Mentor, Krishia Atillo sensei (Associate Lecturer). Students made paper parachutes while thinking about air resistance and had great fun competing for places by dropping their parachutes from the second floor to the first floor to their target.

2日目 2023年8月8日(火)


Day 2, Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

 Continuing from the previous day, the students created ideas and prototypes to solve school life problems, composed a storyline for a business pitch, created slides for a PowerPoint presentation and practiced their presentations for the final day. In addition, students made original key chains using a 3D printer and laser cutter. They also had a fun time bouldering with Philip Cadzow sensei, the Health and Physical Education teacher, as they tried various courses divided by difficulty level.
 After dinner, the students continued to prepare for their final presentations by finalizing PowerPoint presentations, practicing their presentations and making original key chains.

3日目 2023年8月9日(水)

 最終日には、多くの保護者が子供たちの成果を見るために白山麓キャンパスに集まりました。生徒たちはグループごとに英語で「学校生活をより良くする方法」のアイデアを発表しました。発表の様子は下のビデオで視聴することができます。発表後、鹿田 正昭校長より、生徒たちに修了証書が手渡しされ、サマーワークショップは幕を閉じました。

Day 3, Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

 On the last day, parents gathered at the Hakusanroku Campus to see their children's achievements. Each group of students presented their ideas, in English, on how to improve school life. The presentations can be viewed in the video below. After the presentations, President Masaaki Shikada handed out certificates to the students, bringing the Summer Workshop to a close. 
 Although this workshop was conducted in English, the participants came from a variety of backgrounds including different ages, schools and regions of origin, so they used their knowledge to share ideas from many different directions. This kind of thinking and process for creating new value, as well as the experience of creating products and stories through collaboration, will be useful for the students' future studies.
 Although it was only a short period of three days and two nights, I was very surprised at how much the students grew in such a short period of time. We hope that as many of them as possible will find the experience at our school fascinating and will enroll in our school.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOME学生生活ICTジャーナルOctober 17, 2023「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」を開催

HOMECampuslifeICT JournalOctober 17, 2023「第3回 白山麓サマーワークショップ」を開催