November 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event

 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



November 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event

 This is Ian Stevenson.
 On Friday, September 22nd, 2023, in what has become an annual event here at Hakusanroku campus, the students made tie-dye t-shirts. 12 students, 3 learning mentors and 2 teachers met in the project booth to twist, crumple and knot t-shirts into different patterns before dying them different colors.
 Before all the tie dying began, the tables were covered with tarps and the dyers with garbage bag aprons. After this, the students were told to be careful and to start tying and dying. Different students made different designs and students helped their classmates with designs and color. Some students made multi-color spirals, while other students dyed their names onto the t-shirts. When the students finished, they wrote their names on their shirt and hung them up to dry.
 After the t-shirts were dry, the excess dye was soaked out of them and they were washed. This is a very important step, for if you don’t soak out the excess dye, it will color all your other clothes when you wash them with the t-shirt. At Learning Session on Monday, September 25th, the students, learning mentors and teachers picked up their t-shirts and tried them on.
 As you can see from the photos, the students, learning mentors and teachers enjoyed themselves and made original and colorful t-shirts.

Ian Stevenson


白山麓キャンパス(1、2年生)では、「タイダイ染め」が行われました。生地を自由に輪ゴムで縛り、様々な色の染料を加えます。個性あふれるオリジナルTシャツに仕上がりました✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #タイダイ染め #ボーディングスクール #高専 #全寮制 #寮生活

♬ WASURENA (movie trailer ver.) - Awesome City Club



HOME学生生活ICTジャーナルNovember 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event

HOMECampuslifeICT JournalNovember 4, 2023 Tie-Dye T-shirts Event