Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル
March 30, 2024 「ICT Startup Competition 2024」
こんにちは、白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は、2024年2月21日(水)に開催された「ICT Startup Competition 2024」について紹介します。
これら昨年の取り組みを通じて得た知見も生かしつつ、白山麓キャンパスにおいて、初めての「ICT Startup Competition 2024」を開催となりました。国内外の有識者を迎えて、海外や日本といったマクロの視点だけではなく、地方におけるスタートアップの現状と課題に関し、専門家によるパネルディスカッションの他、学生によるピッチングイベント(学生のビジネスアイディアを4分~5分間の短い時間で発表)が行われ、スタートアップとは何か、今何が起こっているのか、そしてこれから何をすべきかについて考える良い機会となりました。
当日のパネルディスカッションでは、タイ王国にあるKnowledge Xchange(ナレッジ・エクスチェンジ社)から、2名を講師として招聘し、同社での取り組みの他、今スタートアップに熱い視線が注がれている現状について話があり、日本との現状の差を感じる機会となりました。更には、国内や地域でスタートアップ人材育成に携わる専門家もお呼びして、国内の現状と課題についても率直な意見交換が行われました。そこでは、海外と日本の文化の違いや教育の違いからくる、スタートアップ人材育成への難しさやハードルの高さが垣間見える場面もありました。一方で、2022年はスタートアップ元年と呼ばれるほど、国からの様々な補助金や助成金が出され、各地域でスタートアップ環境整備が進んだ時期でもあり、“スタートアップ育成5か年計画※2”が示されるなど、2023年の盛り上がりを経て、日本ではこれからの取り組みが注目されます。
今回初めての試みであった「ICT Startup Competition 2024」も、今後さらに充実させていくとともに、今後も本校からのスタートアップ人材の創生に努めていきます。
間加田 侑里
Holding the very first ICT Startup*1 Competition 2024
Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the ICT Startup Competition 2024 held on Wednesday, February 21st 2024.
International College of Technology, Kanazawa was selected as a technical college startup educational environment improvement project last year, and since then we have been implementing various environmental improvements and initiatives to develop human resources for startups. Specifically, at both the Hakusanroku Campus and the Kanazawa Campus, efforts have been made to start to create a startup environment and to foster a business mindset and link it to actual products or services, which is one of the objectives of this project.
Furthermore, in addition to improving the environment, we also held a startup boot camp in September last year to promote understanding of startups and raise interest among students.
While making use of the knowledge gained through these initiatives last year, the first "ICT Startup Competition 2024" was held at the Hakusanroku Campus. Panel discussions and student pitching competitions were held. In the panel discussion, we discussed the current conditions and challenges of startups overseas, in Japan, and in local areas with honorary guests from Japan and overseas. In addition to a panel discussion by guest speakers, the event also featured a pitching event (presentation of students' business ideas in a short period of 4-5 minutes), which was a good opportunity to think about what a startup is, what is happening now, and what should be done in the future.
In the panel discussion on the day, two guests from Knowledge Xchange in the Kingdom of Thailand were invited to talk about the startup ecosystem and the current conditions where startups are growing in Thailand, and it was an opportunity to feel the difference between the current conditions in other countries and Japan. In addition, experts involved in startup human resource development within Japan and within various regions were invited to have a frank exchange of opinions on the current conditions and issues in Japan. There were also scenes where we could glimpse the difficulties and high hurdles of developing human resources for startups due to cultural and educational differences. On the other hand, in 2022, the government issued various subsidies to the extent that 2022 has been called “the first year of startups”, and the development of the startup environment has progressed in each region. After the excitement of 2023, including the announcement of the "Five-Year Plan for Startup Development*2", future initiatives are attracting attention in Japan.
In technical college education, in addition to the curriculum for developing work-ready human resources through practical education, we are promoting the development of the educational environment based on developing a business mindset that is indispensable for startup human resources. Efforts to learn customer thinking using design thinking methods are already underway, and being selected as a startup education environment improvement project has further deepened the educational foundation so far.
This year’s ICT Startup Competition 2024, which was the first attempt, will be further enhanced in the future, and we will continue to strive to create startup human resources from our school.
*1: "Startup" refers to a company or business that is expected to grow in a short time by opening up new businesses and markets that have never existed before.
*2: The "Five-Year Startup Plan" is a strategy and roadmap for significantly increasing the number of startups in Japan. The company aims to increase the amount of investment in startups by 10 times the current amount and create 100,000 startups in the future.
Yuri Makada
@ictkanazawa 2024年2月21日(水)、白山麓キャンパスでは「ICT STARTUP COMPETITION 2024」が開催されました。国内外からゲストをお招きし、「What is Startup」や「Where are we」、「What’s next」をテーマにパネルディスカッションや質疑応答、学生と教員によるPitching Competition、最後には表彰式が行われました🏅✨ #国際高専 #白山麓キャンパス #スタートアップ #startup #高専 #国際理工学科 #tiktok #英語
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