
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 21, 2024 1年生のエンジニアリングデザイン最終発表

Makada こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回は2024年1月26日(金)に行われたエンジニアリングデザインIB(1年生)の最終発表について紹介します。
 「エンジニアリングデザインIB」は、1年生の後学期に開講される必修科目で、ユーザー視点に立った新たな価値創出の手法である「デザインシンキング」を取り入れ、課題発見・解決型の活動にチームで取り組みます。このプロジェクトでは、ターゲットユーザーへのインタビュー調査などを通して、そこに潜む問題や要望に対して解決する装置をLEGO EV3やレーザーカッター、3Dプリンタなどを使用し、製作します。

 Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. This time, I would like to write about the final Engineering Design IB 1st year presentations held on Friday, January 26th, 2024.
 In Engineering Design IB, a required 1st year 2nd semester course, students work in teams to discover and solve problems by adopting design thinking, a method of creating new value from the user's point of view. For this project, students were given the task of designing a device that solves the problems and meets the demands of their target users through interviews, using LEGO EV3, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and other tools. 
 The students were divided into five teams to solve the problems, three teams with the target user of “Hime no Yu (Hot spring)" and two teams with the "Gymnasium".


 そこで比咩の湯Aチームは、LEGO EV3を使い、カメムシを処理する際に臭いを放つことなく、自動で確実にカメムシを駆除できる装置を製作しました。この装置は超音波センサーで壁への激突を防ぎながら自動で移動します。そして、床にいるカメムシを装置に取り付けられたガムテープで拾い上げ、定期的にガムテームを巻くことで、カメムシをガムテームで閉じ込め、臭いを放つ前に駆除する仕組みです。ガムテープの梱包は、設定時間ごとに自動で梱包されます。

【Hime no Yu A Team (Rinse, Sena, Shinri, Eita)】

 The Hime no Yu A team focused on stink bugs lurking in the building following interviews with hot spring staff and observation at the hot spring facilities. Stink bugs are often found in mountainous areas and warm places. The stink bugs have a distinctive odor, which is unpleasant. 
 Therefore, students used the LEGO EV3 to create a device that can automatically and reliably eliminate stink bugs as well as preventing the stink bugs from releasing their unpleasant odor. The device uses ultrasonic sensors to move automatically while preventing it from crashing into walls. The stink bugs on the floor are then picked up with gummed tape attached to the device, and gummed tape is regularly wrapped around them to trap them in the gummed tape and exterminate them before they release their odor. Then the gummed tape is automatically reset for the next use.


 比咩の湯Bチームは、時間のかかる木でできた浴槽を効率よく掃除できることで、温泉スタッフが他の業務に時間を使うことができ仕事自体の効率をあげることができるのではないかと考え、夜中のうちに浴槽のぬめりを自動で掃除してくれる装置をLEGO EV3を用いて製作しました。浴槽内に人の垢が溜まるとヌメリが発生します。そのため日々、汚れや水分をとることが大切です。LEGO EV3で製作した装置は、ブラシやスポンジが取り付けられており、浴槽内を動き回り、回転スポンジとローリングスポンジの機能で汚れを除去し、超音波センサーで壁への激突も防ぎます。また、デザインはレーザーカッターと3Dプリンタで製作し、温泉にぴったりの落ち着きある柄で制作しました。

【Hime no Yu B team (Tasuki, Mitsuki, Hiroko, Yuuka)】Wooden bathtubs

 Hime no Yu has two baths, one made of wood and one made of rock, and the hot spring staff clean both with a brush. The wooden baths in particular are made of delicate materials and must be cleaned carefully so as not to damage them, which takes time.
 The Hime no Yu B team thought that if the wooden baths could be cleaned quickly, the staff could spend their time on other tasks and improve the efficiency of their work itself. When human grime builds up in the hot spring, it causes slime. The device, built with LEGO EV3, is fitted with brushes and sponges, which move around the bathtub, removing dirt with the rotating and rolling sponge functions, while ultrasonic sensors prevent it from crashing into the walls. The design was produced using a laser cutter and 3D printer, with a soothing pattern that is perfect for hot springs.



【Hime no Yu C Team (Yura, Taichi, Hayato, Kentaro, Ruuna)】

 Students are required to present their student ID cards to the hot spring staff when using the hot spring baths at Hime no Yu. This indicates that students are using the hot springs amongst the general public. At the same time, this allows the staff to understand the students' usage of the hot springs. The students wanted an efficient and easy way to identify students entering the hot spring in order to reduce the workload of hot spring staff.
 The students came up with a number of ideas, including using facial recognition and fingerprints. In the end, they created a QR code for individual student recognition that could be attached to student ID cards and passed through a QR code-reading device to create a system to control the entrance and exit of the hot spring. The QR codes allow quick entry to the hot spring, and the system screen displays a list of names of students who have entered the hot spring, making it easy to see who is using the hot spring.


 学生たちは、特に道具が多いバドミントンに着目し、LEGO EV3やアルミフレーム、木材などを用いて、バドミントンネットを自動で巻きとる装置と、ネットと道具一式をまとめて運べるカートを製作しました。これにより片付けや準備も、一人で手軽に行うことができるようになりました。

【Gymnasium A team (Kieto, Rintaro, Nagi, Kaya)】

 The Gymnasium A team interviewed Health and Physical Education teacher Philip Cadzow sensei about the use and management of the gymnasium and students discovered that the equipment storage area, including nets and balls in the gym equipment room, was messy.
 The students focused on badminton, which has a particularly large amount of equipment. They used LEGO EV3, aluminum frames and wood to create a device that automatically winds up the badminton net and a cart that can carry the net and all the equipment together. This made it possible for one person to clean up and prepare the equipment easily.



【Gymnasium B team (Sho, Yoh, Akihiro, Kanamu)】

 Through an interview with Philip sensei, the Gymnasium B team found the cleaning of gym mops was a problem. The amount of time and effort required to carry the gym mops to the washing machine, dry the mops after washing was completed and then carry them back to the gymnasium was too much. 
 This team therefore produced a compact, easy-to-use device that can easily carry several mops at once and dry them as they are. The device was programmed to be operated remotely. It allows the mops to be transported from the gymnasium to the washing machine by remote control, and then dried directly on the device after the mops have been washed.



 In Engineering DesignⅠA, offered in the 1st semester, the students discovered problems around their life, came up with solutions and gave shape to their ideas with their own hands (see here for details) In the 2nd semester, the students took on the challenge of solving problems for target users in teams. They faced various issues such as discussions, schedule management and division of roles within the team.
 The students conducted interviews and observations with target users, verified and evaluated their ideas, and proceeded to design and produce a solution to the target user's problem. In the limited time available, there were still some things that needed to be verified in order to improve the ideas and prototypes, but I think the students were able to realise the necessity and importance of this process. 

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 21, 2024 1年生のエンジニアリングデザイン最終発表