 こんにちは!白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。今回はエンジニアリングデザインⅡA(2年生)の授業で行われた「紅はるか」の収穫について書きたいと思います。


 2024年9月12日(木)、白山麓周辺の気温は30度を超える猛暑の中で、アグリビジネス班は紅はるかの収穫作業を行いました。この日、鹿田 正昭校長も参加しました。今年も畑への猿の侵入を防ぐための電気柵を設置したことで、獣害被害はありませんでした。また、例年に比べ、小さな芋がすくなく、今季は昨年度に比べて気候条件が合っていたと考えられます。しかし、この日は非常に暑く、約2時間で畑の3分の1ほどの紅はるかを収穫し、終了しました。


 収穫した紅はるかは、校舎内の倉庫で約1か月間、熟成させ、デンプンを糖分に変えた後、10月28日(月)に校舎前の「道の駅 瀬女」に生芋を出荷予定です。11月3日(日)4日(月)は、「道の駅 瀬女」にて学生たちが焼芋販売と高専紅はるかオリジナルグッズ販売を行います。↓

間加田 侑里


こんにちは、2年生の贄田 耀です。今年の夏休み、「海外英語研修」の科目として、私はアメリカのマサチューセッツ州ボストンのEF語学学校(EF Education First)へ留学に行ってきました。アメリカでは日本とのギャップに何度も驚かされたので、このジャーナルにてその一部を紹介したいと思います。



贄田 耀

 Hello, I’m Yoh Nieda, a 2nd year student. As part of Overseas English Program, I went to Boston, Massachusetts., in the US, this summer vacation to study English and American Culture at EF Education. I saw a lot of gaps between Japan and the US that surprised me many times, so I would like to introduce some of them in this journal article. 

 When I first arrived in America, my first impression was "huge". Buildings, nature, and cityscapes were dynamic, so I had fun while I was just walking down the street. Boston is one of the oldest cities in the US, so modern buildings and historical structures are mixed into one cityscape. It was mysterious but beautiful.

 I saw other gaps in my daily life. Public transportation was late almost every time. I was surprised by the tipping system. However, the gap that surprised me the most was the willingness to speak up between Japanese students and students from other countries. Of course, Americans talk a lot, ask a lot of questions, and discuss a lot, but not the Japanese. Most of my classmates were French or Spanish, and they had no hesitation in speaking their minds. They always talked to teachers as if they were friends. In comparison, the Japanese students seemed a little shy. By the way, the teachers were very nice, they always listened to the students so it was easy to share our opinions in class. It was easy and pleasant to share my opinions.

 This trip was a good opportunity to learn about American culture. Sometimes, I was worried because of the gaps between Japan and the US, but this trip provided totally wonderful experiences and memories.

Yoh Nieda

 Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor, one of the English teachers at Hakusanroku Campus.

 On August 27th, 2024, I went to Shiramine to hold an English Café event for primary school children. We originally planned this event for the summer of 2020, but for various reasons, we had to postpone it for four consecutive years. Last year, my parents went to Shiramine for an English Café event (, but this was the first time I’d been able to go and meet the children in Shiramine.

 We had eight schoolchildren from Shiramine, which is most of the children at Shiramine Primary School! We also had one from Hakurei Primary School. We started by introducing ourselves in simple English, and then did a quiz. For the quiz, the staff members at Shiramine Community Centre used tape to make a big A and B on the hall floor. I asked a question such as “how do you say トラ(tora) in English? Is it (a) tiger or (b) lion?” and the children moved to the letter they thought corresponded to the correct answer. I asked a lot of questions, and they did really well!

 After that, we had a drink, and the children ate some snacks while I read some English books: ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr, and ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’ by Mo Willems. That last book is great for getting the children to interact, as they have to shout “NO!” very loudly many times!

 The final activity was bingo. First, the children made their bingo cards by drawing pictures of the fruits I named. Then we played the game for real, with prizes for everyone.

 The children seemed to have a good time, and I enjoyed the event too. I’m very grateful to the staff of Shiramine Community Centre and Oguchi Community Centre, who always work so hard to organize English Café events and find participants. I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to do English Café for kids in Shiramine.

James Taylor







Makada こんにちは。白山麓高専事務室の間加田 侑里です。2024年8月4日(日)から8月9日(金)まで「ICT GLOBAL SUMMER CAMP 2024」が開催されました。タイ王国(以下:タイ)からインターナショナルスクールの生徒23名と、公益財団法人海外子女教育振興財団(JOES)が支援する帰国生5名、国際高専と教育に関する連携協定を結んでいる沖縄アミークスインターナショナルスクールの生徒4名および立命館慶祥中学校(北海道)の生徒5名の計37名が参加し、3Dプリンタやレーザーカッターを活用したものづくり体験、AIプログラミングやマイコンを用いたテクノロジー体験、廃棄食品等を活用した科学実験などが行われました。

Hello, this is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office. From Sunday, August 4th, 2024, to Friday, August 9th, 2024, the ICT Global Summer Camp 2024 was held. A total of 37 students participated, including 23 students from international schools in Thailand, 5 returnee students through Japan Overseas Educational Services (JOES), 4 students from Okinawa AMICUS International, which has an educational collaboration agreement with ICT, and 5 students from Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior High School in Hokkaido. During the camp, students took part in hands-on activities using 3D printers and laser cutters, technology experiences involving AI programming and microcontrollers, and scientific experiments utilizing discarded food products.

【1日目 2024年8月4日(日)】

 まずは鹿田 正昭校長による挨拶があった後、松下 臣仁先生による英語での「STEAM教育」や「エンジニアリングデザイン教育」など国際高専の特色を紹介しました。
 次にシャーデー・モーア先生によるアイスブレイクが行われました。最初に、ジャンケンをしてお互いの名前を聞く「ジャンケン What’s your name?」を実施し、その後、参加者同士で言葉を使わずに身振り手振りでヒントを伝え合いながら誕生日順に並ぶ「サイレントバースデーゲーム」が行われました。生徒たちはすぐに緊張がほぐれ、スムーズにコミュニケーションを取っていたので驚きました。アイスブレイク終了後には、キャンパスツアーが行われました。

Day 1: Sunday, August 4th, 2024

 The day began with a greeting from President Masaaki Shikada, followed by Matsushita Omihito sensei, who introduced the unique features of ICT such as STEAM education and Engineering Design education in English.
 Next, an icebreaker session was led by Sade Moore sensei. First, students participated in a game called Rock-Paper-Scissors, What's your name? where they played rock-paper-scissors and asked each other their names. After that, the Silent Birthday Game was held, where participants lined up in order of their birthdays using gestures without speaking. The students quickly relaxed and began communicating smoothly, which was impressive. After the icebreaker session, a campus tour was held.

【2日目 2024年8月5日(月)】

 午後は2つのグループに分かれて、STEAM授業を体験しました。1つ目のグループは「Bicycle Dynamo」をテーマに、Arduinoを使ってコイル内の磁石の動きを制御し、発電量を調べました。もう1つのグループは、電気の実験を行い、電池の仕組みや電気の流れについて学んだ後、塩水や野菜、果物の切れ端で音を鳴らしたり、LEDを光らせたりする実験を行いました。

Day 2: Monday, August 5th, 2024

 In the morning, students were divided into groups and introduced themselves to each other in order to find common interests. Based on these commonalities, they designed group logos. Various topics, such as favorite foods, favorite words, and favorite things, were discussed, and each group also came up with a group name to match their logo. 
 In the afternoon, students were split into two groups to took part in STEAM classes. The first group focused on the theme Bicycle Dynamo, where they used Arduino to control the movement of a magnet inside a coil and studied the amount of generated electricity. The second group conducted electrical experiments, learning about how batteries work and how electricity flows. Then they experimented with making sounds and lighting up LEDs using saltwater, vegetables, and fruit scraps.
 In the evening, students participated in a bouldering activity and a team building activity in the gym. The team building activity involved games where team members communicated and maximized their abilities to cooperate and work together toward a common goal.

【3日目 2024年8月6日(火)】

 夕方には、異文化体験として「タイの凧製作」が行われました。生徒たちはグループに分かれ、本校の1年生でタイ出身のLapananrat Pantawatさんの指導のもと、紙や竹を使って凧を作り、自由にデザインした後、実際に白山麓キャンパスの中庭で凧あげを楽しみました。この日は風が弱く苦戦する場面もありましたが、凧が晴れ渡る青空を舞い上がった瞬間、歓声が上がり、大いに盛り上がりました。

Day 3: Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

 In the morning, students digitized the group logos they had designed the previous day using illustration software and created original keychains with their group logos using a laser cutter. The participants were fascinated as they watched the laser cutter automatically process the designs.
 In the afternoon, the students worked in groups to build bridges using popsicle sticks. They designed and constructed their bridges using glue and popsicle sticks. Through this activity, they learned the key points of designing structures that can bear weight and how physics is involved. They also gained insights into the importance of planning, designing, and working as a team.
 In the evening, as part of a cross-cultural experience, students participated in a Thai Kite Making activity. Students divided into groups and created kites using paper and bamboo under the guidance of Lapananrat Pantawat, a 1st year ICT student from Thailand. After designing the kites, they enjoyed flying them in the courtyard of the Hakusanroku Campus. Although the students struggled at times due to the weak wind, cheers erupted when the kites soared into the clear blue sky, making the activity a great success.

【4日目 2024年8月7日(水)】


Day 4: Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

 On this day, a durability test was conducted on the popsicle stick bridges made the day before. A bucket was hung from the center of each bridge, and Brandon Wohlfarth sensei gradually added weights to see which team's bridge could withstand the most. As the weights increased, the students watched with nervous anticipation, feeling relief when their bridge held and letting out loud screams when it finally broke.
 Afterward, each student used 3D modeling software to design their own bridge, creating 3D designs based on specified conditions.
 In the afternoon, the students participated in a Local Cultural Experience held in Shiramine, Hakusan City. Students visited the Prefectural Hakusanroku Folk Museum, tried dyeing techniques, took a walking tour of the area, and experienced mochi-making. As the students pounded the mochi, they learned how to handle the mallet in coordination with their friends who set the tempo with their chants. The freshly made mochi was coated in plenty of kinako (kinako, soy sauce), and the students exclaimed, "The mochi is so soft and delicious!" making it a joyful and fun-filled moment.

【5日目 2024年8月8日(木)】

 夕方には日本文化体験として「ICT SUMMER FESTIVAL」が開催されました。日本の夏祭りでおなじみの「型抜き」や、お箸を使った「小豆掴み競争」、日本語と英語の「早口言葉チャレンジ」、「けん玉チャレンジ」、「オリジナル団扇作り」など、様々なゲームが実施されました。生徒たちはゲームをクリアするごとにスタンプをゲットし、スタンプの数に応じた景品獲得に一生懸命でした。また、夕食には日本のお祭りにぴったりな食事の他、ラムネ飲料やかき氷など、日本の夏を感じられる食事も楽しみました。

Day 5: Thursday, August 8th, 2024

 In the morning, students printed out the bridge they designed on day 4 using 3D modelling software. After that, they made original T-shirts and had an AI experience. During the AI experience, they learned the theories behind deep learning, machine learning, and generative AI. They also explored the use of computer vision, neural networks, and worked on object classification and creating 2D animations using AI. 
 In the afternoon, similar to August 5th, the students were divided into two groups to took part STEAM classes.
 In the evening, the ICT Summer Festival was held as part of the Japanese cultural experience. Students participated in various games, including traditional Japanese activities such as Katanuki (candy cutting), a Red Bean Picking Game using chopsticks, Japanese and English "Tongue Twister Challenges," Kendama Challenges, Original Fan Making, and so on. Students eagerly collected stamps for each game they completed, aiming to win prizes based on the number of stamps they earned. For dinner, they enjoyed festival-style foods, such as Ramune soda and shaved ice, giving them a taste of Japanese summer.
 Later in the evening, the Thai students gave a stunning demonstration of Thailand’s martial art, Muay Thai, before moving to the courtyard to enjoy Bon Odori (a traditional Japanese dance) to the music of "Tanko Bushi" and fountain fireworks. The event concluded with a surprise birthday cake for students and teachers who celebrated their birthdays in August, and everyone came together to celebrate and enjoy a memorable time.

【6日目 2024年8月9日(金)】

 次に、「My ICT Summer Fair」が開催されました。このイベントでは、ICT Global Summer Campで製作した作品や成果を発表するというものです。生徒たちや教職員は、個々の生徒たちのブースを訪れ、成果発表を聞きました。3Dプリンタで作った橋、レーザー加工で製作したキーホルダーやイラストデータ、染物体験など、初めての体験ばかりに挑戦してきた生徒たちでしたが、その成果発表する姿は自信に満ち溢れていました。

Day 6 - August 9th, 2024 (Friday)

 On the final day, the 3D Modeling Contest was held. The bridges created with the 3D printer the day before were put through a durability test. Weights of 10kg and 20kg were prepared and hung from the bridges made by the students. Some bridges broke immediately, while others withstood the two weights without any trouble, creating an atmosphere of cheers and applause and making for a very exciting contest.
 Next, the My ICT Summer Fair took place. This event was an opportunity for students to present their works and achievements from the ICT Global Summer Camp. Students and teachers visited individual student booths to hear about their presentations. Although the students had only recently tried new experiences, such as creating bridges with a 3D printer, laser-cut keychains and illustrations, and dyeing techniques, they presented their achievements with great confidence.
 Afterwards, a closing ceremony was held, and the camp concluded with a tour of the Kanazawa campus, including Yume Koubou and the Library Center.


 Through this Global Summer Camp, I hope students experienced the joy of turning their ideas into reality using technology and design, and that they gained confidence in being creative. In group activities conducted in English, they encountered the importance, fun, and sometimes challenge of working towards a common goal as a team. How the students were able to express themselves while utilizing both verbal and non-verbal communication skills and building relationships with new friends across different countries and regions was truly remarkable. Additionally, interacting with new people and exploring Japanese culture, local traditions, and history broadened perspectives. I hope this Global Summer camp serves as a stepping stone towards their future admission to ICT.

間加田 侑里
Yuri Makada

 Hello! My name is Tsutsui, and I’m a Japanese teacher. I joined ICT in April. I’m originally from Kanazawa, and I’d like to share some of my memories of HAKUSAN (Mt. Hakusan) and the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan).

 When I was in elementary school, I went camping with my family. It was my first time cooking rice with a mess tin and sleeping in a tent. I’ve climbed HAKUSAN (Mt. Hakusan) about three times so far, and it has always been a tough challenge. During every climb, I thought, "I can't go on," so many times, but with encouragement from friends and people around me, and the beautiful scenery lifting my spirits, I managed to push through. While hiking, I often think, "I shouldn't have come," but once I see the sea of clouds or the sunrise, I feel like all the effort has been worth it. The way down is much easier, and after relaxing in a hot spring, I feel so happy. I forget about the struggle and want to climb again.

 When I was in high school, I visited the Iwama Fountain Tower. Hot springs were gushing from the ground. It’s a place where you don’t need to walk much, so I’d like to visit again. Unfortunately, the road is not in good condition anymore, so it’s inaccessible now, which is a shame.

 I used to go skiing often, but I haven’t skied at all recently. Since there is one ski resort close to this campus, I’m hoping to go skiing this year. There are only two ski resorts left in the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) area now, but there used to be more. There was even one called "Hakusan Sena Kogen Ski Resort" across from the Hakusanroku campus. From the top of the mountain, you could see the Tedori River Dam Lake.

 Now, I live in the northern part of Kanazawa. On sunny days, I can see HAKUSAN (Mt. Hakusan) from my house. When I see the mountain, I feel drawn to it, and I often drive while admiring its beauty. It always makes me feel refreshed.

Masako Tsutsui
