
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Faculty

November 19, 2022 Making Jack-o’-lantern

My name is Ian Stevenson.
Usually for Halloween, ICT students carve pumpkins to make jack-o'-lantern. However, this year was not a good year for pumpkins. Maybe it was because of the unusually humid and wet August here at Hakusanroku campus. Whatever the reason, while my garden produced a lot of tomatoes, it did not produce any pumpkins. So, this year students made paper mache pumpkins to make into jack-o'-lantern.
 It is very easy to make a paper mache pumpkin. All you need is a balloon, strips of old newspaper, flour, water, string, orange paint and a place to let them dry.

  1. Inflate the balloon and tie it off.
  2. Tear the newspaper into strips.
  3. Mix one cup of flour with two cups of water.
  4. Dip the newspaper strips in the flour and water and wrap them around the balloon. They will harden into paper mache when they dry.
  5. When you are finished wrapping the balloon, let it dry overnight.
  6. The next day, paint the paper mache orange and let it dry overnight.

 You now have a paper mache pumpkin to decorate.

 On October 29th, 8 first year students decorated their pumpkins. Some students cut a face into their pumpkin and some students painted a face on their pumpkin. Designs included a cat, a vampire, happy and sad faces. After they finished, the jack-o'-lanterns were hung in the school library. Students put small flashlights into the jack-o'-lanterns that had faces cut into them so that they would look spooky and mysterious in the dark.

 The jack-o'-lantern that had faces painted on them became piñatas on October 31st. The jack-o'-lantern was filled with candy and hung in the air. One student was blindfolded, given a stick and tried to hit the piñata. Usually, they missed many times, but with encouragement and help from their classmates, the piñata was smashed open and all the candy fell out for the students to pick up.

 As you can see from the photos and movie the students had fun making the jack-o'-lanterns and even more fun smashing them open to get candy.




1) 風船を膨らませ、結びます。






November 17, 2022 アイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会を振り返って

 こんにちは、デザイン&ファブリケーション(D&F)クラブ顧問兼、高専ロボコン白山麓チーム指導教員の久島です。1023日(日)に行われたアイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会について紹介します。


 AB両チームが受賞、Aチームは全国大会出場と、しばらく高専ロボコンの活動がなかった国際高専にとっては、再スタートのいい滑り出しとなる大会になったのではないでしょうか。国際高専の今後の活躍に期待が持てます。特に12年生はラーニングセッション(夜の学習時間)のない日には、教職員指導の下、遅くまでMaker Studioを使うことができるので、これからどんどん腕を磨いていってほしいと思います。

久島 康嘉

 Hello, I’m Kushima, the advisor of Design & Fabrication (D & F) club and the advisor of Hakusanroku team in the ROBOCON College of Technology. Today, I would like to introduce the recent event we went to, the Tokai-Hokuriku Regional ROBOCON 2022.
 This year was the 35th year of the competition, and it was the first time in a long time that the regional competition was held onsite after two years of online competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of this year's competition was to have robots fly paper airplanes and place them on various objects to compete for points. The key point of the competition was how to make the paper planes fly and how to make them fly to the target which were also not easy to target by humans.
 There were two teams of ICT participated in the competition: Team A consisted of three fourth-year students from the Kanazawa Campus, and Team B consisted of eight first- and second-year students from the Hakusanroku Campus.

 At Hakusanroku Campus, I recruited participate for the ROBOCON from a D & F Club meeting, and three second-year students and five first-year students joined the team. The activities for the ROBOCON started in April, when the rules were announced, and the team members worked on ideas for what kind of robot they would like to make and they also designed paper airplanes. However, since Team B students had never built a robot before, students’ ideas were impossible to build with their ability, and they could not make much progress in designing the robot. Therefore, in consultation with Wakamatsu-san, an engineer, students started to design and build a robot that was within their capabilities. However, due to the delay in designing and the fact that they could not have enough time for activities due to the summer vacation, the robot building began in the second semester.  
 The Team B’s robot is a simple design with a paper airplane launching mechanism on a three-wheeled omniwheel robot. The launching mechanism itself was designed to use a constant-load spring to launch the paper airplanes, and loading was done manually. The paper airplanes flew very well, probably due to the shape of the wings. As the competition got closer, students spent time not only after school but also Saturdays and Sundays working on their robot. We extended the launch mechanism the week before the robot was to be transported out, and the robot stopped working during the operation practice the day before the robot was to be transported out.
 At the ROBOCON, they were influenced by the atmosphere around them and they were working harder than usual. During the practice sessions at the Hakusanroku campus, they were able to put paper airplanes on the nearest object but unfortunately, they could not put any of the paper airplanes on the objects during the ROBOCON, and they regrettably lost the preliminary round. However, while some teams were not able to move their robots as they wished, it is amazing that our students were able to move from the starting point and fly their paper airplanes. Thanks to their efforts, Team B was awarded the Makino Milling Machine Prize.
 On the other hand, Team A fought well even though they were a team of only three members, some of whom were complete beginners, participating in the ROBOCON of technical colleges for the first time. Unfortunately, they were eliminated from the semifinals, but they awarded the Technical Award and qualified for the national competition! I was happy to see this result, as I had seen them working harder for the ROBOCON during the summer vacation and when I had a class at the Kanazawa campus.
 I am sure that the first- and second- year students must have felt challenged and accomplished from seeing the robots of other schools and the activities of their seniors up close at this ROBOCON.

  With both Team A and B winning prizes and Team A participating in the national competition, this ROBOCON was a good start for ICT, which has not been active for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing the future success of ICT at ROBOCON. In particular, the first- and second-year students can use the Maker Studio until late (under the guidance of faculty members) on days when there are no learning sessions, so I hope that they will continue to improve their skills.

Kushima Yoshihiro

October 19, 2022 後学期も新メンバーを加えてラジオ番組開始!

 こんにちは。ラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on  Radio」のプロデューサー兼ディレクターの伊藤です。早いもので、昨年の9月から始まった、学生とつくるラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on Radio」が放送開始から1年経ちました。最初はなかなか喋る内容や話を膨らませる方法がわからず、リテイクの嵐で、収録に2時間以上かかっていたにも関わらず、クオリティが全然ダメで全部再収録した、なんてこともありましたが、さすがに私も学生も慣れてきて、スムーズに収録ができるようになってきました。
 後学期からは新たに1年生2名、水澤 諒也さん、村上 一龍さんがラジオのプロジェクトに加わり、これまでのメンバー(2年生 泉屋 匠吾さん、柿田 紗蘭さん、三輪 恵万さん、1年生 白石 春翔さん、夏木 亮凪さん、山本 明葵さん)と共にもっとパワーアップした番組を放送していきたいと思います。
 8月30日に放送した番組では特別編として「Voice from New Zealand」と題して、ニュージーランドに出発する直前の3年生をゲストに、オンライン通話を繋いで、インタビューを行いました。聞いてくれた方には留学を控えた3年生のワクワクとドキドキが伝わったんじゃないかと思います。なかなか好評だったようで、2022年度内にもう数回放送する予定です。ニュージーランドの学校のこと、生活のこと、さまざまな活動について聞いてみたいですね。


伊藤 周


 Hello. I am Ito, producer and director of the radio project “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”. It has been a year since the start of “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”, a radio program created with students that began last September. At first, it was difficult to understand what to say and how to expand on what we were saying, and even though it took over two hours to record, we had to rerecord everything from the beginning many times because of the poor quality of the recordings. However, as expected, the students and I became accustomed to the recording process and were able to record smoothly.
 In the second semester, two new 1st year students, Ryoya Mizusawa and Ichiryu Murakami, joined the radio project, and together with the existing members (2nd year students Shogo Izumiya, Saran Kakita, and Ema Miwa, and 1st year students Haruto Shiraishi, Ryona Natsuki and Aki Yamamoto). With the new and existing members, we are looking forward to taking our programming to the next level.
 The August 30th program was a special edition called Voice from New Zealand, in which we interviewed 3rd year students just before their departure for New Zealand via an online call. I think those who listened to the interview could feel the excitement and thrill of the 3rd year students as they prepared to study abroad. The interview was quite well received, and we plan to broadcast several more interviews during the 2022 school year. The students and I are looking forward to hearing about students’ lives in NZ, their school experiences and what they are doing.
 My concern is that because we tried to sound too professional and good, unconsciously the talks are becoming a bit superficial. I am hoping to dig a little deeper and have more meaningful conversations with the students. Also, since April, I have been using the official ICT Twitter account to post the recording dates of the radio broadcasts and a link to the simulcast that can be listened to on the Internet, but recently I am concerned that the number of listeners has not increased. The students talk about the school quite freely, so I think that junior high school students who listen to the broadcast and are considering applying to ICT could get a feel for the atmosphere of the school.
 In the second semester, we will continue to work with students to create a radio program that conveys the free and fun atmosphere of the ICT Hakusanroku Campus. Please listen to the real voices of our students.

ICT official twitter account: https://twitter.com/ICTKanazawa
Simulradio link: https://www.simulradio.info/index.html#hokuriku
Tuesday, the 4th and 5th week of every month from 17:30-17:58
We also re-broadcast from 9:00-9:28 and 17:00-17:28 on the following Sunday.

 Meguru Ito

October 5, 2022 Nature and Adventure Club Metsukidani River Swimming

 Hello, this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.
 On the 10th of September, some of the students from the nature and adventure club went to a local river to swim. The river was only a 10-minute drive from Hakusanroku campus. When myself and Katabe sensei went to check it out before the day, the big pool that we had planned to swim in was gone! The big rains over the summer holidays had filled in the pool with gravel, so we changed to a downstream pool which wasn't nearly as big as we had hoped. 

 We left mid-morning on Saturday the 10th with plenty of warnings about how bad the ororo (horse flies) would be and arrived at the river carpark shortly after with beautiful clear skies overhead. Hiking up the riverbed time passed quickly, and we were soon enjoying the small waterfall while trying to climb up to the second pool, which was great fun. I made some rock towers so that the students could practice throwing rocks them in order to knock them over. Also, we tried to skim stones in the pool with some less than ideal rocks. 
 After an hour or so we gathered as a team to try build a dam out of stones (below the concrete dam) which was surprisingly engrossing work and quite fun. We made sure to demolish it after it was competed too. 

 It was nice to get back to school and out of the intense sun. There is a certain satisfaction in relaxing for the rest of the day after having such a bright and active morning. it is nice to be young and enjoy the simple pleasures that nature can bring. 

Philip Cadzow


 9月10日、ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブの数名の学生たちは、地元の川へ泳ぎに行きました。川は白山麓キャンパスから車で10分ほどのところにあります。私と潟辺先生が下見に行ったところ、泳ぐ予定だった大きなプールのようになっていたところがなくなっていたのです! 夏休みの大雨で川が砂利で埋まってしまったようです。そのため、下流のそれほど大きくない方に変更しました。

 学校に戻り、強い日差しから解放されたのは良かったです。明るく活動的な朝を過ごした後、一日リラックスして過ごすことは満足感があります。 若いうちに、自然がもたらすシンプルな喜びを味わうのは良いことです。


September 20, 2022 Disaster Prevention Drills and Experiences

 Hello everyone, this is Apirak Sang-ngenchai, one of the learning Mentors.

 On September 2nd, I went to the Nomi City Disaster Control Center (能美市防災センター), which is a Disaster Prevention Center that anyone can use as a place to experience and learn about disaster prevention. The Nomi City Fire Department and Terai Fire Station are located within the center. During my visit, I learn to prevent myself from various types of disaster, such as earthquakes, typhoons, and firers. So that I would like to share my experience with you through my article.


 The building has six floors. The first floor is Scenario 1, where earthquake simulation machines are located. It is my first time experimenting with an earthquake of magnitude 7.

 Scenario 2 is protecting yourself from smoke.

Scenario 3 is protecting yourself during a fire.

 Lastly, Scenario 4 is protecting yourself from strong wind.

 On the fourth floor, there are 3D theaters where you can learn about the fear of disasters and the importance of preparedness through simulated disaster experiences.



There is also an exhibition corner where you can learn about past disasters and disaster prevention measures at home.


 Thank you for your journey through the end, and I hope you can come and visit the Nomi City Disaster Control Center.

Apirak Sang-ngenchai

August 24 2022, BBQ Party!

 Hello, this is Edward Basquill.  
 On Sunday, July 24th, we had our second annual Hakusan Campus BBQ. Just like last year, there was food, fun, and sun! Most importantly, it was a great time for students and teachers to come together and relax. 

 The day started around noon, when I arrived to start the fire for BBQ. We almost had a disaster because I forgot the grill tops and some other important supplies! Luckily, my wife jumped into action and drove to get the grill tops. I am lucky a man, I have a wife that can save me from myself! While my wife went to fix my mistake, I started the fire. Last year, it was difficult to start the fire but this year Apirak saved the day! He brought a mini fan that we used to make the fire grow quickly. Not only that, but Jomkit also started a second grill. ICT is fortunate to have so many helpful teachers.
 As we worked to get the coals ready to cook the food, Apirak and Brandon set up yard games for the students to play. They brought bats and baseballs, basketballs and some other games. There was also the triumphant return of Brandon’s cornhole game, which is a famous American yard game. Please see some of the pictures!
 Right at 2:00pm, my wife arrived with the grill tops and we started cooking! The students were able to enjoy hotdogs and cola. Some students…mostly Sansar…had a lot of food. I’ve never seen a student eat so much. I was very impressed. Maybe we should have an eating contest! After the hotdogs, we made some beef ribs and they were delicious! A little garlic salt was the only seasoning they needed.
 After finishing cooking for the students, the teachers brought out some steak. Brandon mastefuly cooked up the steaks and the teachers were kind enough to share with the students. The teachers and students gathered together and did cheers using their steak. Please notice that Apirak had much more steak than everyone else.
 The students and teachers played a lot of games togethertoo. I played a little basketball, Apirak and Brandon played cornhole, and the students found creative ways to use the baseball bats. Even Kushima sensei played some yard games. Other students took it easy. For example, Eiki slept in his chair and I must admit, I was very jealous! He looked so comfortable even though he wa

s in a lawn chair. He must be a master of sleeping. Maybe I should ask him to teach me.
 For desert, we made icecream sodas and the students loved it. I was very lucky because Jomkit was kind enough to roast a marshmallow for me. It was perfect…I even dreamt about it that night. I also saw Jomkit and Ema roast marshmallows too. I was happy to see all the students and teachers having fun together.

  I want to end by focusing on the last sentence of the previous paragraph. Seeing our teachers and students together doing fun activities reminded me of why I love working at ICT. Seeing our little community getting together and enjoying a lovely Sunday is something worth writing about. It is something worth remembering, and it something that makes us look forward to more events in the future.

Edward Basquill

 7月24日(日)、白山麓キャンパスで2回目のBBQを開催しました。昨年同様、食べ物あり、楽しみあり、そして太陽がありました! そして何より、学生と教員が一緒になってリラックスできる素晴らしい時間でした。

 午後2時、妻がグリルの天板を持ってきたので、調理開始です!学生たちはホットドックを食べ、コーラを飲みました。何人かの学生...主にサンサル君は、たくさん食べていました。こんなに食べる学生を見たのは初めてです。とても感動しました。いつか大食いコンテストを開催したらいいかもしれません!ホットドッグを食べた後、ビーフリブを作ったのですが、とても美味しかったです! 味付けはガーリックソルトのみです。



August 2 2022, Senami River Adventure with the Nature & Adventure Club

 Hello this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.

 The nature and adventure club held a river climbing activity in the Senami river on July 16th. I explored the Senami river two weeks before the club activity was going to be held to get a feel for the water levels, and things seemed to be looking safe. Although the water level was a little low, officially the rainy season was announced to have ended, and we hadn't had much rain but in the following weeks it was looking like there was going to be plenty of rain. So it wasn't certain that it would be safe until the day of the trip.

 The day of the trip arrived and it looked like there would be a small shower in the afternoon and the water level had risen a fair amount, but nothing too serious. We set off from Hakusanroku campus at 9am with the plan to walk down the road, and climb/swim up the river to have some lunch by the cars. Then walk to the Senami campground 1.5km away and float down the river back to the cars. If it started to get too rainy or students were slow in climbing the river then we would finish at lunch.
 With the plan set we slipped our way down a muddy river bank using a hand-rope and then set off up the cold river. Immediately upon entering the water was up to our waists and very cold. The water was a beautiful clear green and blue, and the stones were slippery underfoot. We set off at a pace that was double what I was expecting from the previous year, the 10 club members, Yamazaki sensei, and I raced passed boulders, taking the more exciting path of trying to climb all the small rapids that were torrents of white bubbles and very loud for their sizes. it was great fun and it was fantastic to be outside. The last obstacle just before the halfway point, after an hour of racing up the river, was a rock sitting in the middle of the river with water pouring over either side of it, and leading into a green pool that you couldn't see or feel the bottom in. Swimming through the pool you had to stay in the center as the sides carried the swift current and you had to approach the rock head-on. Climbing the rock was the only way though and just a little further upstream there was a safe island in the sunlight. One by one the students would enter the pool and I would throw a rope and pull them to the rock for them to climb. Sometimes it would take several throws to get the rope into the students waving hands which reminded me a lot of throwing hoops onto rings at carnival games. (Picture:11) Life-jackets kept everyone safe and we were out having lunch in the sunlight much earlier than I had expected.
 After a quick food break we wandered up the road to the campsite, warming up in the process, and then found a beautiful swimming hole that I and pushed a few unsuspecting students into. I jumped in afterwards attempting a flip and didn't quite get all the way around - slapping the water with my back which was punishment for pushing the students from the universe.
 We started out very relaxed from the pool, just floating down the river, and even finding some natural water slides. We also discovered some small waterfalls, felt excitement in getting washed down some rapids, and walked around anything too dangerous. It got cold quickly being constantly in the water, and after another hour of floating and walking downstream we reached the cars just as students started to get properly cold.

 It was a wonderful day that encapsulated bring part of the Nature and Adventure Club. Wonderful nature with it's beauty and fresh air, and exciting (sometimes risky) adventure that pushes what you think you can achieve.

Philip Cadzow





July 27, 2022 薬物に関する講話

 こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。
 7月13日(水)、白山麓キャンパスにおいて薬物講話が実施されました。特別活動の一環として、今回は白山警察署の少年補導係、宮本 佳奈氏を講師にお招きし、1年生及び2年生の学生が聴講しました。

  1. 自分が大切にしているものは?
  2. 自分が大切に思うものは?
  3. 自分が好きなもの、ことは?
  4. 自分の目標や将来の夢は?


小髙 有普

 Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs. 
 On Wednesday, July 13th, a lecture on illegal drugs was held at Hakusanroku Campus. As a part of ICT’s special activities schedule, we invited Ms. Kana Miyamoto, a juvenile guidance officer from the Hakusan Police Department, to give a lecture to the 1st and 2nd year students.
 At the beginning, Ms. Miyamoto asked the students to think about the following four questions:

  1. What things are important to you?
  2. What do you think is important?
  3. What do you like and what do you like to do?
  4. What are your goals and dreams for the future?

 Next, types of drugs, the effects of drugs on the human body, and the actual number of arrests were discussed. The students learned about what drugs are made from and were shown several different types of drugs.
 With marijuana, the number of arrests among underage users has been increasing in recent years and has become a serious problem. Ms. Miyamoto urged students to be aware of the problems that drugs can cause. She then cautioned students not to become involved with drugs due to peer pressure.
 The students had the opportunity to learn that what they answered to the four important questions at the beginning of the lecture can be lost or not fulfilled through drug use. I believe that through this lecture, the students learned how to avoid drugs. Using drugs does not only harm the user, it also harms their family and friends. Students need to realize the impact that their decisions have on themselves and others. This is true not only with drugs but in everyday life. Being respectful and mindful of others when making decision will help students accomplish their goals.

Arihiro Kodaka

July 15, 2022 Climbing Mt. Hakusan with the Nature & Adventure Club


 Hello this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.
 13 students from the Nature & Adventure club climbed HAKUSAN (Mt. Hakusan, below, Hakusan) on Saturday (2nd of July) with beautiful weather. The group departed Hakusan Campus at 5am and arrived at Ichinose at 6am, from Ichinose there is a small road that winds its way up the mountain to the hiking start point of Bettodeai, there is a shuttle bus that runs between Ichinose and Bettodeai but that service would start from the following week, and as there was a high number of people hoping to climb Hakusan that day, cars overflowed the small parking space at the top and flowed halfway down the already narrow road. This created a chance to nervously watch our expert bus driver thread his way around tight corners and small gaps; an interesting start to the day! 

 We started hiking from 6:30 and were split into two groups to make passing people easier, which they made full use of by sprint hiking the first 2 and a half hours. We paused only for small breaks at the two huts along the way and reached some snow and the big boulder by roughly 9am where the pace of the morning started to take it's toll. From the big boulder up the the top the pace slowed dramatically, although even then there were some of the students who wished they weren't constrained by the groups pace and wished they could run the whole way up and down. Even with some long resting breaks we managed to reach the top by 11am, which was wonderful to beat the clouds and have a beautiful view. Lunch was extra delicious - having walked all morning for it, and the sun was hot when it peaked out from the clouds. The way down was fairly uneventful and we reached the exit bridge by around 3pm. Within 15minutes all but one student was asleep. It was a good hike. 

Philip Cadzow



June 17, 2022 北陸ロマンティックデートコース

えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍
              from "閑吟集" (a collection of Muromachi period songs)

(My love is like fireflies burning by the water. I’m a poor firefly, unable to say a word to you.)                         
The word "mizu ni" is a cross between "by the water" and "not seeing".
 Namely it means "I want you, but I can't hold you or even say the word".

This is KTB, the N & A Club advisor. When I was walking around my house in Kanazawa City every night in preparation for climbing Mt. Hakusan in July, I started to see fireflies. Hokuriku is blessed with a rich natural environment. Let me introduce you to some of romantic date ideas in Toyama, Kanazawa, and Noto areas.
First was the Toyama Prefectural Art Museum (3-20 Kiba-cho, Toyama City). This museum has a permanent collection of works by Chagall, Duchamp, and others. Previously, my wife and I visited the exhibition of photographs by Mika Ninagawa, a well-known photographer and film director (we made it just in time for the last day of the exhibition, May 15th). The leaflet stated that "All exhibition rooms are open for photography. Photos taken can be shared on social networking sites." So, whatever you do, please take a look at Ms. Ninagawa's amazing works.




*The projection mapping work was a highlight of the exhibition. However, sorry to say that I can’t show you a video of it, because other visitors were also caught on video.

The 21st Century Museum is always crowded with tourists. Therefore we recommend this museum in Toyama, where you can enjoy the exhibition in a relaxed atmosphere. In honor of Atsuhiko Misawa's bear sculpture (three of them, large and small, are displayed inside and outside the museum), visitors who bring their own bear goods can get a 200 yen discount on the admission fee. Hence, anytime I visit there I'm wearing a Grateful Dead bear T.
After enjoying Ninagawa's marvelous works, we went to the Fugan Canal Kansui Park adjacent to the museum.
It was a cloudy day, but fortunately we were able to view the peaks of the Tateyama range.

And more luck: ......

STARBUCKS COFFEE in Toyama KANSUI PARK is said to be the most beautiful coffee shop in the world. We started that day so early that we were able to easily enter this café, prior where we had always given up on entering after seeing the long line at the entrance.
The next stop was 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (1-2-1, Hirosaka, Kanazawa). June 5th was the last day of Ishikawa Prefecture's comprehensive art exhibition "Art Exhibition for High School Students". My wife, who works as an art teacher at a high school in the prefecture, had to work on her day off in the afternoon to clean up. The weather was so fine that I decided to accompany her. The rule of thumb is to act early to avoid the crowds in Kanazawa. Therefore my wife parked her car in the museum's underground parking a little after 10 a.m.

Museum Logo & Phots: from the official web page

Photos: from the Shiinoki Geihinkan official web page (http://www.shiinoki-geihinkan.jp/about/index.html)

First, we went to the Shiinoki Geihinkan, located across the road to the north. The Shiinoki Geihinkan is a comprehensive tourist information facility. The front of the building has been unchanged since 1924, while the back has been renovated into a modern glass space. Two 300-year-old shiinoki trees stand as symbols in front of the building. The building is also equipped with a restaurant,gallery, etc.
It just so happened to be the last day of the "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and we took a look at some stylish contemporary butsudan pieces. 

My favorite was a small one named "Mandala" about 20 cm high, an exotic and elegant piece with beautiful mother-of-pearl inlays on the door. Inside the mandala is what appears to be a statue of Ganesha, reasonably priced. I told my wife, "This is the one I’d like to enter after I was called to heaven". She smiled gently and took a pamphlet from the workshop.
Afterwards, we had an early lunch (my wife chose cabbage rolls and I chose bouillabaisse) and entered the 21st Century Museum....... And we were overwhelmed by the energy of the high school students! Photography of the exhibited works was allowed, but my wife said "You can't post the works without her permission! 

No, no, no!” I followed my wife's advice, (it was as it were categorical imperative) and refrained from posting the photos I took, (I just only wanted to introduce a self-portrait of a female student at the same high school as my son, she posed as Ryunosuke Akutagawa).
After seeing the high school students' masterpieces, my wife went to work and I went back to the Shiinoki Geihinkan. The reason was that the "Hyakumangoku Kanazawa Classic Car Festival 2022" was being held in the plaza, where about 100 classic cars were on display. I could not help but be impressed by the fact that all of the old cars, including Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Lancia and more, had license plates, meaning that they were all still in use and had driven themselves from far away to participate in the festival.  

Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa 芥川龍之介 Source: 'Portraits of Modern Japanese', National Diet Library (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/



Among those cars, I was most attracted to this car, the bright red Mazda Cosmo. It was my mother's car when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school (My mother has already passed away, but was considered a beauty at the time). I was so happy and felt nostalgic that I was taking a lot of pictures of it, and then the owner of the beautiful car came. I talked to him and I found out that Masayuki Kawahara, the owner, was born in 1962, the same school year as me who was born in early 1963. I explained to him about ICT and the Hakusanroku Journal, and he readily agreed to give me permission to use his name and photos for this journal. Mr. Kawahara, I made good on my promise.



The last stop was Togi town, Noto. On May 5th, I went touring in the Noto area on motorcycles with my friend of over 20 years, Naoya Ukita (Uki-chan). Uki-chan is a chemistry teacher at a high school in the prefecture. We became colleagues at another high school in Ishikawa Prefecture (although we worked together for only about three years,) 

but we hit it off right away over the same hobbies such as skiing, mountain climbing, motorcycles, and we are still friends today (we no longer drink alcohol together after the Corona disaster, but sometimes we drink coffee and talk together about world peace & original sin of mankind, or the beauty of João Gilberto's voice and guitar.etc.).It has been a long time since I had the liberating feeling of riding leisurely along the coastal road of Noto Sotoura with a pleasant breeze. We got off the motorcycles at Ganmon in Togi and headed for the sightseeing boat pier. There were not many tourists because it had not been long since the painful case of sinking Shiretoko sightseeing boat (April 23rd “rest in peace”),but it was a good time to "board and cheer" and board the boat. There were five passengers in all on that boat, 2 of us and 3 other parents and son.

It was a slightly windy day and there was a swell from the waves, but it was also pleasant. It was a good decision to board. We had sashimi set meals at a Japanese restaurant in Togi town, stocked up on convenience store sweets (the Japanese sweets shop we were looking for was unfortunately closed on that day), and headed to the beach. I had a blissful time with a fresh cup of coffee brewed by Uki-chan while the sea breeze blew. It's great to have friends.
Togi High School, long since closed, where I worked when I was still in my twenties. After riding our motorcycles slowly through the nostalgic town, we went to
Samon Food Store. There, I bought a pack of "Samon no Shiokara" (Not salmon. "Samon" is the name of the store. It is a very tasty "salted squid", a specialty of Togi town).We drove our motorcycles home safely, thinking that tonight would be the night for sake, and happily finished the last day of the Golden Week.


Dear guardians of ICT, Hokuriku area offers wonderful sights, relaxing hot springs, fresh and delicious fish, Noto beef, and good sake. You and your child can also enjoy a relaxing stay together in Hokuriku by using the dormitory's monthly overnight stay permit.

Please come and visit us. 

Yutaka Katabe, Japanese Language Department
* Text and photographs (except 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Shiinoki Geihinkan, the leaflet of "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and the Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa ) are by KTB.
* I have studied "Medieval Songs" in college, and "Medieval Buddhist Discourses" in graduate school. Hence, I have not had any education in English for 40 years since I finished my liberal arts course at Kanazawa University. Therefore, after finishing this article, I asked Edward Basquill sensei to check it out. Translation software has its limitations and there are nuances that I just can't understand unless I'm a native speaker. Ed helped me a lot. Thank you Ed! There are things that can only be learned from native teachers. The education system of the I C T makes this possible. I would like to study from now on. I want to be still in progress.

我が恋は水に燃えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍            閑吟集(室町時代の歌謡集)より



世界一美しいと言われるSTARBUCKS COFFEE 富山環水公園店、今日は時間が早かったためか、いつも入り口の行列を眺めて入店を諦めていたこのお店に、すんなりと入店できたのでした。


                                    国語科 准教授 潟辺 豊


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