
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Faculty

August 2 2022, Senami River Adventure with the Nature & Adventure Club

 Hello this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.

 The nature and adventure club held a river climbing activity in the Senami river on July 16th. I explored the Senami river two weeks before the club activity was going to be held to get a feel for the water levels, and things seemed to be looking safe. Although the water level was a little low, officially the rainy season was announced to have ended, and we hadn't had much rain but in the following weeks it was looking like there was going to be plenty of rain. So it wasn't certain that it would be safe until the day of the trip.

 The day of the trip arrived and it looked like there would be a small shower in the afternoon and the water level had risen a fair amount, but nothing too serious. We set off from Hakusanroku campus at 9am with the plan to walk down the road, and climb/swim up the river to have some lunch by the cars. Then walk to the Senami campground 1.5km away and float down the river back to the cars. If it started to get too rainy or students were slow in climbing the river then we would finish at lunch.
 With the plan set we slipped our way down a muddy river bank using a hand-rope and then set off up the cold river. Immediately upon entering the water was up to our waists and very cold. The water was a beautiful clear green and blue, and the stones were slippery underfoot. We set off at a pace that was double what I was expecting from the previous year, the 10 club members, Yamazaki sensei, and I raced passed boulders, taking the more exciting path of trying to climb all the small rapids that were torrents of white bubbles and very loud for their sizes. it was great fun and it was fantastic to be outside. The last obstacle just before the halfway point, after an hour of racing up the river, was a rock sitting in the middle of the river with water pouring over either side of it, and leading into a green pool that you couldn't see or feel the bottom in. Swimming through the pool you had to stay in the center as the sides carried the swift current and you had to approach the rock head-on. Climbing the rock was the only way though and just a little further upstream there was a safe island in the sunlight. One by one the students would enter the pool and I would throw a rope and pull them to the rock for them to climb. Sometimes it would take several throws to get the rope into the students waving hands which reminded me a lot of throwing hoops onto rings at carnival games. (Picture:11) Life-jackets kept everyone safe and we were out having lunch in the sunlight much earlier than I had expected.
 After a quick food break we wandered up the road to the campsite, warming up in the process, and then found a beautiful swimming hole that I and pushed a few unsuspecting students into. I jumped in afterwards attempting a flip and didn't quite get all the way around - slapping the water with my back which was punishment for pushing the students from the universe.
 We started out very relaxed from the pool, just floating down the river, and even finding some natural water slides. We also discovered some small waterfalls, felt excitement in getting washed down some rapids, and walked around anything too dangerous. It got cold quickly being constantly in the water, and after another hour of floating and walking downstream we reached the cars just as students started to get properly cold.

 It was a wonderful day that encapsulated bring part of the Nature and Adventure Club. Wonderful nature with it's beauty and fresh air, and exciting (sometimes risky) adventure that pushes what you think you can achieve.

Philip Cadzow





July 27, 2022 薬物に関する講話

 こんにちは、学生主事の小髙 有普です。
 7月13日(水)、白山麓キャンパスにおいて薬物講話が実施されました。特別活動の一環として、今回は白山警察署の少年補導係、宮本 佳奈氏を講師にお招きし、1年生及び2年生の学生が聴講しました。

  1. 自分が大切にしているものは?
  2. 自分が大切に思うものは?
  3. 自分が好きなもの、ことは?
  4. 自分の目標や将来の夢は?


小髙 有普

 Hello, this is Arihiro Kodaka, Dean of Student Affairs. 
 On Wednesday, July 13th, a lecture on illegal drugs was held at Hakusanroku Campus. As a part of ICT’s special activities schedule, we invited Ms. Kana Miyamoto, a juvenile guidance officer from the Hakusan Police Department, to give a lecture to the 1st and 2nd year students.
 At the beginning, Ms. Miyamoto asked the students to think about the following four questions:

  1. What things are important to you?
  2. What do you think is important?
  3. What do you like and what do you like to do?
  4. What are your goals and dreams for the future?

 Next, types of drugs, the effects of drugs on the human body, and the actual number of arrests were discussed. The students learned about what drugs are made from and were shown several different types of drugs.
 With marijuana, the number of arrests among underage users has been increasing in recent years and has become a serious problem. Ms. Miyamoto urged students to be aware of the problems that drugs can cause. She then cautioned students not to become involved with drugs due to peer pressure.
 The students had the opportunity to learn that what they answered to the four important questions at the beginning of the lecture can be lost or not fulfilled through drug use. I believe that through this lecture, the students learned how to avoid drugs. Using drugs does not only harm the user, it also harms their family and friends. Students need to realize the impact that their decisions have on themselves and others. This is true not only with drugs but in everyday life. Being respectful and mindful of others when making decision will help students accomplish their goals.

Arihiro Kodaka

July 15, 2022 Climbing Mt. Hakusan with the Nature & Adventure Club


 Hello this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers.
 13 students from the Nature & Adventure club climbed HAKUSAN (Mt. Hakusan, below, Hakusan) on Saturday (2nd of July) with beautiful weather. The group departed Hakusan Campus at 5am and arrived at Ichinose at 6am, from Ichinose there is a small road that winds its way up the mountain to the hiking start point of Bettodeai, there is a shuttle bus that runs between Ichinose and Bettodeai but that service would start from the following week, and as there was a high number of people hoping to climb Hakusan that day, cars overflowed the small parking space at the top and flowed halfway down the already narrow road. This created a chance to nervously watch our expert bus driver thread his way around tight corners and small gaps; an interesting start to the day! 

 We started hiking from 6:30 and were split into two groups to make passing people easier, which they made full use of by sprint hiking the first 2 and a half hours. We paused only for small breaks at the two huts along the way and reached some snow and the big boulder by roughly 9am where the pace of the morning started to take it's toll. From the big boulder up the the top the pace slowed dramatically, although even then there were some of the students who wished they weren't constrained by the groups pace and wished they could run the whole way up and down. Even with some long resting breaks we managed to reach the top by 11am, which was wonderful to beat the clouds and have a beautiful view. Lunch was extra delicious - having walked all morning for it, and the sun was hot when it peaked out from the clouds. The way down was fairly uneventful and we reached the exit bridge by around 3pm. Within 15minutes all but one student was asleep. It was a good hike. 

Philip Cadzow



June 17, 2022 北陸ロマンティックデートコース

えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍
              from "閑吟集" (a collection of Muromachi period songs)

(My love is like fireflies burning by the water. I’m a poor firefly, unable to say a word to you.)                         
The word "mizu ni" is a cross between "by the water" and "not seeing".
 Namely it means "I want you, but I can't hold you or even say the word".

This is KTB, the N & A Club advisor. When I was walking around my house in Kanazawa City every night in preparation for climbing Mt. Hakusan in July, I started to see fireflies. Hokuriku is blessed with a rich natural environment. Let me introduce you to some of romantic date ideas in Toyama, Kanazawa, and Noto areas.
First was the Toyama Prefectural Art Museum (3-20 Kiba-cho, Toyama City). This museum has a permanent collection of works by Chagall, Duchamp, and others. Previously, my wife and I visited the exhibition of photographs by Mika Ninagawa, a well-known photographer and film director (we made it just in time for the last day of the exhibition, May 15th). The leaflet stated that "All exhibition rooms are open for photography. Photos taken can be shared on social networking sites." So, whatever you do, please take a look at Ms. Ninagawa's amazing works.




*The projection mapping work was a highlight of the exhibition. However, sorry to say that I can’t show you a video of it, because other visitors were also caught on video.

The 21st Century Museum is always crowded with tourists. Therefore we recommend this museum in Toyama, where you can enjoy the exhibition in a relaxed atmosphere. In honor of Atsuhiko Misawa's bear sculpture (three of them, large and small, are displayed inside and outside the museum), visitors who bring their own bear goods can get a 200 yen discount on the admission fee. Hence, anytime I visit there I'm wearing a Grateful Dead bear T.
After enjoying Ninagawa's marvelous works, we went to the Fugan Canal Kansui Park adjacent to the museum.
It was a cloudy day, but fortunately we were able to view the peaks of the Tateyama range.

And more luck: ......

STARBUCKS COFFEE in Toyama KANSUI PARK is said to be the most beautiful coffee shop in the world. We started that day so early that we were able to easily enter this café, prior where we had always given up on entering after seeing the long line at the entrance.
The next stop was 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (1-2-1, Hirosaka, Kanazawa). June 5th was the last day of Ishikawa Prefecture's comprehensive art exhibition "Art Exhibition for High School Students". My wife, who works as an art teacher at a high school in the prefecture, had to work on her day off in the afternoon to clean up. The weather was so fine that I decided to accompany her. The rule of thumb is to act early to avoid the crowds in Kanazawa. Therefore my wife parked her car in the museum's underground parking a little after 10 a.m.

Museum Logo & Phots: from the official web page

Photos: from the Shiinoki Geihinkan official web page (http://www.shiinoki-geihinkan.jp/about/index.html)

First, we went to the Shiinoki Geihinkan, located across the road to the north. The Shiinoki Geihinkan is a comprehensive tourist information facility. The front of the building has been unchanged since 1924, while the back has been renovated into a modern glass space. Two 300-year-old shiinoki trees stand as symbols in front of the building. The building is also equipped with a restaurant,gallery, etc.
It just so happened to be the last day of the "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and we took a look at some stylish contemporary butsudan pieces. 

My favorite was a small one named "Mandala" about 20 cm high, an exotic and elegant piece with beautiful mother-of-pearl inlays on the door. Inside the mandala is what appears to be a statue of Ganesha, reasonably priced. I told my wife, "This is the one I’d like to enter after I was called to heaven". She smiled gently and took a pamphlet from the workshop.
Afterwards, we had an early lunch (my wife chose cabbage rolls and I chose bouillabaisse) and entered the 21st Century Museum....... And we were overwhelmed by the energy of the high school students! Photography of the exhibited works was allowed, but my wife said "You can't post the works without her permission! 

No, no, no!” I followed my wife's advice, (it was as it were categorical imperative) and refrained from posting the photos I took, (I just only wanted to introduce a self-portrait of a female student at the same high school as my son, she posed as Ryunosuke Akutagawa).
After seeing the high school students' masterpieces, my wife went to work and I went back to the Shiinoki Geihinkan. The reason was that the "Hyakumangoku Kanazawa Classic Car Festival 2022" was being held in the plaza, where about 100 classic cars were on display. I could not help but be impressed by the fact that all of the old cars, including Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Lancia and more, had license plates, meaning that they were all still in use and had driven themselves from far away to participate in the festival.  

Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa 芥川龍之介 Source: 'Portraits of Modern Japanese', National Diet Library (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/



Among those cars, I was most attracted to this car, the bright red Mazda Cosmo. It was my mother's car when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school (My mother has already passed away, but was considered a beauty at the time). I was so happy and felt nostalgic that I was taking a lot of pictures of it, and then the owner of the beautiful car came. I talked to him and I found out that Masayuki Kawahara, the owner, was born in 1962, the same school year as me who was born in early 1963. I explained to him about ICT and the Hakusanroku Journal, and he readily agreed to give me permission to use his name and photos for this journal. Mr. Kawahara, I made good on my promise.



The last stop was Togi town, Noto. On May 5th, I went touring in the Noto area on motorcycles with my friend of over 20 years, Naoya Ukita (Uki-chan). Uki-chan is a chemistry teacher at a high school in the prefecture. We became colleagues at another high school in Ishikawa Prefecture (although we worked together for only about three years,) 

but we hit it off right away over the same hobbies such as skiing, mountain climbing, motorcycles, and we are still friends today (we no longer drink alcohol together after the Corona disaster, but sometimes we drink coffee and talk together about world peace & original sin of mankind, or the beauty of João Gilberto's voice and guitar.etc.).It has been a long time since I had the liberating feeling of riding leisurely along the coastal road of Noto Sotoura with a pleasant breeze. We got off the motorcycles at Ganmon in Togi and headed for the sightseeing boat pier. There were not many tourists because it had not been long since the painful case of sinking Shiretoko sightseeing boat (April 23rd “rest in peace”),but it was a good time to "board and cheer" and board the boat. There were five passengers in all on that boat, 2 of us and 3 other parents and son.

It was a slightly windy day and there was a swell from the waves, but it was also pleasant. It was a good decision to board. We had sashimi set meals at a Japanese restaurant in Togi town, stocked up on convenience store sweets (the Japanese sweets shop we were looking for was unfortunately closed on that day), and headed to the beach. I had a blissful time with a fresh cup of coffee brewed by Uki-chan while the sea breeze blew. It's great to have friends.
Togi High School, long since closed, where I worked when I was still in my twenties. After riding our motorcycles slowly through the nostalgic town, we went to
Samon Food Store. There, I bought a pack of "Samon no Shiokara" (Not salmon. "Samon" is the name of the store. It is a very tasty "salted squid", a specialty of Togi town).We drove our motorcycles home safely, thinking that tonight would be the night for sake, and happily finished the last day of the Golden Week.


Dear guardians of ICT, Hokuriku area offers wonderful sights, relaxing hot springs, fresh and delicious fish, Noto beef, and good sake. You and your child can also enjoy a relaxing stay together in Hokuriku by using the dormitory's monthly overnight stay permit.

Please come and visit us. 

Yutaka Katabe, Japanese Language Department
* Text and photographs (except 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Shiinoki Geihinkan, the leaflet of "Contemporary Kanazawa Butsudan and Handicrafts" exhibition, and the Portrait of Ryunosuke Akutagawa ) are by KTB.
* I have studied "Medieval Songs" in college, and "Medieval Buddhist Discourses" in graduate school. Hence, I have not had any education in English for 40 years since I finished my liberal arts course at Kanazawa University. Therefore, after finishing this article, I asked Edward Basquill sensei to check it out. Translation software has its limitations and there are nuances that I just can't understand unless I'm a native speaker. Ed helped me a lot. Thank you Ed! There are things that can only be learned from native teachers. The education system of the I C T makes this possible. I would like to study from now on. I want to be still in progress.

我が恋は水に燃えたつ蛍々 物言はで笑止の蛍            閑吟集(室町時代の歌謡集)より



世界一美しいと言われるSTARBUCKS COFFEE 富山環水公園店、今日は時間が早かったためか、いつも入り口の行列を眺めて入店を諦めていたこのお店に、すんなりと入店できたのでした。


                                    国語科 准教授 潟辺 豊


June 7, 2022 Tie-Dye T-Shirt Activity

  My name is Ian Stevenson.
  Now that Golden Week has finished, the campus is getting more colorful. Flowers are blooming, plants are growing and the birds are singing. The students are also becoming more colorful too. After the students returned from Golden Week, there was a tie-dye t-shirt activity. 17 1st and 2nd year students attended the event and made their own t-shirts.

 To prevent accidents, the floor and the tables were covered with newspapers and the students wore gloves. 16 of the students chose to decorate a white t-shirt. After picking up their t-shirt, these of students decided on what pattern – spiral, bullseye, crumple – and colors they wanted to use. Some students further customized their t-shirts with fabric markers. 1 student chose to work with a black t-shirt and used bleach to customize their t-shirt.

 After finishing the t-shirts, they were hung out to dry and let the dye set. The t-shirts were then washed to get rid of any extra dye. 1 day later, the t-shirts were returned to the students in homeroom. After the students got their t-shirts, they posed for a photo on the school grounds.  The students seemed to be enjoying themselves & having fun.

Ian Stevenson






May 26, 2022 Sports Day!

 Hello this is Philip Cadzow, one of the Physical Education teachers at Hakusanroku campus. 
 On Saturday the 14th of May, Hakusanroku campus students and teachers came together to enjoy some sports for Sports day. Rather than set 1st year students against 2nd year students, two teams were made by dividing the students from their 2km running times (PE class running) into two groups and then getting them to choose their own team name. Blue team was sarcastically called ‘Team Name and the red team chose Red Eyes Black Dragon which was potentially after a Yu-gi-yo card.

  Volleyball, Soccer and basketball were for 50 minutes, giving students plenty of opportunity to substitute team mates whenever they got tired. In addition, teachers choose what team they joined and in each team only one teacher could play at a time, so the teachers also had to swap as they got tired.
  In Volleyball the teams were even until 39 points, at which time the Red team started to slowly pull ahead, with more players who were comfortable playing volleyball on their side they came to a 100-80 victory against Blue. In soccer, the technical level of play was much higher than expected and during the 50 minutes of play only 3 points were scored, all by the Red team, leading the Blue team to feel despondent. Luckily their cheer came back to them as they had the dream team for basketball, they quickly doubled the score of Red team (36-67) and held it consistently.

  It was good to see the change in atmosphere from the Blue, and although winning two games, Red team still thought Blue team was too strong. It is nice to be young and to have your mood depend on winning or losing a sports game. The real winners of the day however, was the teachers, who were able to enjoy playing sports all morning. 

Philip Cadzow



 5月14日(土)、白山麓キャンパスでは、学生と教員が共にスポーツを楽しむ「Sports Day」が開催されました。1年生と2年生が対決するわけではなく、体育の授業で行った2km走のタイムから2チームに分け、チーム名を決めてもらいました。青チームは「Team Name」、赤チームは「Red Eyes Black Dragon」という遊戯王カードにちなんだチーム名が名づけられました。




May 18, 2022 Making Websites in Computer Skills Class

 Hello everyone. This is Robert Songer, Associate Professor and Computer Skills teacher at Hakusanroku Campus. The weather has been getting warmer and we are starting fresh new classes at ICT—it must be spring! Since this is my first time writing for the Hakusanroku Journal, I would like to give a little introduction of myself and my classes.

 I specialize in computer programming and software engineering subjects in the Department of Science and Technology curriculum. Most of my classes are for the 4th and 5th year students at Kanazawa Campus where they learn things like the Python programming language, software development processes, managing databases, and computer graphics (CG) which is a new topic this year. Sadly, I do not teach at Hakusanroku Campus in the spring semester so I will miss out on enjoying the warm mountain weather and seeing the monkeys in the fields. My classes at Hakusanroku are the Computer Skills classes for 1st year and 2nd year students in the fall. That means I get to drive into the mountains on snowy roads for my early morning classes every week. But I don’t mind! As a native of Michigan State with its cold and snowy winters I am perfectly comfortable in snowy environments.

 In the 1st year Computer Skills class, Professor Ohtsuka and I teach how to make web pages. We introduce the students to HTML, the language of the Worldwide Web. I like to say that the wonderful thing about the Web is that anybody can use the Web to learn about the Web. Even you reading this now in a browser can see the HTML source of this page. On a PC, you can right-click on the page and choose “view source” or “inspect”. Then the browser will show you all the source code that it uses to display the images, colors, and text that you see on the page. Of course, for a complicated page like this one, the source code will be equally complicated if not more!  
 In addition to HTML, the 1st year students also learn about CSS which is a scripting language (a kind of simplified programming language) for describing the appearances of a web pages. While HTML defines the structure of the page, such as where to put headings and images, CSS describes the visual properties of elements on the page, such as what color the text should be and how big to make the images. When they working together, HTML and CSS can be quite powerful technologies with seemingly infinite possibilities for building and designing web pages.

 Every day in class, the students practice what they learn on their computers in the Computer Lab. We do hands-on activities on interactive websites designed for learning these web technologies. One of the websites we use is called Code.org (https://code.org) which has a lot of interactive lessons for individuals as well as entire classrooms to use in learning about computer technologies. The lessons show everything students need to see on screen at the same time. Instructions are at the top of the screen, an editor window for writing source code is at the bottom left, and a view window showing the result is at the bottom right. This is a much simpler way to learn compared to the way modern web developers create websites. Usually, a developer will need to use many different software programs at one time and continuously switch between windows while they work. I think the students can really appreciate having everything they need in one window by using Code.org instead.

 After spending most of the semester learning about web page design, the final project is a portfolio website. The students plan and build a website to show off the activities and projects that they do at ICT. They are free to choose what content and layout they want to use for the website while they decide how to express themselves through visual design. In the end, all the students upload their websites to a hosting service called GitHub Pages (https://pages.github.com/) for anybody to see.

  I am impressed to see the students’ creativity and ingenuity at organizing their original ideas on a page. You can see their websites, too! I have collected a couple links to student pages from 2021 to share with you here. Please check them out below and take a look at what the students themselves chose to share about their first year at ICT.

Lucas Kusamoto
Kan Kinoshita

Robert Songer



 1年生のコンピュータスキルズの授業では、大塚教授と私でWebページの作り方を教えています。そこではWorldwide Webの言語であるHTMLを紹介しています。Webの素晴らしいところは、誰でもWebを使ってWebについて学ぶことができるということです。今、ブラウザでこれを読んでいるあなたも、このページのHTMLソースを見ることができます。パソコンでは、ページを右クリックして「ページのソースを表示」または「検証」を選びます。すると、このページの画像や色、文字を表示するために使っているソースコードをすべて表示してくれます。もちろん、このような複雑なページの場合、ソースコードも同じように複雑になります。



 後学期の大半を費やしてWebページのデザインについて学んだ後、最終プロジェクトとしてポートフォリオサイトを作成します。学生たちは国際高専で行っている活動やプロジェクトを紹介するWebサイトを企画・構築します。どのようなコンテンツやレイアウトにするか、またビジュアルデザインでどのように自分を表現するかなど、自由に選択することができます。最終的には、GitHub Pageshttps://pages.github.com/)というホスティングサービスにアップロードし、誰でも見ることができるようにします。


草本 留嘉寿さん
木下 観さん


April 28, 2022 ネイチャー&アドベンチャークラブ 新入クラブ員歓迎会 高倉山ハイキング


 Hello! My name is Philip Cadzow.
 With modern life it’s easy and expected to be sitting indoors somewhere, be it your job, school, or transport somewhere. It’s hard to get up on a Saturday morning to go for a 13km walk up a hill, with weather expected to rain, and swampy ground that covers your shoes with mud. Yet without something challenging, different, or risky to bring some fun into life, it’s easy to focus too much on the little things and get caught up in your own thinking. Getting out and into nature is a beautiful way to get some exercise, a breath of fresh air, and to also clear your head. We started off the day with some gear checks as it looked like it might rain later, and a group challenge called the human knot where they had to untangle themselves. We then set out on the hike heading down the road to the post office, across the cycle bridge, and then into the trees.

 The view from along the forest road is quite spectacular to start off with, as it looks down a steep cliff into the blue river below. And then the hill started going up... a good way up we took a break. What I love most about the outdoors, is what the effect of being in a natural environment has on groups of people. Take a group of students into this environment and they will be able to bond together as a group much faster than if they were in a room at school. Even better, throw a challenge like escaping over an electric fence (rope held by teachers) and you get to see problem solving skills, group dynamics, and the shared joy of success.

 The track from that point was on the same path as a small river, so there was no escaping muddy wet feet. As a teacher there is something soothing to the soul in watching students calling out in despair as the mud uncomfortably squelches into their shoes. Revenge for bad behaviour in class. nature is wonderful. We washed our shoes in a stream and then continued on until the trail came to an end. The top wasn’t our goal for today, so we sit like gargoyles on rocks and logs to eat lunch. Turning around and starting down feels hard, I don’t like going down as much as I do going up. Going up feels like adventure and every step brings a better view, so it’s hard not to feel a little failure when turning around. The way down passed quickly and the energy in the group faded out by the last kilometre of the walk. Perfect timing as we reached the big stairs and people started thumping down in comfort. The students no doubt would be heading to the onsen soon. It didn’t end up raining. A good day.

Philip Cadzow

 現代の生活は、仕事であれ、学校であれ、交通機関であれ、屋内で安楽に座っていられることが当たり前になっています。ですから、土曜日の朝に早起きして、13 kmの丘を登り降りするのは大変なことです。まして、天気予報が雨で、ぬかるみで靴が泥まみれになることが予想される日なら尚更です。しかし、人生に楽しみをもたらすには、挑戦的な、日常と異なる、あるいは多少は危険な何かが必要です。そうでなければ私たちは些細なことに囚われ、たいした理由もなくマイナス思考に巻き込まれてしまうでしょう。外に出て自然の中へ入っていくことは、体を動かし、新鮮な空気を吸い、頭をすっきりさせたりするための素敵な方法なのです。降雨が予想されたため、私たちはシューズやレインウエアなどのギアチェックから一日を始めました。続いて、学生たちはウォーミングアップとして、手(と心)をつなぐ「人間知恵の輪」に取り組みました。それから郵便局への道を下り、自転車橋を渡って、新緑の中へ向かうハイキングに出発しました。


 そこから先は雪溶け水が小川のように流れる道で、泥まみれの靴の中で足が濡れてしまうことから逃がれることはできませんでした。泥水が靴に押し込まれる不快さに絶望して叫ぶ学生たちを眺めることには、教師としての魂を心地よくさせる何かがあります。すなわち、授業中の学生たちのちょっといたずらな振る舞いへのささやかなリベンジ!自然は素晴らしい! 私たちはきれいな流れを見つけて靴を洗い、再び歩き続けて目標地点に到達しました。今回の目標地点は山頂ではありませんから、岩や丸太の上にガーゴイル(キリスト教会などの屋根に飾られている、モンスターを模した彫像の雨樋)のように座って昼食をとりました。さて、振り返ると下りは大変です。私は、上りほど下りは好きではありません。上ることは冒険のように感じられ、すべてのステップがより良い眺めをもたらします。しかし、振り返って下るときには、少しの失望も感じないようにするのは難しいです。下り道はすぐに過ぎ去ってしまい、学生たちのエネルギーは最後の1キロまでにみるみる消えていきました。私たちが学校の大階段に到着し、学生たちがその快適さにワクワクし始めたときの完璧なタイミングです。学生たちは間違いなくすぐに温泉に向かうでしょう。結局、雨が降ることはなく、良い一日でした。


March 31, 2022 「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」作品紹介


 先月、井上 恵介先生、ロバート・ソンガー先生の「コンピュータスキルズⅡB」(2年生必須科目)の課題でミュージックビデオを製作した山崎 史依さんから歌詞について相談されたことがありました。大してお役に立てなかったのですが、完成した作品を観て驚きましたので、その時のインタビュー内容を、作品とともにご紹介いたします。


山崎:コンピュータスキルズⅡBのフォーカスエリアプロジェクトで、これまでに習った技術を総合的に活かしてほしいと言われました。もともとミュージックビデオを作るのが趣味だったので、課題としてまた作ろうと思いました。いままではケデンライブ、Adobe Premiere Proを使っていましたが、今回新たにFusion360AR機能を使いました。




山崎:え、本当ですか? 先生特になにも言ってくれなかったから嬉しいです(笑)。担任の先生は、小さい頃の写真が私に見えないって言っていました。








黒田 譜美

 Hello, this is Kuroda! The snow is melting and we can feel the arrival of spring here in HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan).
 Last month, I was consulted about lyrics by Shii Yamazaki, who produced a music video for her "Computer Skills IIB" assignment (required for 2nd-year students) by Keisuke Inoue sensei (Prof.) and Robert Songer sensei (Prof.). I was not able to be of much help, but I was surprised when I saw the finished product, so I would like to introduce the content of that interview along with the work.

Kuroda: Why did you decide to make a video?

Yamazaki:  For the Focus Area Project in Computer Skills IIB, I was asked to make comprehensive use of the skills I had learned so far. I've always enjoyed making music videos, so I decided to make another one as an assignment. I had been using Kdenlive and Adobe Premiere Pro, but this time I decided to use Fusion360's AR function.

Kuroda: Did you make the song and the video yourself?

Yamazaki: Basically, I made it myself. At first, I created the sound and wrote the music. After that, my friend to helped me with the lyrics. When I feel depressed or mentally distressed, I take notes. I write down what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I sent those notes to my friend and asked them to write the lyrics, which I then reworked further. So, this piece contains about half a year of my story. I also sang the song myself. Most of the images were taken by myself, too. I actually ate the coppepan takuwan (salad bread) in Shiga during summer vacation.

Kuroda: You once said that putting your feelings into words helps you sort them out. In a sense, your worries are the source of your creativity, aren't they? I think it's amazing that you've been able to turn them into a work of art. I heard that Inoue sensei praised your work very much.

Yamazaki: Oh, really? I'm glad because Inoue sensei didn't say anything special about it (laughs). My homeroom teacher said that the picture of me when I was little didn't look like me.
Kuroda: Inoue sensei said, "Your technical skills are very high, but I can feel the intense heat from your work." I had never heard your sing before, but you are quite good at it. I thought the slightly languid feeling of your singing matched the world view of the work.

Yamazaki: I don't have a high-pitched voice (laughs). I have to sing and adjust the pitch a little.
Kuroda: What kind of message did you put into the work as a whole?

Yamazaki: I wanted to say that there are times when people are like this (laughs). Even if you hate someone, you can't really hate that person. We are all lonely, so we are looking for someone to save us.
Kuroda: Somehow, your feelings of ambivalence came through in the song. Do you have any advice for younger students?

Yamazaki: It's great to have the potential to create something on your own. Sometimes it's better to rely on others!
Kuroda: Thank you very much for your time today. I'm looking forward to your future activities.

Fumi Kuroda


March 23, 2022 「白金祭の裏話」

 こんにちは。白金祭実行委員長(教員)の伊藤です。227日(日)に行われた白金祭について、今回は書かせていただこうと思います。白金祭でやった企画(どれもめっちゃ面白かったし、盛り上がりました!)については、Topicsで取り上げていただいたので、そちらを見てください。(https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) ですので、こちらでは白金祭の裏側について書いてみたいと思います。


 白金祭の名前は「白」山麓キャンパスと「金」沢キャンパスをつなぐ「祭」としてつけました。ちなみに、英語では「The Platinum Festival」として「白金」と掛けています。今回の白金祭では国際理工学科の3、4年生が数名遊びに来てくれました。白山麓と金沢をつなぐ役割を少しでも果たすことができて嬉しかったです!

 本来なら外部の方々に向けて学校・学科紹介の展示やレーザーカッター体験、ドローン体験などのワークショップも企画していたのですが、学生や教職員のみの参加となったため、大階段でのステージ企画のみにしました。でもそのおかげで少ない実行委員、短い準備期間でもちゃんとした発表やステージイベントができたと思います。あまり注目されなかったかもしれませんが、上演中の企画を示す「めくり」を作ってもらって使いました。1年生の柿田 紗蘭さんが全て手書きで「めくり」を作ってくれたので、それも紹介します。どれも本当に素晴らしい力作です。

 学生側の実行委員長である2年生の山崎 史依さんをはじめ、実行委員の皆さんの頑張りで、今回は無事に開催することができました。私は今回の白金祭を通じて、学生の「才能・努力・情熱」を感じることができてとても感動しました。歌がうまい、とか楽器が弾ける、とか腕相撲が強い、とか話すのが上手とか。勉強ができる・できないとは別のところで、それぞれの学生にはそれぞれの才能があり、努力していることがあり、情熱を傾けられるものがある、ということがよく分かりました。ぶっちゃけ、開催前は色々大変で、「来年は実行委員長は絶対やらない!」と誓っていたのですが、こうも輝いている学生を見てしまうと、「来年もいっちょやったるか!」という気持ちになってしまいます。まぁ、来年のことはさておき、学生の輝ける場を作れたのは教員としてとても嬉しく思いました。

 伊藤 周

 Hello. I am Ito, the chairperson of the Hakukinsai Executive Committee (faculty member), and I would like to write about the Hakukinsai held on Sunday, February 27th. For more information about this school festival, please check the Topics post about it. (URL: https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/2022/03/07/17202/) It was a really fun and exciting event! In this journal article, I would like to write about the behind-the-scenes part of this school festival.

 Originally, I wanted to have a cultural festival + open house type of event! Until now, we have held a school festival called Kosensai, but it has been held on the Kanazawa campus, so for the students of the Hakusanroku campus students, it was just an event to attend as guests. One of the reasons that I wanted us to hold this event was that I thought it would be fun to have a school festival in which students at Hakusanroku Campus could take part. My theory was that it is more fun to organize a festival than to participate in it, and I wanted the students of Hakusanroku Campus to experience that.
 Also, the Hakusanroku Campus faculty, staff, and students planned to invite a few local residents to the campus to give presentations as part of the engineering design community collaboration activities. There were also plan to have exchanges with nearby elementary and junior high schools. I had the feeling (maybe this an exaggeration on my part) that many local residents thought, “There is a big black building that has suddenly appeared, and people are living in it - and apparently it is a school.” So, I wanted to give the community, parents, and other people involved with our school the opportunity to learn more by telling them “this is ICT, and we have this kind of school, these kinds of students, and this kind of school life.” The term “Open Campus” has a strong connotation of being for junior high school students who are considering enrolling in International College of Technology. This event is more like an “Open House,” where anyone, young or old, male or female, can come and see the school.

 This school festival, Hakukinsai, has another purpose. I want to make a day when alumni of the Hakusanroku Campus can come back to the Hakusanroku Campus. Students of the Department of Science and Technology at ICT must spend two years living in the dormitory at the Hakusanroku Campus. I would like to make it a day when they can recall those two years of hard but enjoyable campus life and return to Hakusanroku Campus without hesitation when they feel nostalgic.
 The name of the festival, “Hakukinsai,” was given to connect the two campuses, Hakusanroku (“Haku”) and Kanazawa (The character for “Kana” can be read as “Kin” in Japanese). In English, it is called “The Platinum Festival,” which is a play on the word Hakukin. A few 3rd and 4th year students from the Department of Science and Technology came to visit us at this year's Hakukinsai. I was happy to be able to play a small role in connecting the 2 campuses.

 With the outbreak of COVID-19, the school festival called Kosensai itself has been held online for the past two years. The students could participate only by looking at their PC screens, which has been a little dull. In fact, Hakukinsai had been planned two years ago for 2020, but at that time the outbreak of COVID-19 had just begun, and we did not know what countermeasures we could take, so we decided not to hold the festival. When we started preparations for this year's festival in December of last year, it was right between the 5th and 6th waves. We wondered if we would be able to include outsiders this year. However, due to the outbreak of Omicron that did not subside in February, we had to give up on the idea of outsiders participating this time as well.
 Originally, we had planned to have an exhibition introducing our school and department, as well as workshops such as laser cutter and drone experiences for outside visitors, but since only students and faculty participated, we had to plan only staged projects on the main staircase. But thanks to this, even with a small number of committee members and a short preparation period, I think we were able to make decent presentations and stage events.
 Although it may not have attracted much attention, we had mekuri (a small paper sign that indicates the project being staged) made by 1st year student Saran Kakita, who handwrote all of the mekuri.  All of them are really wonderful works of art.
 This year's Hakukinsai achieved about half of its objectives. However, the other half, the objective of introducing the school to people outside the school, will be carried over to next year and beyond. There is no way to know what will happen with COVID-19 next year, but I hope we can accomplish the other half as well.

 Thanks to the hard work of the student committee chairperson, 2nd year student Shii Yamazaki, and all the committee members, we were able to hold this year's Hakukinsai without a hitch! I was very impressed by the talent, effort, and passion of the students during Hakukinsai. They can sing, play musical instruments, arm wrestle, and speak well. I could see that each student has their own talents, efforts, and passions, outside of the classroom and studying. To be honest, I had a lot of difficulties before the event, and I thought to myself, "I will never be the chairperson of the executive committee next year!" But when I saw the students shining so brightly, I said to myself, "I'll do it again next year! I am very happy to be able to be a part of this event." Well, putting next year aside, as a faculty member, I was very happy to have been able to create a place where students could shine.

Meguru Ito

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFaculty