
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル:Faculty

December 1, 2021 Colorful and Fun

Four years have passed since the start of our college`s new program. I commute to the Hakusanroku Campus all the way up from my home in Kanazawa, every working day. However, I still enjoy the mountainous scenery from the car. It is so beautiful and interesting. The change of the weather and the season makes the view from the car looks like a new piece of art every time. Autumn is my favorite season in Japan. It does not rain as often as it does during other seasons. So, I can enjoy watching the shiny sunlight kissing the colorful leaves. The other day, I saw a double rainbow from the car. It is always fun to observe a rainbow before it disappears. Colors make everything look glorious. Nature gives you the moment of reflection and meditation. If you are a person of science, you would enjoy the moment while asking yourself many questions.

I would like my students to enjoy their life and explore the beauty of the universe around them on a wider and deeper scale. Studying science and specifically, chemistry can help them do that and get the aha moment and be mesmerized by what they discover. One experiment that Year 1 students performed last week gave them the answer to questions that might have come to their minds, such as, “Why candle`s light is yellow?”, “What are fireworks made of?”, or even, “How do we know what the millions-of-light-years-far-away stars are made of?”. Flame test of different metallic ions experiment helped them know the logic behind spectrum emission and explained that each element has its unique spectrum emission. The light emitted by an element is like a fingerprint that shows its presence in different parts of the universe.

People of science do not only enjoy their observations, but they also question, analyze, and explain them. Year 1 students performed the flame test experiment twice. The first time, they did it while following the given instructions to observe how metallic ions such as sodium, potassium, copper, or lithium emit yellow, violet, blue-green, and red flame lights, respectively. They seemed to have enjoyed the flame colors. I could hear them saying words of amusement such as “oh, Wow !!” or “look at that!”. The second time, it was a lab practical, meaning that they performed the procedure independently to define five different metals present in the unknown provided salts. They did their best in following the safety procedure, making observations, and providing explanations. There was some time left after they finished. So, I showed them a firework stick with seven different colors. It was interesting to see them call out the name of metals every time a new color light appeared. That was colorful and fun!

Nagwa Fekri Rashed



 科学者は観察を楽しむだけでなく、疑問を持ち、分析し、解説もします。 1年生は炎色試験を2回行いました。1回目は指示に従いながら、ナトリウム、カリウム、銅やリチウムなどの金属イオンが、それぞれ黄、紫、青緑、赤の炎を出す様子を観察しました。炎の色を見て「おぉ!凄い!」や「見て見て!!」など楽しそうな声が聞こえました。2回目は実習を行いました。未知の塩に含まれる5種類の金属を定義するために、学生たちは独自の手順で実践しました。学生たちは、安全手順を守り、観察し、そして説明することに最善を尽くしました。実習が終わってから少し時間があったので、7色に変化する花火の棒を見せました。色が変化するたびに、学生たちは金属の名前を呼んでいて面白かったです。カラフルで楽しかったです。




Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku office.
Today, I would like to share a wonderful poem written by Professor Pauline Baird who has been living at the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) for four years. I hope you enjoy it.

November 22, 2021 How to Get a Motorcycle License in Japan

Hello everyone! This is Apirak, a Learning mentor. I've been living at the HAKUSANROKU (Foothills of Mt. Hakusan) for a year and a half. The transportation to get down to the town is just only a bus that takes 40-ish minutes. However, that's not the point why I started thinking about getting a motorcycle license in Japan. Therefore, I enjoy modifying and riding. I like the feeling when the wind hits my helmet when the sun leads to a place that I have never been before, so that has become one of my goals to ride a motorcycle all around Japan.


Before I did that, I started researching how to get a motorcycle license and delivered my Thai motorcycle license to JAF (Japan Automobile Federation) for translation. The step to getting a license is pretty simple and easy. 
First, fill out the document and send it to JAF (Japan Automobile Federation) for translation. (Download here: https://english.jaf.or.jp/driving-in-japan/drive-in-japan/foreign-nationals-license) Second, go to the Driver's license center (運転免許' 'センター) for submit your document and make an appointment for the next test.  Third, pass a pre-test. The officer will be testing that you know how to lift and walk with a motorcycle perfectly. Fourth, pass a real test. The officer will ask you to do a paper test (You need to pass 7 of 10 questions) and the hard one is a ride test. If you pass both of the tests, now the road is waiting for you.

1. 書類を記入しJAF(日本自動車連盟)に翻訳を依頼します。
(ダウンロードはこちら:https://english.jaf.or.jp/driving-in-japan/drive-in-japan/foreign-nationals-license )
2. 運転免許センターへ行き、書類提出と次回の試験予約をします。
3. 予備テストに合格します。このテストではバイクを持ち上げることが出来るか、バイクを支えながら歩けるかどうかが重視されます。
4. 本試験に合格します。筆記試験(10問中7問正解する必要があります。)と技能試験を受けなければなりません。技能試験はかなりの難関です。どちらとも合格すれば、いよいよ旅の始まりです。


Alright, everything seems perfect, now we will take a look at the path. The picture below shows you an example of the trail and mission that you have to do.

By following the letter, A to H is the mission that you have to ride through:
A) L-curve (less than 5 seconds)
B) S-curve (less than 5 seconds)
C) Small Bridge: The dimension of the bridge is 30 centimeters wide and 15 meters long. The mission we don’t have to speed up for it. They want to test your stability on a motorcycle so you have to ride on it for more than 10 seconds.
D) Crosswalk: Slow your bike and check carefully to be sure that it doesn't have pedestrians.
E) Stand riding: Stand on the motorcycle and ride through the bump’s road for more than 7 seconds.
F) Slalom: Ride through a path restricted by traffic cones at least 7 seconds.
G) Flashing red and yellow signal light: Remember that the flashing red, you must stop and check but flashing yellow, you have to slow your speed and proceed with caution.
H) Multi-Lane change: Always keep in mind that every time you want to change a lane, you have to turn a signal on and check if the car is behind you.

For me, I don’t have to take a full track test because I have experience on motorcycles for over 5 years. So, the track is pretty short BUT they have the things under the iceberg that failed me for the third time.

A) L字カーブ(5秒以内)
B) S字カーブ(5秒以内)
C) 一本橋: 橋の寸法は幅30センチ、長さ15メートルです。スピードではなくバイクの安定性が求められるテストで、10秒以上掛けて渡らなければなりません。
D) 横断歩道: バイクの速度を落とし、歩行者がいないかをよく確認します。
E) 立ち乗り: これは複数の突起が設置された路面を立ち乗りの状態で7秒以上掛けて走行します。
F) スラローム: 等間隔に設置された障害物を左右にバイクを傾けながら交互に交わし、少なくとも7秒間掛けて走行します。
G) 赤と黄色に点滅する信号: 赤信号は必ず停止し、黄色点滅信号は注意しながら交差点を走行します。
H) 車線変更: 車線変更をする際には、方向指示器を点滅させ、後ろに車がいるかどうかを常に確認しなければなりません。


Here are the tips to pass the test:

  1. Make sure that you wearing full-gear of motorcycle protection like a Helmet (Take the new one with you don’t use the old helmet for the test), Groves, Jacket with armor pads, Pants, and Motorcycle shoes (sneaker is ok for the test)
  2. Before you do a test, you will have a one-ish hour during lunchtime to look at the track. Use this time to remember and walk down on the path to get used to it.
  3. Before the test, try to predict or simulate in your head as you ride on the track.
  4. Don’t panic if you forget the path. Just stop and ask the staff.
  5. Do not forget to check your bike before getting on it. Point your finger in the front, side, and back of the bike
  6. Check behind the bike before kicking the stand and swing your leg on.
  7. Adjust the mirror before starting the engine.
  8. Check LEFT - RIGHT mirror and BEHIND every time before you move the bike.
  9. At the stop line(止まれ)always stop right before the line.
  10. Every time you take a turn, you have to ride follow the arrow sign on the road (Don’t ride cut or over)
  11. Single lane is two road lanes split for motorcycles. 
  12. If you ride on Multi-lane roads, don’t ride in the middle.
  13. After turning left or right, keep riding on the left side.
  14. Don’t forget to turn your signal every time you change the lanes.
  15. Ask YouTube-sensei if you are not sure what to do for each mission and I hardly recommend watching all of the videos of people doing the ride tests.


  1. バイクに乗車するためにはフル装備の準備が必要です。例えば、ヘルメット(古いものではなく、新しいものを準備してください。)、グローブ、アーマーパット入りのジャケット、オートバイク 用の靴(試験ではスニーカーでも可)。
  2. 技能試験を受ける前に1時間ほどの昼食タイムがあるので、その間にコース内を歩いて進路を覚え、慣れておきましょう。
  3. 試験を受ける前に、コース走行のことを頭の中で予測しシミュレーションをしておきましょう。
  4. コースを忘れても慌てず、立ち止まって、スタッフに聞きましょう。
  5. バイク乗車前に、前後左右を指で指しながら確認しましょう。
  6. バイクの背後を確認してからサイドスタンドを蹴り、バイクにまたがりましょう。
  7. エンジンを掛ける前に、ミラーの調節をしましょう。
  8. バイクを発進させる前に左右のミラーと背後を毎回確認しましょう。
  9. 停止線(止まれ)では線の手前で毎回停止しましょう。
  10. 曲がるたびに、道路上の矢印表示に従って走行しましょう。(ハンドルの切りすぎやラインの超えすぎに注意です。)
  11. 片側一車線は、左側に寄って走行しましょう。
  12. 片側二車線では左側の車線を走行すると共に、その車線内でも左側寄りを走行しましょう。
  13. 右左折後は左側を走行しましょう。
  14. 車線変更をする際に、必ず合図を出しましょう。
  15. 各ミッションで何をすべきか分からない場合は、YouTube先生に聞いて下さい。また、技能試験をしている人のビデオを全て見ることをお勧めします。

I hope this journal might help you at some points.
Thank you and Ride to meet you.

ありがとうございました、そして Ride to meet you.

Apirak Sang-ngenchai

October 29, 2021 高専祭 オンライン開催





クイズ大会では、Zoom上にて雑学や白山麓キャンパスの建物内に関してのクイズなど日々の観察力も重視される問題が出題されました。自慢芸では学年各自が事前に撮影した各自のパフォーマンス動画を校長先生、向井先生、小髙先生が審査員を務めました。パフォーマンス映像を見終えた審査員たちは感銘を受け拍手されたり、笑ったり、一時はざわついたりとさまざまな反応が見られました。研究発表で「パソコンの乱数についての研究」について発表された国際理工学科2年バジュロ 琉海ジェームズさんに感想を伺うと、「意外と乱数を作るのは単純にみえたが複雑でした。無事研究を終え達成感を感じています。」とホッとした表情を浮かべていました。


間加田 侑里

Hello everyone! This is Yuri Makada from the Hakusanroku campus office. This is my first journal entry. Today I would like to write about the school festival.

The 56th School Festival was held on Saturday, October 16th. Like last year’s event, it was held online due to concerns about COVID-19. The theme of this year’s festival was “FINAL – To the Next Generation” because this is the final school festival for students who entered KTC before it became ICT.

This year, the festival headquarters was at the Hakusanroku campus, and the 5th year members of the Kanazawa Campus School Festival Executive Committee and the 1st and 2nd year members of the Hakusanroku Campus School Festival Executive Committee managed the festival together. The 1st and 2nd year students from the Hakusanroku campus participated in person in the opening ceremony, lottery and closing ceremony. The rest of the festival events were held and attended online.

The opening ceremony was followed by speeches from the president and the chairperson of the alumni association. After this was the award ceremony. Then came various competitions, quizzes, student research presentations, and the president chose winners in the festival lottery. Finally, the festival came to an end with the closing ceremony.

The quizzes were held on Zoom and included questions about the buildings of the Hakusanroku campus and trivia about daily life. In the student talent competition, President Barksdale, Professor Mukai and Professor Kodaka acted as judges for the students’ videos that they had made beforehand. The judges were impressed by the videos and applauded the students’ efforts. When I asked Mr. Vashro, a 2nd year student, about his research on random numbers in computers, he said, “Making random numbers seemed surprisingly simple, but it was complicated. I feel a sense of accomplishment after successfully completing my research.”

In order to ensure the smooth running of the festival, the school festival executive committee quickly resolved problems with sound adjustment and contacted each department. However, thanks to the efforts of the 5th year students, who were attending their final school festival, the ICT students learned a lot from them to continue and develop the school traditions for the next generation.

Yuri Makada

October 18, 2021 「白山麓ジャーナル on radio」


番組タイトルは「白山麓ジャーナル on radio」としました。この白山麓ジャーナルみたいに、魅力的なコンテンツをリスナーにお届けしたいと思い、ラジオ版という意味で「on radio」とつけました。高専生の目線で気になる話題や、国際高専や白山麓の魅力を発信するラジオ番組にしたいと思っています。


伊藤 周

Hello, it’s Ito, producer and director. What’s that title you say? Does ICT even have such a position? Actually, a brand-new radio program is starting on KIT’s community radio station FM-N1 staring a group of ICT students. My job is planning, directing, and overall supervising; thus the title “producer and director.” Students participating in this radio program are Vashro, Totsuka, Sakei, Katsukata, Afaf, and Honda from S2, and Izumiya, Oishi, Kakita, and Miwa from S1. Each will have several roles such as radio personality or sound mixer.

The name of the radio program is “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio.” Our vision is to broadcast interesting content, much like the wonderful entries on the Hakusanroku Journal, to all our listeners; thus the title “on radio.” We will talk about things students are currently interested in, and fun attractions of ICT and the Hakusanroku area.

Our very first broadcast will be October 26, 5:30 pm JST. Actually, we just finished recording it the other day. The basic human skill of talking suddenly fails when you become nervous and we had to retake the program several times, but finally everything came together. All the songs during the opening and ending are written and performed by the students themselves. Please enjoy their work when you listen to the program.

Meguru Ito
*Translated by Jonathan

October 15, 2021 高専祭前日



小髙 有普

The 56th School Festival will be held on Saturday, October 16, from 9:00 to 14:00. Today is the day before the festival, and the student council is working on the set-up at the Hakusannroku Campus. This year, the 5th year students from the Kanazawa campus will come to the Hakusanroku campus to set up the headquarters and hold the event together with the 1st and 2nd year students from the Hakusanroku campus.

This year will be the last year for the School Festival, which includes the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Global Information and Management . Last year's School Festival was held by connecting both Kanazawa and Hakusanroku campuses online, so the student councils of the two campuses operated apart from each other. From next year, only students from the Department of Science and Engineering will be in our school. Therefore, in line with the theme of this year's school Festival, "FINAL - For the Next Generation", the senior and junior students of the student council are cooperating in the Hakusanroku campus. Seeing students of different age groups interacting in this way made me think about how we can create opportunities for interaction in various ways in the future, for a more enjoyable and fulfilling school life, for growing as student, passing on various things between the two campuses.

Arihiro Kodaka

October 11, 2021 1・2年生自然教室 三方岩岳ハイキング




木原 均

 On September 21 (Tue), the first- and second-year students went on a hiking trip to Sanpoiwatake as an extracurricular activity. Participants were seven first-year students, ten second-year students, seven teachers; a total of 24 people. Sanpoiwatake is located along the Hakusan-Shirakawago White Road and takes about 50 minutes up and 40 minutes back down.

 Everyone boarded a bus at 9 am and departed for the starting point adjacent to Sanpoiwatake parking area. On the way, Owari coach talked about each location of Mt. Hakusan’s nature that we could see out the windows, such as the names of waterfalls, avalanche chutes, and wildlife living in the area. His lecture was fascinating and students especially showed interest in stories that he actually experienced in the area. Episodes such as exploring Jyatani-keikoku (snake valley) and finding out that there actually are many snakes as the name suggests, and encountering multiple bears when traversing the mountains. They were exciting stories none of us had ever experienced. We stopped at “The Great Waterfall of Fukube” about ten minutes into the White Road and took a break and a group photo, and began our climb a little past ten o’clock.

 The weather was perfect and the students hiked along in good spirits. It seemed that they had more than enough energy because we reached the top 30 minutes before schedule. What a wonderful thing youth is. I was additionally surprised to hear that one student had climbed Mt. Hakusan the previous day. He didn’t show any sight of fatigue and stood out in my mind. In contrast, some teachers and myself could feel the strength running out of our legs as we returned to the bus. At the parking lot we showed each other our shaking knees and laughed as we boarded the bus. We returned to the campus at noon and that was the end of the event. However, some students still had energy to burn and turned right around and went swimming in a nearby river with Owari coach. For a while we could not go anywhere due to COVID-19, but this day was an opportunity to refresh our body and mind in the nature near Hakusanroku Campus, and spend time with students somewhere other than a classroom.

Hitoshi Kihara

October 5, 2021 3年生が食文化体験






黒田 譜美

The third-year students visited the Zeniya Gohei Memorial Museum and the Yamato Soysause & Miso Kouji Park as part of the Global Life and Culture class.

Zeniya Gohei was a successful merchant who sailed the Japan Sea during the late Edo period. The museum displays his handwritten journal, antique items such as compasses and telescopes, and a 1/4 scale model of his Kitamae-bune cargo ship “Jyohou-maru”, so you could get a picture of what it was like at the time. There are theories suggesting that Zeniya Gohei sailed to Tasmania and even America during the period of isolation; which Pauline sensei was surprised to hear. (Inoue-kun and Sato-kun translated for her. Thank you!)

Next, we visited the Yamato Soysause & Miso Kouji Park near Kanazawa Port. (*Kouji = malted rice or other grains) We bathed our hands in warm kouji water (it makes your skin silky smooth!) and compared smell and taste of miso with different fermentation periods. It was an opportunity to experience kouji and miso with all five senses. The six-month-old miso was a paler color and gently sweet compared to the one-year-old miso, which was rich in flavor and in smell. Kouji is a national fungus that the Japanese have passed down threw the ages. Miso created with kouji is an excellent fermented product that includes mold, yeast fungus, bacteria all in one. The students received eight-month-old miso as a souvenir and immediately declared that they planned to make “tonjiru” (miso soup with pork and vegetables). On the way home, we viewed old boilers, chimneys, Ono River estuary where merchants used to unload their cargo, and the Japan Sea; and imagined the days when Kitamae-bune cargo ships sailed the ocean.

The topic was a familiar food we eat every day. However, the educational content scaled from small microorganisms to large topics such as trading and history. It was a beneficial trip that let us rethink the culture of food in Japan.

Fumi Kuroda

September 14, 2021 ICT探検隊、瀬波川を遡上す



ここが本日一番の景勝スポット。学生たちは次々と岩の上からジャンプ。エメラルドのしぶきを跳ね上げながら水中に身を躍らせました。帰りの車中でフィリップ先生から感想を尋ねられた木下観くんは笑顔で、“The coldest experience of my life.”と答えていました。

潟辺 豊

It's KTB, the N&A Club supervisor. On September 12 (Sun), the N&A Club held the annual Senami rivier gorge climbing activity. Senami river is about 5 kilometers from the Hakusanroku Campus, and is a tributary to the larger Tedori river.Tedori river is often muddy with sand broken off from Mt. Hakusan, but Senami river is clear and beautiful (as you can see in the pictures above).

Members gathered at 12:30 pm and moved to Hakusanroku Shonen-no-ie to gear up with helmets and lifejackets. When everyone was ready, we drove to the parking lot in front of Hakusanri Onsen and made our descent to the river bed. After getting our feet used to the water, Owari coach gave a lecture about the dangers in the river before we began our journey. There is no set path for gorge climbing. You can walk along the rocky bank, swim (this however will give you the shivers before long because the water temperature was only 18 degrees celsius), and use ropes to pull yourself along. Each student chose paths that they liked, and we finally reached a small pool of jade green crystal clear water.

This beautiful site was the payoff of our journey. Students took turns jumping of the rocks above, diving into the water with emerald colored splashes. When asked by Philip sensei on the way home, Kan Kinoshita remarked that it was "The coldest experience of my life" with a big grin on his face.  

Yutaka Katabe


August 27, 2021 イングリッシュカフェ





Hello everyone! Every month I lead an event called English Café at Oguchi Community Centre. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic and the extreme summer heat, we have only been able to hold one event in the 2021 academic year.

This year, the community centre staff and I decided to focus on English that would be useful for travelling. For June’s English Café, the situation was buying souvenirs in a shop. For the first half of the hour, we learnt and practiced useful phrases together. At the halfway point we took a quick break, then came the really fun part: the community centre staff had worked really hard to buy a selection of snacks, print off paper “money”, and prepare paper bags so we could pretend we were in an old-fashioned sweetshop! Everyone took turns to come up and “buy” their favourite snacks using the phrases they had just learnt. Everyone, from older people to nursery-age children, had fun.

The next English Café is scheduled for September, and we are planning to focus on useful phrases for the airport and on an aeroplane. I’m really happy to have this kind of opportunity to interact with other members of the local community.

James Taylor (English Department)

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFaculty