

October 12, 2018

Hello. It's Kihara, the first-year homeroom teacher. Today, I would like to introduce our math class at Hakusanroku campus.

Here at the Hakusanroku campus, there are four math teachers. Hazwan sensei, Alaa sensei, Steven sensei, who just joined us this month, and myself. Our nationalities are all different: Malesia, Egypt, America and Japan. Together, we teach math in English. Can you imagine taking a math class in English? Many people may picture their junior high school or high school math class and think "understanding lectures and solving problems in English sounds difficult." I agree. High school math is difficult enough in your first language. At Hakusanroku campus, we have math lectures in English. However, the time teachers use the blackboard and slides is less than half of the period. Most of the class is devoted to time where students teach each other and solve problems together. For example, the following question was created by our first-year students. Can you figure out the answer?

Calculate the following:

Lately, more and more students are writing their answers in English and speaking with the international teachers. It seems they are gradually adjusting to using English in math class. This class is different from simply sitting and listening to a teacher, or taking notes written on the blackboard and solving problems. If you are interested in this style, maybe ICT is the right school for you. Oh, by the way, the answer to the previous equation is 1. Did you solve it? See you.

Hitoshi Kihara





木原 均


October 9, 2018 Career Design Trip to Kobo Hisatsune

On September 25, we took a special career design trip to Kanazawa. This time, we visited "Kobo Hisatsune", the workshop of Toshiharu Hisatsune, who is a successful Yuzen Artist in the field of Kaga Yuzen. Kaga Yuzen has a history of 500 years. Hisatsune sensei inherits its history and is an innovator of new styles and expression of Kaga Yuzen.

At the Kobo Hisatsune workshop, Hisatsune sensei not only does Yuzen dying on kimonos, but also other material such as wood, gold leaf and Tennyo-no-Hagoromo (robe of angel). The workshop is constantly developing new Yuzen technology to express Yuzen art on mediums such as interior, chinaware, tea boxes, stage costumes, etc. An example can be seen on the wall of the Starbucks coffee shop in Korinbo 109 in Kanazawa city. His work has received praise both nationally and internationally.

In this career design trip, we first listened to a lecture from Hisatsune sensei on his life as a Yuzen Artist and the difficulties he overcame. Being an ordinary businessman most of my life, I was fascinated by his experience. Also, we had a chance to view his workshop and actually try the dying process using Hisatsune sensei's coloring materials. The students were nervous, but managed to successfully color the fabric.

I was interested in how the students felt about the experience. The next day I read their reports and was surprised at how much they had to say. On October 13, the Kobo Hisatsune staff will pay us a visit at Hakusanroku campus and conduct a Yuzen dying workshop. Both students and teachers are welcome and I am very excited to participate.

Dean of Research and Projects

Shuntaro Yamazaki


キャリアデザイン特別活動 「工房久恒」訪問







October 5, 2018 STEM Fair

Students have been on vacation for about one month and a half from the beginning of August to the end of September. During that time, they went back to their homes and could relax. They also had to work on a STEM project of their choice and then present it at a fair at Hakusanroku campus. “STEM” stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, so students had a wide variety of choices for their projects depending on their interests.

The STEM fair was held on September 26th. Students each presented their project in English with a poster and some even brought props from their project. These projects ranged from building a remote controlled car to measuring the effectiveness of house cleaning products on killing mold to surveying Japanese people and foreigners on their ratio preference for pictures. The students put a lot of work and effort into their projects and it was nice to see the fruits of their labor. Doing projects of that scope in a second language is not easy, but they did a great job.

All teachers who came to see the projects were invited to evaluate them. The two best students were awarded with a first and second prize. Furthermore, an additional four students were awarded with a special award. These six winners will have to present their projects again during the ICT school festival that will take place on October 20th and 21st. Good luck to the students and I hope many people will come to encourage them!

Jason de Tilly


10月5日 STEMフェア






October 2, 2018

Hi again.  This is Maesa and I’m one of the facilitators at the Hakusan-roku campus.  I hope everyone had a good summer break and are ready to come back to learn something new and exciting.  This semester I continue to teach Computer Skills and Engineering Design classes.   One great thing about having the same course for multiple semesters is that we can explore more advance topics since these courses build upon one another.  During the last semester the students were able to build something amazing with an introductory knowledge.  I cannot wait to see what they build next after a little bit of experience and more advance topics.





August 31, 2018

Hello! I am Ryan Vicencio, one of the Learning Mentors at the Hakusanroku campus. I facilitate the evening learning sessions, helping the students with their homework and various projects. Right now, the students are off campus, enjoying their summer vacation. The summer programs have ended, and many teachers are starting to go on vacation as well. Campus is very quiet.

In contrast, the michi no eki across the street is bustling with life.

This station, called Sena, is a popular rest stop for tourists looking to experience the beautiful scenery that the Hakusan area has to offer.

Sena sports an omiyage shop and several cafes, and is the site for local events ranging from musical performances to classic car meet-ups. During the summer, the cafes sell ice cream to beat the heat, and with this summer being one of the hottest, ice cream is a must.

There are three options for ice cream at Sena, but the students’ and teachers’ unanimous favorite is the ice cream at a cafe called the Kijitora Coffee Research Lab (キジトラコーヒー研究所). Students would often be found there after afternoon classes and club activities, enjoying some unique soba tea ice cream or freshly made karaage. Sometimes, even teachers would end their work day with a delicious coffee float or some silky chocolate ice cream.

If you get the chance to visit campus, you should stop by for a chance at seeing the one of the cats after which the shop is named!

Ryan Vicencio









August 3, 2018

Sun hitting the school building

Hello, I am Inoue from the Department of Global Information and Management. Together with Yamazaki sensei and Kodaka sensei, I teach the Engineering Context 1A class at Hakusanroku campus. The first semester classes are reaching their final stages and students are working hard on their final presentation.

How is everyone doing during this nationwide heatwave? On July 23, 41.1 degrees Celsius was recorded in Kumagaya city, Saitama prefecture. Apparently, this is a national new record since five years ago. Although Hakusanroku campus is one to two degrees cooler than downtown Kanazawa, we are still experiencing high temperature around 34 degrees with strong sunshine. There is little shade to prevent the sun streaming into the school building (see picture 1). You many wonder what it is like indoors. Actually, it is quite cool and quiet. In this journal, I would like to introduce the school's air conditioning system.

First off, ICT's main building has two floors. As you may have seen in other pictures, both floors are connected under a high ceiling. It may be difficult to distinguish the two floors (see picture 2). The ceiling is so high that you could probably build a third floor (see pictures 3 and 4). In addition, the walls facing the courtyard are full framed grass windows. The whole building is feels open and quite spacious. You may wonder how we keep such a building cool.

At first glance, many fail to even find the air conditioning units. Looking up at the ceiling or wall or listening for the sound of the air conditioners will do you no good. Actually, Hakusanroku campus's air conditioning system is under the floor. There are vent holes in the floor in and out of the classrooms (see picture 5 and 6). You can feel the gentle cool air coming out of the vent holes if you put your hand near them. The air stream is not strong and does not blow up dust. The space humans can detect is only two meters from the ground. Therefore it may actually be more efficient to have air conditioning in the floor. In addition, there are multiple vent holes, which means that less airflow is necessary to circulate the cool air. This leads to the quiet sound. Removing the air conditioner from sight also increases the interior aesthetics. I doubt many schools in Japan have an air conditioning system like this.

In the classroom, students can enjoy the scenery of beautiful sky, mountains, and green grass out the windows unaffected by the heat as they study, (see picture 7). This is another streng of the Hakusanroku campus. The mountains will change red in autumn and white in winter. What will it be like then? That is a topic for next time.

Keisuke Inoue







August 2, 2018

This is Kodaka, in charge of Engineering Context. Today I would like to talk about this class. In the first half of the class, we learned about ethics needed as an engineer, the influence and background of how various technology was born, and the code of behavior we should follow when creating something new. In the second half of the class, we studied an important communication skill for engineers, drawing. Drawing is a skill of communication that is not only a valuable method of communication but also a vital process in product realization through mind development and visual thinking.

The course is reaching the stage in which students use what they have learned in the first semester to create new value. We use half of the class for group brainstorming to devise a theme. Putting yourself in other people's shoes is indispensable for this activity. However, it also cultivates engineering ethics as well as user empathy resulting in a well-balanced understanding of the idea creation process. The verbalized idea reports created by the students will be finalized as visual reports. Next week will be our last class and evaluation date for the students' presentations. I am looking forward to their final products.

Lately I feel that people's response in social media to incidents in society is somewhat off. There is a clear lack of common sense in the general public's thought process, decision making, attitude, and action toward things in society. I believe this unbalance of mind and thought is due to greed, self-interest, losing track of the essence of matter, or unconventional logic. In this age of interconnected society, it is important to retain a wide viewpoint and broad mind. However, it is equally important to look at the essence of things from multiple angles and converge diverse opinions with conscious ethical thinking. This class will continue to focus on creating honest engineering ethics, where students can contemplate together how the engineer should be in the future.

 Arihiro Kodaka




 小髙 有普


August 2, 2018

Hello everyone, my name is Hazwan Halim. I teach Basic Analysis at ICT's Hakusanroku campus and Electrical Engineering at Kanazawa campus.

 I still remember last January when we have heavy snow in some part of Japan. Some said that it is the heaviest snow in 20 years and some said 30 years. The snow falls rapidly and causes 1,500 cars stranded on the main road in Fukui as reported by the Japan Times news. Then in late June to mid-July, successive heavy downpours in southwestern Japan resulted in widespread, devastating floods and mudflows. An official at Japan Meteorological Agency describes the event as  "heavy rain at a level we've never experienced". It has cost 225 death (as of 20th July) and at least 50 are missing. Now, we are currently been struck by the phenomenal heatwave. While I am writing this journal (accompanying with air conditioner of course), BBC news just announced that the temperature in Japan has exceeded the national records. The searing heatwave has cost 40 lives and landed thousand in the hospital due to heat stroke.

This series of event is not only occurring in Japan but also in several another country in the world. These worldwide phenomena have been attributed to human-induced global warming. In 2015, the United Nation has come out with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to promote sustainable developments and to combat climate change. ICT Kanazawa takes an initiative to support the program by driving its research and education toward achieving the goals. I am very proud and keen to progress and work together to achieve the goals.

 Hazwan Halim





July 19, 2018

It's Ise from the Science and Technology department. Today I would like you to join me on a day at Hakusanroku campus.

  In the morning, we gathered to discuss details of the Engineering Design class in the afternoon. Today's class was the student's mid-term report of the prototyping process. The final presentation date is two weeks from now. We debated how to support the students during this period.

  After the meeting, I worked on a personal engineering design project of my own: improving the cleaning staff's working experience. This morning I built a bottle holder to attach to their tool cart. Currently, there is no space to put drinks or cellphones and the staff members do not want to put them with the cleaning utensils. I made the bottle holder from plywood, which I cut of using the laser cutter. The cleaning staff were extremely happy and I am considering making more for the remaining three carts.

After lunch, it was time for the Engineering Design class. The students gave presentations on their project's prototype and received advice from teachers and other students. Many of the students were nervous during the preparation time at the beginning of the class. However, everyone completed his or her presentation without any problems. There were many things students could not anticipate before actually creating the prototypes. I believe that they are beginning to understand the complexity of monozukuri.

We continued improving the prototypes based on the advice given. Each group divided its members depending on their strengths to increase efficiency.

After school, students worked on either the extracurricular activity Rube Goldberg machine (pitagora switch), or personal projects. It seems like they are living a fulfilling life at the campus. I hope students utilize the campus's facility fully to expand their monozukuri ability.

Ise Taisei






放課後には、クラブ活動のRube Goldberg machine(ピタゴラスイッチ) 製作、自主的なものづくり活動などを行い、充実したキャンパスライフを送っているようでした。このものづくりの環境を学生に最大限に活用してもらい、技術力を高めて欲しいと思います。

伊勢 大成


HOMEOctober 12, 2018