

April 22, 2021

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Reynolds and this is my first Hakusanroku Journal entry. I just started teaching at the Hakusanroku campus this spring, but I have actually been living and working in Kanazawa for quite some time. When I first came to Japan I taught English to university students at KIT, and in September, 2020 I started working at ICT’s Kanazawa campus. I usually teach 4th and 5th year courses, but I’m excited for the opportunity to work with the students at the Hakusanroku campus too.

I’m also excited to be working in the mountains and beautiful nature of the Hakusan area. My hometown is in Vermont, USA, which is also called the Green Mountain state, so being around the mountains feels like home to me. Kanazawa is a large city compared to the small town where I grew up, so I definitely feel more comfortable in the countryside. I also like to hike and ski, so I’m looking forward to more chances to explore the trails around the campus during my free time.

When I’m not outdoors, I really like to work on DIY projects. For example, I like taking old clothes and turning them into new items, such as cycling caps, bags, and other accessories. More recently, I have also been learning more about gardening and composting. I hope to grow a lot of vegetables and herbs this summer.

Since I taught at KIT previously, and have worked with some ICT faculty before, it has been easy for me to adjust my new job. Additionally, I’m very thankful to have met many other students, faculty, and staff for the first time. Thank you everyone for welcoming me into the ICT community. I look forward to learning and working together.

Stephanie Reynolds









April 22, 2021

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Reynolds and this is my first Hakusanroku Journal entry. I just started teaching at the Hakusanroku campus this spring, but I have actually been living and working in Kanazawa for quite some time. When I first came to Japan I taught English to university students at KIT, and in September, 2020 I started working at ICT’s Kanazawa campus. I usually teach 4th and 5th year courses, but I’m excited for the opportunity to work with the students at the Hakusanroku campus too.

I’m also excited to be working in the mountains and beautiful nature of the Hakusan area. My hometown is in Vermont, USA, which is also called the Green Mountain state, so being around the mountains feels like home to me. Kanazawa is a large city compared to the small town where I grew up, so I definitely feel more comfortable in the countryside. I also like to hike and ski, so I’m looking forward to more chances to explore the trails around the campus during my free time.

When I’m not outdoors, I really like to work on DIY projects. For example, I like taking old clothes and turning them into new items, such as cycling caps, bags, and other accessories. More recently, I have also been learning more about gardening and composting. I hope to grow a lot of vegetables and herbs this summer.

Since I taught at KIT previously, and have worked with some ICT faculty before, it has been easy for me to adjust my new job. Additionally, I’m very thankful to have met many other students, faculty, and staff for the first time. Thank you everyone for welcoming me into the ICT community. I look forward to learning and working together.

Stephanie Reynolds









March 13, 2021

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم As-salamu Alikom.

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام Wa Alikomu as-salam

 That is how to greet people in Arabic language. It is the salutation in Islam, that means you can use it with Muslim people whether they are Arabic language speakers or not.  “As-salamu Alikom”, means “peace be upon you!”, Wa Alikomu as-salam, means “And peace be upon you, too”

  Wishing people to have peace and live in peace is a meaningful wish. We learned throughout this difficult time that peace is not only the opposite of war. To live without pain, disease, and fear is peaceful. The 2020 academic year is coming to an end, our year three students couldn’t travel to New Zealand to study at Otago Polytechnique as planned because of the pandemic. They may have missed chances and experiences living and studying in another country. However, they have a peaceful life over here in the university`s International House. Part of the courses are held online with Otago Polytechnique, other courses were designed carefully by professors at ICT to help students get as much experience and learning as possible. Language and Culture course is an example of those courses. I and prof. Dr. Alaa Hussien were invited to introduce Arabic language to year 3 students last week.

 Students seemed to enjoy learning about Arabic language, and its importance as the first or a second language of more than 1.9 billion people around the world. They practiced basic Arabic daily conversation amongst themselves and with us. They were excited to know about different Arabic cultural perspectives such as calls for prayers, calligraphy, and arabesque. They were also surprised to listen to music pieces played using Arabic musical instruments and know how the music key is different in that part of the world.

This week, Students learned about food hidden cultures of both Egypt by myself and Guyana by Prof.Dr. Pauline Baird. They also watched previously recorded interviews about personal stories of Diana Stevenson (Prof. Ian Stevenson`s mother). She is an American citizen originally from Scotland. She shared her experiences on the subject of thrift during and after the world war II. I personally learned a lot from that video.

 Traveling to different countries might not be as easy as it used to be these days, but those places can be a lot closer and more accessible than what we think. I advise all of my students to keep digging down and look for all the opportunities to know and understand other cultures and ways of life. That is one main reason and meaning we are here in this life. As one of my favorite verses in Quran says "O Mankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).

Nagwa Fekri Rashed

*This journal was written in February

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم アッサラーム・アライクム

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام ワ・アライクム・アッサラーム


他人に平和と平穏を祈る行為は素晴らしいことです。この大変な時期を通じて、平和とはただ単に戦争が無い状態ではないことがわかりました。苦しみ、病気、不安なしに生活できることこそ平和です。2020年度が終わりを迎え、新型コロナウィルスのパンデミックで、3年生は結局ニュージーランドのオタゴポリテクニクに留学できませんでした。彼らは外国で暮らしながら勉強する機会を奪われてしまったのです。その代わり、国際交流会館で穏やかに過ごしています。オタゴポリテクニクの授業をオンラインで受けながら、国際高専の先生が丁寧に組んだ専用の科目を受講して、可能な限り経験と知識を獲得しています。そのひとつがLanguage and Cultureの科目です。先日、アラー・ホセイン教授と私がゲストとして呼ばれて、3年生にアラビア語を紹介しました。






March 13, 2021

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم As-salamu Alikom.

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام Wa Alikomu as-salam

 That is how to greet people in Arabic language. It is the salutation in Islam, that means you can use it with Muslim people whether they are Arabic language speakers or not.  “As-salamu Alikom”, means “peace be upon you!”, Wa Alikomu as-salam, means “And peace be upon you, too”

  Wishing people to have peace and live in peace is a meaningful wish. We learned throughout this difficult time that peace is not only the opposite of war. To live without pain, disease, and fear is peaceful. The 2020 academic year is coming to an end, our year three students couldn’t travel to New Zealand to study at Otago Polytechnique as planned because of the pandemic. They may have missed chances and experiences living and studying in another country. However, they have a peaceful life over here in the university`s International House. Part of the courses are held online with Otago Polytechnique, other courses were designed carefully by professors at ICT to help students get as much experience and learning as possible. Language and Culture course is an example of those courses. I and prof. Dr. Alaa Hussien were invited to introduce Arabic language to year 3 students last week.

 Students seemed to enjoy learning about Arabic language, and its importance as the first or a second language of more than 1.9 billion people around the world. They practiced basic Arabic daily conversation amongst themselves and with us. They were excited to know about different Arabic cultural perspectives such as calls for prayers, calligraphy, and arabesque. They were also surprised to listen to music pieces played using Arabic musical instruments and know how the music key is different in that part of the world.

This week, Students learned about food hidden cultures of both Egypt by myself and Guyana by Prof.Dr. Pauline Baird. They also watched previously recorded interviews about personal stories of Diana Stevenson (Prof. Ian Stevenson`s mother). She is an American citizen originally from Scotland. She shared her experiences on the subject of thrift during and after the world war II. I personally learned a lot from that video.

 Traveling to different countries might not be as easy as it used to be these days, but those places can be a lot closer and more accessible than what we think. I advise all of my students to keep digging down and look for all the opportunities to know and understand other cultures and ways of life. That is one main reason and meaning we are here in this life. As one of my favorite verses in Quran says "O Mankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).

Nagwa Fekri Rashed

*This journal was written in February

اَلْسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم アッサラーム・アライクム

وَعَلَيْكُمُ اَلْسَّلَام ワ・アライクム・アッサラーム


他人に平和と平穏を祈る行為は素晴らしいことです。この大変な時期を通じて、平和とはただ単に戦争が無い状態ではないことがわかりました。苦しみ、病気、不安なしに生活できることこそ平和です。2020年度が終わりを迎え、新型コロナウィルスのパンデミックで、3年生は結局ニュージーランドのオタゴポリテクニクに留学できませんでした。彼らは外国で暮らしながら勉強する機会を奪われてしまったのです。その代わり、国際交流会館で穏やかに過ごしています。オタゴポリテクニクの授業をオンラインで受けながら、国際高専の先生が丁寧に組んだ専用の科目を受講して、可能な限り経験と知識を獲得しています。そのひとつがLanguage and Cultureの科目です。先日、アラー・ホセイン教授と私がゲストとして呼ばれて、3年生にアラビア語を紹介しました。






2021年26日(土)、白山麓キャンパスの特別活動としてスノーハイキングを行いました。このイベントはNature and Adventure Clubの尾張コーチの企画運営によるものです。参加者はアファフさん、本田さん、勝方さん、酒井さん、中里さん(全員1年生)、尾張コーチ、潟辺先生、フィリップ先生、ナグワ先生と私です。朝9時に白山麓キャンパスを出発し、20分ほどのところにある岩間林道入り口に車を駐車しました。そこからカンジキを履いてハイキングを開始しました。途中、尾張コーチによるカンジキ歩行や動物の足跡観察のレクチャーが行われました。見晴らしの良い尾根に出たところで休憩、春の兆しを感じる日光浴をしながら、気持ちの良いひと時を過ごしました。11時過ぎに目的地であるブナオ山観察舎に到着し、双眼鏡を覗いたりイヌワシなどの剥製を観察しました。今シーズン初めて実施したスノーハイクは、全員が安心して楽しむことができたため、来年度以降Nature and Adventure Clubの定例イベントにしていこうと思います。

On February 6 (Sat) 2021, a group of students and teachers went snow hiking near Hakusanroku Campus. This event was organized by Owari coach of the Nature & Adventure Club. Participants were Afaf, Honda, Katsukata, Sakei, Nakazato (all first-year students), Owari coach, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Nagwa sensei, and myself. We departed from ICT at 9 am and parked near the entrance to Iwama Rindo, which is about a 20 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus. We put on our snow shoes and began hiking. On the way, Owari coach gave advice about how to walk with snow shoes and how to observe various animal tracks. There was a nice ridge with a beautiful view and we stopped to take a group photo and enjoy the warm sun. It was a our first glimmer of spring. We arrived at our destination, the Binao Mountain Observatory, and spent time looking through the binoculars and observing the stuffed animals on display such as the golden eagle. I'm glad students were able to safely enjoy this year's first snow hike. Hopefully it can be an event we do every year.



Shuntaro Yamazaki

写真提供:酒井遼(1年)Photos by Ryo Sakei (first year)

2021年26日(土)、白山麓キャンパスの特別活動としてスノーハイキングを行いました。このイベントはNature and Adventure Clubの尾張コーチの企画運営によるものです。参加者はアファフさん、本田さん、勝方さん、酒井さん、中里さん(全員1年生)、尾張コーチ、潟辺先生、フィリップ先生、ナグワ先生と私です。朝9時に白山麓キャンパスを出発し、20分ほどのところにある岩間林道入り口に車を駐車しました。そこからカンジキを履いてハイキングを開始しました。途中、尾張コーチによるカンジキ歩行や動物の足跡観察のレクチャーが行われました。見晴らしの良い尾根に出たところで休憩、春の兆しを感じる日光浴をしながら、気持ちの良いひと時を過ごしました。11時過ぎに目的地であるブナオ山観察舎に到着し、双眼鏡を覗いたりイヌワシなどの剥製を観察しました。今シーズン初めて実施したスノーハイクは、全員が安心して楽しむことができたため、来年度以降Nature and Adventure Clubの定例イベントにしていこうと思います。

On February 6 (Sat) 2021, a group of students and teachers went snow hiking near Hakusanroku Campus. This event was organized by Owari coach of the Nature & Adventure Club. Participants were Afaf, Honda, Katsukata, Sakei, Nakazato (all first-year students), Owari coach, Katabe sensei, Philip sensei, Nagwa sensei, and myself. We departed from ICT at 9 am and parked near the entrance to Iwama Rindo, which is about a 20 minute drive from Hakusanroku Campus. We put on our snow shoes and began hiking. On the way, Owari coach gave advice about how to walk with snow shoes and how to observe various animal tracks. There was a nice ridge with a beautiful view and we stopped to take a group photo and enjoy the warm sun. It was a our first glimmer of spring. We arrived at our destination, the Binao Mountain Observatory, and spent time looking through the binoculars and observing the stuffed animals on display such as the golden eagle. I'm glad students were able to safely enjoy this year's first snow hike. Hopefully it can be an event we do every year.



Shuntaro Yamazaki

写真提供:酒井遼(1年)Photos by Ryo Sakei (first year)

We are approaching the end of our third year of ICT’s new curriculum and new campus. There are many things I love about living and working in Hakusanroku. One of them is the history and culture of this area. I always like to find out about the places I live, and I’ve been trying to do that here by getting involved in the community. I hold monthly English Café events at the local Community Centre, and I made an English translation of the exhibitions at the Hakusan Folk Museum in Shiramine.

Another way of learning about the history and culture of Hakusanroku is through our school’s library, which has some old books about the local area. When browsing one day I pulled a fascinating bilingual book off the shelf: ‘Villages of Tedori River Gorge: The final curtain descends on a way of life, its traditions, and ancient culture’ by Morton W. Huber.

It turns out that Morton Huber was a Professor of Environmental Science at KIT in the 1970s and in his spare time used to travel up to Hakusanroku to paint, draw, and take photographs. This book was published in 1976 and in it Dr. Huber writes about the way of life and culture of people in Hakusanroku, including ningyou jyoruri puppet shows from Higashi-futakuchi and Fukaze, hinoki crafts from Fukaze, and silkworm raising and tree growing in Kuwajima. He also writes at length about the Tedori Dam that was due to be built and many of these villages, and their culture, were due to be lost. As a result, the book has an underlying nostalgia and sadness, along with Dr. Huber’s beautiful photographs and sketches, which evoke a rural way of life that has mostly been lost, but glimpses of which can still occasionally be seen.

I searched for Dr. Huber online and found that he is still alive – aged 97! I think it would be very interesting if his old employer, KIT, got in touch to tell him about the new campus they built in a part of the world that he loved so much.

James Taylor (English Department)


そして、国際高専の図書館は白山麓の歴史や文化についての古い本がたくさんあります。ある日、僕はとても面白いバイリンガルな本を1冊見つけました。それは、モートン・ヒューバー先生の「手取峡谷の村落 終幕の下りるとき」という本です。




We are approaching the end of our third year of ICT’s new curriculum and new campus. There are many things I love about living and working in Hakusanroku. One of them is the history and culture of this area. I always like to find out about the places I live, and I’ve been trying to do that here by getting involved in the community. I hold monthly English Café events at the local Community Centre, and I made an English translation of the exhibitions at the Hakusan Folk Museum in Shiramine.

Another way of learning about the history and culture of Hakusanroku is through our school’s library, which has some old books about the local area. When browsing one day I pulled a fascinating bilingual book off the shelf: ‘Villages of Tedori River Gorge: The final curtain descends on a way of life, its traditions, and ancient culture’ by Morton W. Huber.

It turns out that Morton Huber was a Professor of Environmental Science at KIT in the 1970s and in his spare time used to travel up to Hakusanroku to paint, draw, and take photographs. This book was published in 1976 and in it Dr. Huber writes about the way of life and culture of people in Hakusanroku, including ningyou jyoruri puppet shows from Higashi-futakuchi and Fukaze, hinoki crafts from Fukaze, and silkworm raising and tree growing in Kuwajima. He also writes at length about the Tedori Dam that was due to be built and many of these villages, and their culture, were due to be lost. As a result, the book has an underlying nostalgia and sadness, along with Dr. Huber’s beautiful photographs and sketches, which evoke a rural way of life that has mostly been lost, but glimpses of which can still occasionally be seen.

I searched for Dr. Huber online and found that he is still alive – aged 97! I think it would be very interesting if his old employer, KIT, got in touch to tell him about the new campus they built in a part of the world that he loved so much.

James Taylor (English Department)


そして、国際高専の図書館は白山麓の歴史や文化についての古い本がたくさんあります。ある日、僕はとても面白いバイリンガルな本を1冊見つけました。それは、モートン・ヒューバー先生の「手取峡谷の村落 終幕の下りるとき」という本です。




Hello everyone, Welcome back to the journey (^o^)//. As you follow Hakusanroku Journal, The group of second-year students has been doing in Engineering Design class. Some of the students planted sweet potatoes in the garden across the campus. Unfortunately, The monkey gangsters stole the lovely sweet potatoes from the students.

Following this journal : https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/12370/

皆さん、こんにちは。旅路へおかえりなさい(^o^)// 白山麓ジャーナルを普段から読んでいる方は、2年生のグループによるエンジニアリングデザインの活動について読んだことがあるでしょう。キャンパスの向かいの畑にさつまいもを植えた学生のグループがいます。しかし、残念ながら愛情を込めたさつまいもは猿のギャングによって盗まれてしまいました。

However, The “Agri-tech” group decided to create a system that can detect the monkey by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). They went to Ishikawaken Shinrin Koen Forest Zoo in Tsubata-machi and took photos of monkeys for teaching a machine (Machine Learning : ML) to recognize the monkey.


In my part, I have been used to Machine Learning before. Then, I suggest the student use the Jetson nano development board for their project. Jetson nano is a Small, Powerful computer for makers, learners, and developers. It’s easy to get started building practical AI Applications.

私は以前にも機械学習をしたことがありましたので、学生たちにJetson nano development boardを使うように勧めました。Jetson nanoはエンジニア、学生、開発者用に作られた小型ながらパワフルなコンピューターです。AIを使った実用的なアプリケーションを初めて作る人に適しています。

After the students took a Thousand monkey photos, We had to supervise the machine to recognize the monkey. We start designing the system and labeling all the images where the monkeys are in the photos.


The students spend a couple of weeks training a model that uses 100 images, 200 images, 300 images, and increasing to 1500 images and So on.


Finally, We got a model that is high accuracy and satisfied.


We went back to Forest park again and tested our machine. As you can see in the video, The system can detect real-time and count the monkeys by using a USB camera.


In the future, The students plan to make a box cover the device and install the machine in their garden to protect our sweet potatoes from the monkey.


Apirak Sang-ngenchai


電気学会 U-21 学生研究発表会で最優秀賞受賞


Hello everyone, Welcome back to the journey (^o^)//. As you follow Hakusanroku Journal, The group of second-year students has been doing in Engineering Design class. Some of the students planted sweet potatoes in the garden across the campus. Unfortunately, The monkey gangsters stole the lovely sweet potatoes from the students.

Following this journal : https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp/journal/12370/

皆さん、こんにちは。旅路へおかえりなさい(^o^)// 白山麓ジャーナルを普段から読んでいる方は、2年生のグループによるエンジニアリングデザインの活動について読んだことがあるでしょう。キャンパスの向かいの畑にさつまいもを植えた学生のグループがいます。しかし、残念ながら愛情を込めたさつまいもは猿のギャングによって盗まれてしまいました。

However, The “Agri-tech” group decided to create a system that can detect the monkey by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). They went to Ishikawaken Shinrin Koen Forest Zoo in Tsubata-machi and took photos of monkeys for teaching a machine (Machine Learning : ML) to recognize the monkey.


In my part, I have been used to Machine Learning before. Then, I suggest the student use the Jetson nano development board for their project. Jetson nano is a Small, Powerful computer for makers, learners, and developers. It’s easy to get started building practical AI Applications.

私は以前にも機械学習をしたことがありましたので、学生たちにJetson nano development boardを使うように勧めました。Jetson nanoはエンジニア、学生、開発者用に作られた小型ながらパワフルなコンピューターです。AIを使った実用的なアプリケーションを初めて作る人に適しています。

After the students took a Thousand monkey photos, We had to supervise the machine to recognize the monkey. We start designing the system and labeling all the images where the monkeys are in the photos.


The students spend a couple of weeks training a model that uses 100 images, 200 images, 300 images, and increasing to 1500 images and So on.


Finally, We got a model that is high accuracy and satisfied.


We went back to Forest park again and tested our machine. As you can see in the video, The system can detect real-time and count the monkeys by using a USB camera.


In the future, The students plan to make a box cover the device and install the machine in their garden to protect our sweet potatoes from the monkey.


Apirak Sang-ngenchai


電気学会 U-21 学生研究発表会で最優秀賞受賞



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