
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

October 19, 2022 後学期も新メンバーを加えてラジオ番組開始!

 こんにちは。ラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on  Radio」のプロデューサー兼ディレクターの伊藤です。早いもので、昨年の9月から始まった、学生とつくるラジオ番組「白山麓ジャーナル on Radio」が放送開始から1年経ちました。最初はなかなか喋る内容や話を膨らませる方法がわからず、リテイクの嵐で、収録に2時間以上かかっていたにも関わらず、クオリティが全然ダメで全部再収録した、なんてこともありましたが、さすがに私も学生も慣れてきて、スムーズに収録ができるようになってきました。
 後学期からは新たに1年生2名、水澤 諒也さん、村上 一龍さんがラジオのプロジェクトに加わり、これまでのメンバー(2年生 泉屋 匠吾さん、柿田 紗蘭さん、三輪 恵万さん、1年生 白石 春翔さん、夏木 亮凪さん、山本 明葵さん)と共にもっとパワーアップした番組を放送していきたいと思います。
 8月30日に放送した番組では特別編として「Voice from New Zealand」と題して、ニュージーランドに出発する直前の3年生をゲストに、オンライン通話を繋いで、インタビューを行いました。聞いてくれた方には留学を控えた3年生のワクワクとドキドキが伝わったんじゃないかと思います。なかなか好評だったようで、2022年度内にもう数回放送する予定です。ニュージーランドの学校のこと、生活のこと、さまざまな活動について聞いてみたいですね。


伊藤 周


 Hello. I am Ito, producer and director of the radio project “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”. It has been a year since the start of “Hakusanroku Journal on Radio”, a radio program created with students that began last September. At first, it was difficult to understand what to say and how to expand on what we were saying, and even though it took over two hours to record, we had to rerecord everything from the beginning many times because of the poor quality of the recordings. However, as expected, the students and I became accustomed to the recording process and were able to record smoothly.
 In the second semester, two new 1st year students, Ryoya Mizusawa and Ichiryu Murakami, joined the radio project, and together with the existing members (2nd year students Shogo Izumiya, Saran Kakita, and Ema Miwa, and 1st year students Haruto Shiraishi, Ryona Natsuki and Aki Yamamoto). With the new and existing members, we are looking forward to taking our programming to the next level.
 The August 30th program was a special edition called Voice from New Zealand, in which we interviewed 3rd year students just before their departure for New Zealand via an online call. I think those who listened to the interview could feel the excitement and thrill of the 3rd year students as they prepared to study abroad. The interview was quite well received, and we plan to broadcast several more interviews during the 2022 school year. The students and I are looking forward to hearing about students’ lives in NZ, their school experiences and what they are doing.
 My concern is that because we tried to sound too professional and good, unconsciously the talks are becoming a bit superficial. I am hoping to dig a little deeper and have more meaningful conversations with the students. Also, since April, I have been using the official ICT Twitter account to post the recording dates of the radio broadcasts and a link to the simulcast that can be listened to on the Internet, but recently I am concerned that the number of listeners has not increased. The students talk about the school quite freely, so I think that junior high school students who listen to the broadcast and are considering applying to ICT could get a feel for the atmosphere of the school.
 In the second semester, we will continue to work with students to create a radio program that conveys the free and fun atmosphere of the ICT Hakusanroku Campus. Please listen to the real voices of our students.

ICT official twitter account: https://twitter.com/ICTKanazawa
Simulradio link: https://www.simulradio.info/index.html#hokuriku
Tuesday, the 4th and 5th week of every month from 17:30-17:58
We also re-broadcast from 9:00-9:28 and 17:00-17:28 on the following Sunday.

 Meguru Ito

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalOctober 19, 2022 後学期も新メンバーを加えてラジオ番組開始!