
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 23, 2023 「今日僕は風に乗りました」 白山麓Winter Sports Day

白山麓Winter Sports Day 2023/02/28

 そして、その願いが叶う日が来ました。昨年まではネイチャー&アドベンチャー(以下N&A)クラブとして実施してきたスキー活動を今年は、「白山麓Winter Sports Day」と称して、228日(火)に白山麓キャンパス全体の活動として実施できたのです。その結果、去年はN&Aクラブ員4名、引率教員4名だったのが、今年は白山麓キャンパスの参加希望学生23名、引率教職員17名、総勢40名のスキーヤー、スノーボーダーが集うビッグイベントになりました。
 午前中は、白山一里野温泉スキー学校から3人のインストラクターをお招きして、初心者班(学生6名、木原先生)、初級班(学生6名、津田先生)、中級班(学生8名)の3班が講習を受けました。そして、 上級班(学生3名)はフィリップ先生と私が引率して、難コースを朝からガンガン攻めました。





 そして、午後からは、班別でフリー滑走を楽しみました。中上級班では、フリー過ぎて林道コースから飛び出してしまう学生(学生バンド“Electronic Heart Mothers”のGuitarist)もいました。幸いなことに本人は無事でしたが、引率の山崎先生の心臓が止まりそうになりました。

「先生 … 今日僕は風に乗りました。」
 私は定年退職を目前にして、どうやら一人の 「詩人スキーヤー」 誕生の瞬間に立ち会えたようです。



潟辺 豊

I rode the wind today.

                             Hakusanroku Winter Sports Day    February, 28th 2023

 I am KTB, a member of the Japanese language department. I became obsessed with the deeply fascinating sport of skiing around the age of 35. At that time, my goal was to go skiing every year for the same number of days as my age. I used to go to Hakusan Chugu Onsen ski resort, which is no longer in operation, as much as three times a week. (Of course, now I am not competing to go as many times per year as my age). Being a careless person, I once left my skies in the parking of the Chugu ski resort. I noticed this a week later and went to get them, but they already had become rental skis (I was disappointed to find that the boots no longer fit and that the 'Ski Idiot' sticker, which had marked the right ski, had been removed.). And on another day I forgot my boots at Hakuba Happo One ski resort in April and didn't realize it until December. One time when I was sleeping overnight in my car in the parking lot, I was invited to stay at the dormitory by Mr. Hiromura, the principal of Chugu Pro Ski School. I was also given a drink and hard tofu, which is one of this region's specialty foods. The girls at the ticket booth told me twice that I had won a prize for perfect attendance. 
 Skiing used to be very popular. On weekends, there was a 30-minute wait for the lifts on the all-night ski slopes, even at 2 a.m. Hakusan Chugu Onsen ski resort even had a winter fireworks display on the slopes. 
 One of the best things about skiing (and the same can be said for guitar) is that you can make friends with anyone on the spot, transcending age and gender differences. At a ski school camp in Naeba, I once hit it off with a boy I was sharing a room with named "Yuta," a second year junior high school student, and after dinner we skied together on the night slope.
 I also went skiing in New Zealand. In the hotel lift, a local asked me, "Which ski resort did you go to?" When I replied “Treble Cone” (a ski resort famous for its vast zones of powder), he smiled back and said That's exciting! It was also skiing that gave me the opportunity to meet the woman who would become my wife.
 Anyway, skiing has added a wonderful color to my life. That is why I have always had the desire to be a "ski evangelist" and convey the charm of skiing to students since I started working at the Hakusanroku Campus.
 And the day came when that wish came true. This year, the skiing activity, which had been held as a Nature and Adventure (N & A) club activity, was held as a Hakusanroku Winter Sports Day on Tuesday, February 28th as an activity for the entire Hakusanroku Campus. As a result, last year there were 4 N & A Club students and 4 faculty members at the event, but this year there were 23 students who wanted to participate and 17 faculty & staff members from ICT, making it a big event with a total of 40 skiers and snowboarders.
 In the morning, three instructors from the Hakusan Ichirino Onsen Ski School were invited to do a training session with three groups: the novice group (6 students & Kihara-Sensei), the beginner group (6 students & Tsuda-Sensei) and the intermediate group (8 students). The advanced group (3 students) was led by Philip-Sensei and me, and we went hard on the difficult course from the morning.
 After the lesson, we had lunch at the Ai-Aru restaurant in the ski resort. I had the curry with pork cutlet, which Philip-Sensei highly praises as "the best in the world!" The curry was delicious, with freshly fried pork cutlets.
 Philip-Sensei said "Ichirino's cutlet curry is the best in the world!" However now "Ichirino" seems to be number two because the food prepared by Philip's fiancée is so delicious. Philip's wonderful fiancée is from Kanazawa Sakuragaoka High School in Ishikawa Prefecture, and her 1st year homeroom teacher in Sakuragaoka High School was, to my surprise, me (I didn't introduce them to each other, it was just another chance encounter).
 In the afternoon, we enjoyed free skiing with our groups. In the intermediate and advanced group, there was a student (a guitarist in a student band called Electronic Heart Mothers) who flew off of the forest course run because he was too free. Fortunately, he was uninjured, but Yamazaki-Sensei, the leader of the group, thought that his heart had stopped.
 I led the beginner group in the afternoon, and on the lift after 2 p.m. I heard one student muttering,
 “Sensei, today I rode the wind.
 It seems that on the eve of my retirement, I was present at the birth of a "poet skier".
 On a personal note, I am sorry to say, I have chosen to retire at the age of 60. In April I will be taking on a new challenge (enrolling in a culinary school to obtain a chef's license). I have enjoyed spending time with the students at ICT, camping, skiing, playing the guitar and have felt that they have been like young friends. After the last show of the band on Thursday, March 2nd, we didn't make any promises to meet again, and we didn't say goodbye, but I have a feeling we will see each other again.
Because we are friends.

Thank you.

Yutaka Katabe

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 23, 2023 「今日僕は風に乗りました」 白山麓Winter Sports Day