
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

November 17, 2022 アイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会を振り返って

 こんにちは、デザイン&ファブリケーション(D&F)クラブ顧問兼、高専ロボコン白山麓チーム指導教員の久島です。1023日(日)に行われたアイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会について紹介します。


 AB両チームが受賞、Aチームは全国大会出場と、しばらく高専ロボコンの活動がなかった国際高専にとっては、再スタートのいい滑り出しとなる大会になったのではないでしょうか。国際高専の今後の活躍に期待が持てます。特に12年生はラーニングセッション(夜の学習時間)のない日には、教職員指導の下、遅くまでMaker Studioを使うことができるので、これからどんどん腕を磨いていってほしいと思います。

久島 康嘉

 Hello, I’m Kushima, the advisor of Design & Fabrication (D & F) club and the advisor of Hakusanroku team in the ROBOCON College of Technology. Today, I would like to introduce the recent event we went to, the Tokai-Hokuriku Regional ROBOCON 2022.
 This year was the 35th year of the competition, and it was the first time in a long time that the regional competition was held onsite after two years of online competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of this year's competition was to have robots fly paper airplanes and place them on various objects to compete for points. The key point of the competition was how to make the paper planes fly and how to make them fly to the target which were also not easy to target by humans.
 There were two teams of ICT participated in the competition: Team A consisted of three fourth-year students from the Kanazawa Campus, and Team B consisted of eight first- and second-year students from the Hakusanroku Campus.

 At Hakusanroku Campus, I recruited participate for the ROBOCON from a D & F Club meeting, and three second-year students and five first-year students joined the team. The activities for the ROBOCON started in April, when the rules were announced, and the team members worked on ideas for what kind of robot they would like to make and they also designed paper airplanes. However, since Team B students had never built a robot before, students’ ideas were impossible to build with their ability, and they could not make much progress in designing the robot. Therefore, in consultation with Wakamatsu-san, an engineer, students started to design and build a robot that was within their capabilities. However, due to the delay in designing and the fact that they could not have enough time for activities due to the summer vacation, the robot building began in the second semester.  
 The Team B’s robot is a simple design with a paper airplane launching mechanism on a three-wheeled omniwheel robot. The launching mechanism itself was designed to use a constant-load spring to launch the paper airplanes, and loading was done manually. The paper airplanes flew very well, probably due to the shape of the wings. As the competition got closer, students spent time not only after school but also Saturdays and Sundays working on their robot. We extended the launch mechanism the week before the robot was to be transported out, and the robot stopped working during the operation practice the day before the robot was to be transported out.
 At the ROBOCON, they were influenced by the atmosphere around them and they were working harder than usual. During the practice sessions at the Hakusanroku campus, they were able to put paper airplanes on the nearest object but unfortunately, they could not put any of the paper airplanes on the objects during the ROBOCON, and they regrettably lost the preliminary round. However, while some teams were not able to move their robots as they wished, it is amazing that our students were able to move from the starting point and fly their paper airplanes. Thanks to their efforts, Team B was awarded the Makino Milling Machine Prize.
 On the other hand, Team A fought well even though they were a team of only three members, some of whom were complete beginners, participating in the ROBOCON of technical colleges for the first time. Unfortunately, they were eliminated from the semifinals, but they awarded the Technical Award and qualified for the national competition! I was happy to see this result, as I had seen them working harder for the ROBOCON during the summer vacation and when I had a class at the Kanazawa campus.
 I am sure that the first- and second- year students must have felt challenged and accomplished from seeing the robots of other schools and the activities of their seniors up close at this ROBOCON.

  With both Team A and B winning prizes and Team A participating in the national competition, this ROBOCON was a good start for ICT, which has not been active for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing the future success of ICT at ROBOCON. In particular, the first- and second-year students can use the Maker Studio until late (under the guidance of faculty members) on days when there are no learning sessions, so I hope that they will continue to improve their skills.

Kushima Yoshihiro

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalNovember 17, 2022 アイデア対決・全国高等専門学校ロボットコンテスト 2022 東海北陸地区大会を振り返って