FY 2019


December 24, 2019 バイオマス発電見学

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。




佐藤 俊太朗

Hello, I am Shuntaro Sato who is first year student of department of science and technology.

I thought that I could see beautiful autumn leaves in October, then suddenly I could see snow at the Hakusanroku campus. It has become the season for eating mikans indoors.

The other day, I went on a tour of the biomass power generation that is researched by Kanazawa Institute of Technology. The heat generated during the biomass power generation is sent to a strawberry green house. Biomass power generation consumes a lot of chips of wood. We use it based on the concept of carbon neutral. Carbon neutral is the idea that “if carbon dioxide emissions and absorption are the same, it is eco-friendly”. We make a cycle of planting young trees with high carbon dioxide absorption and generating electricity using old trees with low carbon dioxide absorption. By this, areas of forest which the part where human have touched becomes the border between humans and animals such as bears, monkeys and boars. In addition, we can expect activation of local forestry.
This time, we actually entered a mountain near the campus, cut small thin pieces from the already cut cedar trees, and put them in a crusher to make chips. This was the first time I saw a chainsaw cutting a tree. I used an electric chainsaw, which is also environmentally friendly. If this biomass power generation spreads, the environment will be better and the forestry can be activated. In addition, I think that regional revitalization can be expected in areas surrounded by mountains.

Next is the strawberry greenhouse. The frame of this greenhouse is made of wooden materials with excellent heat insulation. The heat generated from biomass power generation is used for heat insulation. In addition to adjust the temperature, volume of water, and amounts of bees, this greenhouse uses LED lights to adjust the amount of solar radiation. When I went to the greenhouse this time, I was shown the first strawberry. In the future, I realized again that it was time to leave AI and robots to work. However, instead of relying entirely on AI, I thought it was important to find a method that could be recognized and improved by someone after hundreds of years by keeping a record of the technology and knowledge. It was a good experience to be exposed to new technologies at this tour. The contents learned in the class of Engineering Context 1B actually came out and deepened my understanding.

Shuntaro Sato


December 21, 2019 加賀友禅




 Hello, this is Kihara, the first-year homeroom teacher. Time flies and this year is almost over. After the long awaited by students winter break, classes will finish in almost one month. Students have grown from their experience living here, not only through classwork, but also through club activities and extracurricular activities. In today's journal, I would like to talk about the first-year student's last event this year.

 At ICT, we aim to foster exceptional innovators not only through high tech science and technology, but also through classical and traditional art. Following this objective, we visited the Kaga-yuzen Hisatsune Kobo workshop on September 24. There, we learned about the graceful world of Kaga-yuzen, its craftsmanship, the difficulty of protecting traditional kimonos, and the ingenuity put into cultivating a new audience. We also discussed possible solutions to the issues traditional art faces and presented them to Mr. Hisatsune.

 On December 21, I finally had my chance to try Kaga-yuzen dyeing. Each student chose a picture of their liking and colored it. Even if the students chose the same picture, the finishing result was totally different depending on the colors and pattern they used. Each piece of work reflected their taste and personality well. We spend most of our time studying engineering here at ICT. Therefore, the pleasant sight of our first-year students engrossed in art gave me a feeling of confidence for their future.

December 12, 2019 全国高校生コマ対戦を終えて

S科1年ロボコンチームの畠中 義基です。

2019年11月23日(土)に愛知県で行われた、第7回全国高校生コマ大戦 名古屋モーターショー場所に出場してきました。出場メンバーは、僕と、同じく国際理工学科1年の佐藤俊太朗と杉晃太朗の3人で1チームとして参加してきました。僕たちがコマの大会に出場することになったのは、9月の下旬に先生に勧められたことからでした。出場が決まってから約2か月間放課後にコマの製作と研究を何度も繰り返し約80個のコマを製作しました。最初のほうは、回転時間があまり伸びず嫌になることもありましたが、何とかやり遂げることができました。僕が最後までやり遂げることができたのは、同じデザイン&ファブリケーションクラブのプロコンチームが全国高等専門学校プログラミングコンテストで本選に出場するなど、結果を残している中で、ロボコンチームは、何も結果を残してないということに何か結果を出さないといけないと思っていたからです。大会の結果は予選敗退(7勝3敗)でした。負けた3試合は、すべて自分の失投(コマの投げミス)によるものだったのですごく悔しいです。もっと練習をしておけばよかったとすごく後悔しています。この負けを次のコマ大戦やほかの活動に活かしていきたいと思います。

畠中 義基

My name is Yoshiki Hatanaka. I'm a first year student of the Department of Science and Technology.

On November 23 (Sat), I participated in the 7th National High School Spintop Battle Tournament (Koma-taisen) at Nagoya Motor Show. Fellow first year students and teammates Shuntaro Sato and Koutaro Sugi also participated in this tournament. We learned about this tournament from our couch in the end of September. For two months after school, we manufactured and analyzed over 80 spintops. In the beginning, we could not improve our spining time and I felt like giving up at times. However, we stayed strong and pushed through to the end. The reason we were able to continue is because the ProCon team from the same Design and Fabrication Club participated in the National Kosen Programming Contest and we as a team felt pressure to achieve a result of our own. We were eliminated in the preliminary round with a record of seven wins and three losses. The three games we lost were due to a miss throw from myself, which was very frustrating. I regret that I didn't spend more time practicing spinning the tops. We plan to use this experience in future spintop tournaments and other activities.

Yoshiki Hatanaka



December 11, 2019

Brrr. It’s getting cold, but it’s going to be exciting! Winter Camp is starting next week, and I’ll be leading the Drone Programming experience! We started using drones during last Summer Camp by manually controlling them and taking aerial videos that the students later used in their presentations.

This time we will program the drones to fly automatically indoors. I have some obstacle courses for the campers to try out and hopefully we can end with an autonomous drone race! But 1st, the drones need some time recovering in the “hospital”.

Luckily, we have some great teachers here who can help nurse the drones and get them back up again. They are very hard-working drones. We also use them to teach programming in our Computer Skills 2B classes, so they pretty much are used to “hospital” visits.

Until next time. 








December 4, 2019

 Hi everyone, its Ryan again! Today I’d like to talk about one of the highlights of November, the school’s Sports Festival (球技大会).
 On 11/16, the S class students travelled down the mountain to compete with their classmates in the school’s annual Sports Festival. This year, the S1 and S2 students combined forces in badminton, basketball, and dodgeball to compete against the upperclassmen. 
 The S class teams faced tough opposition against bigger, stronger, and more experienced students, but they still fought hard. Their tenacity and enthusiasm were impressive, and the underclassmen were able to win many matches against their seniors. Ultimately, S class teams were able to secure 5th place in both the basketball and dodgeball tournaments. 
 Results aside, the festival was a good opportunity for the students to break up the monotony of their schoolwork while working together with their classmates. The students enjoyed their chance to get moving and test their skills while being supported and cheered on by their friends and cleverly took advantage of the nearby bookstore to purchase the latest volumes of their favorite manga and light novels.
 In the end, the Sports Festival was a great experience for all the students. The only complaint that anyone seems to have is that they weren’t able to stop at McDonald’s on the way back!

Ryan J. Vicencio





HOMEOctober 2, 2019