June 30, 2024 自転車通勤





 白山麓キャンパスは標高320mほどあり、「往路は登りで大変だけど、復路は降りだから楽だね」というイメージをされがちです。しかし、往路が登り基調とはいっても、距離30kmを高さ300mという道のりですから、傾斜は1%程と実は大したことはありません。そして復路は下り基調とはいえUP DOWNをクリアしていくので、楽に脚を回し続けられる訳でもありません。それよりも風向きと風速などの風による影響を一番大きく受け、特に向かい風の強い時は、坂道を上っているような気分となり、嫌な気持ちになってしまいます。

本田 尋識

 This is Honda from the Hakusanroku Office.
 At the end of last month, I started commuting to Hakusanroku campus by bicycle for the first time in a while. Of course, I don't intend to do it every day, but only once a week. The reason is that the days are getting longer and I wanted to change my daily exercise routine.
 It is about 30 km from my house to the Hakusanroku Campus. I try to leave home around 6:30 a.m. so that I can arrive at the campus by 8:00 a.m.

 People tend to think that the journey from my house is hard because of the climb, and the return journey is easy because of the descent. However, even though the outward journey is uphill, the slope is only about 1%, which is not much, since the distance is 30 km and the height is 300m. The return journey is downhill, but even though the return trip is downhill, it is not always easy to keep the legs turning because there are ups and downs. The wind has the biggest impact, especially when there is a strong headwind, which makes you feel like you are going uphill, which is unpleasant.
 It is hard to wake up more than an hour earlier than usual, but I can appreciate the beauty of nature for the 3 hours it takes to get there and back. The beauty of the ride makes it a more enjoyable commute.

Hironori Honda

June 30, 2024 自転車通勤





 白山麓キャンパスは標高320mほどあり、「往路は登りで大変だけど、復路は降りだから楽だね」というイメージをされがちです。しかし、往路が登り基調とはいっても、距離30kmを高さ300mという道のりですから、傾斜は1%程と実は大したことはありません。そして復路は下り基調とはいえUP DOWNをクリアしていくので、楽に脚を回し続けられる訳でもありません。それよりも風向きと風速などの風による影響を一番大きく受け、特に向かい風の強い時は、坂道を上っているような気分となり、嫌な気持ちになってしまいます。

本田 尋識

 This is Honda from the Hakusanroku Office.
 At the end of last month, I started commuting to Hakusanroku campus by bicycle for the first time in a while. Of course, I don't intend to do it every day, but only once a week. The reason is that the days are getting longer and I wanted to change my daily exercise routine.
 It is about 30 km from my house to the Hakusanroku Campus. I try to leave home around 6:30 a.m. so that I can arrive at the campus by 8:00 a.m.

 People tend to think that the journey from my house is hard because of the climb, and the return journey is easy because of the descent. However, even though the outward journey is uphill, the slope is only about 1%, which is not much, since the distance is 30 km and the height is 300m. The return journey is downhill, but even though the return trip is downhill, it is not always easy to keep the legs turning because there are ups and downs. The wind has the biggest impact, especially when there is a strong headwind, which makes you feel like you are going uphill, which is unpleasant.
 It is hard to wake up more than an hour earlier than usual, but I can appreciate the beauty of nature for the 3 hours it takes to get there and back. The beauty of the ride makes it a more enjoyable commute.

Hironori Honda

HOME学生生活ICTジャーナルJune 30, 2024 自転車通勤

HOMECampuslifeICT JournalJune 30, 2024 自転車通勤