
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2019年4月の記事

April 26, 2019 Wild Vegetable Tempura

Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful golden week holiday. On April 24, the last Wednesday before the break, ICT held a Wild Vegetable Tempura party at Hakusanroku campus. The Nature & Adventure club members picked the wild vegetables ("sansai" meaning "mountain vegetable" in Japanese) last Sunday as part of their club tryout activity. Read about this in Yamazaki sensei's journal below. Local members of the community gathered to prepare and cook the sansai. Mr. Owari, the coach of the Nature & Adventure club, also demonstrated his wildlife skills by cleaning and slicing an Iwana fish. (Iwana are local river fish of the Hakusanroku area.) Some of the students challenged themselves at this art, and you can see their results in the video below. Both the sansai tempura and sashimi/fried Iwana were extremely delicious, and vanished in no time.

After the party, Shinichi Hiramatsu, who is an expert of the nature and wildlife of Hakusan, conducted a lecture about the wild vegetables, animals, and nature of the area. He explained in detail about when to find each wild vegetable and the best way to cook it. He also displayed bones and animal fur of local animals. The lecture was not short. However, I could see the fascination of the students throughout Mr. Hiramatsu's talk. I also noticed their enthusiasm sparked Mr. Hiramatsu in turn, as he spoke in depth about each specie. Altogether, the party was a great success and I believe we will see an increase in the Nature & Adventure club members. As Mr. Owari said at the end, Hakusanroku campus is actually located in a very special place. There is rich nature and wildlife literally five to ten minutes outside our doorstep. I hope the students enjoy and make the best of their two years here at Hakusanroku.

やあ、ジョナサンです。皆さんも楽しいゴールデンウイークを計画していることと願っております。4月24日(水)に、国際高専の白山麓キャンパスで山菜天ぷらパーティーが開かれました。この山菜は先日Nature & Adventure clubのメンバーがキャンパス近隣で集めてきたものです。詳しくはぜひ下の山崎先生のジャーナルを読んでください。地元の方も集まって、採った山菜をおいしく調理してくれました。Nature & Adventure clubのコーチ、尾張さんはイワナを華麗にさばいてみせ、学生もこれに挑戦しました。(イワナは白山麓エリアで獲れる地元の川魚です。)動画では、学生が魚の皮を剥ぐ挑戦をしています。山菜の天ぷらも、イワナの刺身と揚げ魚も驚くほど美味しく、あっという間に無くなりました。

パーティーのあとは、白山の自然に詳しい平松新一さんによる講義を行いました。採れた山菜の詳細やおいしい調理方法、骨や毛皮を見せながらの白山に住む動物の説明など、長時間の講義にも関わらず平松先生の話に興味津々の学生の姿を見ることができました。学生の良い食いつきに、平松先生も話に熱が入っていました。今回の特別活動を経て、Nature & Adventure clubに入部する学生が増えるのではないかと思います。非常に楽しい時間でした。締めの言葉で尾張さんも言っていましたが、この白山麓キャンパスは、他ではなかなか出会えない豊かな自然が5~10分移動するだけで見ることができる、実はとても特別な場所にあるのです。興味を持った学生がこの2年間を十分に楽しめることを期待しています。


April 23, 2019 Wild Vegetable Picking

 白山麓キャンパスでは今年度からNature and Adventure ClubDesign and Fabrication ClubLanguage and Culture Clubというクラブが結成され、すべての学生が少なくとも1つに所属することになりました。Nature and Adventure Clubの顧問は私と潟辺先生(国語)、フィリップ先生(体育)、山下さん(事務局)の4人に加えて、野外活動のインストラクターで自生熟代表でもある尾張由輝也氏がコーチとなりました。4月は仮入部期間ということで、学生は各クラブを自由に覗いて自分に適したクラブを選択することになっています。

 Nature and Adventure Clubでは、4月21日に体験入部企画として山菜採りを行いました。9名の学生達とともに、キャンパス近隣の野山で尾張コーチの講義を交えながら、山菜採りを行いました。タラノメ、コシアブラ、コゴミなど、都市生活ではなかなか目にすることのできない山菜がたくさん収穫でき、学生たちは、白山麓の自然を学び、満喫した様です。採れた山菜は4月24日に開催予定の特別活動「自然教室」で天ぷらにして全学生ならびに地元住民の方々に振舞われる予定です。

 Nature and Adventure Clubでは、5月以降、農作業、登山、沢登り、ホタル観察、天体観察、釣り、野生動物観察、収穫祭、スキーなど様々なメニューを地域住民とともに用意し、白山麓キャンパスならではの活動にして行く予定です。

 From this fiscal year, Nature and Adventure Club, Design and Fabrication Club, and Language and Culture Club have been established on the Hakusanroku campus, and all students will belong to at least one of them. The advisors of Nature and Adventure Club are me and Prof. KATABE (Japanese), Prof. Philip (Physical Education), and Mr. Yamashita (Secretariat). In addition, Yukiya Owari, an outdoor activity instructor and a representative of Jiseijyuku, is a coach. In April, students are free to go through each club and choose the club that suits them.

 On April 21, wild vegetable picking was held as an experience joining program. We conducted wild plant picking together with nine students at mountains near the campus with Owari coaches. Students learned and enjoyed the nature in Hakusanroku, with lots of wild vegetables such as Taranome, Kosiabura, Kogomi and so on that are not commonly seen in urban life. The harvested wild vegetables will be tempura in a special activity "Nature classroom" scheduled on April 24, and will be served for all students and local residents.

 Nature and Adventure Club will carry out various menus such as farming, mountain climbing, canyon walking, fireflies observation, astronomical observation, fishing, wildlife observation, harvest festival, skiing and so on with local residents, which will be distinctive activities in Hakusanroku campus.

Shuntaro Yamazaki

April 8, 2019 Special STEM Week!

Hello, it's Jonathan the camera man. Last month before spring break, ICT held it's special extracurricular activity week in the Innovation Hub. The Innovation Hub is the building next to ICT that contains the Institute for Regional Revitalization and Innovation (IRRA) of Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT) and is the site for innovation targeting the local community and rural areas in collaboration with various corporations and KIT students.

During March 4 to 13, ICT invited professors from KIT and forerunners in various professional fields to conduct special classes on themes such as art, science, engineering, and design. I was able to visit some of these special classes and see all the interesting and cool things students were doing before the end of the school year. Here's my report.


On March 4, the course "Learning how to create a sustainable society from evolution" was held by honorary professor Ryoji Suzuki and professor Ryuichi Sato. In this course, students learned about current robot technology with ideas inspired from animals and wildlife. The students already experienced making robots with LEGO EV3 using biomimicry in Engineering Design this semester, and this class took that experience one step further by introducing various examples of robots actually used in our society to create a sustainable world.


The class on Match 5 was titled "A fun way to utilize AI" and was held by Takayuki Fukuda (KIT) and Takuya Umeki (KRI). In this class, students learned about artificial intelligence that can learn text and images. In the second half, students and teachers were divided into two teams for an ideathon in which they used the AI to actually design and create a program. Team A created a AI that can determine the mood of someone from their facial expression. Students took pictures of themselves with various faces, which they fed to the AI to be studied and learned. Team B created a system that recognized the weather outside and projected a different atmosphere on the classroom wall for a more attractive study environment. Similarly, they gave the AI various images of sunny and rainy weather. Both systems worked surprisingly well considering the limited time each team had.

Photography and Art

The course "Art and self expression using photography" was held for two days, March 7-8, by Yuichiro Ito of CIVILTOKYO. Mr. Ito is a designer based in Tokyo and is was one of the forerunning professionals ICT invited as instructors for this special week. After a unique introduction using photographs to set the stage, the class went right to work. Students were divided into pairs to create a photo art book. There were no restrictions and students were free to express themselves anyway they chose. Students were excited with the interesting assignment and went about designing their ultimate art book. Some students took and edited photos in Photoshop, while others created works of art using post-its, or a blackboard and chalk. On the afternoon of the second day, students gave presentations of their photo art books, which you can view in the videos below.

Design and Storytelling

On March 11, we were joined by Takayuki Ishii and Keita Furusawa of Shitateya-to-Shokunin. This class was titled "The Force of Storytelling." It began with an introduction of what a story is and how to tell one. Then, students were divided into two teams, to create their own story. Each team was given a persona from the Japanese anime "Doraemon", and were given the task to dig into their personalities to find a conflict or problem worthy of story development. Students brainstormed and narrowed down ideas for their characters, and created a story with an original "futuristic Doraemon item." You can watch their final presentations in the video below.


The final special course was conducted by associate professor Junichi Sagara of KIT. This course was titled "Let's experience DIY bio research. Genetic analysis using BentoLab." Students learned how to examine the DNA of various plants using BentoLab and Mr. Sagara gave lectures on the history of genetic modification and its ethical problems and restrictions. Also, university students joined each group and Hakusanroku students had a chance to interact with their older and more advanced seniors in the biology field.


Altogether, I believe the special classes were an enormous success. They were short bursts of in-depth learning experiences in a wide range of design and engineering fields. They were interesting, new, and taught by forerunners or specialists of that field. It was a fresh and stimulating experience for the students, which I would not be surprised to see having an impact on what path they decide to follow in the future. Also, I was happy to see many signs of growth from the students. Many of the Photoshop skills students used to create the photo books were learned in Computer Skills class. Each team used the design thinking methods in their groups, which they used countless times over the year. They were quick and organized when creating a presentation, dividing the team members up depending on their skills. It was like seeing a team of superheros who fought threw many battles together and understand each other's strength and weaknesses. I don't believe the students really realize this growth themselves, but these are important skills for innovators of the future. Go go superheros of ICT!



2019年4月8日 3月の特別課外週間




34日に行われた「生物の進化に学ぶ持続可能社会」は金沢工業大学の鈴木良次名誉教授と佐藤隆一教授が登場し、自然界や生物の仕組みや応用した最新のロボティクス研究についての講義が行われました。白山麓キャンパスの学生はすでにエンジニアリングデザインでバイオミミクリーを使ったロボットをLEGO EV3で作る活動をしており、その経験を踏まえて、持続可能社会のために実際に使用されているロボットの例を取り上げながら知識をさらに深める内容となっていました。








最後の特別授業は金沢工業大学の相良純一准教授による「DIYバイオを体験してみよう!BentoLabによる遺伝子解析実験 ~植物DNAの抽出と制限酵素処理、電気泳動実験~」と題され、学生はBentoLabを使った遺伝子解析実験や、相良准教授による遺伝子組み換えの歴史やその規制についての学習をしました。各グループに大学生も参加し、生物学の先輩と交流する機会にもなりました。




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