
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2020年2月の記事

February 25, 2020

こんにちは、国際理工学科二年 瀬戸悠華です。今回はEngineering Design IIでの活動内容をみなさんに紹介したいと思います。

私たちTeam Event は、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃に関する活動を一年間にかけて行ってきました。地域活性化というテーマのもと、私たちは「ミニ人形製作体験」、物語の「四コマ漫画化」を企画しました。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃は、担い手の減少、観客の年齢層の固定化が指摘されていました。そこで私たちは、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃について知らない方々を対象に、興味を持ってもらう入口を提供することを目標に、これらの企画を提案しました。


 地域活性化プロジェクトは、今まで行ってきた校内のプロジェクトとは違い、多くの人々が強く関わってきます。失礼な態度はもちろん、無責任に終えることは許されません。これらは私にとってすごくプレッシャーで、プロジェクトが進むにつれてそのプレッシャーはさらに大きくなっていきました。この負担も地域活性化プロジェクトの一部であると同時に、Engineering Design IIでは、地域活性化プロジェクトの難しさを改めて実感しました。

 今回の一年間のプロジェクトは多くの方々のお力添えをいただいたおかげで成功に終えることが出来ました。多くの人々が関わることで、自分たちが気づけなかったことや地域の方々の率直な意見を得ることが出来ました。この繋がりを通して、多くの方々に白山麓地域の伝統や魅力が発信できればいいなと思います。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃保存会の皆様、イベント実施の際に関わってくださった皆様、Team Eventのメンバーのみなさんありがとうございました。今後も今回の経験を活かし様々な問題解決活動に取り組み、責任感を養っていきます。

S207 瀬戸悠華

 Hi everyone.  My name is Yuka Seto and I am a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Today, I would like to introduce our project in Engineering Design II.

  We, Team Event, worked on a project about Bunya Ningyo Joruri for a year. Bunya Ningyo Joruri is one part of the culture of the Hakusanroku area. It started more than 350 years ago. Recently, the number of successors decreased and the age of the audience is stable. Under a theme of regional revitalization, we planned to hold mini doll making events and make “4-block manga” of the stories. We planned that because our purpose was to provide chances for people who do not know about Bunya Ningyo Joruri to become interested.

 Mainly, I worked on making posters about the characteristics of Higashi Futakuchi Bunya Ningyo Joruri and the doll making events. We held the first event at the second floor of Sena road side station. Through the conversation with participants and surveys, we got a lot of opinions. Their opinions were so helpful for improving our project. We held the event on Bunya festival. I watched the play of dolls, called Ningyo Joruri. I noticed the puppeteers’ passion and history of Ningyo Joruri. During making several documents, some teachers and puppeteers gave me advice. It was a nice opportunity to think about who I make documents for, how I should summarize information that I correct and how I should visualize them. I am grateful for their valuable advice.

 Regional revitalizations are different from the school projects that we did in Engineering Design I. It is related strongly to a lot of people. Rude and irresponsible attitudes are not allowed. Because the project affects people’s lives, I felt a lot of pressure not to make mistakes. I noticed that this burden is a part of a regional revitalization. In Engineering Design II, I understood how difficult regional revitalizations are.

 We couldn’t finish up this project without people’s help. Having relationships is so important to get advice and opinions that we cannot notice. I hope this wonderful tradition and culture spread more and more. People from Higashi Futakuchi Ningyo Joruri, people who helped us to hold events and members of Team Event, thank you so much. From now on, I will try more problem-solving and take responsibility for being more involved in the community.

S207 Yuka Seto

February 25, 2020 In Engineering Design IIB class

Hi, I am Issada Pracharktam, the student from Thailand who’s now come to study abroad in Japan. I will write about the reflection for the Engineering Design class.  In Engineering Design IIB class, we have done the project under the topic of doing something for the Hakusan area. It was a one year long project, where we had to start from researching the area, finding and narrowing the problem, and think of the solution. My team did work under the topic of event, which focusing on Ningyou Joruri (one of the Hakusan traditional culture). Our goal was to keep and spread the culture to others, especially children. We held a doll making event that has a purpose of letting more people, focusing on children, to know more about the culture. For this project, I have created the 4-blocks manga with the simpler and easier to understand version of the Ningyou Joruri story. This were displayed in the event for the visitors to understand the story too. In total, we have held the event for 2 times, the first one held on 23rd November 2019 and second time on 9th February 2020.

Both events went on smoothly than we had expected. The first event was held at the Michi-no-eki’s second floor. We held the event from 13 to 16 pm. People continued coming one after another for some time. This was something I didn’t expected, I thought people would hardly come. This is the event which we just start, and the culture itself isn’t that famous. So this part we could say that we archive the goal. The event was more tired than I thought. The unexpected amount of visitors and for talking endlessly was quite exhausting.

For the second event, it was the same day as the “Bunya festival”. This day is the day the Ningyo Joruri would be played for once a year. We decided to do a little event for visitors who came to see the play.  This time we held for much shorter time and it was much smaller than the first time, so it wasn’t that tired. After the event, we had a chance to see the play too. Many things in the show were unexpected, the props, like the door sign, the door, were there and easy to recognize what is it. I thought that it would be like impossible to understand the story, but it is not that bad. It is still hard for foreigners to understand, since it was all in Japanese. Maybe we should add some English translated story for foreigners to read.

In overall, it was a good opportunity to be able to experience the Japanese culture. The Ningyou Joruri culture is full with Japanese style, which is not similar to Thai’s at all. There is also some kind of this culture in Thailand, it is called “Nang Talung”. However, Thai’s would use the shadow instead, not the real doll to show. The doll will be behind the screen, and the light will be shine from the back of the doll so that the doll’s shadow would be shown for the audience to see. The first time I heard about the Ningyou Joruri, I reminded of this Thai’s culture. For this project, I felt that I can do something for the local people. I have more confident in myself; especially communication skill. I need to communicate with the local people using Japanese, which help me realize my level of Japanese skill. This is the thing that the more we do the more we improve, so I am glad to have this kind of opportunity.

Issada Pracharktam




振り返ると、日本の文化に触れる良い経験となりました。人形浄瑠璃はとても日本らしい文化です。タイにも「Nang Talung」という似ている文化がありますが、これは本物の人形ではなく影を使います。人形はスクリーンの裏にあって、観客に見えるように人形が光に照らされるのです。初めて人形浄瑠璃の話を聞いた時、タイのこの文化のことを思い出しました。このプロジェクトを通して、地域の方々のために何か自分にもできることがあると感じました。前よりも自信がつきましたし、特にコミュニケーション能力が伸びました。地域の方と話す時に日本語を使う必要があったので、自分の日本語のレベルを知ることができました。こういうことはやればやるほど上達するので、このような機会があって嬉しかったです。


February 17, 2020 The Giving Table

It is almost two years now since our ICT new educational program has started. It felt good to move to the new office at Hakusanroku Campus; everything was brand-new, in the middle of the beautiful seen. New campus, new program, new students, and new challenges! All felt as exciting as an adventure. One challenge was to build up our school community, and connect to people within and outside of ICT. The campus is rich with students, educators and school staff from various backgrounds and cultures within Japan or overseas. One custom or tradition gradually appeared at the center table at the front entrance of the staff room on the 2nd floor.

As we are in Japan, Omiyage, or souvenirs, were brought by staff who have been to a conference or spent a weekend or a vacation at a different city or country. I am not sure who chose that table for that mission, but it is interesting to see how the story did not end at that normal Japanese tradition. It developed and with time, that table became the place where people also shared their especially home-made food, sweets, bread, and ice-cream. We were lucky to have professor Edward Basquill, or Mr.B as he likes the students to call him. Mr. B loves baking. He bakes all kinds of cakes, muffins, bread, sometimes pizza and bread. He shares all of the high-quality food by putting them on that table. In summer, he also makes ice-cream. Everything is so tasty!

Not only him, other professors share some food they buy at the supermarket, that they think is new and good to share with all, for example, Costco seasonal items. Interestingly, all of those items put on that table do not have the name of the person who brought them. You can find a post-it that says, from Thailand, from Tokyo, from Okinawa and so many other places. But, it rarely has the name of the person who brought them in.

One day, someone brought in a bottle of coffee, that was really nice and kind, strangely, no one helped themselves for that coffee, no one even opened the bottle. Until that one day, I told myself, I will open that bottle and help myself for some coffee, as I ran out of my coffee stock. Yes, after the class I will do so. However, on my way to the class, there was that whole new coffee corner with a fresh brewed coffee maker, by the Big Stairs on the second floor. The left-up coffee bottle was like a seed that grew into a whole coffee maker. I was happy!

I call that table the Giving Table, the name come from the Giving Chair, orどうぞのいす , a Japanese children story book written by Yoshiko Koyama, It talks about that chair made by a rabbit to put in the woods for passersby to sit on, the rabbit made a sign on the chair that says HELP YOURSELF. One day the donkey passed by and put up his heavy bag loaded with chestnuts, and took a nap under the close by tree, while he was napping, all other sort of animals came by gradually, each time the animals left other food on the chair, instead of what they ate. By the time the donkey woke up he found his bag full with chestnuts that were brought by the squirrels.

Now both, the Giving table and the Coffee Corner are full of not only food and drinks, but lots of nice conversations, and unforgettable memories between all of ICT Community people.

I learned later that the coffee corner was the idea of Mr. Rikichi Izumiya. A great one, and is surely to strengthen our ICT community.

Enjoy the pictures! 

Nagwa Fekri Rashed





私はそのお土産のテーブルをGiving Tableと呼んでいます。この名前は香山美子さん著作の絵本「どうぞのいす(Giving Chair)」から取りました。これはうさぎが森の中を通る人のために椅子を作るお話です。うさぎは椅子に「どうぞ」という看板をかけました。ある日、どんぐりをたくさん詰めた重い袋を持ったロバが通って、近くの木の下で昼寝を始めました。寝ている間、色んな動物が徐々に集まって食べたものの代わりに別の食べ物を椅子の上に残していきました。ロバが起きてるとカバンはリスが持ってきてくれたどんぐりでいっぱいになっていました。

現在、Giving Tableとコーヒーコーナーは飲食物だけではなく、楽しい会話や国際高専のスクール・コミュニティに不可欠な場所となっています。あとからコーヒーコーナーは泉屋利吉さんのアイデアだと聞きました。国際高専の絆を深める素晴らしいアイデアです!





February 10, 2020 Skiing in Ichirino

Hello, it's Jonathan, the camera man. Finally! We got enough snow to go skiing! This winter has been strange with record-breaking warm weather. However, the skies smiled upon us for this weekend's ski excursion. After morning classes on Saturday February 8, members of  the Nature & Adventure club geared up and we drove to Ichirino Ski Resort, which is about a ten minutes from the Hakusanroku campus. Most of the students were skiing for the first time or had not skied in a while. Owari coach began with some lesson and the members were enjoying zooming down the mountainside in no time. We spent the afternoon enjoying skiing and the students voiced their hopes to go again this season. I'm glad that everyone liked skiing more than they expected. After all, we are living in the Mt. Hakusan foodhills.





February 4, 2020 English Café

Hello everyone. I’m James Taylor from the English Department at ICT. We’re coming towards the end of our second year at Hakusanroku Campus. The Hakusanroku area is a beautiful and interesting place to live, and we are very lucky that the residents of what used to be known as Oguchi Village have welcomed us into their community.

As a way of strengthening relations between the school and the community, and as a way of thanking local residents for being so welcoming, members of the English Department have engaged in various community outreach activities. Ed and Ian (and Pauline in 2018) go to Hakurei Elementary School to read stories to the children, Pauline teaches an English class to some local residents, and I have been working on translating exhibits at the Hakusan Folk Museum in Shiramine.

Last week, Pauline and I started a new event: English Café, which was held at Oguchi Community Centre. Thirteen members of the community, including elderly residents, mothers with very young children, and staff at the Community Centre, came along to chat, get to know each other, and learn some English over a cup of tea. The hour went very quickly, with much laughter, and everybody left looking forward to the next English Café.

We’re very grateful to the staff of the Community Centre for their hard work in helping to organise the event, and to the local residents who participated. I’m looking forward to the next English Café, too!

James Taylor





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