Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2018年6月の記事
June 25, 2018 News from an Alumnus
The other day, one of our alumni, Gen Ueda called and gave me some fantastic news about him. The news really made me happy. The news he told me was that he got full marks (990 points) on the TOEIC he recently took. Wow, it's marvelous! Everyone who has taken the English Test knows it is so difficult to get full marks on the test. I truly admire his super English skills and comprehension.
I remember that he was working so hard to improve his English when he was at KTC (now ICT). The biggest thing I remember about him was that he participated in all of the international and English programs that we offered. He always tried to make good use of the chances that were in front of him. As a result, his English was improved as he was participating in these programs. He acquired great English skills from his experiences, not only from books or classrooms. I am proud of him and respect his great achievement.
I'm certain that I will share Gen's success story with ICT students. I will tell the students about the importance of taking chances. At ICT, on both Kanazawa and Hakusanroku campuses, students enjoy an excellent atmosphere and a lot of chances. I honestly hope ICT students will learn and acquire a great deal from them and be ready for launching out into the world in the future.
Mamoru Mukai
ICT Vice-president
国際高専 副校長
向井 守
June 20, 2018 Engineering Context
On Monday, I visited ICT’s Engineering Context class. Engineering Context and Engineering Design are the two courses that teach students design thinking and problem solving, the core of ICT’s education to create global innovators. Engineering Context teaches specific methods to create things and utilize resources in a global environment.
This week, students were learning to draw combined three-dimensional shapes. Kodaka sensei, the Engineering Context teacher first demonstrated how to draw a plan for three-dimensional shapes. The plan consisted of a diagonal view of the combined shape and diagrams of the shape from different angles.
In the next part of the class, students were given an assignment. The assignment was to choose and combine two solids of rotation and one rectangular cube, and draw a plan of the combined shape. Some students had little trouble reproducing their image on paper, while others struggled. However, all students were very concentrated on their task, as you can see in the video.
Some people may have similar questions I had. What is the purpose of this class and why are we practicing such an old fashion method? Kodaka sensei explained to me that it is important to be able to draw an accurate plan or prototype, especially when brainstorming in an international team. Visuals can be a universal tool when language is not the most efficient method of communication.
Some people may have similar questions I had. What is the purpose of this class and why are we practicing such an old fashion method? Kodaka sensei explained to me that it is important to be able to draw an accurate plan or prototype, especially when brainstorming in an international team. Visuals can be a universal tool when language is not the most efficient method of communication.
June 20, 2018 Tedori Canyon Road
“What do you do out there,” I get asked that question a lot when I tell people I work out in Hakusanroku. Then they say, “There’s nothing to do out there!”
I disagree there is lots to do out here – it just takes a little effort, because it’s not immediately obvious. I have been doing lots of exploring on the Tedori Canyon Road. The road starts across the street at Sena Roadside Station and goes all the way to Jyuhachigawara Park for a total of 20km. On the way you can stop off and visit Bird Humming Torigoe, Lake Kobo and Tedori Gorge. Besides that, the road goes past lots of rice paddies and mountains, so the scenery is very nice.
The one problem is that from ICT to Jyuhachigawara Park, the road goes downhill. Getting back to ICT takes more work. If you are tired when you start back to ICT, then you will be really tired when you get back.
Ian Stevenson
June 19, 2018
Hello, my name is Tsuda. I teach two English classes at the Hakusanroku campus.
Did you know that KTC (ICT’s former name) has many proud legacies? One of them is the boys’ basketball team. There used to be a golden age when we won the Hokuriku regional tournament for ten consecutive years, and multiple national championship titles. Sadly, this record has broken off and members have decreased in numbers. However, the basketball team is a tightly bonded group that practices hard every day.
This year, a new gymnasium equipped with air conditioning and an outdoor basketball court were built at our Hakusanroku campus. We did not have enough players to compete in the high school championship qualifiers this year. However, I believe these resources will contribute in the future for basketball and other sports teams.
Apart from sports, there are opportunities for students to test themselves in various fields such as robot contests, design contests, English speech contests, etc. This is important for creating good character within a school community. I believe rivalry between students increases the spirit of competition and motivation.
I hope that these activities generate the hunger to learn and cultivate proactive behavior to become independent and highly sociable. I look forward to the day our students compete on the highest stage of national/international competitions in a variety of fields.
June 10, 2018 Spring Open Campus
On Sunday, we held our spring open campus for junior high school students to come and visit ICT. This was our first open campus after completing the Hakusanroku campus. Twelve students and their family members came from in and out of Ishikawa prefecture to experience our curriculum. ICT is a unique school and the open campus helps participants to grasp a better picture of what it is like to study here. There was a brief explanation of the school, lunch, two introductory classes, and a school tour. Some ICT students joined the event and shared their own experience.
At lunch, visiting students and ICT students sat together at each table. I think this was a great idea. The junior high school students were able to hear firsthand what it is like to live and study at ICT in a casual setting. After all, they may live here one day. What is better than hearing from the current students themselves what it is like?
After lunch, there were introductory classes for Engineering Design and STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) in English. The purpose of these classes is to give a taste of ICT’s unique curriculum of design thinking and STEM courses taught in English.
In the Engineering Design class, visitors experienced the design thinking process for problem solving. At ICT, students learn how to find and solve real-life problems in society. In this case, the problem was an intruding wild boar. Each group brainstormed and tinkered with a program designed to simulate various countermeasures. Some of the ideas were creating a loud sound to scare the boar away, trapping and cooking it, luring it away with a female boar, and keeping a bear or tiger to fight it off. Wild boars are a real threat in Hakusanroku. I think engineering is much more interesting if it has a real impact on the world or helps others.
The second class was STEM in English. Here, visitors were given a brief history of π and learned two methods to calculate it using tools such as masking tape, scales, rulers, a vernier scale and two acryl plates; one square and one circle. First, students calculated π by measuring the length of the masking tape around the circle, and the diameter using the vernier scale. Next, they learned how to calculate π by comparing the weight of the two acryl plates and multiplying it by four. They even received a handout for a third method to try at home.
The class was conducted in English (with some Japanese support) and I saw many of the junior high school students listening carefully trying to understand the teacher’s instructions. Many ICT students have an average level of English on entry. However, their ears gradually adapt to the English curriculum. Also, ICT teachers are very creative and use active learning with many tools. I think this class was a good representation of that experience.
The event was a great success to the extent that my only regrets are that I wished we had more free time. I think both sides would have enjoyed more time to interact with each other. Maybe we can incorporate that into our open campuses in the future. Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you again soon.
2018年6月10日 春の学校見学会
June 15, 2018
Hello everyone. My name is James Taylor. I teach Listening & Speaking and English Expression here at ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus.
Many visitors to ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus – and the teachers and students who live and work here – are impressed by the brand new buildings here. But this campus has some older buildings too, because this site used to be a hotel. Some faculty and staff live in cottages where you can see some remnants of their use for paying guests, such as alarm clocks in the bedroom walls and a shampoo and body soap dispenser in the bathroom.
The cottages are behind the Innovation Hub, which was the main hotel building but now contains the cafeteria and bouldering wall. On the second floor of the Hub you can see what I think is the most interesting piece of renovation in the building: old karaoke rooms have been turned into radio studios, which are used by FM-N1 76.3 to broadcast a live programme about Hakusanroku life every Thursday at 1PM. I’m excited because I’m going to be a guest on the programme on 21st June – if you have time, please tune in! Perhaps future ICT students will want to set up a Broadcasting Club? If they do, they have ideal facilities for it.
国際高専の白山麓キャンパスを見に来る人たちとここに住んでいる教員と学生のみなさんはこのキャンパスの新しい建物は素晴らしいと思っていますが、このキャンパスには古い建物もあります。なぜかというと、このキャンパスは昔ホテルだったのです。イノベーション・ハブの裏にある教職員が住んでいるコテージにそのホテル時代のゲスト用の物がまだ残っています。それは、寝室の壁の目覚まし時計や、お風呂場の壁のシャンプーとボディソープのディスペンサーです。イノベーション・ハブは昔、ホテルの本館でしたが、今は、カフェテリアとボルダリングのウォールがあります。でも、ハブの2階に一番面白いリフォームがあると思います。昔のカラオケの部屋はFM-N1 76.3の新しいラジオのスタジオになりました。そこで毎週の木曜日の午後1時からFM-N1のパーソナリティーが白山麓の生活などについての番組を生放送しています。僕は今月21日に出演するので、楽しみにしています。もし時間があれば、ぜひ聴いてみてください!将来、国際高専生が放送部を作ったとしても、白山麓キャンパスにはそのアイデアをかなえる施設があります。
June 14, 2018 Undampering Awe
It is easy to get caught up in the grind of everyday life. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, finish work, go home, make dinner, go to bed, and do it all over again. As time carries on, a person can start feel like a cog in a complex machine. Turn the correct way, it is your only option. It makes life sound a little depressing I think but this is the reality for many people.
Yet, we who live in Hakusan Roku are quite lucky. Everyday, we are surrounded by beautiful mountains that reach for the sky. We are encircled by forests and flowers. And unlike the people that are lost in their daily lives the mountains and the forests do not become stale. It is as if the very essence of the word awe was born from these foothills. That is why I think we are so lucky. No matter how engrossed we get in our daily routines we are living surrounded by awe itself. It seems like everytime I think I have grown accustomed to mountains, they realize it and produce a scene so wonderful all I can do is watch as my breath escapes me.
In those breathtaking moments, the monotony of life is realized and I am left with a humble feeling. The nature that encomposses Hakusan Roku seems to do more than provide us with fresh air. It recycles our feelings and breaks the machine of daily life. That is why I think we are fortunate. That is why I smile to myself when people tell I am crazy to live so far from the city. That is why I have grown to love the undampering awe gifted to us from Hakusan Roku.
- Ed Basquill
- エド・バスクェル
June 7, 2018 2枚の板
There is always something cool to do at ICT. Today, let me introduce a project by the students. Machi-hachi (a local furniture maker) donated two boards made of high-quality wood and students were given the choice to create something with them. One thing I like about ICT is that nothing is forced. The school provides opportunities and resources, and teachers give full support, but it is up to the students to find what they are interested in. In this case, four students stood up to create two signs to display in the Living Commons.
I quietly observed as the students brainstormed the designs. I was surprised at how mature they were. Each time someone would lose concentration and begin to fool around, students would speak up and refocus themselves.
Many ideas were discusses, and they finally reached the designs in the picture. You can ask the students if you want to know their deep meaning.
Several days later, I found the students working on the finishing touches of the signs. As you can see in picture two, one of the hooks broke. It took twice as long to fix, but I think it was for the better seeing their satisfied faces in the end. There is a lot to learn from mistakes.
Many of the extracurricular projects are in their beginning stages (learning programming, electronics, software, etc.), so I am glad this project has a finished product. It should help boost the student’s confidence going forward. Thank you.
June 5, 2018
Hello, it’s Shinobu Ohara, one of the English teachers. It has been two months since students began living at ICT’s Hakusanroku Campus. I also have gotten used to my life at the cottage. The leaves of the mountain behind the Sena Michinoeki are becoming greener every day and I appreciate their beauty every morning eating delicious yogurt for breakfast at the Golden Eagle Café.
Students are now studying for their mid-term exams starting on June 7. However, next week they will be busy working on their extracurricular activities. Currently, extracurricular activities consist of English activities, programming, Pythagora Switch (Rube Goldberg machine), badminton, and capoeira (Brazilian martial arts). Professor Yamazaki is planning research projects to connect these activities to regional and industrial collaboration. For example, the English activity group making a presentation about the history and culture of the local Oguchi area, or the programming group creating exciting programs such as skill development for the Amazon Echo or embedded devices using IchigoJam.
Also, Hakusan Nature Conservation Center has contacted us suggesting events connected with Hakusanroku’s nature and four seasons. The fresh verdure beech forest, dogtooth violet flower (also called the fairy of spring), and mountain herbs (we tasted olive oyster and butterbur) in the spring, sculpin and fireflies in the summer, chestnut tiger butterflies, wild nuts and berries, and Japanese monkeys in the autumn, and snow shoes and golden eagle observation in the winter. Oguchi community center has proposed adventures in nature in the beech forest, firefly and chestnut tiger butterfly observation, and river recreation. Many of these activities can only be experienced in Hakusanroku and I am very excited to try them out.
June 5, 2018 ICT Sprouts
It has been about 2 months now, since the beginning of the school year. Everything around in Hakusanroku campus is changing to the better. Back in March, out from the windows, there was a lot of snow that caused a delay in the gardening completion. The snow was cleared up and I was following how architectures, engineers, and technicians are working hard and step by step through the whole procedure of removing the mud and planting the new sprouts.
That was similar to what we teachers and students were going through in the learning process. We are building up our learning community, where we remove the misconceptions about learning process and building up the good skills necessary to acquire knowledge. Science is not a set of facts to memorize. It is a process, a way of thinking, an adventure to discover and be able to handle facts, then make a good use of them towards a better life and a better world for all. As any other life skill, to gain scientific thinking skills, students at ICT are trying their best to make it their good habit and way of life. Our role as teachers is to provide opportunities for students to get curious, ask questions, and seek answers for those questions.
In Chemistry course, students are gradually learning how to follow up all different scientific procedures which will lead to clear and accurate results. They are also learning how collaboration and communication amongst their teams will save their time and effort. Students are getting through the importance of following the safety procedures and avoiding the careless and unsafe actions.
As we live in 21st century, there are plenty of resources besides books to find answers of many of the questions we might think of. That has advantages and disadvantages. When I was student, it was not as easy and fast as it is now to find references, to get a full published paper in a topic, I had to travel for hours or to wait for weeks for the hard copy of the paper to be sent to me by the author. Technology has saved a lot of our time and made it possible to access an endless amount of resources.
However not all of the accessible information is correct, and we might get lost with the rushing life routines. To define the good resource and the adequacy of the information found in those resources may seem to be very complicated. Learning to slow down and define your needs need a reflection and deep thoughts that are only available in the beauty all around in the nature.
Here at ICT, our students are very lucky. They are getting the advantages of technology full equipped campus that is built in the middle of the beautiful and inspiring nature. I can see how students are growing up their knowledge as the beautiful sprouts all around in Hakusanroku campus. They are all promising young people.楽しみ!!
Nagwa Fekri Rashed
しかし、全ての情報が正確とは限りません。そして、これによって毎日を忙しく 生き急いでしまうことになるかもしれません。どの情報源が良いのか、どの情報に妥当性があるのかを発見する作業はとても複雑に思えるかもしれません。本当に必要なものを見極め、のんびり生きるためには、周りの美しい自然からのみ得ることができる深い思考に浸る時間が必要なのです。
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