Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2020年9月の記事
September 30, 2020
古今和歌集 秋歌上 藤原敏行


You cannot tell to the eye that autumn has come, but I suddenly noticed it by the sound of the wind.
Kokin-waka-shu Fijiwara-no-Toshiyuki
Hello, it's your Japanese teacher, KTB. Finally the scorching summer has ended and I can feel the cool breeze in the morning and evening. At Hakusanroku, it's the season when the chestnut tiger butterflies arrive on the autumn wind and dance around the thoroughwort flowers. I hear they spend the hot season near Mt. Hakusan's pear.
The annual marking investigation event hosted by the community center was held on September 22 and Shuntaro Yamazaki sensei, Shoko Watanabe san from the office, and myself participated from ICT. We also met our former RA, Kazuki Yamashita san there.
Akio Nakamura san, Hakusan representative of the Chestnut Tiger Butterfly Fan Club gave an explanation. You can see Kazuki Yamashita san standing on the right.
Marking investigation is the measurement of how far a butterfly travels, what route it takes, and how many days it takes. You catch a butterfly and release it after marking its wings. Then, someone on the other side of the ocean will find it. Last year two butterflies marked here were found all the way in Taiwan.
To mark a chestnut tiger butterfly, first catch one with a net. They will play dead once you touch them so write "Hakusan" (place), 9.22 (date), YK (my initials), and 01 (number of butterfly you caught). I caught five butterflies between 9 and 11 am. After you are done, take a picture. Soon they will stop playing dead and fly away in search of more thoroughwort nectar.
The third picture is the fifth Chestnut Tiger butterfly I caught playing dead. Males have black patch on bottom wing. Don't know where you're going, but safe travels. Hope to see you again.
Yutaka Katabe
September 28, 2020 Some of the things students have been doing in September
Hi! It's Jonathan, the camera man. Today I would like to briefly talk about some of events that happened during September. Students returned to the Hakusanroku Campus between late August and early September. However, classes did not begin until the 24th. Instead, there were several special events organized as we waited for the two weeks to confirm the lack of COVID-19 to pass. (There was none, thank god.)
World Language
On September 10, several teachers organized a special class to teach languages "other than English". This special class was titled "World Language" and students could choose two languages from Arabic, Malay, Thai, and French. Teachers native to these languages taught the basic alphabet, some common phrases, how to write your name, and other interesting things depending on the teacher. The Arabic class was conducted by Nagwa sensei and Alaa sensei, the Malay by Hazwan sensei, Thai by Apirak sensei, and French by Jason sensei.
Book Review
On September 16, the first year students gave their book review presentations. Each student chose three books to read during the summer and give a brief presentation in English and Japanese. There were novels, how-to books, English books for beginners, and many unique books depending on the students' interests. All the presentations were extremely interesting, however we had to choose a "best book review" and so teachers and students voted on three presenters. You can see the first year students giving their presentations and the results in the pictures below.
Sweet Potato Harvest
A group of second year students planted sweet potatoes as part of their Engineering Design project during the first semester. September marked the time for harvest. Actually, this is our second attempt at growing sweet potatoes. Last year, we were raided by the local monkey population just before harvest and lost 90% of our crop. To avoid the same outcome, students built a electrical fence and decided to harvest at the first signs of monkey attack. As a result we succeeded in collecting about 95% of this year's sweet potatoes. The four students of the group really got their hands dirty as they dug through the soil. You can see them and the sweet potatoes in the pictures below. These sweet potatoes will be branded, packaged, and sold by the students at local shops and farmer markets. I cannot wait to see what that will be like.
Sports Day
On September 17 and 19, we held a special Hakusanroku Sports Day. This Sports Day event was organized by the P.E. teachers to give the students a chance to blow their steam from being crammed in isolation. Three teams: first year, second year, and teacher and staff, played against each other in basketball, volleyball, and badminton.
Basketball was a battle between the second year students and the teachers all star team. The teachers are much larger and more experienced. However, basketball is a popular free time activity among many of the second year students and they had secretly practiced leading up to this event. Teachers dominated the first half, but the second year team fought back and ended the exciting game with a draw of 8-8. Volleyball was also a close game between all three teams. Students enjoyed it so much that they created a student all star team to challenge the winning teacher and staff team after the tournament.
The badminton tournament was a twelve-round three-way competition. There were three courts and each team chose two pairs to compete each round. The winner would be the team with the most wins and the least losses. The great part of this system was that more people had the chance to play. Each team was hungry for the final victory, and each round was both competitive and fun to play and watch. In the end, the first and second year teams ended with the exact same points. Takimoto sensei was about to end the event with a draw, but the students insisted on a deciding match between the best two pairs. The second year students won this game and were declared the winners of the badminton portion.
Basketball: Second Year Team, Teacher and Staff Team (draw), First Year Team (3rd)
Volleyball: Teachers and Staff Team (1st), Second Year Team (2nd), First Year Team (3rd)
Badminton: Second Year Team (1st), First Year Team (2nd), Teachers and Staff Team (3rd)
The event was a great success and I heard many students remarking that they enjoyed it so much that they wished we could do it EVERY month.
Voting Simulation
On September 18, the second year students participated in a voting simulation by the election association of Ishikawa prefecture and Hakusan city. Students first listened to Ms. Natsumi Nakao from the Ishikawa Election Committee talk about the importance of voting, laws of to voting and election campaigning, and the how the election system works. Afterwards, the students participated in a simulation where they considered the manifest of two imaginative candidates and went through the process of posting a vote. The simulation was quite realistic and hopefully gave the students a taste of deciding their representor in the future.
September 25, 2020 永光寺報告文
黒田 譜美
On the morning of September 5 (Sat) 2020, the eleven third-year students visited Tokoku-san Yokoji temple (洞谷山永光寺) in Hakui city Ishikawa along with their homeroom teachers Fudano sensei and Pauline sensei. They took a tour of the temple grounds and experienced Zen meditation as part of the class "Global Life and Culture".
Tokoku-san Yokoji is an ancient temple deeply connected with the history of the Soto school (曹洞宗) founded by Keizan-Jokin (瑩山紹瑾) in 1312. Passing through the white wood sanmon gate built by craftsmen in the late Tokugawa period, you will find yourself facing the majestic and historic main building of the temple. Students were warmly welcomed by the chief priest, who told us about the history of Yokoji temple and how to do Zen meditation. Then, the students were led to a monastery that contained the Buddhist statue Monju-Bosatsu (文殊菩薩座像) and meditated for about 30 minutes.
Listening to the trickling of water from a nearby stream and chirping of birds, while concentrating on one's posture and breathing to calm the mind was a new experience for the students, but definitely worthwhile. Several students spoke to the chief priest afterwards, remarking that their mind felt clearer and that the experience was a meaningful one.
Usually, "Global Life and Culture" is a class the third-year students take in New Zealand as part of the study abroad program to learn about foreign cultures. However, we are prevented from going to New Zealand due to COVID-19. Therefore, we decided to experience Japanese culture firsthand instead. The students also created a presentation and debate session for the foreign teachers as part of the program. Hopefully, this way they can answer any questions about Japanese culture asked to them in the future.
The students received a preview course about religion and Buddhism by Yoshimitsu Miyano. On September 17 (Thu), they gave their presentation on the topic of the "Benefits of Zen meditation and Japanese Views on Religion" to the foreign teachers in English. Nathan sensei, who joined us online from Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand commented "some people say that it is inappropriate to speak about religion or politics during a meal. However, I believe most families in New Zealand will not mind talking about the general subject." The rest of the QA and discussion was lively and fruitful.
The third-year students were deprived of their year at Otago Polytechnic only a few days before departure and I can only imagine the disappointment they experienced. I hope that the meditation gave them a hint of how to deal with similar stressful situations. In addition, I hope this was an opportunity for them to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture that they can refer to later when interacting in an international community. We covered religion in this class. The next scheduled topics include Japanese food (especially fermented food) and traditional music.
Fumi Kuroda
September 18, 2020 国際理工学科2年生対象第1回NZ留学説明会
Students have safely returned from their summer vacation. At 10:00 am on September 15 (Wed), we held the first briefing session for studying abroad in New Zealand, for our second-year students who are scheduled to go in 2021. Currently, the New Zealand government has yet to open their gates to international students. However, I told the students that staying optimistic and preparing for the best will draw us good luck. Next, Mr. Miyano from the KIT International Affairs Office explained about the entrance documents, visa, homestay survey, x-ray test and health check in Osaka, opening a local bank account, school fee, travel fee, insurance, and the overall schedule. I biggest difference compared to our regular schedule was the addition of the two week quarantine period in Oakland.
The following sessions are on October 21 (Wed) and November 4 (Wed) where we will begin filling out the entrance documents and visa application documents.
Shinobu Ohara
September 16, 2020 Chemistry Portfolios
At ICT, we apply active learning methods in our classes. Most of the time, people think that active learning takes place only when students are involved in group activities or discussions. However, active learning is a lot wider term that takes place when students are more engaged, involved in the learning process where they are responsible of developing skills and gaining knowledge. The role of educators in the active learning process is to create chances, facilitate the materials, and draw students’ interest into new topics.
In Chemistry classes, students are involved in the learning process in all different ways. Besides, taking notes, performing experiments, and take part in the class or group discussions, students are required to create their own portfolios. In Chemistry Portfolios, students need to include all the possible learning evidences, and journal entries that show how they reflect on their own learning process and gained skills. As I watch my students’ portfolios and read their entries, I learn more about my students as individual learners and people. While reading how they think about what was interesting, challenging, or new, I discovered that our roles as educators is to show our students the doors and give them the keys. Students then decide which door to open and discover a whole new world. I enjoyed reading what my students wrote in their entries. I took S2 students’ permission to pick some examples to share with you, and here they are.
Taketora wrote, “First thing that I was interested in was that water in solid state is less dense than in liquid state. Actually, I knew that, but I didn’t know why. Water molecules are polar bonded. When they form ice, they are arranged in hexagonal shape because polar forces attract and also repel water molecules. I understand why ice floats on water.”
Daiko wrote, “While studying Chemistry IIA, I felt that an understanding of chemistry is essential to understanding nature!”
Shuntaro wrote, “Also, that plasma is the fourth state of matter is new knowledge for me. I did not know about plasma because I never saw it before and the textbook in secondary school that only told me about 3 states of matter.”
Luca wrote, “In terms of learning skills, I have developed skills of getting used to the online learning system using zoom.”
Koutaro wrote, “The most shocking experience in Chemistry IIA was learning that there aren’t only three states of matter, but that there is another, plasma. I heard about a plasma cutter, but I never researched how it works and what the plasma is. Conclusively, Chemistry IIA was an enjoyable and very interesting subject for me. I believe Chemistry IIB will be even more interesting.”
Anna wrote, “I was very interested in experiments. I learned it is important to continue to study and chip away at studying.”
Mao wrote, “Whilst studying Chemistry IIA I have developed many learning skills and study habits that have helped me not only in chemistry but all other subjects. Taking Chemistry IIA has made me see that a lot of what we learn in class has relevance to the real world and are not just concepts for school. It was also interesting to see some of the concepts and ideas I learned as a first-year student intertwining and relating to some of the topics I learn as a second year.”
Miyu wrote, “I will never forget about the topic of particles because it has a relationship with the sunset’s color. I am curious about the sunset’s colors. I'll research more about this relationship during my STEM project 2020. Overall, I did my best this semester. The class was interesting and I learned a lot of new things. I will try everything next semester.”
Yoshiki wrote, “I believe there are lots of skills I have learned during the first semester. One of it is to read the textbook before the chemistry class and take notes about important words. Overall, during this semester, I learned a lot of things about the use of science in daily life, chemical reactions, chemical names, the states of matter, and so on. All of these topics are important for our future and our life.”
Yuudai wrote, “Lastly, I will never forget the information about the states of matter because it might be used in the future to distinguish things.”
Nagwa Fekri Rashed
武虎『最初に興味が湧いたのは固体の水が液体より密度が大きいということです。そのことは知っていましたが、理由がわかりませんでした。水の分子はポーラー結合です。氷になる時、polar forceが水の分子を引き寄せると同時にはじくので六角形の配置になります。氷が水に浮かぶ理由がわかりました。』
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