
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル: 2019年10月の記事

October 31, 2019 “School festival”

Hi everyone. On 19th and 20th of this month, we celebrated our school festival. This year, the festival was special, because KIT and ICT held their festival at the same days and in shared spaces. It was a good idea to connect and link out the two schools. This kind of connection will build up a strong relation between the students of both schools, as well as teachers and staff. My family and I enjoyed and participated in many events. One of the most interesting events was the flower arrangement event. My children enjoyed learning how to arrange their flower pots. After they finished, they could take their pots back home. I saw many beautiful arrangements, some of them made by students and others made by teachers. Below this article I show you some of those amazing pots. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the student councils of both schools, as well as teachers and staff who supported them.

Thank you so much.

Alaa Hussien




October 30, 2019

国際理工学科一年の佐藤 俊太朗です。先日、寮の温泉である比咩の湯のコースターを作りました。ある日、温泉のレストランにコースターがないことに気付いてスタッフに尋ねたところ、「ないのでぜひ作って欲しい」と頼まれました。素材はメーカースタジオにあった木材とコルク材で、エンジニアリングデザインで習ったレーザーカッターを使って2日で作りました。デザインはシンプルに校章と「比咩の湯」と「ICT×KIT」の文字をいれました。大きさは直径90mmすることで比咩の湯にあるガラスのコップからビールジョッキまで全ての容器が置けるようにしました。比咩の湯にコースターを持っていったところ、すごく喜んでくれたので嬉しかったです。比咩の湯に訪れた際には是非見てみてください。

佐藤 俊太朗

I'm Shuntaro Sato, first year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Recently, I made a coaster for the school's onsen, Hime-no-yu. One day, I realized there were no coasters in the onsen's restaurant and asked the staff there. He asked me to make some so I decided to do so. The coasters are made of wood and cork. They took two days to make using the laser cutter in the Maker Studio. The design is simply the words "Hime-no-yu" and "ICT x KIT". The size is 90mm so that it can hold any glass or beer bug. When I gave the coasters to the Hime-no-yu staff they were very grateful so I was happy. Please check them when you go to Hime-no-yu.

Shuntaro Sato

October 23, 2019 Spending Long Fall Nights Watching Movies

Mamoru Mukai

Summer has gone and fall has come to our campus. In fall, the nights are long, dark, quiet, cool, and with a lot of stars in the sky. People say that the fall nights are the best time to study or to read books. However, we don’t want to spend the fall nights only studying, we need fun sometimes also. So I recommend to you a kind of entertainment for the fall nights: watching movies.

You can experience many things by watching movies: life, friendship, happiness, sadness, loneliness, anger, history, fashion, music, etc. You can also travel many places in the movies. You observe many types of people or lives in the movies.

Today, I would like to recommend seven movies that I think are good for ICT students. Most of these movies are not new but good movies don’t have to be new. And you know how old I am.

The seven recommended movies are as follows:

  • Billy Elliot(リトルダンサー)
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(ニューシネマパラダイス)
  • Plein Soleil(太陽がいっぱい)
  • The Shining(シャイニング)
  • City Lights(街の灯)
  • E.T.E.T.
  • Chariots of Fire(炎のランナー)

Billy Elliot is the movie about a boy who is devoted to ballet and tries to be a professional ballet dancer. The boy’s acting is marvelous. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso is an Italian movie. The story is about a middle aged movie director’s memory of his childhood and his friendship with a movie projector operator. It is a beautiful story.

Plein Soleil is a French and Italian movie released in 1960. The main character, Tom, kills his rich friend and tries to take the place of the friend. He steals all of his friend’s estate and girlfriend. Young Alain Delon (French actor) is great and his fashion in the movie is still cool today.

I think the Shining is one of the best horror movies that has ever been made. It was written by Stephen King and stars Jack Nicolson. A man who was hired as a hotel manager is possessed by the evil sprit of the former hotel owner. It is scary and there are several scenes that are startling.

Charles Chaplin directed and stared in City Lights in 1931. A homeless man sacrifices himself and helps a poor flower girl pay for her eye operation. The last scene is touching.

E.T. is an interesting story about some children’s friendship with a child extra-terrestrial (E.T.) The E.T. is so cute and the story is full of adventures and dreams. The movie was a big hit all over the world in 1982.

Chariots of Fire is a story about Cambridge University students who were track and field athletes and participated in the Olympics in Paris in 1924. Whenever I hear the words “Chariots of Fire”, I always remember a piece of music in the movie “titles”. This movie has a lot of beautiful places such as the Cambridge University campus, the town of Cambridge, and fields of Scotland, etc.

I hope ICT students will have a chance to watch the movies introduced in this article at the ICT campus during the fall nights.

I indeed love movies. I have been a movie fan for more than 50 years since I was a junior high school student. From movies, I have learned about many kinds of lives, loves, ideas, languages, cultures, and people. I’m sure the movies have helped open my eyes toward many things.

The fall nights at Hakusanroku campus are long, dark, quiet, cool, and with a lot of stars in the sky. It will be a great time to learn many things from movies.


向井 守




  • Billy Elliot(リトルダンサー)
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso(ニューシネマパラダイス)
  • Plein Soleil(太陽がいっぱい)
  • The Shining(シャイニング)
  • City Lights(街の灯)
  • E.T.E.T.
  • Chariots of Fire(炎のランナー)

Billy Elliotはバレエにのめりこみ、そしてプロのダンサーになろうとする少年の物語です。この少年の演技力が見事です。

Nuovo Cinema Paradisoはイタリア映画で中年の映画監督が子供時代の映画上映技師との友情を思い出すという美しい物語です。

Plein Soleilはフランス、イタリアの合作で1960年の作品です。主人公のトムは金持ちの友人を殺害し彼になりかわり友人の財産を横取りするのです。若きアランドロンが素晴らしく彼のファッションは60年後の今でもカッコいいんです。


チャールズチャップリンは1931年にCity Lightsを制作、主演しました。ある浮浪者が自己を犠牲にして貧しい花売り娘を助け目の手術費を作るという物語です。ラストシーンが感動的です。


Chariots of Fireはケンブリッジ大学の学生で1924年のパリオリンピックに出場した陸上競技選手たちの物語です。私はこの映画の題名を聞くたびに映画の主題曲”titles"を思い出します。この映画にケンブリッジ大学のキャンパス、街並み、そしてスコットランドの野原などの美しい光景がたのしめます。



October 11, 2019

萩の花 尾花葛花 撫子の花 女郎花 また藤袴 朝貌の花







潟辺 豊

Hello, KTB from the Japanese department here. Autumn is upon us at Hakusanroku.

Check out the pictures above. The flower in the foreground is called Fujibaka (藤袴), one of the "Aki no Nanakusa" (seven plants of autumn). When dried, it has a sweet scent like cherry blossom mochi and is a historically popular flower since the age of Manyo. Currently, it is one of the nearly endangered species list. Notice the butterfly in the photo. It's an "Asagimadara" sucking nectar from the Fujibaka flower. The Asagimadara butterfly chooses to suck Fujibaka nectar for a reason. The pyrrolizidine alkaloid (poisonous) within the nectar prevents birds from eating it. Also, male butterflies use it to create pheromone.

These pictures were taken on September 24 at the field across from the campus. However, there are no more Asagimadara in this area now. They are a traveling specie. They fly up from the south in the end of May to lay their eggs and live out their short lives. Then the Asagimadara born here will feed on the nectar and fly off to lay their eggs in the south. According to "Asagimadara in Mt. Hakusan" (Ishikawa Prefecture Mt. Hakusan Nature Preservation Center, 2016), butterflies marked here have been seen in Kyoto, Yamaguchi, Kochi, Kagoshima, and Okinawa. The farthest recorded one was found in Yonaguni-jima, the west farthest island of Japan, 1857 kilometers away.

Last year, Katsuya Owari, the father of Yukiya Owari, our Nature & Adventure club coach, marked a butterfly here and recaptured the same butterfly in Kikai-jima island with his wife, more than 1000 kilometers away; an astounding story.

We planned an Asagimadara marking event in the Nature & Adventure club but it was sadly canceled due to Typhoon No.15. I hope next year someone on a southern island will find butterflies we set loose here.

Yutaka Katabe

October 9, 2019 エンジニアリングデザインⅡ 地元食材PRのための試食会

「エンジニアリングデザインII」の授業で地域の活性化をテーマに課題解決をグループで行っています。「食」をテーマとした2年生4名のチームの活動として、白山麓の地元の食材の魅力を伝える試食会「たべまっし じわもん」を企画し、第1回を106日(日)に道の駅「瀬女(せな)」で開催しました。石川県の方言で「たべまっし=食べてみて」「じわもん=地元でとれた野菜、果物、米などの地物」のことを指します。

伊勢 大成

In the Engineering Design II class, we are doing problem solving in groups to draw more people to the local Hakusanroku area. One group consisting of four second-year students chose the theme "food" and conducted a food tasting party "Tabemasshi Jiwamon" on October 6 (Sun) at the Michi-no-Eki "Sena" across the street from ICT. "Tabemasshi Jiwamon" means "try out local food such as vegetables, fruits, or rice" in the Ishikawa dialect. It is the first time we planned and ran a food related event as part of a class and preparations started during summer vacation. Not only did we have to prepare the food, but also necessary utensils, posters, and flyers. There was much more to do than we anticipated. However, everything came together thanks to the assistance of our local helpers.

We served fired Iwana fish, Iwana roe rice bowl, Kata-dofu, and nameko mushroom miso soup. Various local Hakusanroku vegetables and Iwana fish are sold at the Michi-no-Eki but most customers do not know how good they taste. Our group aims to draw people to the area by creating a place that people can casually try Hakusanroku food.

Many people stopped by at our tent to taste the food and we gathered over 130 surveys. The group will analyse these surveys and reflect on their experience to make the second on November 2 event even better.

Taisei Ise

October 3, 2019 特別なお客さん

Living in the Hakusanroku area is always interesting. Every day we get to enjoy the wonderful scenery that surrounds the campus. Other teachers have written Journal entries about that.

We regularly get guests coming to look around our school, usually from businesses, universities, other schools, plus of course prospective students and their families on our Open Campus and Summer School programmes.

Occasionally we get some unexpected visitors. In the last year and a half we’ve had regular visits from the monkeys who live in the neighbourhood, and a few visits from a Japanese serow and wild boar. In August we had our most surprising visitor: a black bear, sitting in the tree just a few metres from my living room, having a snack.

Since then, we’ve been much more careful when and where we go out. Like I said, life in Hakusanroku is interesting!

James Taylor






October 2, 2019

Hello everyone! Summer vacation has ended and it has now been a couple of weeks since classes have started here at Hakusanroku campus. Students seem to have spent a nice holiday and look refreshed to tackle this new term. As for my summer vacation, I had the chance to visit Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea. It was busy, but a lot of fun!

In my last journal entry, I wrote about how second year students had to write a journal during summer vacation about a scientific article they had to read related to STEM. Students had to read the scientific article and then write a summary and their thoughts about it to finally hand in their journal after returning from summer vacation. They also had to present their journal orally to teachers on September 20th. The scientific article topics they chose ranged from astrophysics, renewable energies, archeology and much more!

Students seem to have had more trouble writing their journals than orally presenting them, struggling a little to express themselves in written form. However, during their presentations, they did a good job vulgarizing and conveying the important information about their article to the teachers present. It was also very interesting to hear what they thought about the articles and why they thought the discoveries and topics presented in the articles were important for the future of science and research. I think the presentations were a success and I hope it made students more interested in learning about scientific discoveries and realize how they relate to what they are leaning here in school. I am looking forward to repeating this activity next year with our current first year students!

Jason de Tilly





October 1, 2019 Kamino Cafe

In the last couple of months I have been frequenting a small cafe in the area. Kamino Cafe is on the way to Kanazawa from school. Actually, it is right next to the strawberry farms. The cafe is a bit small but it has a welcoming atmosphere. The seating is comfortable, the food is wonderful, and the area is quiet. Moreover, the owners of the cafe are kind people and are very friendly. However, one thing that makes the cafe truly unique is the view. On a clear day, you can see Hakusan looming in the distance. Between the view, the food and the owners, the cafe has easily become one of my favorite places in all of Japan. In fact, I have recently made it a point to bring my friends and coworkers every week. Unfortunately, Kamino Cafe is only open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you get the chance to go you should. I cannot recommend it enough! See you there!

Edward Basquill Jr.

数か月前から行きつけの小さなカフェがあります。白山麓から金沢へ向かう途中、鳥越のいちご農園の近くのKAMINO cafeです。店内は広くありませんが、居心地の良い雰囲気のお店です。座席はくつろぎやすく、食べ物が美味しく、周りの環境も静かです。オーナーも優しく親切ですが、このカフェの1番の売りは窓から見える景色です。天気が良ければ遠くにそびえる白山を眺めることができます。この景色と食べ物とオーナーのおかげで日本で1番好きな場所になりました。今では毎週友達か同僚を連れていくことを習慣にしています。KAMINO Cafeは残念ながら金土日しか開店していませんが、機会があればぜひ行ってみることをお勧めします。素敵な時間を保証します!そこで会いましょう!


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