
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

February 25, 2020

こんにちは、国際理工学科二年 瀬戸悠華です。今回はEngineering Design IIでの活動内容をみなさんに紹介したいと思います。

私たちTeam Event は、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃に関する活動を一年間にかけて行ってきました。地域活性化というテーマのもと、私たちは「ミニ人形製作体験」、物語の「四コマ漫画化」を企画しました。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃は、担い手の減少、観客の年齢層の固定化が指摘されていました。そこで私たちは、東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃について知らない方々を対象に、興味を持ってもらう入口を提供することを目標に、これらの企画を提案しました。


 地域活性化プロジェクトは、今まで行ってきた校内のプロジェクトとは違い、多くの人々が強く関わってきます。失礼な態度はもちろん、無責任に終えることは許されません。これらは私にとってすごくプレッシャーで、プロジェクトが進むにつれてそのプレッシャーはさらに大きくなっていきました。この負担も地域活性化プロジェクトの一部であると同時に、Engineering Design IIでは、地域活性化プロジェクトの難しさを改めて実感しました。

 今回の一年間のプロジェクトは多くの方々のお力添えをいただいたおかげで成功に終えることが出来ました。多くの人々が関わることで、自分たちが気づけなかったことや地域の方々の率直な意見を得ることが出来ました。この繋がりを通して、多くの方々に白山麓地域の伝統や魅力が発信できればいいなと思います。東二口文弥人形浄瑠璃保存会の皆様、イベント実施の際に関わってくださった皆様、Team Eventのメンバーのみなさんありがとうございました。今後も今回の経験を活かし様々な問題解決活動に取り組み、責任感を養っていきます。

S207 瀬戸悠華

 Hi everyone.  My name is Yuka Seto and I am a second-year student of the Department of Science and Technology. Today, I would like to introduce our project in Engineering Design II.

  We, Team Event, worked on a project about Bunya Ningyo Joruri for a year. Bunya Ningyo Joruri is one part of the culture of the Hakusanroku area. It started more than 350 years ago. Recently, the number of successors decreased and the age of the audience is stable. Under a theme of regional revitalization, we planned to hold mini doll making events and make “4-block manga” of the stories. We planned that because our purpose was to provide chances for people who do not know about Bunya Ningyo Joruri to become interested.

 Mainly, I worked on making posters about the characteristics of Higashi Futakuchi Bunya Ningyo Joruri and the doll making events. We held the first event at the second floor of Sena road side station. Through the conversation with participants and surveys, we got a lot of opinions. Their opinions were so helpful for improving our project. We held the event on Bunya festival. I watched the play of dolls, called Ningyo Joruri. I noticed the puppeteers’ passion and history of Ningyo Joruri. During making several documents, some teachers and puppeteers gave me advice. It was a nice opportunity to think about who I make documents for, how I should summarize information that I correct and how I should visualize them. I am grateful for their valuable advice.

 Regional revitalizations are different from the school projects that we did in Engineering Design I. It is related strongly to a lot of people. Rude and irresponsible attitudes are not allowed. Because the project affects people’s lives, I felt a lot of pressure not to make mistakes. I noticed that this burden is a part of a regional revitalization. In Engineering Design II, I understood how difficult regional revitalizations are.

 We couldn’t finish up this project without people’s help. Having relationships is so important to get advice and opinions that we cannot notice. I hope this wonderful tradition and culture spread more and more. People from Higashi Futakuchi Ningyo Joruri, people who helped us to hold events and members of Team Event, thank you so much. From now on, I will try more problem-solving and take responsibility for being more involved in the community.

S207 Yuka Seto

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalFebruary 25, 2020