
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

November 30, 2020 愛・AIいもプロジェクト







Hi, its Jonathan the cameraman. Today, I will give a report on what some of the second year students have been doing in "Engineering Design" class.

ICT's "Engineering Design" is a course in which students find problems in their community or society by interviewing people and creating prototypes that solve them. Seven of this year's second year students decided to focus on the unused fields across the street from the Hakusanroku Campus and start the "Ai Ai Imo Project", which consists of two groups: "Agri-tech" and "Agri-business".

Last year, some students planted sweet potatoes in the same field as part of their club activity. Despite their hard efforts, most of the potatoes were dug up and eaten by monkeys. They partnered with Kanazawa Institute of Technology to test a wild animal defense robot. However, it proved unable to detect animals when set in a wild environment due to wind moving the plants in the background. Learning this, the "Agri-tech" group decided to create a system that detects monkeys in the wild using AI. The actual construction of the system started this semester. In November, they traveled to the national park in Tsubata-machi and took over 7,000 pictures of the monkeys there to increase the accuracy of the AI. These activities were even featured on national television "Kaga-noto Evening" on November 13. Damage to crops by wild animals is a serious problem in Japan and the group hopes to develop a system that can detect monkeys entering a field and notify the owner via their smartphone.

The "Agri-business" group started the "Ai Ai Imo Project" in April. Their goal was to utilize the unused field to grow and sell sweet potatoes. To not repeat the same mistake as last year, this year's second year students built an electric fence around the patch to shut out the monkeys. Thanks to this and some quick decisions, they were able to harvest over 90% of the sweet potatoes. Students measured the sugar content of the potatoes, which turned out to be a remarkably high 44 degrees. After roasting and eating the sweet potatoes, we confirmed that they were rich, sweet and delicious. The students rinsed and separated the sweet potatoes by size, which they then packaged and labeled. These sweet potatoes were branded "Kanjuku (sweet and ripe) beni-haruka" and were sold at the michi-no-eki "Sena" souvenir shop and local super market "Yorankaine". They were extremely popular and sold out in a couple of days.

Next year, we hope to improve the system created by the "Agri-tech" group and work with the local community to further promote the sweet potatoes to draw people to Hakusanroku.  

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalNovember 30, 2020 愛・AIいもプロジェクト