
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

December 7, 2020 JOES-ICTオンライン体験型ワークショップ



第2部は「DIY実験 フルーツバッテリー制作」と題され、事前に準備をしていただいたレモン、バナナ、トマトなどのフルーツに刺した様々な金属の釘をケーブルでつないでLEDランプが点灯するかを実験しました。参加者はZOOMのビデオ機能で手元を映して作業をし、ナグワ先生とアラー先生はその様子を見ながら指示を出したり、質問に答えたりしました。映像を見ていると子供たちは待ちきれない様子で、説明を聞くや否や、準備したフルーツにケーブルをつないだり、点灯したLEDランプをカメラにかざして見せたりしていました。第3部の「Interactive Computer Simulation」ではオンライン上で回路を組めるブラウザソフトでオリジナルの回路を作って、スクリーンショットをチャット欄に共有しました。個性的な回路がたくさんあり、ナグワ先生は参加者たちの積極性に感激している様子でした。



Hi, it's Jonathan, the camera man. On November 29 (Sun), 2020, the JOES-ICT Online Workshop was held at the Hakusanroku Campus. We host a summer workshop with Joes (Japan Overseas Educational Services) students every year. However, this year it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation, and an online event was created instead.

The online workshop began at one in the afternoon and 27 elementary students logged in from their home. After some opening words from both sides and a short introductory video about ICT, Nagwa sensei and Alaa sensei (in charge of chemistry and math respectively) started the workshop. The first part was titled "Chem-melody." First, Nagwa sensei gave a lecture about how electricity works. Then, she connected 10 yen and 1 yen coins to a speaker and music chip before putting them in salt water; displaying that electrons were in fact traveling through the circuit as music came out of the speaker. There were quiz questions during the experiment which the participating students answered using Zoom's survey function.

In the second part of the workshop, titled "DIY Experiment Fruit Battery Making", Nagwa sensei showed the participants how to make a battery using fruits, such as lemons, bananas and tomatoes. The fruits were connected to a LED lamp via cables and nails made of different metal. Participants had prepared these items in advance and apparently could not wait to do the experiment because we could see them starting even as Nagwa sensei was still giving the instructions. Nagwa sensei and Alaa sensei watched their progress and answered any questions the students had. In the third part, "Interactive Computer Simulation", participants created an original circuit using a browser software, took screenshots of their work and posted it in chat. There were many creative circuits and Nagwa sensei expressed her joy for their enthusiasm.

I'm happy that we were able to continue the tradition of this relationship with JOES, even if it wasn't in the flesh. Hopefully the situation will be more favorable next year.


HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalDecember 7, 2020 JOES-ICTオンライン体験型ワークショップ