
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

July 21, 2021 Competitions

The Olympic games will start in few days. July 23rd is the starting day of one of the most internationally exciting sports events. It is especially exciting this time because it will be held in Japan. Olympics were canceled during world war II. In 1940, both summer and winter Olympics were scheduled to be held in Japan. Tokyo Olympics takes special importance. After the tsunami and the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, Japan has seen an economic recession for a while. That would make the games symbolic of a reestablishment of Japan.

I am thrilled that it was not canceled, even though it comes a year later than planned without spectators. Besides it being a good chance for family gatherings, it is always inspiring for me to watch athletes go through all types of feelings. Athletes participate in Olympics with different motivations and goals. After four, or five years, in this case, some athletes are satisfied and proud of the fact that they were qualified to join in and represent their countries. Others are eager to win medals and raise their country names and flags. Moreover, some athletes are worried about their World or Olympic records. They are competing against their previous selves and other athletes. Why do they have to do all the hard work and go through that kind of stress? I always wanted to understand it and see it from their perspectives.

I thought of asking someone with a similar experience. So, I talked to two of our year two students who recently participated in design and science competitions. I asked them about their reasons and motivations for participating and if they thought it is worth going through all the stress and mixed feelings.

Shii Yamazaki, a 2020 Grand Prize winner of Autodesk Fusion 360 Student Design, participated again this year in the same national competition held by Auto Desk Learning Partener. Shii told me that although she was happy to get the semi grand prize again this year, winning was not her motivation in participating in the competition. Talking about her reasons to join, Shii told me that she enjoyed designing in general and wanted to share her designs with others and see theirs.

Afaf Alaa is the first student in our college to participate in an international science competition. She participated in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge Competition. The competition has three stages of judgments, and the final results will be announced in November this year. Afaf told me that she had to spend two continuous months making a 3- min film that teaches a science concept or topic. “Although it was difficult and exhausting, I learned a lot and gained new experiences,” Afaf said. For reasons to participate in this competition, she said that she wanted to represent her school, her community as a female engineer-to-be in the STEM society. It helped her gain a lot of confidence.

Now I understand why people choose to participate in competitions. They want to learn more. They gain resilience through competing. It helps them understand their abilities and how much they can add to their experiences and improve over time. It seems satisfying and worth all the stress and hardship. You can see the designs made by Shii, and the film made by Afaf on our ICT Facebook Page.

Nagwa Fekri Rashed




Autodesk社のFusion 360 学生デザインコンテスト2020で特賞を受賞した山崎史依さんは今年、同じ大会に再度出場しました。史依さんによれば優秀賞を受賞できて嬉しかったが、勝利への執着はないそうです。参加する理由として、デザインすること自体が好きで、自分の作品を見てもらったり、他の人の作品を見ることが楽しいと話していました。

アファフ・アラーさんは国際高専から初めて国外のサイエンス・コンテストに出場した学生です。彼女が参加したのはBreakthrough Junior Challenge Competitionという大会です。3段階の審査があり、最終結果は今年の11月に発表されます。アファフさんの話では、科学がテーマの3分の動画を制作するために丸2週間かかったと言います。「難しくて大変でしたが、新しいことをたくさん学ぶ良い経験になりました」と語っていました。このコンテストに出場した動機を聞くと、母校と地元を代表する女性エンジニアとしてSTEM業界デビューしたかったと答えてくれました。この経験で自信をつけてくれると良いですね。



HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalJuly 21, 2021 Competitions