
Hakusanroku Journal 白山麓ジャーナル

March 16, 2022 The Journey of Publishing My First Picture Book, Adam and Snack

 皆さん、こんにちは!2年生のアファフ・アラーです。さて先日、私は絵本をAmazon KDPを通して出版いたしました!


 課題を提出した際、先生に高評価をいただき、「これは出版してほしい!」と言ってくださり、とても嬉しかったです。夏頃には、その授業の一環で自分の書いたストーリーを展示するイベント「Writer’s Review」があり、そこでも沢山の人から好評をいただきました。先生は授業が終わった後も、ストーリーを絵本として出版することをずっと勧めてくれました。その時はあまり考えていなかったのですが、年度終わりに、せっかく機会があるならと思い、春休みに計画し始めました。

 今年度に入って柿田 紗蘭ちゃんという素敵な後輩に出会い、絵本のことを話したら、喜んで絵を描くと言ってくれました。私のリクエストに応えてとても丁寧に絵を描いてくれて、何回もフィードバックを重ねてやっとお互いがしっくりくる形にまで持っていくことが出来ました。絵でこだわってもらった部分が、登場人物である「アダム」を私の弟のアダムに似ているように描いてもらったところです。私は小さい頃、絵本を読むにもゲームをするにもテレビを見るにも、自分と同じ特徴をもつキャラクターがいなくて、とても寂しさを感じたのを覚えています。そのため日本ではマイノリティーである顔をあえて使いたかったのです。それ以外にもたくさんのこだわりがあります。

 絵が完成しそうなタイミングで、編集の作業をしました。編集は思ったより困難で、本のサイズ、文章や絵の配置、そしてAmazon KDPの規定などを熟慮した作業をしました。タイトルのフォントもなかなか決まらなかったので、紗蘭ちゃんのすすめで手書きにしちゃいました!こうやっていろんな工夫を重ねて、先生の助けもいただきながら、やっと絵本を先日出版することに成功しました!絵本が形になったのを見て、ようやく絵本を作ったんだという実感が沸きました。やりたかったことを達成できたことや、経験とスキルを得ることができたことに喜びを感じます。夢のような話です。





リンク ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 最後に、絵本の出版を進めてくれて、最後の最後までサポートしてくれたポーリン・ベアード教授、英語チェックをしてくれたイアン・スティーブンソン教授、とっても素敵な絵をかいてくれた柿田 紗蘭ちゃんをはじめ、サポートしてくれた先生や応援してくれたクラスメートに心から感謝いたします。



 Hello everyone! This is 2nd year student Afaf Alaa. I recently published a children’s picture book through Amazon KDP! 

 I first wrote this story in the spring of my 1st year at ICT. Every Saturday, we had World Literature class, where we read various stories and learned different ways to write stories. One of the assignments in this class was to write a picture book for children based on what we learned. I had wanted to make children's picture books since I was a little girl, so this was a fun project for me.
 When I submitted my story, my teacher enjoyed the story and said, "I want you to publish this!" I was very happy to hear that. Towards the end of the semester, there was an event called Writer's Review where I exhibited my story, which was also well received by many people. Even after the course ended, my teacher kept encouraging me to publish that story. I didn't think much about it at the time, but at the end of the school year last year, I decided to make the most of the opportunity and started planning the process during spring break.

 At the beginning of this school year, I met an amazing 1st year student named Saran Kakita. When I told her about my picture book, she said she would be happy to draw pictures for me. She was very attentive to my requests and my feedback, so after lots of time and effort, we were finally able to settle on the drawings that felt right for both of us. One of the things I asked her to do was to make the character "Adam" look like my younger brother, Adam. I remember when I was a little girl, when I read picture books, played games, or watched TV, there were no characters with or any representations of the same characteristics as me, which made me feel left out. That is why I wanted to use a face that is of a minority in Japan.

 When the drawings were almost finished, I started working on the editing. The editing process was more difficult than I expected and involved contemplating the size of the book, the placement of the text and pictures, and the regulations of Amazon KDP. I couldn't even decide on a font for the title, so at Saran's suggestion, I handwrote it! After all the hard work and with the help of my teacher, I finally succeeded in getting my picture book published! It hit me that I actually made a picture book when I saw the printed book. I was totally thrilled and satisfied to achieve something and learn so many skills. It is a dream come true!

Here is an outline of the story:

“This book tells a story about Adam, a curious little boy who loves eating. He cannot wait for his snack every day at 3 pm. His mommy prepares different types of snacks to make him happy, but then Adam cannot decide which snack to eat first. One day, he gets an idea to solve this problem. What if he mixes everything together? Then, he wouldn't have to choose which to eat first! But, oh no, it was not as easy as he thought it would be."

 The story and the language are simple, so it is easy to read! Also, you will surely be delighted by Saran's cute pictures. The story is available on Amazon now, so I hope you enjoy reading this book! And if you like it, I'd love to hear your feedback on Amazon!

 Link ⇨ https://www.amazon.co.jp/Adam-Snack-Afaf-Alaa/dp/B09TMVRYV3 

 Lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Pauline Baird, who supported me throughout this project until the very last moment, Professor Ian Stevenson, who checked my English, Saran Kakita, who made those beautiful pictures, and all the other teachers and classmates who supported me and cheered me on. Thank you very much.

 Enjoy your spring break!

Afaf Alaa

HOMECampus LifeHakusanroku JournalMarch 16, 2022 The Journey of Publishing My First Picture Book, Adam and Snack